Transmit Work as of 20/08/2011 ------------------------------ Transmit WTK - windows sshd instead of wtk's tcl rshd Transmit WTK - putty inplace of rlogin Transmit Alinta (Renata Zilberg) telmax21 / Bilmax21 Indicitive pricing Transmti Product Info for BAESystems (Tenix - barak) Quote Telmax21 reinstate / Bilmax21 / Cisco CM Pauls ROWV Call Logger - price to replace Pauls Cisco CM config - re: DAR_CUEVM_CTIRP etc. ABS large number of UNALLOCATED for ACN ABS Uncosted Calls - Cisco CM Partion Names to get site OR single site issue ECU No Call data - Site 104 BUNBURY - Route: 59 TIE TO MT LAWLEY - Route: 60 ISDN - Route: 67 TIE LINE TO JOONDALU ECU How to monitor raw data on pcclu (sent email) ECU Uncosted Mobiles on routetrunk 80010XX ECU Bilmax21 Billpay receipts for config changes ECU Telmax21 / AD Directory Integration (t21web export cgi) ECU Telmax21 Dirctory Maintenace - auyto update from Change Job email ECU Bilmax21 MAC Safari browser port ECU Bilmax21 mobile detail report enhancments ECU Telmax21 RHEL Upgrade Testing - Bilmax21 / WTK / Cisco / MX1 ECU Telmax21 Video Conference XML data import Victrack Tariff Checker Victrack TEC Update issues Victrack Telmax21 VM Victrack Telmax21 WebDir victrack Telmaxdr DMZ victrack Cisco CM Testing victrack Pre-processor - SQL Server 2005 Integration testing (inc. new PC for Ron) victrrak Bilmax21 - SQL Server 2005 Integration testing Curtin Call made by Cisco Extensions at Kalgoorlie - same extn #'s as MD110 (ie. 2 phones on one desk during change) - showing as UNALLOCATED - because Cisco is Configured as alternate Bunbury not its own site Curtin MAC Safari Bilmax21 Curtin Mobile Maintenace errors - Can't reproduce? Curtin Automated email call detail csv - 9000 hunt group diversion to 1300366251 Curtin Bilmax21 Active Mobes CSV fields addtions (amobs script) Curtin LDAP server change Curin Call Logging (Ian Hill future Cisco CM / Microsoft Lyncith Enterprise Voice) Alfred Call Manage G/W Config. Alfred Revisit Bilmax21 - Maintenace Agreement Quote Alfred Automated Email Call detail CSV (Sue McGrath) UWS September Bilmax21 - Early run on 27/9/2011 to get TIMS export file UWS ` Directory Maintenance mods RE:- deleting extns off campus UWS Calls to 1901145032 change rate to 38 cents UWS Bilmax21 Mobile detail report - personal calls dialno starting with "*" UWS Directory21 enhancements (qmaster integration) UWS Bilmax21 Campus code2 in bb1 BOM G/W Config BOM Bilmax21 Install BOM Cisco CM data lopgging problems (too many files!) BOM Cisco CM - TIME ZONES - need to log Local time but data is UTC time ? Swinburn Telmax21 on RHEL 5 - WTK Integral VPN / RSA Token / ssh Integral Bilmax21 Use? Integral Bilmax21 - Mobile Carrier Query - Demo NSWTAFE VPN access NSWTAFE Call Logger Config for St Geoge Site (inc. Hicom Interface and Telmax21 licenses) #------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete -------- #08/2011 Transmit WTK - Windows7 64 bit #05/2011 Transmit WTK - Vista Windows7 #05/2011 Paus CM config - extn alter #05/2011 Telmax21 new user martik #05/2011 ECU Bilmax21 Regen Anna Devlin/Tracey Dunbar #05/2011 ECU Bilmax21 regn for Cameron Fry #08/2011 Victrack No Call data for SHB #05/2011 Victrack Bilmax21 V3 INV0083497 Jan 2011 balance and # Import csv detail/summary (and in V4) #05/2011 Victrack Bilmax21 V3 Mar_2011 rerun #08/29011 Curtin Briuce Kirkham same Bilmax21 access as Donna (Admin - CURTIN group) #08/2011 Curtin Bilmax21 Mobile import 0478329313 error (ans. in Bilmax21 but not in import) #08/2011 Curtin KALG Call logger connection and time sync #08/2001 Curtin Bilmax21 Walter Ong Personal reports regen #08/2011 Curtin Distid 4145 groups and data drill down #05/2011 Curtin Telmax21 WTK Windows Menu on Windows7 64bit #05/2011 Curtin Telmax21 GEON group change - data clear and repoll / format #07/2010 Curtin Telmax21/Bilmax21 fro Kalgoorlie TAFE when split from Curtin #08/2001 Alfred EXtension ranges and rollback #05/2011 Alfred Extension Call Detail Report Output and call type info #05/2011 Alfred Telmax21 Call Cost Query (Jack) #05/2011 UWS Bilmax21 Telstra Mobile Carrier data import errors #08/2011 UWS NO Call UWS / MVL Poll Failures #08/2011 UWS Bilmax21 0408118529 split #08/2011 UWS Bilmax21 Ricoh Only Distribution List type #08/2011 UWS Bilmax21 miobile detail report locking up for Anna Fitzgeral #08/2011 BOM HOB and PTH Poll failures #08/2011 BOM Directort21 Configurable features doc #05/2011 BOM Telmax21 User Manual #05/2011 BOM Maintenance Contract #08/2011 Swinburn NO Call Data HACM (Ciscio CM call data fix and rollback) #08/2011 Integral No Call data for SHR #05/2011 Integral Bob Linton e1 csv data for 84143 and 86234 #08/2011 NSWTAFE Directory21 script error # (exportbutton undefined - T21Enquiry.sct Line: 1367) #08/2011 NSWTAFE Telmax21 Failere (re-seat Mem?) #08 2011 NswTAFE Telmax21 Upgrade #05/2011 NSWTAFE IP address nemask problem