A4GL is an efficient and easy to use programming language for commercial applications. Using A4GL you can program faster than with general purpose languages like Java, C++ or C#. The integration of SQL makes it easy to handle your data.

A4GL is compatible with Informix 4GL but has been improved in order to be an alternative to build state of the art applications. The use of A4GL, it being offered as an Open Source project is cost-free.

VENTAS is one of the leading companies of this project, which was initiated through Aubit in 1999. Hundreds of companies all over the world are using A4GL successfully thereby building a growing user base.

For professional users and software vendors we offer professional services, like maintenance, porting support, consulting. We can also implement new functionalities into A4GL in order to suit special needs.

The more companies and people are involved and support this project the more benefits we will all get. So please feel warmly invited to use these tools and even to contribute. There are different forms to contribute: reporting bugs, sending us your ideas for good new features, programming, adding interesting tools to the project, making a donation, inviting others to participate and send us good wishes.


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