MAIN DEFINE row SMALLINT, col SMALLINT, testcol SMALLINT, testrow SMALLINT, testmsglen SMALLINT, i SMALLINT, testmsg CHAR(80), blankingchars CHAR(80), longmsg CHAR(132), answer CHAR(1) LET testmsg = "This is a message" LET testmsglen = LENGTH(testmsg) LET testrow = 10 LET testcol = 51 LET blankingchars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy" LET longmsg = "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" {! # A4GL !} {! IF a4gl_get_ui_mode() > 0 then !} {! # send default config file to gui !} {! IF aclfgl_sendfile_to_ui("default.4st") THEN END IF !} {! CALL ui.Interface.loadActionDefaults("default") !} {! CALL ui.Interface.loadStyles("default") !} {! CALL ui.Interface.setText("Menu Styles") !} {! END IF !} OPEN WINDOW mainwindow WITH FORM "form1" MENU "Main Menu" COMMAND "Row_8_col_12" DISPLAY "Hello from me" AT 8, 12 COMMAND "Row_12_col_35" DISPLAY "And here also as well" AT 12, 35 COMMAND "from_start_of_line" DISPLAY "This is from the start of the line" at 14, 1 COMMAND "complete_line" DISPLAY longmsg[1,80] at 15, 1 COMMAND "null string AT 14,1" DISPLAY "" at 14, 1 COMMAND "Hello World AT 15,12" DISPLAY "Hello World" at 15, 12 COMMAND "null string AT 15,12" DISPLAY "" at 15, 12 COMMAND "single space AT 15,6" DISPLAY " " at 15, 6 COMMAND "with_vars" DISPLAY testmsg clipped at testrow, testcol COMMAND "Clear" DISPLAY " " AT 8, 12 DISPLAY " " AT 12, 35 LET row = testrow LET i = 0 FOR col = testcol TO (testcol + testmsglen -1) STEP 1 LET i = i + 1 DISPLAY blankingchars[i,i] at row, col END FOR DISPLAY " " at 14, 1 DISPLAY longmsg[1,80] at 15, 1 DISPLAY " " at 15, 1 COMMAND "WINDOW AT 9,25 WITH 6,30" OPEN WINDOW win2 AT 9,25 WITH FORM "form2" ATTRIBUTE( BORDER ) MENU "bla" BEFORE MENU #DISPLAY "Hello" DISPLAY "0123467890123467890123467890123456789" AT 1, 1 DISPLAY "0123467890123467890123467890123456789" AT 2, 1 DISPLAY "0123467890123467890123467890123456789" AT 3, 1 DISPLAY "0123467890123467890123467890123456789" AT 4, 1 DISPLAY "0123467890123467890123467890123456789" AT 5, 1 DISPLAY "" AT 3, 4 COMMAND "Exit" EXIT MENU END MENU PROMPT "close" for char answer CLOSE WINDOW win2 COMMAND "Exit" EXIT MENU EXIT MENU END MENU END MAIN