Name: amake Parent: aubit4glsrc Description: Command line tool for compiling x4GL programs using simplified program specifications and multiple x4GL compilers Functionality: 4GL make front end Build: N/A (script) Example: see --help; extensively used in OneMaxx Depends: make; reads rules from incl/ Documentation: See Documents sections on SF Regressed: used in regression tests and compiler build itself Maintainer: AF Status: 3 Todo: code and rules clean-up Notes: Amake makefiles can be automatically generated using Doc4GL Name: aubit Parent: aubit4glsrc Description: Enables usage of compilers, tools and compiled programs without manually setting PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and other configuration Functionality: Aubit tools wrapper script Build: N/A (script) Example: see --help Depends: bash Documentation: see --help Regressed: used in regression tests and by Amake Maintainer: AF Status: 4 Todo: Notes: Shell script; needed especially for RPM package. If user sets needed environment by himself, it is not needed. Using it is however recommended for consistency Name: aubitbuild Parent: aubit4glsrc Description: Enambles fully automatic scheduled builds and uploads Functionality: Automatic build script Build: N/A (script) Example: make install.cron Depends: bash, wget, scp, ssh Documentation: See comments in code Regressed: used daily for automated builds Maintainer: AF Status: 3 Todo: Notes: Shell script - primarily used for automatic nightly builds page