########################################################################## # # To change this file, it is recomended to use "configurator" program. This # program also provides detailed description of each option. # # Descriptions found in this file are for convenience only, are no longer # maintained, and possibly out of date. They will be removed in the next version. # # To get information about current settings that apply, use "aubit-config" program # # # ########################################################################## # Aubit 4gl configuration file. # # When this file have file name "aubitrc.in" - it's intendend for use # with "configure" script, as input file for creation of "aubitrc". # When this file have file name "aubitrc" - it's a configration file, # and you are free to edit it as you wish. # # Read by: # all Aubit compilers (4glc,fcomile...) and compiler script (4glpc) # All Aubit compiler make files (via incl/Makefile-common include) # All Aubit compiled 4gl programs # # Read from, in this order: # 1: /etc/opt/aubit4gl/aubitrc # 2: $AUBITDIR/etc/aubitrc # 3: ~/.aubit4gl/aubitrc (`=$HOME=user's home directory) # 4: ./.aubitrc (current directory) # 5: $A4GL_INIFILE environment variable # # Note: Defaults are in (), dependencies in [] # # You can override any and all settings defaults as defined in Aubit compilers, # not just ones listed in this file. See output of "aubit-config -a" for list # of all defaults and there values. # # Note that some settings names like A4GL_DBPATH, are cumulated from all # available sources (Environment, Windows registry, aubitrc file(s)) and all # allow for both Aubit specific version of the name ("A4GL_DBPATH") and the # generic name like "DBPATH" to allow for compatibility with third-party product # that also use them. Aubit specific ones have priority in the non-cumulative, # cases and when setting can be cumulated, Aubit specific ones will appear # first in cumulated string. # # Because this file is used from different tools (make,sh,programs) it is # important to use syntax that can be provessed by all. This means: # # * Use only # character as the first character in line as comment # * Do not leave any space between variable name and equal (=) sign # * Do not leave any spave between equal sign (=) and value # * Do not enclose value for variables needed by Make in quotes, because # Make will take them litteraly # * Do not leave spaecs in value without enclosing them in quotes, because # this would cause shell scripts to report error # ########################################################################## #variable names are limited to 10 characters! ## =================================================================== ## Paths ## =================================================================== ############# #this internal variable points to default location of Aubit config files #Default: /etc/opt/aubit4gl You should not need to change this. #AUBITETC=/etc/opt/aubit4gl #WARNING - do not hard-code - use @AUBITETC@ instead!! AUBITETC=@AUBITETC@ ############ #Defines location where you installed Aubit4gl: #Default for source distribution:/opt/aubit/aubit4glsrc #Default for binary distribution:/opt/aubit4gl #Usually set using --prefix=/path to "configure" script #Must NOT be enclosed in quotes! #NOTE: 'make install' will automatically change this setting when #installing 'aubitrc' outside of Aubit source code tree AUBITDIR=@aubitdir@ #Used by automated tests script (run_tests) to find source code as needed AUBITDIR_SRC=@aubitdir_src@ ############ #Full path to CINT C-code interpreter, if installed, othewise "no" #used by 4glc compiler to run C compiled code after compilation. A4GL_CINT="@CINT@" ############ #DBPATH variable containls list of directory(es) that will be searched for objects #like compiled form, help and menu files, and SQLite databases. Use coloumn (:) #as a delimiter between paths you want searched, (;) on Windows. #Default: tools/ in Aubit source code root directory and tools/ in Aubit binary #installation directory #As oposed to most Aubit settings that are exclusive and order of there surce #(environment, aubitrc, built-in resources) decides which one will prevail, #DBPATH and A4GL_DBPATH are cumulated from both variables, and added one to #another in order depending on there source. So if you have path 1 in #environment variable A4GL_DBPATH path 2 in environment variable DBPATH, path 3 #in A4GL_DBPATH in aubitrc, path 4 in DBPATH in aubitrc, cumulated value will #look like this: 1:2:3:4. Search for the file in DBPATH will then be performed #from left to right, and first path found to contain file looked for will be used. #NOTE: DBPATH to xxx/incl is for adbaccess form files #FIXME: currently MUST NOT be quoted - we will have to allow this #since paths can include spaces #A4GL_DBPATH=@A4GL_DBPATH@:@aubitdir@/incl:@prefix@/@SHORTNAME@/incl A4GL_DBPATH=@A4GL_DBPATH@:@aubitdir@/incl:@prefix@/incl ############ #CONFIG FILE BASED CONVERSIONS #convert_sql() now uses configuration files. These are by default #located in @aubitdir@/etc/convertsql/, but that can be changed #with A4GL_SQLCNVPATH. A4GL_SQLCNVPATH=@aubitdir@/etc/convertsql ## =================================================================== ## Loadable modules (plug-ins) / library configurations ## =================================================================== ############ #Name of default SQL library plug-in to use. #When used: run-time and compile-time #Options: (nosql) # iodbc unixodbc odbc32 (Windows only) # ifxodbc pgodbc sapodbc sqliteodbc # esql esqpPG esqlSAP esqlQ sqlite sqliteS pg # FILESCHEMA #FILESCHEMA is to be used for compiling programs where either the database #doesn't exist yet - or you can't get immediate access to it. #This takes the 'database' as a filename (with a .schema extension) and uses #that to collect the data used by compiler(s) #Warning: this setting is ignored at run-rime when A4GL_LEXTYPE is set to "EC". #At compile time, it is used by compilers segardless of A4GL_LEXTYPE setting A4GL_SQLTYPE=@A4GL_SQLTYPE@ A4GL_SQLTYPE_DETECTED="@A4GL_SQLTYPE_DETECTED@" A4GL_SQLTYPE_COMPILE_ONLY_DETECTED="@A4GL_SQLTYPE_COMPILE_ONLY_DETECTED@" ############ #Default output language driver for 4gl compiler: #When used: compile-time only #Options: (C), PERL, EC, CS #Note: EC (Embedded SQL C) can be Informix ESQL/C, SAP DB pre-compiler, Querix #esqlc or PostgreSQL ecpg. #using EC will limit Aubit DB connectivity at run-time to that of used EC compiler, ignoring #setting of A4GL_SQLTYPE #Note: CS is C# A4GL_LEXTYPE=@A4GL_LEXTYPE@ A4GL_LEXTYPE_DETECTED="@A4GL_LEXTYPE_DETECTED@" ############ #When A4GL_LEXTYPE=EC, specify type of EC compiler to be used. Ignored if #A4GL_LEXTYPE is not set to EC #When used: compile-time only #Options: (INFORMIX), POSTGRES, SAPDB, QUERIX A4GL_LEXDIALECT=@A4GL_LEXDIALECT@ A4GL_LEXDIALECT_DETECTED="@A4GL_LEXDIALECT_DETECTED@" # for postgresql 8.x.x, uncomment A4GL_TARGETDIALECT line below # to use @prefix@/etc/convertsql/INFORMIX-POSTGRES8.cnv #A4GL_TARGETDIALECT=POSTGRES8 ############ #List of db plugins valid for use at compile-time with particular EC dialect output: A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_INFORMIX="@A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_INFORMIX@" A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_SAPDB="@A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_SAPDB@" A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_INGRES="@A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_INGRES@" A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_POSTGRES="@A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_POSTGRES@" ############ #Determine default driver for Extended Reporting #When used: run-time only #Options: PDF, (NOPDF) A4GL_PDFTYPE=@A4GL_PDFTYPE@ A4GL_PDFTYPE_DETECTED="@A4GL_PDFTYPE_DETECTED@" ############ #Determine default RPC (Remote Procedure Call) driver to load #When used: run-time only #Options: SUNRPC, (NORPC), XMLRPC #Note: XMLRPC is client only at the moment A4GL_RPCTYPE=@A4GL_RPCTYPE@ A4GL_RPCTYPE_DETECTED="@A4GL_RPCTYPE_DETECTED@" ############# #Defines default UI (user intertface) driver plug-in to load #When used: run-time only #Options: (CONSOLE) [no deps.], TUI [curses], GTK [GTK+]. A4GL_UI=@A4GL_UI@ A4GL_UI_DETECTED="@A4GL_UI_DETECTED@" ############ #Default forms driver to be loaded #When used: run-time only #Options: (GENERIC), NOFORM, XDR #Generic implies that format specified with A4GL_PACKER will be used A4GL_FORMTYPE=@A4GL_FORMTYPE@ A4GL_FORMTYPE_DETECTED="@A4GL_FORMTYPE_DETECTED@" ############ #Default menu driver to be loaded: #When used: run-time only #Options: (NOMENU), XDR, GENERIC #Generic implies that format specified with A4GL_PACKER will be used A4GL_MENUTYPE=@A4GL_MENUTYPE@ A4GL_MENUTYPE_DETECTED="@A4GL_MENUTYPE_DETECTED@" ############ #Default help message driver to be loaded: #When used: run-time only #Options: (NATIVE), XML (??? XML? chech this!) A4GL_MSGTYPE=@A4GL_MSGTYPE@ A4GL_MSGTYPE_DETECTED="@A4GL_MSGTYPE_DETECTED@" ############ #External data types support to be loaded #Currently only MPZ (large integers) are supported #FIME: not sure if this is needed - looks like this is loaded on request: #see example testmpz.4gl into the tools/test directory. EXDTYPE=@EXDTYPE@ EXDTYPE_DETECTED="@EXDTYPE_DETECTED@" ############ #You can select which packer to use by setting the variable "A4GL_PACKER" # 1) (PACKED) - default # This is very similar to XDR in that data is written in a hopefully portable # way (optionally non-portable if the required functions aren't available). # This will probably give the smalled output files # 2) XDR # This is the same as doing it the old way # 3) XML # This stores and reads the data in an XML file. The reading is very limited # and can basically only read the XML files that it generates - IT IS NOT A # FULL BLOWN XML PARSER. It uses some odd constructs and isn't ideal - but # you'll get the idea when you see the output. Size of created files is # much larger then PACKED or XDR # 4) PERL # This generates a data structure which can be used inside a perl program - its # pretty complicated stuff though using hashes for the data representation. # What you do with it after you've generated it is up to you, because this is # an output only library (ie it can't read back what its written). A4GL_PACKER=@A4GL_PACKER@ A4GL_PACKER_DETECTED="@A4GL_PACKER_DETECTED@" ############ #Procesing of reserved word is experimental. Set this to YES, if you want to #disable this functionality. When set to NO, compiler will try to process #most reserved words, instead of reporting the error. A4GL_RESERVEWORDS=NO ############ #Conversion of SQL statements in 4GL code, to the SQL dialect of target RDBMS #Conversion is only done if you set A4GL_SQLCONVERT=YES and only if #the dialect used by the program differs from that used by the DBMS #interface. A4GL_SQLCONVERT=YES ############ #Declares the SQL dialect of SQL code in 4GL source code. #an 4GL directive to change the default SQL dialect at runtime is: # SET SQL DIALECT TO ORACLE #by default the system assumes the 4GL application is using Informix SQL #syntax, but this can be changed by setting, for example: #A4GL_SQLDIALECT=ORACLE ############ #auto initializing module and function local variables. This setting is used at #compile-time only. Numeric variables are initializet to 0, everything else to NULL #To turn on, set to "Y" (??? or is that YES ???) A4GL_AUTONULL=Y ############ #ANSI SQL 92 checking mode: #When ANSI_WARN is set to Yes compiler will display a warning if it encounters #static SQL statement not confitming to ANSI SQL 92 specification #Whn ANSI_ERROR is set to Yes, compiler will abort id non ANSI SQL 92 statemt #is found in source code. #If neither of these is set no checking is performed. A4GL_ANSI_WARN=Yes #A4GL_ANSI_ERROR=Yes ############ #Aubit default extensions for compiled resources (forms,menus,help) and objects #as used by Amake _AND_ Aubit compiler (see resources.c) #Amake does NOT read this file (?-check) #note that composite variables A4GL_FRM_EXT and A4GL_MNU_EXT exist only in/for Amake #defaults: #A4GL_MNU_BASE_EXT=.mnu #A4GL_HLP_EXT=.hlp #A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT=.afr #A4GL_XML_EXT=.xml #A4GL_PACKED_EXT=.dat #A4GL_OBJ_EXT=.ao #A4GL_LIB_EXT=.aox #A4GL_SOB_EXT=.aso #A4GL_SOL_EXT=.asx #A4GL_EXE_EXT=.4ae # #To emulate Informix p-code extensions (for instance, to re-use legacy make #files) you would use this settings; note that doing this is not recomended #and that created files will still be in Aubit format, not Informix one: # #A4GL_MNU_EXT= #A4GL_HLP_EXT=.iem #A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT=.frm #A4GL_XML_EXT="" #A4GL_PACKED_EXT="" #A4GL_OBJ_EXT=.4go #A4GL_LIB_EXT= #A4GL_SOB_EXT= #A4GL_SOL_EXT= #A4GL_EXE_EXT=.4gi ############# #If set to Y allows forms to contain the additional graphics characters #<,>,^,v, and + to be used for tee's and an intersection. #So the following (view with fixed font!): #\gp--v--q\g #\g| | |\g #\g>--+--<\g #\g| | |\g #\gb--^--d\g #Will draw a box with an intersecting horizonal and vertical line. #Note - you'll need to set this before you compile the form as #well as when you run program that will use form file compiled this way #A4GL_EXTENDED_GRAPHICS=Y ############ #Aubit used to honouring the size y by x in the form, this has been removed. #If you require to specify the size, it can still be used by setting #A4GL_USE_FORM_SIZE=Y (using this is an Aubit extension - and not default #informix behaviour!) #A4GL_USE_FORM_SIZE=Y ############ #When you encouter programs that chrash, use this for debugging - it will #create file 'debug.out' that can be very usefull when you don't get core #dump, so you don't have file 'core' to run 'gdb' on. WARNING: do not set #this under normal circumstanced - all programs will create debug.out file #when they run, files can be VERY large, and they will slow down progrms #execution considerably. This setting applies to all Aubit compiler #executables (includign all compilers) and to all 4gl programs compiled #with Aubit compiler. #FIXME: we should have separate settings for compilers and compiled programs, #like A4GL_DEBUG_COMP and A4GL_DEBUG_PRG #FIXME: add note about priority numbers #Default= #A4GL_DEBUG=ALL ############ #FIXME: is not odbc.ini supposed to have default login name and password? #Defines username and password for accessing database server via ODBC: #needed for DATABASE and DEFINE LIKE statements at compile time, and #procedural DATABASE statement ar run-time. You can use OPEN SESSION and #supply login information at run-time, but NOT at compile time: #Default= #WARNING!! BE CAREFULL NOT TO HAVE A TAB OR OTHER SPECIAL CHARACTRS #IN THE VALUE OF THIS VARIABLES !!!!!!!!!! #SQLUID=mydbusername #SQLPWD=mydbpassword A4GL_SQLUID=@SQLUID@ A4GL_SQLPWD=@SQLPWD@ #################### #temp fix for a known 'thing' with xterm and curses - it uses an alternate #screen. I'll leave this as defaulting to "N" for now in case it breaks something #else A4GL_NO_ALT_SCR=Y #################### #All updates will be transformed to Ansi syntax. Applies only to EC output #A4GL_FIXUPDATE=Y #################### # The keyword 'AS' is included when using an alias on a select column #A4GL_USE_ALIAS_AS=Y #################### # Any CREATE TEMP TABLE .. WITH NO LOG will have the 'WITH NO LOG' silently removed #A4GL_OMIT_NO_LOG=Y #################### # No indicator variables # A4GL_USE_INDICATOR=N #################### # When needed use the ecpg UNLOAD statement rather than the aubit code #IFX esql needs N, but apparently PG ecpg need Y #A4GL_ESQL_UNLOAD=N ## =================================================================== ## Run-time settings for Aubit compiled programs ## =================================================================== #Following settings apply only when runing 4GL programs compiled using #Aubit 4GL compiler. Note that some other settings outside this group #also apply only at run-time ############ #Application windows background colour #xxxx is a HEX code of a colour attribute - eg 1400 (for 0x1400) #for blue and reverse. Applies to all windows created when no attribute is #specified (including the main screen) #A4GL_BACKGROUND=xxxx ############ #Terminal size #This should make programs work with a normal (not xterm) terminal session. #A4GL_COLUMNS=80 #A4GL_LINES=24 ############# #if set to Y then +,|,- will be used to draw graphics characters instead of #proper borders (if available) #A4GL_SIMPLE_GRAPHICS=Y ############ #Mechanism for doing automated testing #A4GL_KEYFILE=(some filename in DBPATH) #A4GL_KEYDELAY=(time in usec 1000000 = 1 second, defaults to 0.1s) #A4GL_KEYFILE=/my/key/file.key #A4GL_KEYDELAY=1000 ############ #Adds originating line number of each created target language statemtn #coresponding to 4gl source code, to created target language source code, #which is usefull for debugging. Like: # #line 2 "../tools/test/test_build.4gl" #INCLINES=yes ## =================================================================== ## Settings used only by 4glpc and/or other scripts ## =================================================================== ################## #defines command executed as C compiler for your system, when used by 4glpc: #Affects: 4glpc #Default: CC="gcc -O" CC="@CC@" ################## #Full path to 'Awk' executable (awk,gawk,...) AWK="@AWK@" ################## #Full path to GTK+ includes (header) files, used when ...? #FIXME: why do we need this? #Affects: 4glc/4glpc only GTK_INC_PATH="@GTK_INC_PATH@" ################## #full path to SAP-DB ESQL/C pre-compiler (does not have to be in the path) #Affects: 4glc only A4GL_SAPDB_ESQLC="@SAPDB_ESQLC@" ################# #Depending on installed 4gl compilers, amake can compile same definition #of the 4gl programs with different 4gl compilers. Here you can specify #which make rules will be included by default: #Affects: amake only #Default: #MAKERULES="@aubitdir@/incl/a4gl.mk" #################### #names of libraries paths 'configure' detected outside of standard #library search paths; note that they will be added to ld.so.conf #automatically (but this applies only to run-time loader, and not linker) #and on non-Linux platforms to .bashrc of the user, but this applies only to #that user that installed compiler. In other cases, you must make sure #this is set in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent manually. #Default= ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="@ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH@" WARN_LD_LIBRARY_REASON="@WARN_LD_LIBRARY_REASON@" ##################### #Path to CINT installation. Used by cint/make_cintlib #WARNING: on Windows, CINTSYSDIR has to be in Windows format (not CygWin #or MSYS mapping (cygdrive) because makecint and cint executables are #native Windows executables and know nothing about path mapping CINTSYSDIR=@CINTSYSDIR@ ##################### #Include flags for PostgreSQL ECPG compieler - used by ecpg_wrap script and 4glc ECPG_IFLAGS="@ECPG_IFLAGS@" ##################### #Actually a ECPG installation dir - may or may not be the same as #PostgreSQL engine installation directory. Used by ecpg_wrap script and 4glc POSTGRESDIR="@POSTGRESDIR@" LIBPQ_FE_H_IFLAGS="@LIBPQ_FE_H_IFLAGS@" #Path and name of PostgreSQL ESQL compiler (ecpg): #PG_ESQLC="@PG_ESQLC@" ##################### #Workaround for PG ecpg problem (see test #24) # ERROR: Only numeric/decimal have precision/scale argument #A4GL_MONEY_AS_MONEY=Y - gives ERROR: invalid datatype 'money' #A4GL_MONEY_AS_DECIMAL=Y #List of Informix libraries esql compiler is using; needed in 4glpc to make #shared library #must use single quotes, because on Windows 'esql -libs' command will automatically #double quote anything with path in it IFX_LIBS='@IFX_LIBS@' #Must not use quotes on UNIX or ESQL will not be able to find esqlc executable INFORMIXDIR=@INFORMIXDIR@ #We cannot use INFORMIXDIR to find esql compiler, because of use if #CSDK sub-directory on _SOME_ platforms #It's quoted in configure IFMX_ESQLC=@IFMX_ESQLC@ #Location of Aubit regression tests; used in root makefile AUBIT_TEST_DIR=/usr2/aubit/aubit4gltest #need to be able to find PG headers like decimal.h #Which means I need to run configure and create config.h even in binary distros! #but on Win we will not have autoconf, so we will need to replace this by #specifying -I$POSTGRESDIR/x where x is ALL possible combinations of locations #of PG headers!!!! OK, on Windows hopefully this will be in only one place, as #PG windows installer is hopefully more consistent then Linux distros and #PG Linux packages? PG_COPTS="-DUSING_PG_COPTS=1 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H" #not set in configure.in atm: PG_COPTS="@PG_COPTS@" MSYS_ROOTDIR=@MSYS_ROOTDIR@ MINGW_ROOTDIR=@MINGW_ROOTDIR@ #-------------------------------- EOF -----------------------------