# gtkrc_2 # # This is the definition file used by Aubit4gl # when in HL_GTK mode. # If any user-changes are made to this file (and they should be!), # then the changed file should be saved somewhere safe, and the environmental variable A4GL_GTKRC set to point to it. # NOTES =========================================================================== # The system relies on a series of styles # most are generic # but the way gtk works, you could assign a different style for # the same attribute depending on the widget type # # Styles: # By default Aubit will apply styles based on the attributes # COLOR, REVERSE, UNDERLINE, BOLD, BLINK, DIM and INVISIBLE # These combine up to give a style number # # Colours: # BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # # Included in the orginal colour list was the following, but it may be either spurious or redundant: # "NORMAL" # 8 # # REVERSE +=0x10 # UNDERLINE +=0x20 # BOLD +=0x40 # BLINK +=0x80 # DIM +=0x100 # INVISIBLE +=0x200 # # eg red 1, red reverse 11, red reverse underline 31, red invisible () 201 # # Not all attributes combinations will be coded for in here from the start. # If you're missing one - add it... # Special Styles # AppWindow default application window style # Error default error style # colours must exist in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt # Colours may be specified either in hex notation ("#rrrgggbbb") # - all 3 colour specs must have the same number of digits, 1,2,3,or 4. # or by their colour-name in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt # or as a colour triplet {x,y,z}, where x,y,z are either integers (0-65535) or decimal floats (0.0-1.0) # or as an expression # - mix(factor,col1,col2) eg mix(0.5,"red","blue") factor between 0 and 1 (0.5 mixes colours equally) # - shade(factor,colour) eg shade(1.5, "red") to give a lighter red # - lighter(colour) an abbreviation for shade(1.3,colour) # - darker(colour) an abbreviation for shade(0.7,colour) # or (if you really want to) as an unholy mix of expression # eg shade(1.5,mix(0.3,"#0abbc0",{ 0.3, 0.5, 0.9 })) # note that bg[STATE] is only the character background # - it is useful if you want a ribbon effect # and really useful when you want colour reversal # - if it is not set, then the text appears against the inherited object background setting (colour or pixmap) # "#dfdfdf" appears liberally in the body of this file. # It is a nice light gray, and may not be at all visible against an inherited light system background colour # - be warned! # font_name must be a "Pango font name" # - that's not very helpful, and documentation is scarce. # experimentation and web-searching is the order of the day. # - try something interesting like font_name = "book antiqua, bold italic, 9" # - 4GL attribute(underline) is not very GUI-ish. # font_name="monospace ITALIC 8" might be a way forward in any style involving UNDERLINE... # RESOURCES ======================================================================= # web resources - see (eg) # http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/gtk-Resource-Files.html # http://ruby-gnome.sourceforge.net/programming/gtkrc.html # http://people.redhat.com/otaylor/pango-mirror/xfonts.shtml # http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/GTK-styles.html # program resources # gnome-specimen gives a useful listing and preview of fonts on the system # - it also gives easy access to a handy colour wheel # fc_list gives a more arcane listing of the fonts on the system # xlsfonts lists only the X-fonts # also look for (but do not touch) files called "pangox*aliases" # - these may be pangox.aliases, in /etc/pango and /var/lib/defoma/pango.d # but they have been referred to as pangox_aliases ... # WORKING CODE STARTS HERE ======================================================== # The following is inserted to enable a quick change of all references to font_name, # and has not been edited to reflect any particular colour choices # # Set GtkSettings color scheme property. # This can be overriden (via an xsetting) with eg. the gnome-appearance-properties. gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#000\nbg_color:#EDECEB\nbase_color:#fff\ntext_color:#1A1A1A\nselected_bg_color:#86ABD9\nselected_fg_color:#fff\ntooltip_bg_color:#F5F5B5\ntooltip_fg_color:#000\nfont_name=\"monospace 8\"" style "0" { # Black # This is the default style. # This is used as the basis for all the others # and applied if no attributes are applied. bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" fg[NORMAL] = "#000000" fg[ACTIVE] = "#000000" fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000" fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#000000" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#000000" fg[SELECTED] = "#ffffff" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" #font_name = "book antiqua, bold italic, 9" } style "1" { #RED fg[NORMAL] = "#ff0000" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#ff0000" bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "2" { #GREEN fg[NORMAL] = "#007000" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#007000" text[NORMAL] = "#007000" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "3" { #YELLOW fg[NORMAL] = "gold4" # "#8b7500" text[INSENSITIVE] = "gold4" # "#8b7500" bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "4" { #BLUE fg[NORMAL] = "#000070" text[NORMAL] = "#000070" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#000070" #base[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "5" { #MAGENTA fg[NORMAL] = "#900090" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#900090" bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "6" { #CYAN fg[NORMAL] = "#009090" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#009090" bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "7" { #WHITE fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#ffffff" base[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "8" { #NORMAL fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" text[INSENSITIVE] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#ffd9d9" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "10" { # Plain reverse video fg[NORMAL] = "#a0a0ff" bg[NORMAL] = "#000000" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "11" { # reverse video + RED fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#ff0000" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "12" { # reverse video + GREEN fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#007000" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "13" { # reverse video + YELLOW fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#8b7500" #"#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "14" { # reverse video + BLUE fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#000070" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "15" { # reverse video + MAGENTA fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#900090" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "16" { # reverse video + CYAN fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#009090" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "17" { # reverse video + WHITE fg[NORMAL] = "#303030" bg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "18" { # reverse video + NORMAL fg[NORMAL] = "#303030" bg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "200" { # invisible text[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" base[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "OKCancel" { bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" } style "Toolbar" { bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" } style "AppWindow" { bg[NORMAL] = "#dfdfdf" #"antiquewhite2" bg[ACTIVE] = "#dfdfdf" #"antiquewhite2" bg[ACTIVE] = "#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "FormLabel" { bg[NORMAL] = "#000000" bg[ACTIVE] = "#ffffff" fg[NORMAL] = "#000000" fg[ACTIVE] = "#ffffff" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "MenuButtons" { bg[NORMAL]="#dfdfdf" bg[INSENSITIVE]="#dfdfdf" bg[ACTIVE]="#dfdfdf" bg[SELECTED]="#dfdfdf" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } style "280" { base[NORMAL]="#c0c0c0" text[NORMAL]="#c0c0c0" } style "Error" { fg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[NORMAL] = "#7f0000" text[NORMAL] = "#0000ff" base[NORMAL] = "#00ff00" font_name = "monospace 8" #"monospace 8" } widget "*.Error" style "Error" widget "*.FormLabel" style "FormLabel" widget "*.MenuButtons" style "MenuButtons" widget "*.Toolbar" style "Toolbar" widget "*.OKCancel" style "OKCancel" widget "*.AppWindow" style "AppWindow" widget "GtkButton.*" style "AppWindow" widget "*.0" style "0" widget "*.1" style "1" widget "*.2" style "2" widget "*.3" style "3" widget "*.4" style "4" widget "*.5" style "5" widget "*.6" style "6" widget "*.7" style "7" widget "*.8" style "8" widget "*.10" style "10" widget "*.11" style "11" widget "*.12" style "12" widget "*.13" style "13" widget "*.14" style "14" widget "*.15" style "15" widget "*.16" style "16" widget "*.18" style "18" widget "*.200" style "200" widget "*.280" style "280"