This is the directory which contains import packages. Import packages allow the coder to use shared libraries without linking and without requiring the full library::function(...) syntax. Just include the line : import package package-name at the top of your module, this will read the file from this directory called 'package-name' Package file syntax ------------------- LIBRARY-NAME FUNCTION-NAME A package may contain functions from more than one library... eg: a4gl_pcre : A4GL_pcre pcre_match A4GL_pcre pcre_text Usage : import package a4gl_pcre main if pcre_match("cat|dog","there was a cat") then display "Matched to :", pcre_text(1) end if end main If you didn't do the import then it would look like : main if a4gl_pcre::pcre_match("cat|dog","there was a cat") then display "Matched to ", a4gl_pcre::pcre_text(1) end if end main The package mechanism will later be extended to allow conditional loading, something like: a4gl_sqllib:ENV(SQLTYPE) sql_connect The exact syntax and scope has yet to be discussed - but this should allow conditional loading of a library module Take for example : a4gl_lang:ENV(A4GL_LANG) get_msg you could have $ export A4GL_LANG=english and then it would call get_msg in or $ export A4GL_LANG=french and then it would call get_msg in This functionality isn't available using the current mechanisms, other than by linking the shared library to some common name - but this restricts usage to one categeory on one server... ALL MODULES SHOULD BE shared libraries compiled using 4glpc --as-dll, . Aubit4GL internal modules should be call libA4GL_ (uppercase A4GL lowercase for the rest of the name). User modules should avoid the libA4GL_... prefix so they don't get splatted by a later Aubit4GL module.