.-30002 A report cannot accept data as it has not been started .-30003 You cannot FINISH REPORT - because the report has not been started .-30004 string is too long to convert to BOOLEAN .-30005 string value cannot be converted to BOOLEAN .-30006 Invalid data type\n .-30007 Screen too wide - maximum 255 characters .-30008 Couldnt create window .-30009 No spare windows left... .-30010 Window not found .-30011 Window is too small to display this form (too high) .-30012 Window is too small to display this form (too wide) .-30013 Window is too small to display this form .-30014 Unable to create form .-30015 No current form .-30016 The row or column number in DISPLAY AT exceeds the limits of your terminal .-30017 Internal error - window on top =0 .-30018 NOCURSES Mode has been specified - operation not permitted .-30019 Window already exists (%s) .-30020 Error displaying form in window .-30021 Form not open .-30022 The form has not been opened .-30023 Panel not found.... .-30024 Window to move was not found .-30025 Couldnt move window .-30026 Unable to create field .-30027 Internal Error .-30028 Failed to create the loaded the form .-30029 Internal error - unable to change field width .-30030 No form .-30031 Construct needs fixing to handle 'byname on tab.*' .-30032 Number of fields is not the same as the number of variables .-30033 No form displayed .-30034 Table/Screen record does not exist in form .-30035 Dubious form\n .-30036 Field subscript out of bounds .-30037 Too few variables for the number of fields .-30038 Field name not found .-30039 after field : field number not found! .-30040 Format is wider than the field .-30041 Internal error - no field list .-30042 Form driver complaint .-30043 Not implemented for TUI mode .-30044 Field is not currently being input .-30045 field_touched called with no fields... .-30046 Internal error - no change in state .-30047 Unhandled code... .-30048 Field not found .-30049 Input form is not the current form! .-30050 Blob not located .-30051 No prompt window created .-30052 Prompt message is too long to fit in the window. .-30053 Internal error - couldn't create error window .-30054 Internal error - negative messageline .-30055 Not available in TUI mode (show_menu) .-30056 Not available in TUI mode (enable/disable) .-30057 Cant open gui form in curses mode.. .-30058 The NEXT OPTION name is not in the menu .-30059 Menu option not found .-30060 No current option .-30061 Screen record not found .-30062 Too many or too few variables for fields .-30063 MAXCOUNT out of range (<0 or > array record size) .-30064 set_scrline requires 1 parameter .-30065 set_arrline requires 1 parameter .-30066 Picture applied to a non-char field not implemented yet.. .-30067 Internal error - no change in state .-30068 Screen record does not exist .-30069 set_scrline() may only be called when in a display/input array .-30070 Internal error - expected a .* in screen record .-30071 Unknown screen record .-30072 Unable to determine date from format .-30073 Field or field subscript was not found .-30074 Unable to open glade file\n .-30075 Unable to find form .-30076 Form was not opened .-30077 Invalid response - did the client die ? .-30078 Not connected .-30079 Socket write failed .-30080 .-30081 no fields found to clear... .-30082 Internal error - no change in state.. .-30083 Internal error - bad change in state .-30084 Internal error - no break\n .-30085 Input form is not current .-30086 Invalid window style type .-30087 INTERNAL ERROR BAD FORM .-30088 Unable to create new window .-30089 Unable to open form .-30090 serious bug in widget.c .-30091 GTK ERROR (%s) .-30092 That shouldn't be posted by now... .-30093 Not in TUI mode .-30094 Invalid Widget .-30095 Error creating pixmap .-30096 make_pixbuf not available with GTK1.2 .-30097 Unable to load blob file .-30098 Unable to open temporay file .-30099 No menu displayed .-30100 Invalid menu ID .-30101 The row or column number in DISPLAY AT exceeds the limits of your terminal 1 .-30102 The row or column number in DISPLAY AT exceeds the limits of your terminal 2 .-30103 Not available in console driver .-30104 Unable to open sqexplain.out file .-30105 Could not connect to database .-30106 Could not connect to database .-30107 Not connected to database .-30108 Unexpected postgres return code1\n .-30109 Table not found\n .-30110 Invalid datatype for Aubit4GL .-30111 Unexpected postgres return code2\n .-30112 Database not open .-30113 Unable to open file for unload .-30114 Unexpected postgres return code3\n .-30115 Unable to open blobfile .-30116 Can't open cursor that hasn't been defined .-30117 Cursor not found .-30118 Column out of range .-30119 Could not find statement or cursor specified .-30120 Statement could not be found .-30121 Unexpected postgres return code\n .-30122 Currently unable to unload a statement that uses variables .-30123 Parameter is not applicable to option .-30124 Option was not found .-30125 Unable to open blob .-30126 Number of host variables does not match the sql string .-30127 Cursor (%s) not found .-30128 Preparing statement failed: %s .-30129 Closing cursor (%s) failed .-30130 declare_cursor (%s): Statement could not be found (sid == 0) .-30131 declare_cursor: Cannot set cursor name (%s) .-30132 Statement (%s) could not be found .-30133 Statement (%s) did not contain a hstmt .-30134 Preparing cursor (%s) failed .-30135 Too many or too few host variables for .-30136 Binding input failed; cursor (%s) .-30137 Opening cursor (%s) failed .-30138 Binding output failed; cursor (%s) .-30139 Fetch attempted on unopened cursor (%s) .-30140 Fetching cursor (%s) failed .-30141 SQLite database file not found in DBPATH=%s .-30142 Could not connect to database (%s) .-30143 Can't free cursor (%s) that hasn't been defined .-30144 Can't close cursor (%s) that hasn't been defined .-30145 Not connected to database (%s) .-30146 Allocating a statement failed .-30147 Statement has not been prepared .-30148 Internal Error (describecolumn) .-30149 Unable to retrieve column info for table (%s)\n .-30150 Session (%s) already opened .-30151 Could not make session (%s) current as it does not exist .-30152 Session Id (%s) does not exist .-30153 Could not disconnect from the database .-30154 Error opening file (%s) for unload .-30155 Not implemented A4GLSQL_flush_cursor .-30156 Sessions not implemented .-30157 Could not start MySQL embedded server .-30158 Started MySQL embedded server .-30159 SQL Transaction Error .-30160 No database connection .-30161 No statement .-30162 Too many or too few host variables .-30163 Can't declare cursor for non-prepared statement .-30164 Cursor not found (%s) .-30165 Fetch Relative or Absolute on a non-scroll cursor .-30166 Can't close cursor that hasn't been defined .-30167 Can't open file for unload .-30168 Invalid statement name or statement was not prepared. (%s) .-30169 Couldn't open schema file .-30170 Parse error in schema file - no ']' .-30171 Not available in windows build .-30172 Could not defer interrupt .-30173 Could not attach SegFault Handler .-30174 Unable to attach SIGCLD handler .-30175 Unable to attach SIGPIPE handler .-30176 Not an object of type (ui.combobox) or not initialized .-30177 Unable to open SQL library... .-30178 Unable to open help file .-30179 Unable to open language file .-30180 No language file .-30181 message not found .-30182 Could not read lang text .-30183 Unable to open UI library... .-30184 Invalid date .-30185 Unable to open PACKER library... .-30186 Form was not found .-30187 Invalid Form info request .-30188 Invalid Connection info request .-30189 Invalid statement info request .-30190 Window was not found .-30191 Invalid Window info request .-30192 Invalid type called in get_info .-30193 Wrong number of arguments .-30194 Cant do a load within a load... .-30195 Could not open file for load .-30196 Error in getting number of columns for load (does the table '%s' exist?) .-30197 Internal Error : Error generating insert string for load .-30198 Number of fields in load file does not equal the number of columns %s .-30199 Error reading load file at line %s .-30200 Error in getting number of columns for load .-30201 trunc not implemented\n .-30202 round not implemented\n .-30203 exp not implemented\n .-30204 logn not implemented\n .-30205 log not implemented\n .-30206 Internal Error : Couldnt process datatype %x\n .-30207 Internal Error : Couldnt process datatype \n .-30208 Unknown attribute .-30209 Unable to open FORM library... .-30210 Construct callback function returns a variable that is too long .-30211 MAPM Error .-30212 MAPM Warning .-30213 Type cannot be converted to an object (%s) .-30214 Error in conversion .-30215 Stack overflow .-30216 Too many bindings .-30217 Could not find copyback variable as a COPYOF parameter .-30218 A character variable has referenced subscripts that are out of range .-30219 Unable to open Error Log file .-30220 Error Log file is not open .-30221 4Js DDE functions not implemented .-30222 4Js winexecwait function not implemented .-30223 4Js winexec function not implemented .-30224 No DLL Loaded .-30225 0: Non-existing function called in DLL\n .-30226 Error: can't open DLL - STOP. See debug.out .-30227 Could not open shared library .-30228 Could not find function in shared library .-30229 Could not open share library .-30230 2: Non-existing function (%s) called in DLL .-30231 Unable to load shared library file .-30232 Unable to load function from shared libary .-30233 dmy.c - Invalid DBDATE format: %s .-30234 Unable to open EXDTYPE library. .-30235 Unable to find function (%s) .-30236 Invalid prepared statement .-30237 Unable to remove original ACL file .-30238 Dubious string size .-30239 Unknown operation .-30240 Unknown/non-handled special name in field colour where clause .-30241 Unknown comparison %s .-30242 Internal error - unhandled field comparison .-30243 Internal error-unexpected keytype for A4GL_is_special_key .-30244 Can't resize a non-allocated dynamic array .-30245 Dynamic Array has not been allocated or has already been freed .-30246 DLL functions not available yet for WIN32 platforms .-30247 Error: Cannot determine AUBITDIR - STOP. .-30248 Unable to open ESQL library... .-30249 Incompatible storage size .-30250 Recurrsive replacement? .-30251 Invalid operation on a character string (1) .-30252 Invalid operation on a character string (2) .-30253 Can't use interval YEAR-MONTH and DAY-FRACTION together .-30254 You can't multiply two intervals... .-30255 You can't mod two intervals... .-30256 You can't raise the power of intervals... .-30257 Unread blob .-30258 Out of heap .-30259 Not an object of type base.channel - or not initialized .-30260 expects 1 parameter .-30261 Expects 2 parameters .-30262 File is not open .-30263 Expected 1 parameter .-30264 Not an object of type ui.window - or not initialized .-30265 expects 0 parameter .-30266 Not an object of type ui.form - or not initialized .-30267 Unable to open key file .-30268 Ran out of keys .-30269 Unknown Key .-30270 A4GL_KEYLOG and A4GL_KEYFILE both point to the same file .-30271 Unable to open key logging file .-30272 Unable to open RPC library... .-30273 Unable to open MENU library... .-30274 Unable to open EXREPORT library... .-30275 Could not open report output .-30276 Cant print at this column with that right margin :-( .-30277 Big Oops .-30278 Internal error - unable to prepare statement .-30279 Internal error - unable to declare statement .-30280 Unable to open PRINT FILE file .-30281 Unknown error .-30282 Value exceeds limit of SMALLINT .-30283 conv.c - Invalid DBDATE format: %s .-30284 Invalid conversion .-30285 Unable to open HELP library... .-30286 Unable to open SQLPARSE library... .-30287 Unable to start TCP session .-30288 Assertion failed %s .-30289 Assertion failed .-30290 Unable to determine current action... .-30291 You have specified PRINTSCRKEY but not PRINTSCRFILE .-30292 Cannot add a month/day and a non-month day interval .-30293 Can't add an interval to a number .-30294 Can't subtract numbers and interval .-30295 Can't multiply two intervals .-30296 Unable to open library .-30297 Help message not found .-30298 Could not read help message .-30299 Invalid file (%s) .-30300 Unable to open .-30301 Unable to open form in memory .-30302 Invalid barcode type .-30303 Unable to generate QR code .-30304 Invalid DBDATE format(1) .-30305 Invalid DBDATE format(2) .-30306 Invalid DBDATE format(3) .-30307 XMLRPC Error .-30308 Call failed .-30309 Couldnt open form - does not appear to be a valid form file .-30310 Couldnt open form .-30311 Unable to read form .-30312 This form has a version number that I can't handle .-30313 Form compilation error .-30314 Error opening output\n .-30315 Unable to locate font .-30316 Not implemented yet...\n .-30317 Unable to open file %s %s .-30318 Unable to open file. .-30319 PDF Error .-30320 Menu item does not exist .-30321 Untransmittable data .-30322 Can't Handle Base64 Data .-30323 Can't Handle Complex Data .-30324 Can't Handle Pointers .-30325 Got a 0xDEAD .-30326 UNKNOWN XML TYPE .-30327 unable to free arguments .-30328 cannot create udp service. .-30329 unable to register (FGL_RPC, FGL_RPC_VER, udp). .-30330 cannot create tcp service. .-30331 unable to register (FGL_RPC, FGL_RPC_VER, tcp). .-30332 Function Already registered .-30333 Function not registered .-30334 RPC server failed .-30335 Unable to send asynchronous reply! .-30336 Unprintable datatype .-30337 serious bug in rpc_server.c .-30338 Unable to connect to host .-30339 RPC call failed .-30340 Bad SQL: %s .-30341 Unable to open PARSER library... .-30342 Unable to open LEX library... .-30343 You cannot FINISH REPORT - becasue the report has not been started .-30344 Unexpected ingres return code (D)\n .-30345 Unexpected ingres return code (O) \n .-30346 Unexpected ingres return code (F2)\n .-30347 get_Validation not implemented yet for Ingres .-30348 Could not fill_array - Wrong mode asked! .-30349 Could not fill_array - DATABASES service not implemented ! .-30350 Could not fill_array - TABLES service not implemented ! .-30351 Could not fill_array - Invalid service asked ! .-30352 Database name not set .-30353 Session already opened .-30354 Invalid bind\n .-30355 Use of unlocated blob variable... .-30356 Invalid cursor type .-30357 Invalid fetch .-30358 Error binding .-30359 Invalid datatype .-30360 Out of memory 1 .-30361 Out of memory2 .-30362 Invalid Datatype .-30363 Internal error .-30364 Database name not seted .-30366 Datatype has not been loaded .-30368 Invalid Form .-30369 Unknown widget ID .-30370 Unable to open LOGREP library... .-30371 Unable to open LOGREPPROC library... .-30372 Unable to open file .-30374 Couldn't create window .-30375 Couldn't move window .-30376 Internal Error : Couldn't process datatype \n .-30377 Couldn't open form - does not appear to be a valid form file .-30378 Couldn't open form .-30380 Function returned incorrect number of values .-30382 No current table .-30384 Not an object of type 'STRING' - or not initialized .-30386 Invalid barcode .-30387 Invalid character in barcode .-30388 Invalid length of barcode .-30390 GTK ERROR .-30392 Not an object of type not initialized .-30393 Not an object of the correct type or not initialized .-30394 Not an object of the correct type, or not initialized .-30396 Parameter is not a reference .-30398 Unable to open SQLPARSECMD library...