# Aubit Icon File # # This file is used to determine the text and icons used for the toolbar # and menubar # By default - the toolbar contains : # # "HELP","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12","Up","Down","Left","Right","PgUp","PgDn","Enter","Accept","Interrupt" # # but you can add more using the "aclfgl_add_to_toolbar" function # # CALL aclfgl_add_to_toolbar("Tag","Text","Img","Tooltip",keyvalue,always_show) # # The 'keyvalue' must be active at the time of usage (normally via an ON KEY ) for it to be displayed.. # always_show can be 1 and the field will always be displays # if its 0 then it will toggle depending on whether the key is valid # # The text displayed is the second field, the icon the third. # # An entry can also be made for the application name - which # will set the title bar and icon for a running 4GL program. (look for asql_i.4ae in this file for an example) # # this is a tab delimited file for stock icons # the first field is the text to be matched # (the match will be case insensitive) # the second field is the text to be display on the button # This text will be display as per this file # # the second field is the image file to use # if a relative directory (or no directory) is used # then the file will be read from $AUBITDIR/images button Button Cancel buttonok ButtonOk button_ok.png interrupt ^C button_cancel.png cancel cancel cancel.png apply apply apply.png bell bell bell.png bookmark bookmark bookmark.png close close fileclose.png comment comment comment.png db db db documentinfo documentinfo documentinfo.png down Down 1downarrow.png down_dir down down.png update Update edit.png use-editor Use Editor wizard.png modify Modify edit.png edit edit edit.png editcopy editcopy editcopy.png editcut editcut editcut.png drop Drop editdelete.png translate Translate babelfish.png delete Delete editdelete.png editdelete editdelete editdelete.png editpaste editpaste editpaste.png emoticon emoticon emoticon.png run Run exec.png exec Exec exec.png quit Quit exit.png exit Exit exit.png Query Query find.png choose Choose filefind.png output Output gnome-dev-floppy.png find find filefind.png find find find.png flag flag flag.png forward forward forward.png free_icon free_icon free_icon.png gg_connecting gg_connecting gg_connecting.png gg_ignored gg_ignored gg_ignored.png history history history.png idea idea idea.png info Info info.png kalarm kalarm kalarm.png kdb_form kdb_form kdb_form.png kdb_table kdb_table kdb_table.png key_enter key_enter key_enter.png enter Enter key_enter.png launch Launch launch.png left Left 1leftarrow.png list List list.png locationbar_erase locationbar_erase locationbar_erase.png lock Lock lock.png locked Locked locked.png misc misc misc.png money money money.png network network network.png Add Add filenew.png new New filenew.png no no no.png yes yes yes.png accept Accept ok.png ok ok ok.png open open fileopen.png outbox outbox outbox.png PgDn PageDown 2downarrow.png PgUp PageUp 2uparrow.png pipe pipe pipe.png player_eject player_eject player_eject.png player_end player_end player_end.png player_fwd player_fwd player_fwd.png player_pause player_pause player_pause.png player_play player_play player_play.png player_rew player_rew player_rew.png player_start player_start player_start.png player_stop player_stop player_stop.png playsound playsound playsound.png print print fileprint.png redled redled redled.png restart Restart redo.png redo redo redo.png reload_page reload_page reload_page.png next Next 1rightarrow.png Previous Previous 1leftarrow.png right right 1rightarrow.png save Save filesave.png saveas saveas filesaveas.png tab_first tab_first tab_first.png tab_last tab_last tab_last.png tab_left tab_left tab_left.png tab_right tab_right tab_right.png trashcan_empty trashcan_empty trashcan_empty.png trashcan_full trashcan_full trashcan_full.png up Up 1uparrow.png up_dir Up up.png up2 up2 up2.png wizard wizard wizard.png yellowled yellowled yellowled.png help Help! help.png asql_i.4ae Aubit SQL Aubit.gif menuprog Customer Maintenance Program Aubit.gif