# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Aubit 4gl Language Compiler Version $.0 binary install make include| # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Copyright (c) 2000-5 Aubit Development Team (See Credits file) | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | # | it under the terms of one of the following licenses: | # | | # | A) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software | # | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) | # | any later version. | # | | # | B) the Aubit License as published by the Aubit Development Team and | # | included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE | # | | # | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | # | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | # | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | # | GNU General Public License for more details. | # | | # | You should have received a copy of both licenses referred to here. | # | If you did not, or have any questions about Aubit licensing, please | # | contact afalout@ihug.co.nz | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # $Id: Makefile-install.mki,v 1.124 2012/11/29 14:10:19 fortiz Exp $ # #This file is included from both source distribution root make file and #root makefile disrtibuted with binary distribution #FIXME: use install tool: # ${INSTALL} -m 755 ${FILES} ${D4GL_BIN} # ${INSTALL} -m 755 -s ${FGLRUN} ${D4GL_D4GL} # @for file in ${FILES.42m}; do (set -x; ${INSTALL} -m 644 $$file ${D4GL_D4GL} ) done # ${INSTALL} -m 644 ${FILE1.42f} ${D4GL_D4GL} # #Cant declare PHONY here??? #.PHONY: install.links install.bin.links install.lib.links \ # deinstall.links: deinstall.bin.links deinstall.libs.links ## ================================================================== ## install targets ## ================================================================== ####################################### #Prepare and install global aubitrc install.aubitrc: ifneq "${INFILE}" "" ifneq "${AUBIT_BIN_INSTALL}" "1" #Installing from source code tree @echo "Changing AUBITDIR in ${INFILE}" @echo "FROM: ${STARTWITH}" @echo "TO: ${REPLACEWITH}" sed -e "/${STARTWITH}/s/${STARTWITH}/${REPLACEWITH}/" ${INFILE} > /tmp/aubitrc.tmp # sed -e "/AUBITDIR\=/s/${AUBITDIR}/${INSTALLDIR}/" ${INFILE} > /tmp/aubitrc.tmp else #Installing from pre-compiled binary distribution package ${CP} ${INFILE} /tmp/aubitrc.tmp endif ifeq "${AUBITRCFILEEXISTS}" "" @if ! test -d ${AUBITETC} ; then ${MKPATH} ${AUBITETC}; fi #THIS MUST BE A PURE SHELL - not a $(shell ...) as make variables are evaluated #BEFORE any make target commands are executed! @if test -w ${AUBITETC} ; then \ mv /tmp/aubitrc.tmp ${AUBITETC}/aubitrc; \ chmod a+r ${AUBITETC}/aubitrc; \ echo "Configuration files installed to ${AUBITETC}/aubitrc"; \ else \ echo "======== NOTE: ${AUBITETC} is not writable. ==========="; \ fi else @echo " " @echo "WARNING: Configuration file aubitrc exists in ${AUBITETC}/aubitrc" @echo "====================== WILL NOT OVERWRITE ======================" @echo "use 'make install.aubitrc aubitrc=new' if you want to do that " @echo "Automatically created aubitrc placed in /tmp/aubitrc.tmp" @echo " " endif else @echo "ERROR: cannot find ${LOOKFOR_INFILE} - please run 'configure' " endif ####################################### #allow user to install amake without compiling aubit. All files installed #here are also included in default "install" target. install.amake: install.tree install.amake.files install.aubit-config.link @echo "Amake installed" install.amake.files: ${CP} ${AMAKE_TOBIN} $(BIN_DEST) ${CP} ${AMAKE_TOINCL} $(INCL_DEST) install.aubit-config.link: install.bin.install.link.dir @if ! test -d ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}; then ${MKPATH} ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}; fi @if test -w ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} ; then \ ${LN_S} $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/aubit-config ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit-config; \ ${LN_S} $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/amake ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/amake; \ echo "Links from $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin to ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} for aubit-config and amake installed"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| NOTE: ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} is not writable-cant install aubit-config link"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ ${MKPATH} ${HOME}/bin; \ if test -w ${HOME}/bin ; then \ ${LN_S} $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/aubit-config ${HOME}/bin/aubit-config; \ ${LN_S} $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/amake ${HOME}/bin/amake; \ echo "Links from $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin to ${HOME}/bin/ for aubit-config and amake installed"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| WARNING: ${HOME}/bin is not writable-cant install aubit-config link"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi \ fi install.bin.install.link.dir: @if ! test -d ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}; then ${MKPATH} ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}; fi @if ! test -d ${HOME}/bin; then ${MKPATH} ${HOME}/bin; fi #Install all links install.links: install.bin.links install.libs.links @echo "All links installed" ####################################### #Create links for bin programs to location of Aubit bynary installation: install.bin.links: deinstall.bin.links install.aubit-config.link install.bin.install.link.dir @if ! test -d ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}; then ${MKPATH} ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}; fi @if test -w ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} ; then \ ${LN_S} $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/aubit ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit; \ echo "Links from $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin to ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/ for 'aubit' installed"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| NOTE: ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} is not writable - won't install 'aubit' link there"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ if ! test -d ${HOME}/bin ; then ${MKPATH} ${HOME}/bin; fi; \ if test -w ${HOME}/bin ; then \ ${LN_S} $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/aubit ${HOME}/bin/aubit; \ echo "Links from $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin to ${HOME}/bin/ for 'aubit' installed"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| WARNING: ${HOME}/bin is not writable - won't install 'aubit' link there"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi; \ fi ####################################### install.libs.links: deinstall.libs.links #Link libaubit4gl with version string to plain libaubit4gl: ${LN_S_LIB} libaubit4gl-${A4GL_VERSION_STRING}${SO_EXT} $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT} @if ! test -d ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}; then ${MKPATH} ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}; fi @if test -w ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK} ; then \ ${LN_S_LIB} $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT} ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT}; \ echo "Links from $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib to ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}/ for libaubit4gl installed"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| NOTE: ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK} is not writable - won't create Aubit libraries links there"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi #Note: there are not alternatives here - there is no location that is by default writable to #to a regular user, that is by default included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ldconfig paths. #Therefore, user will need to add $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib to his LD_LIBRARY_PATH himself #manually (hopefully to ${HOME}/.profile) as no other options are avilable to regular user #appart from asking a sys admin. Or using 'abit' wrapper script. #This will work only on Linux, and Aubit loads plufins from $AUBITDIR/plugins-xx/ #But NOT libs that are linked and not dlopen()-ed (like libaubit4gl and some others) #Can't put targets in Makefile-common - I should create one include makefile #for targets needed by both binary and source distros install.libs.conf: @if test -w /etc/ld.so.conf.d ; then \ echo "$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/aubit4gl.conf; \ fi ifneq "${LDCONFIG}" "no" @if test -w /etc/ ; then \ if "${LDCONFIG}" ; then \ echo "Refreshed ldconfig cache." ;\ else \ echo "Unable to refresh ldconfig cache." ;\ fi; \ fi else @echo "ldconfig not found on your system" endif ifeq "1" "2" #OBSOLETE - The above should have same effect and is simpler ifneq "${LDCONFIG}" "no" ifeq "${GREP_LD_SO_CONF}" "" @if echo "$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib" >> ${LD_SO_CONF} ; \ then \ echo "Added $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib entry to ${LD_SO_CONF}."; \ if ldconfig ; then \ echo "Refreshed ldconfig cache." ;\ else \ echo "Unable to refresh ldconfig cache." ;\ fi ;\ else \ echo "WARNING : $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib entry NOT ADDED to ${LD_SO_CONF}. (maybe you're not root ?)"; \ fi else @echo "${GREP_LD_SO_CONF} entry in ${LD_SO_CONF} already exists." endif else @echo "ldconfig not found on your system" endif endif ## ================================================================== ## Windows registry ## ================================================================== #Add basic registry keys, so native windows executable can find aubitrc #Invoked as part of compiling binary code: #Does seting registry as part of compiling make sense at all??? install.registry.src: POINT_TO_DIR=${AUBITDIR} install.registry.src: GLOB_RC=${CYGWIN_PATH_WIN}/etc/opt/aubit4gl/aubitrc install.registry.src: USER_RC=${CYGWIN_PATH_WIN}/etc/opt/aubit4gl/aubitrc install.registry.src: install.registry #Invoked as part of 'make install': install.registry.bin: POINT_TO_DIR=${shell cygpath -m ${INSTALL_DIR}} install.registry.bin: GLOB_RC=${CYGWIN_PATH_WIN}/etc/opt/aubit4gl/aubitrc install.registry.bin: USER_RC=${shell cygpath -m ${AUBITETC}/aubitrc} install.registry.bin: install.registry install.registry: ifdef COMSPEC #A4GL_UI; ValueData: GTK #Version; ValueData: @AUBIT_VERSION@.@AUBIT_BUILD@; Flags: uninsdeletekey #ValueName: A4GL_SQLTYPE; ValueData: sqlite; regtool add "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project" regtool add "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler" regtool add "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project" regtool add "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler" #AUBITDIR regtool add "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR" regtool -s set "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR" "${POINT_TO_DIR}" regtool add "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR" regtool -s set "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR" "${POINT_TO_DIR}" #A4GL_INIFILE regtool add "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE" #WARNING - do not hard-code - use @AUBITETC@ instead!! regtool -s set "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE" "${USER_RC}" regtool add "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE" #WARNING - do not hard-code - use @AUBITETC@ instead!! regtool -s set "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE" "${GLOB_RC}" #Show current settings @echo "-------------------------HKCU-----------------------------------" @echo "AUBITDIR=`regtool get "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR"`" @if ! test -d `regtool get "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR"`; then echo "ERROR: Above direcroty does not exist!"; exit 1; fi @echo "A4GL_INIFILE=`regtool get "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE"`" @if ! test -f `regtool get "/HKCU/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE"`; then echo "ERROR: Above file does not exist!"; exit 1; fi @echo "-------------------------HKLM-----------------------------------" @echo "AUBITDIR=`regtool get "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR"`" @if ! test -d `regtool get "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/AUBITDIR"`; then echo "ERROR: Above direcroty does not exist!"; exit 1; fi @echo "A4GL_INIFILE=`regtool get "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE"`" @if ! test -f `regtool get "/HKLM/Software/Aubit project/Aubit 4GL compiler/A4GL_INIFILE"`; then echo "ERROR: Above file does not exist!"; exit 1; fi @echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" endif ## ================================================================== ## deinstall targets ## ================================================================== ####################################### #we could just drop the whole $(INSTALL_DIR) tree, but this is not very safe; #in the case user placed some files there (stupido!) he will hate us #nevertheless, so we will remove file-by-file: deinstall.all: deinstall.links deinstall.build \ deinstall.files deinstall.tree deinstall.ldconfig @echo "" @echo "Aubit compiler de-installed." @echo "Config file in ${AUBITETC} was NOT deleted." ####################################### #Deinstall all installed files: deinstall.files: #Run clean from makefiles first: -${MAKE} -C $(INSTALL_DIR) clean -${MAKE} -C $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools/test clean -${MAKE} -C $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools/test/gui clean #Remove files as they are installed - Do not remove files from ${FROMHOME} ${RM} ${FROMBIN} ${FROMLIB} ${FROMDOCS} ${FROMTEST} ${FROMETC} \ ${FROMROOT} ${FROMINCL} ${FROMIDE} ${FROMCONVSQL} ${FROMIMPORT} \ ${FROMSETTINGS} ${FROMPLUGIN} #Remove possibly present previous version of libaubit4gl: -${RM} $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libaubit4gl-*${SO_EXT} #Drop Autoconf support directory: rm -rf $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/config #files created after installation, and by Autoconf: ${RM} $(INSTALL_DIR)/*.${ARCHEXT} $(INSTALL_DIR)/configure $(INSTALL_DIR)/Makefile \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/config.log $(INSTALL_DIR)/config.status $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/aubitrc-bin \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/incl/Makefile-common $(INSTALL_DIR)/incl/Makefile-common.in \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/*.applications $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/*.desktop $(INSTALL_DIR)/docs/aubit4gl.png \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/shtool $(INSTALL_DIR)/config.nice ${RM} $(addprefix $(INSTALL_DIR)/,${ALL_MAKEFILE}) ####################################### #delete installation tree (only if directories are now empty): deinstall.tree: -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/convertsql -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/import -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc -rm -rf $(INSTALL_DIR)/debian -rm -rf $(INSTALL_DIR)/DEBIAN -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/incl -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools/test/gui -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools/test -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools/4glpc/settings -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools/4glpc -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/tools -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/docs -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR)/plugins-${A4GL_VERSION_STRING} #Force delete any plugin directories possibly present from previous #versions that where not properly de-installed, but avoid current version -@x=`ls -d $(INSTALL_DIR)/plugins-* 2>/dev/null | grep -v ${A4GL_VERSION_STRING}`; \ for one in $$x; do \ echo "Forcing remove of previous version plug-in directory $$one";\ rm -rf "$$one";\ done; -rmdir $(INSTALL_DIR) ####################################### #Whay do we need LD_LIBRARY_PATH any more? For external libs out of path, like #Informix ESQL/C, ODBC, GTK... #Remove entries added to system configuration for libraries paths deinstall.ldconfig: ifneq "${LDCONFIG}" "no" @if test -w /etc/ld.so.conf.d ; then \ ${RM} /etc/ld.so.conf.d/aubit4gl.conf; \ fi #remove entry from library path config file: ifeq "${GREP_LD_SO_CONF}" "" @echo "$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib entry in ${LD_SO_CONF} does not exist." else sed -e "/${GREP_LD_SO_CONF_REMOVE}/s/${GREP_LD_SO_CONF_REMOVE}//" ${LD_SO_CONF} > /tmp/ld_so_conf.tmp mv /tmp/ld_so_conf.tmp ${LD_SO_CONF} @echo "Removed ${GREP_LD_SO_CONF} entry from ${LD_SO_CONF}." ldconfig @echo "Refreshed ldconfig cache." endif else @echo FIXME: remove stuff from .bashrc endif ###################################### #De-install all links deinstall.links: deinstall.bin.links deinstall.libs.links @echo "All links de-installed" ####################################### #remove links to libraries: deinstall.libs.links: #Remove the link from plain name to the one with version string: ${RM} $(INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT} # @echo "checking ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT}" @if test -L ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT}; then \ if test -w ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK} ; then \ ${RM} ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT}; \ echo "Removed libaubit4gl link in ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| WARNING : Unable to remove link ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT}"; \ echo "| - insufficienet user permisions"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi; \ else \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| NOTE : link ${LIB_INSTALL_LINK}/libaubit4gl${SO_EXT} not found"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi ####################################### #remove links to binaries: deinstall.bin.links: @if test -L ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit-config -o -L ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit \ -o -L ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/amake; then \ if test -w ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} ; then \ ${RM} ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit-config ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit \ ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/amake; \ echo "Removed aubit-config, amake and aubit links in ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| WARNING:Unable to remove the aubit-config and aubit links in the"; \ echo "| ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} directory - insufficienet user permisions"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| NOTE: links not found : "; \ echo "| ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit-config "; \ echo "| ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/aubit "; \ echo "| ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK}/amake "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi @if test -L ${HOME}/bin/aubit-config -o -L ${HOME}/bin/aubit \ -o -L ${HOME}/bin/amake; then \ if test -w ${HOME}/bin ; then \ ${RM} ${HOME}/bin/aubit-config ${HOME}/bin/aubit \ ${HOME}/bin/amake; \ echo "Removed aubit-config, amake and aubit links in ${HOME}/bin/aubit-config"; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| WARNING:Unable to remove the aubit-config and aubit links in the"; \ echo "| ${BIN_INSTALL_LINK} directory - insufficienet user permisions"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi; \ else \ echo " "; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ echo "| NOTE : links not found: "; \ echo "| ${HOME}/bin/aubit-config"; \ echo "| ${HOME}/bin/aubit "; \ echo "| ${HOME}/bin/amake"; \ echo "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \ fi ####################################### #stuff left over from automatic nightly builds (aubitbuild.sh): deinstall.build: ${RM} $(INSTALL_DIR)/*.htm $(INSTALL_DIR)/*.tmp $(INSTALL_DIR)/*.html ## ================================================================== ## other targets ## ================================================================== tt: (export DEBUG=ALL; cd tools/test; sh aubit 4glc test_build.4gl) (export DEBUG=ALL; cd tools/test; sh aubit 4glc -o test_build.4gl) ####################################### #test: tt test: ${MAKE} -C tools/test test.build ifeq "${COMSPEC}" "" @echo "in Makefile-install.mki: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = '${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}'" else @echo "in Makefile-install.mki: PATH = '${PATH}'" endif @echo "+------------------ Runing Aubit compiled program: ------------------+" A4GL_UI=CONSOLE; export A4GL_UI; DEBUG=ALL; export DEBUG; tools/test/test_build @echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+" ####################################### ldconfig: ifneq "${ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" "" ifneq "${LDCONFIG}" "no" @echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+" @echo "| Adding to ${LD_SO_CONF} (if possible) : |" @echo "| |" #the dollar sign at the end of apath: X=`grep $$apath$$ ${LD_SO_CONF}`;\ #means "at the end of the line", to catter for the cases when ently like #/opt/informix/lib/cli is already in ld.so.conf file, but we want to add #/opt/informix/lib, and grep thinks it's already in there #WARNING - THIS WILL NOT WORL IF THERE ARE SPACES IN PATHS - WHICH SHOULD #HOPEFULLY HAPPEN ONLY ON WINDOWS - WHERE THERE IS NO LD_LIBRARY_PATH #SO WE SHOULD NOT RUN THIS BLOCK ANYWAY #WE DO NOT RUN THIS IF LDCONFIG IS no - WHICH IT IS ON WINDOWS - BUT MAKE STILL #EVALUATES THIS CODE ANYWAY @\ ADDED=0;\ for apath in '${ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH_SPACE}' ; do \ X=`grep "$$apath$$" "${LD_SO_CONF}"`;\ if test "$$X" = ""; then \ ADDED=1;\ echo "Paths : $$apath" ; \ if echo "$$apath" >> ${LD_SO_CONF} ; \ then \ echo "| |" \ ldconfig \ echo "| Refreshed ldconfig cache. |" \ else \ echo "WARNING : Unable to add $$apath to ${LD_SO_CONF} (you're probably not root)"; \ fi; \ fi; \ done;\ if test "$$ADDED" = "0"; then \ echo "| Nothing added: All paths already present in ld.so.conf |";\ fi; # @echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ else #FIXME: and what if user is not using Bash, but some other shell? ifeq "$(shell if test -f ${HOME}/.bashrc ; then echo 1; fi)" "1" #WARNING - must quote because of Windows, but will it expand with single quotes? #SHOULD NOT RUN THIS ON WINDOWS ANYWAY - NO LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Windows #But it will get evaluated by Make anyway ifeq "$(shell grep '${ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}' ${HOME}/.bashrc)" "" @echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+" @echo "| Adding to ${HOME}/.bashrc : |" @echo ' ' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc @echo '#Added automatically by Aubit 4gl compiler confgure: ' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc @echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc @echo "| Added to your ${HOME}/.bashrc script LD_LIBRARY_PATH definition: |" @echo "${ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" @echo "| Please source this file, by typing: |" @echo "| . ${HOME}/.bashrc |" @echo "| BEFORE you attempt to compile Aubit source code, or run Aubit |" @echo "| programs. |" # @echo "" else @echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+" @echo "| ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH already present in ${HOME}/.bashrc |" endif else @echo "+--------------------------------------------------------------------+" @echo "| File ${HOME}/.bashrc does not exist. Please add library paths |" @echo "| manually. |" endif endif endif ###################################### #Copy our cron script to cron directory copy.aubitbuild: ifdef COMSPEC ${CP} ./etc/aubitbuild.cron.sh /etc/cron.d/ #Make it executable chmod a+x /etc/cron.d/* @echo "./etc/aubitbuild.cron.sh copied to /etc/cron.d/" else ${CP} ./etc/aubitbuild.cron.sh /etc/cron.daily/ @echo "./etc/aubitbuild.cron.sh copied to /etc/cron.daily/" chmod a+x /etc/cron.daily/ endif ##################################### #prepare the crontab file to install: prepare.crontab.file: OUT2 = ${HOME}/aubitbuild.cron prepare.crontab.file: @echo "" > ${OUT2} @echo "MAILTO=andrej@aptiva" >> ${OUT2} @echo "SHELL=${SH}" >> ${OUT2} ifdef COMSPEC #WATCH OUT FOR UNIX/Windows overwriting each others download page! #Start Windows job at 01:00:00 AM @echo "00 01 * * * /etc/cron.d/aubitbuild.cron.sh" >> ${OUT2} else #Start Linux job at 06:00:00 AM #Why am I making a copy of aubitbuild.cron.sh anyway? # @echo "00 06 * * * /etc/cron.d/aubitbuild.cron.sh" >> ${OUT2} @echo "00 06 * * * ${AUBITDIR}/etc/aubitbuild.cron.sh" >> ${OUT2} endif @echo "" >> ${OUT2} ###################################### #Put Aubit nihgtly cron script unser daily cron directory install.cron: OUT2 = ${HOME}/aubitbuild.cron install.cron: prepare.crontab.file ifdef COMSPEC #Copy our cron script to cron directory ${MAKE} copy.aubitbuild #Activate the crontab using prepared crontab script crontab ${OUT2} @echo "cron script /etc/cron.d/aubitbuild.cron.sh installed, using ${OUT2}" ${MAKE} show.cron #We dont want to deinstall as part of install - let user deinstall: # ${MAKE} deinstall.cron #Install cron as Windows service: # cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D -o -e"CYGWIN=tty ntsec" cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D -o #Start the service: cygrunsrv -S cron #Set correct permisions: chmod 1777 /var/cron chmod 1777 /var/cron/tabs chmod 640 /var/cron/tabs/* chgrp SYSTEM /var/cron/tabs/* ${MAKE} show.cron #CygWin diagnostic: # cygcheck -s -r -v @echo "You will need ssmtp.exe IN THE PATH to get mail from cron." @echo "Check your /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf for 'root' 'mailhub' and 'hostname' entries." @echo "Log goes to /var/log/cron.log" # root=postmaster # mailhub=aptiva # hostname=istation.falout.com else ######################## UNIX ######################### ifdef USE_DAILY_CRON #Just use daily cron job #What time does daily cron start? - WATCH OUT FOR UNIX/Windows overwriting each others download page! #looks like 04:02 AM? ${MAKE} copy.aubitbuild else #------------------------------- #Install out own crontab, so we can set the start time #Just in case we forgot it in cron daily scripts directory: ${RM} /etc/cron.daily/aubitbuild.cron.sh #Copy our cron script to cron directory # ${MAKE} copy.aubitbuild #Activate the crontab using prepared crontab script crontab ${OUT2} # @echo "cron script /etc/cron.d/aubitbuild.cron.sh installed, using ${OUT2}" @echo "cron script ${AUBITDIR}/etc/aubitbuild.cron.sh installed, using ${OUT2}" ${MAKE} show.cron @echo "Log goes to /var/log/cron.log" #------------------------------- ######################## end UNIX ######################### endif endif @echo "aubitbuild cron script installed." #################################### #Remove aubitbuild from cron deinstall.cron: ifdef COMSPEC ${RM} /etc/cron.d/aubitbuild.cron.sh #remove current crontab: crontab -r #Stop Windows service: -cygrunsrv -E cron #Remove Windows service: -cygrunsrv -R cron #Note - it appears that even after the service is "removed" it is just #"marked to be removed" and it actually takes a reboot for it to dissapear #from services list, so that a new one can be installed? else ${RM} /etc/cron.daily/aubitbuild.cron.sh endif @echo "aubitbuild cron script removed." ##################################### #Show status of crontab and Windows service show.cron: #show what crontab now has installed: crontab -l #Is cron running? ifdef COMSPEC ps -ef | grep cron #Query the crontab Windows service: -cygrunsrv.exe -Q cron else ps -ef | grep crond endif show.gcc.define: ${CC} -E -dM - ################################ #Do a silent install of Windows setup, so we can check if all files #we need get installed install.winsetup.silent: #/LOADINF="filename" # Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the '/SAVEINF=' command as explained below. # Don't forget to use quotes if the filename contains spaces. #/SAVEINF="filename" # Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file. # Don't forget to use quotes if the filename contains spaces. #/SILENT shows only progress indicator, /VERYSILENT not even that rm -rf d:\tmp\aubit4gl-silent ${AUBITDIR}/etc/Output/setup.exe /SP- /DIR="d:\tmp\aubit4gl-silent" /NOICONS \ /COMPONENTS="runtime,compiler,help,4GLexamples,Shell,Make" /VERYSILENT #Components NOT to install: #JABBER,GWD,SQLITE,SQLITEODBC,PDFLIB,PCRE,util,TUI ## ================================================================== ## Third-party products installation settings ## ================================================================== # echo "MSYS_ROOTDIR=$MSYS_ROOTDIR" # echo "MSYS_VERSION=$MSYS_VERSION" # echo "MINGW_ROOTDIR=$MINGW_ROOTDIR" # echo "MINGW_VERSION=$MINGW_VERSION" MSYS_SH =$(shell cygpath -a "${MSYS_ROOTDIR}")/bin/sh.exe -c MSYS_CONF =. /etc/profile ################## # 1: iODBC ODBC manager IODBC_INFO =http://www.iodbc.org IODBC_PATH =http://www.iodbc.org/downloads/iODBC #Archive contains Driver Manager Runtime (iODBC Shared Libraries & #Template ".odbc.ini" file) in a RPM (release 3.51.2) IODBC_RUNTIME_RPM =libiodbc-3.51.2-1.i386-rh9.rpm #Archive contains Driver Manager Development (iODBC Static Libraries & #Header files) in a RPM Package (release 3.51.2) IODBC_SDK_RPM =libiodbc-devel-3.51.2-1.i386-rh9.rpm #Archive contains graphical administrator and plugins in a RPM #package (release 3.51.2) IODBC_GUI_RPM =libiodbc-admin-3.51.2-1.i386-rh9.rpm #Source code: IODBC_SRC_NAME =libiodbc-3.52.4 IODBC_SRC_TAR_GZ =${IODBC_SRC_NAME}.tar.gz ################## # 2: PDF pdflib PDFLIB_INFO =http://www.pdflib.com #Unix source code: #http://www.pdflib.com/binaries/PDFlib/704/PDFlib-Lite-7.0.4p4.tar.gz #Unix source code: #PDFLIB_PATH =http://www.pdflib.com/binaries/PDFlib/703 #PDFLIB_PATH =http://www.pdflib.com/binaries/PDFlib/704 PDFLIB_PATH =http://www.pdflib.com/binaries/PDFlib/705 #PDFLIB_SRC =PDFlib-Lite-7.0.3 #PDFLIB_SRC =PDFlib-Lite-7.0.4p4 PDFLIB_SRC =PDFlib-Lite-7.0.5p3 PDFLIB_SRC_TGZ =${PDFLIB_SRC}.tar.gz #Linux binary: #NOTE: Binary packages of PDFlib will require commertial licensing, #otherwise they will print stuff on your pages! We are installing SRC #package by default - not binary PDFLIB_BIN_PATH =http://www.pdflib.com/products/pdflib/download/503 PDFLIB_BIN_TGZ =PDFlib-5.0.3-Linux.tar.gz #Windows (source): PDFLIB_WIN_PATH =${PDFLIB_PATH} PDFLIB_WIN_NAME =${PDFLIB_SRC} PDFLIB_WIN_ZIP =${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}.zip ################## # 3: XML-RPC XMLRPC_INFO =http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net XMLRPC_PATH =http://download.sourceforge.net/xmlrpc-c XMLRPC_RPM =xmlrpc-c-0.9.9-1.i386.rpm XMLRPC_DEV_RPM =xmlrpc-c-devel-0.9.9-1.i386.rpm # xmlrpc-c is needed by xmlrpc-c-devel-0.9.9-1 # libxmlrpc.so.3 is needed by xmlrpc-c-devel-0.9.9-1 # libxmlrpc_client.so.3 is needed by xmlrpc-c-devel-0.9.9-1 # libxmlrpc_xmlparse.so.3 is needed by xmlrpc-c-devel-0.9.9-1 # libxmlrpc_xmltok.so.3 is needed by xmlrpc-c-devel-0.9.9-1 #Looks like RH no longer has ftp of this - try Fedora maybe? LIBWWW_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "7.3" LIBWWW_RPM =w3c-libwww-5.3.2-5.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" LIBWWW_RPM =w3c-libwww-5.4.0-1.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${LIBWWW_RPM}" "" #default LIBWWW_PATH =ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/redhat/beta/taroon/en/as/i386/RedHat/RPMS LIBWWW_RPM =w3c-libwww-5.4.0-5.i386.rpm endif XMLRPC_SRC_PATH =http://download.sourceforge.net/xmlrpc-c XMLRPC_SRC_NAME =xmlrpc-c-0.9.9 XMLRPC_SRC_TAR_GZ =${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME}.tar.gz LIBWWW_INFO =http://www.w3c.org/Library/ LIBWWW_SRC_PATH =http://www.w3c.org/Library/Distribution LIBWWW_SRC_NAME =w3c-libwww-5.4.0 LIBWWW_SRC_ZIP =${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}.zip ################## # 4: eksemel library (JABBER IM protocol) IKSEMEL_INFO =http://iksemel.jabberstudio.org IKSEMEL_PATH =http://www.jabberstudio.org/files/iksemel IKSEMEL_SRC =iksemel-1.2 IKSEMEL_TGZ =${IKSEMEL_SRC}.tar.gz #IKSEMEL_SVN_CO =svn co svn://jabberstudio.org/iksemel/svn/trunk/iksemel IKSEMEL_SVN_CO =svn co http://svn.uludag.org.tr/projeler/iksemel/ ################## # 5: swig SWIG_INFO =http://www.swig.org SWIG_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "7.3" SWIG_RPM =swig-1.1p5-12.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" SWIG_RPM =swig-1.1p5-20.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${SWIG_RPM}" "" #default SWIG_RPM =swig-1.1p5-20.i386.rpm endif ################## # 6: doxygen dot tool, used for drawing dependency graphs - part of Graphviz package GRAPHVIZ_INFO =http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ GRAPHVIZ_PATH =http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz GRAPHVIZ_RPM =graphviz-1.8.10-4.i386.rpm GRAPHVIZ_WIN_PATH =http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/ARCHIVE GRAPHVIZ_WIN_EXE =graphviz-1.16.exe #Freetype2, jpeg, expat, libz, png support libs: GRAPHVIZ_WIN_EXTRA_LIBS =http://www.graphviz.org/Misc/third-party.zip ################## # 7: SAPODBC SAPODBC_INFO =http://www.sapdb.org SAPODBC_PATH =ftp://ftp.sap.com/pub/sapdb/bin/linux SAPODBC_RPM =sapdb-callif- ################## # 8: DoxyGen DOXYGEN_INFO =http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ DOXYGEN_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "7.3" DOXYGEN_RPM =doxygen-1.2.14-4.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" DOXYGEN_RPM =doxygen-1.2.14-8.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${DOXYGEN_RPM}" "" #default DOXYGEN_RPM =doxygen-1.2.14-8.i386.rpm endif ################## # 9: IFX ESQL/C and ODBC IFXESQLC_INFO =http://www.ibm.com/informix #CSDK includes ESQL/C compiler IFXESQLC_PATH =ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/data/informix/downloads IFXESQLC_BIN_ZIP =csdk280_uc21lin_ux.zip ifeq "${INFORMIXDIR}" "" INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix endif ################## # 10: PGODBC PGODBC_INFO =http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/psqlodbc PGODBC_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "7.3" PGODBC_RPM =postgresql-odbc-7.2.1-5.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" PGODBC_RPM =postgresql-odbc-7.2.2-1.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${PGODBC_RPM}" "" #default PGODBC_RPM =postgresql-odbc-7.2.2-1.i386.rpm endif #PGODBC_SRC_PATH =ftp://ftp.us.postgresql.org/odbc/versions/src PGODBC_SRC_PATH =http://mirror.poundhost.com/ftp.freebsd.org/distfiles/postgresql PGODBC_SRC_SRC =psqlodbc-7.2.5 PGODBC_SRC_TGZ =${PGODBC_SRC_SRC}.tar.gz ################## # 11: unixODBC DEV headers #We will often find unixODBC already installed, but without header files... UNIXODBCDEV_INFO =http://www.unixodbc.org UNIXODBCDEV_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "7.3" UNIXODBCDEV_RPM =unixODBC-devel-2.2.0-5.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" UNIXODBCDEV_RPM =unixODBC-devel-2.2.2-3.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${UNIXODBCDEV_RPM}" "" #default UNIXODBCDEV_RPM =unixODBC-devel-2.2.2-3.i386.rpm endif ################## # 12: unixODBC UNIXODBC_INFO =http://www.unixodbc.org UNIXODBC_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "7.3" UNIXODBC_RPM =unixODBC-2.2.0-5.i386.rpm UNIXODBC_GUI_RPM =unixODBC-kde-2.2.0-5.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" UNIXODBC_RPM =unixODBC-2.2.2-3.i386.rpm UNIXODBC_GUI_RPM =unixODBC-kde-2.2.2-3.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${UNIXODBC_RPM}" "" #default UNIXODBC_RPM =unixODBC-2.2.2-3.i386.rpm UNIXODBC_GUI_RPM =unixODBC-kde-2.2.2-3.i386.rpm endif ################## # 13: MPZ - gnu mp MPZ_INFO =http://swox.com/gmp MPZ_MANUAL =http://www.gnu.org/manual/gmp/html_mono/gmp.html #MPZ_PATH =ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu/gmp MPZ_PATH =ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp MPZ_SRC =gmp-4.1.4 MPZ_SRC_TGZ =${MPZ_SRC}.tar.gz ################## # 14: PG ESQL, also (USED TO) contain ODBC headers PGESQLC_INFO =http://www.postgresql.org PGESQLC_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "7.3" PGESQLC_RPM =postgresql-devel-7.2.1-5.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" PGESQLC_RPM =postgresql-devel-7.2.2-1.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${PGESQLC_RPM}" "" #default PGESQLC_RPM =postgresql-devel-7.2.2-1.i386.rpm endif ################## # 15: libcheck CHECK_INFO =http://check.sourceforge.net/ CHECK_PATH =http://download.sourceforge.net/check CHECK_RPM =check-0.8.3-1.i386.rpm #No specific windows version, try compiling from source code CHECK_SRC_PATH =http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/check CHECK_SRC_NAME =check-0.9.2 CHECK_SRC_TAR_GZ =${CHECK_SRC_NAME}.tar.gz ################## # 16: SAPDB ESQL/C, also needed by ODBC drivers SAPDBESQL_INFO =http://www.sapdb.org SAPDBESQL_PATH =ftp://ftp.sap.com/pub/sapdb/bin/linux SAPDBESQL_RPM =sapdb-precompiler- ################## # 17: Sun RPC - XDR and Sun RPC SUNRPC_INFO = ################## # 18: GTK+ - GUI #TODO-merge with item 21 ifdef COMSPEC #abandoned - GTK_INFO =http://www.dropline.net/gtk GTK_INFO =www.gimp.org/win32 or http://gladewin32.sourceforge.net/ else GTK_INFO =http://www.gtk.org/ endif ################## # 19: curses - TUI CURSES_INFO =http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/ncurses.html ################## # 20: SAP DB environment, neeed by ESQLC precompiler SAPDBENV_INFO =http://www.sapdb.org SAPDBENV_PATH =ftp://ftp.sap.com/pub/sapdb/bin/linux SAPDBENV_RPM =sapdb-ind- ################# # 21: GTK+ development packages - pkg-config info and headers GTK_DEV_INFO =http://www.gtk.org/ GTK_DEV_PATH =${RH_RPM_PATH} ifeq "${RH_RPM_VER}" "8.0" GTK_GTK_DEV_RPM =gtk2-devel-2.0.6-8.i386.rpm GTK_GDK_DEV_RPM =gdk-pixbuf-devel-0.18.0-4.i386.rpm GTK_GLIB_DEV_RPM =glib2-devel-2.0.6-2.i386.rpm GTK_PANGO_DEV_RPM =pango-devel-1.1.1-1.i386.rpm GTK_ATK_DEV_RPM =atk-devel-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm XFREE86_DEV_RPM =XFree86-devel-4.2.0-72.i386.rpm GNOME_LIBS_DEVEL =gnome-libs-devel- FREETYPE_DEV_RPM =freetype-devel-2.1.2-7.i386.rpm FONTCONFIG_DEV_RPM =fontconfig-devel-2.0-3.i386.rpm XFT_DEV_RPM =Xft-devel-2.0-1.i386.rpm GTKPLUS_DEV_RPM =gtk+-devel-1.2.10-22.i386.rpm ORBIT_DEV_RPM =ORBit-devel-0.5.13-5.i386.rpm IMLIB_DEV_RPM =imlib-devel-1.9.13-9.i386.rpm ESOUND_DEV_RPM =esound-devel-0.2.28-1.i386.rpm GLIB_DEV_RPM =glib-devel-1.2.10-8.i386.rpm LIBTIFF_DEV_RPM =libtiff-devel-3.5.7-7.i386.rpm LIBJPEG_DEV_RPM =libjpeg-devel-6b-21.i386.rpm LIBUNGIF_DEV_RPM =libungif-devel-4.1.0-13.i386.rpm AUDIOFILE_DEV_RPM =audiofile-devel-0.2.3-3.i386.rpm endif ifeq "${GTK_GTK_DEV_RPM}" "" #default GTK_GTK_DEV_RPM=notset endif ################# # 22: Yacc (Bison) #ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/bison-1.875.tar.gz ################# # 23: Lclint (Splint) C code checker: #See http://www.splint.org ################## # 24: Electric Fence #info: http://perens.com/FreeSoftware/ and http://freshmeat.net/projects/efence/?topic_id=47 #ftp://ftp.perens.com/pub/ElectricFence/ ################# # 26: SQLite SQLITE_INFO=http://www.sqlite.org/index.html SQLITE_PATH=http://www.sqlite.org #RPM containing documentation, header files, and static library: #SQLITE_RPM_LIB=sqlite-devel-2.8.5-1.i386.rpm #RPM containing shared libraries and the sqlite command-line program. #SQLITE_RPM_DEV=sqlite-2.8.5-1.i386.rpm SQLITE_WIN_PATH=http://www.sqlite.org SQLITE_WIN_LIB=sqlitedll-3_3_15.zip SQLITE_WIN_EXE=sqlite-3_3_15.zip SQLITE_SRC_NAME=sqlite-3.3.15 SQLITE_SRC_TAR_GZ=${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}.tar.gz #ODBC driver for SQLite: SQLITE_ODBC_INFO=http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc SQLITE_ODBC_PATH=http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc SQLITE_ODBC_SRC=sqliteodbc-0.70 SQLITE_ODBC_TGZ_SRC=${SQLITE_ODBC_SRC}.tar.gz SQLITE_ODBC_WIN=sqliteodbc-win32.zip ################# # 27: libspopc SPOPC_INFO=http://brouits.free.fr/libspopc/ SPOPC_PATH=http://brouits.free.fr/libspopc SPOPC_SRC=libspopc-0.5.7 SPOPC_TGZ_SRC=${SPOPC_SRC}.tgz ################## # 28: cint CINT_INFO=http://root.cern.ch/root/Cint.html #ifdef COMSPEC # #This is MSVC version and creates nmake makefile - no good # CINT_BIN_WIN=cintwin # CINT_PATH=ftp://root.cern.ch/root/ # CINT_TAR_GZ_BIN_WIN=${CINT_BIN_WIN}.tar.gz # #See: # #http://darbujan.fzu.cz/~cint/03/msg00425.html # #We have to get source code and compile it with patches available at: # # # #else #http://www-d0.fnal.gov/D0Code/source/CINT/platform/mingw #http://www-d0.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/CINT/ CINT_SRC=cint5.15 CINT_PATH=ftp://root.cern.ch/root/ CINT_TAR_GZ_SRC=${CINT_SRC}.tar.gz #endif ################## # 29: PDcurses - TUI PDCURSES_INFO =http://pdcurses.sourceforge.net/ PDCURSES_WIN_PATH =http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/pdcurses PDCURSES_WIN_ZIP =pdc25_vc_w32.zip PDCURSES_SRC =pdcurs26 PDCURSES_SRC_ZIP =${PDCURSES_SRC}.zip PDCURSES_SRC_UNIX =PDCurses-2.6 PDCURSES_SRC_TAR_GZ =${PDCURSES_SRC_UNIX}.tar.gz ifneq "${COMSPEC}" "" PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR =$(shell cygpath -u ${HOMEDRIVE})/${PDCURSES_SRC}-mingw endif ################## # 30: PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions PCRE_INFO =http://www.pcre.org/ PCRE_SRC_PATH =ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre PCRE_SRC =pcre-5.0 PCRE_SRC_GZ =${PCRE_SRC}.tar.gz #Windows installer (with all dependencies) #PCRE_WIN_PATH =http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/pcre-bin.php PCRE_WIN_PATH =http://unc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32 PCRE_WIN_INSTALLER =pcre-4.4-bin.exe ################## # 31: SXML SXML_INFO =http://freshmeat.net/projects/sxml SXML_SRC_PATH =http://freshmeat.net/redir/sxml/17892/url_tgz SXML_SRC =sxml SXML_SRC_GZ =${SXML_SRC}.tar.gz ################# # 32: Valgrind #Valgrind is Linux only - no Windows port - IS THERE AN EQUIVALENT ON WINDOWS? VALGRING_INFO =http://valgrind.kde.org ################## # 33: PostgreSQL with Informix compatibility patches PGIFX_INFO =http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pginformix/projdisplay.php #PGIFX_SRC_PATH =http://informix.fastcrypt.com PGIFX_SRC_PATH =http://aubit.com/aubit4gl/postgres #PGIFX_SRC =postgresql081704 PGIFX_SRC =postgresql020705 PGIFX_SRC_GZ =${PGIFX_SRC}.tar.gz PGIFX_INSTPATH =/opt/pg-ifx/${PGIFX_SRC} PGIFX_CTL =${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/pg-ifx-ctl-${PGIFX_SRC} ################## # 34: LibVNCserver: install.libvncserver: #CVS modules: libvncserver rdp2vnc vncterm # cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/libvncserver login ${MKPATH} /tmp/libvncserver cd /tmp/libvncserver; cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/libvncserver co libvncserver ################### # 35: ORBit CORBA ORBIT_INFO =http://www.gnome.org/projects/ORBit2 ORBIT_SRC_PATH =ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/ORBit2/2.12/ ORBIT_SRC =ORBit2-2.12.0 ORBIT_SRC_TAR_GZ =${ORBIT_SRC}.tar.gz ORBIT_WIN_PATH =http://hei.unige.ch/~strba5 ORBIT_WIN_BIN_NAME =ORBit2-2.12.0 ORBIT_WIN_BIN_ZIP =${ORBIT_WIN_BIN_NAME}.zip ORBIT_IDL_WIN_BIN_NAME =libIDL-0.8.4 ORBIT_IDL_WIN_BIN_ZIP =${ORBIT_IDL_WIN_BIN_NAME}.zip ################### # 36: C and C++ Code Counter (CCCC) - source code metrics CCCC_INFO =http://cccc.sourceforge.net/ CCCC_PATH =http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/cccc CCCC_SRC_NAME =cccc-3.pre84 CCCC_SRC_TAR_GZ =${CCCC_SRC_NAME}.tar.gz ################### # 37: SMTP library (send mail) SMTP_INFO =http://libsmtp.berlios.de/ SMTP_PATH =http://download.berlios.de/libsmtp SMTP_SRC_NAME =libsmtp-0.8.5 SMTP_SRC_TAR_BZ2=${SMTP_SRC_NAME}.tar.bz2 ################### # 38: Ingres #INGRES_INFO =http://opensource.ca.com/projects/ingres INGRES_INFO =http://opensource.ingres.com/projects/ingres #INGRES_PATH =http://opensource.ca.com/projects/ingres/files/ab.int.lnx.ga/ingres- INGRES_PATH =http://downloads.ingres.com/download INGRES_BIN_NAME =ingres2006-9.0.4-104-NPTL-gpl-pc-linux-i386 INGRES_BIN_TGZ =${INGRES_BIN_NAME}.tgz ################### # 39: SF-upload SFDL_INFO=http://sf-upload.sourceforge.net/ SFDL_PATH=http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/sf-upload SFDL_NAME=sf-upload-2.02 SFDL_TAR_GZ=${SFDL_NAME}.tar.gz ################### # 40: MySQL embedded server #No separate source code and ONLY RPM binary packages #The embedded MySQL server library is NOT part of MySQL 5.0. It is part of #previous editions and will be included in future versions, starting with MySQL 5.1. #Suse 10.1 has prokyon3-mysql-embedded - MySQL-embedded server static #This packages contains libmysqld.a Version 4.0.26 and the language files for the mysql error messages MSQL_EMB_INFO=http://www.mysql.com/products/embedded/ \ http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/libmysqld.html ifdef MYSQL_5 MSQL_EMB_PATH=ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1 #Shared (3750kb) contains only one file (/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqld.a): MSQL_EMB_NAME=MySQL-embedded-5.1.11-0.glibc23.i386 #Static (29636KB): #MSQL_EMB_NAME=MySQL-embedded-5.1.9-0.i386 else #Only RPMs available there MSQL_EMB_PATH=ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-4.1 MSQL_EMB_NAME=MySQL-embedded-4.1.21-0.glibc23.i386 #MSQL_EMB_NAME=MySQL-embedded-4.1.21-0.i386 endif MSQL_EMB_RPM=${MSQL_EMB_NAME}.rpm #We need headers for 4.1, message files (29 MB!!!) #MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME=mysql-standard-4.1.21-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23 #mysql-standard-4.1.21-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz #Same, but with debug symbols: (31mb) #no libmysqld MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME=mysql-debug-4.1.21-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23 #no libmysqld MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME=mysql-debug-4.1.21-pc-linux-gnu-i686-icc-glibc23 #no libmysqld MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME=mysql-debug-4.1.21-pc-linux-gnu-i686 #no libmysqld MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME=mysql-debug-4.1.20-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23 #no libmysqld MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME=mysql-debug-4.1.20-pc-linux-gnu-i686-icc-glibc23 #no libmysqld MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME=mysql-debug-4.1.20-pc-linux-gnu-i686 MSQL_EMB_STD_TARBALL=${MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME}.tar.gz MYSQL_SRC_NAME=mysql-4.1.21 MYSQL_SRC_TARBALL=${MYSQL_SRC_NAME}.tar.gz ################### # 41: AutoPackage tools AP_INFO=http://autopackage.org AP_PATH=http://ftp.sunsite.dk/projects/autopackage/1.2 AP_PACKAGE_NAME=Autopackage%20Development%20Environment%201.2 AP_PACKAGE=${AP_PACKAGE_NAME}.package ## ================================================================== ## Third-party products installation ## ================================================================== #NOTE: settings are in Makefiele-common.in install.optional: missing.optional install.missing: missing.optional missing.optional: ${INSTALL_MISSING_OPTIONAL} @echo " " @echo "All missing optional components installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " show.missing: @echo "List of missing optional components not detected by Autoconf:" @echo "" @echo "${INSTALL_MISSING_OPTIONAL}" @echo "" @echo "Use 'make install.missing' to install them all, or invoke individual targets." @echo "" ######################## # 1: Install iODBC ODBC manager ifeq "${IODBC_USE_RPM}" "1" install.iodbc: ${IODBC_RUNTIME_RPM} ${IODBC_SDK_RPM} ${IODBC_GUI_RPM} #Conflicts with unixODBC: -cp /etc/odbc.ini /etc/odbc.ini.${TIME}.bak -cp /etc/odbcinst.ini /etc/odbcinst.ini.${TIME}.bak #with unixODBC-devel -cp /usr/include/sql.h /usr/include/sql.h.${TIME}.bak -cp /usr/include/sqlext.h /usr/include/sqlext.h.${TIME}.bak -cp /usr/include/sqltypes.h /usr/include/sqltypes.h.${TIME}.bak ${RPM} -i --replacefiles $^ @echo " " @echo "Created backup copies of following files, if they existed:" @echo " /etc/odbc.ini /etc/odbcinst.ini /usr/include/sql.h" @echo " /usr/include/sqlext.h /usr/include/sqltypes.h" @echo "by adding extension .bak to them." @echo "Please review, and edit if appropriate." else install.iodbc: ${IODBC_SRC_TAR_GZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ #--disable-libodbc is needed to prevent libodbc.so installation, and potential #conflict with unixODBC library with same name (*diots!) cd /tmp/${IODBC_SRC_NAME}; ./configure --prefix=/opt/iodbc --disable-libodbc cd /tmp/${IODBC_SRC_NAME}; make #Create backups: cp /etc/odbc.ini ${HOME}/odbc.ini.${TIME}.bak cp /etc/odbcinst.ini ${HOME}/odbcinst.ini.${TIME}.bak #Must install as root as it installs files under /etc (and it has to) su -c "cd /tmp/${IODBC_SRC_NAME}; make install" endif @echo "Package info & manuals: ${IODBC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "iODBC ODBC manager installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ######################## # 2: Install PDFlib: ifdef COMSPEC #Windows: install.pdflib: ${PDFLIB_WIN_ZIP} ifeq "${PDF_WIN_TYPE}" "bin" ${UNZIP} $^ -d ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp #Copy and rename only dll/h/lib files (must add lib prefix for Autoconf to find them) ${MKPATH} /usr/local/lib/ ${MKPATH} /usr/local/include cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}/pdflib/pdflib.dll /usr/local/lib/libpdf.dll cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}/pdflib/pdflib.lib /usr/local/lib/libpdf.lib cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}/pdflib/pdflib.h /usr/local/include else #Build it from source code - this failed under CygWin shell using MinGW GCC #so it has to be compiled using MSYS #TODO - can I invoke MYSYS shell directly form here? something like: #${MSYS_SH} "{$MSYS_CONF}; cd /f/cygwin/tmp/PDFlib-Lite-6.0.1; make install" ifeq "${WINCOMP_PFD}" "cygwin" ${UNZIP} $^ -d /tmp cd /tmp/${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}; ./configure; make; make install else #Use Msys to compile source code: xxxxxx # ${UNZIP} $^ -d ${TEMP} # ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME}; ./configure" # ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd $(shell cygpath -m "${TEMP}/${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}"); ./configure" # ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd $(shell cygpath -m "${TEMP}/${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}"); make" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd $(shell cygpath -m "${TEMP}/${PDFLIB_WIN_NAME}"); make install" endif endif else #UNIX: install.pdflib: ${PDFLIB_SRC_TGZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${PDFLIB_SRC}; ./configure; make; make install endif @echo "Package info & manuals: ${PDFLIB_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "PDFlib compiled and installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " # - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable # during linking # - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag tttmp: ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME}; ./configure --disable-abyss-server --disable-cgi-server --disable-cplusplus" 1xxyy: #Then, libxmlrpc: rm -rf ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME} cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/${XMLRPC_SRC_TAR_GZ} #Have to copy this file manually, since install choked on MSYS path mangling: cp /cygdrive/d/tmp/w3c-libwww-5.4.0/libwww-config /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/bin/ chmod a+x /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/bin/libwww-config xxyy: ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME}; ./configure --disable-libwww-client --disable-abyss-server --disable-cgi-server --disable-cplusplus" #Disabled all I can, but seems this is abyss error: # --enable-fast-install --disable-libtool-lock #gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -g -O2 -D_UNIX -D_FORK -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/w3c-libwww -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c conf.c -o conf.o #conf.c:44:17: pwd.h: No such file or directory #In file included from conf.c:47: #abyss.h:221:21: pthread.h: No such file or directory ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME}; make clean" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME}; make" #Install chokes on: #make[2]: Entering directory `/d/tmp/xmlrpc-c-0.9.9/examples' #/bin/sh ../mkinstalldirs /usr/local/bin #mkdir /usr/local/bin #mkdir: `/usr/local/bin' exists but is not a directory -${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${XMLRPC_SRC_NAME}; make install" #Have to copy this file manually, since install choked on MSYS path mangling: cp /cygdrive/d/tmp/xmlrpc-c-0.9.9/xmlrpc-c-config /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/bin/ cp /cygdrive/d/tmp/xmlrpc-c-0.9.9/src/xmlrpc_client.h /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/local/include/ @echo "use configure --with-xmlrpc=/cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/local" @echo "Or: configure --with-xmlrpc=${MSYS_ROOTDIR}/local/lib/libwwwhtml.a" @echo "For Autoconf to detect XML-RCP " ###################### # 3: install XML-RPC and libWWW ifdef COMSPEC install.xmlrpc: ${LIBWWW_SRC_ZIP} ${XMLRPC_SRC_TAR_GZ} #First, libwww: rm -rf ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME} ${UNZIP} ${LIBWWW_SRC_ZIP} -d ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp # cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}; ./configure; make; make install ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}; ./configure" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}; make clean" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}; make" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}; make install" #Breaks at: #/bin/sh ../../config/mkinstalldirs /usr/local/bin #mkdir /usr/local/bin #mkdir: `/usr/local/bin' exists but is not a directory #installs to /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include/w3c-libwww/ #Which is from CygWin shell: /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/local/lib/libwwwhtml.a #Or: ${MSYS_ROOTDIR}/local/lib/libwwwhtml.a cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}/wwwconf.h ${MSYS_ROOTDIR}/local/include/ cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}/src/.libs/libxmlrpc_client.a ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBWWW_SRC_NAME}/src/.libs/libxmlrpc_client.la ${MSYS_ROOTDIR}/local/lib else install.xmlrpc: ${XMLRPC_RPM} ${LIBWWW_RPM} ${XMLRPC_DEV_RPM} ${RPM} -Uvh $^ @echo " **************** WARNING ! ********************" @echo " In some packages of libwwwxml, there is no link between " @echo " libwwwxml.so.0.1.0 and libwwwxml.so - if Aubit configure script fails to " @echo " detect XML_RPC libraries, check this, and if needed creat it manually:" -ln -s /usr/lib/libmd5.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libmd5.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libxmltok.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libxmltok.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libxmlparse.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libxmlparse.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwxml.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwxml.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwinit.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwinit.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwapp.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwapp.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwhtml.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwhtml.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwtelnet.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwtelnet.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwnews.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwnews.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwhttp.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwhttp.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwmime.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwmime.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwgopher.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwgopher.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwftp.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwftp.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwfile.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwfile.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwcache.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwcache.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwstream.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwstream.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwmux.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwmux.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwtrans.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwtrans.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwcore.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwcore.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwutils.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwutils.so -ln -s /usr/lib/libwwwzip.so.0.1.0 /usr/lib/libwwwzip.so endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${XMLRPC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "libWWW and XML-RPC installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 4: Install IksEmEl Jabber lib: ifdef COMSPEC install.iksemel: ${IKSEMEL_TGZ} cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/${IKSEMEL_TGZ} ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${IKSEMEL_SRC}; ./configure" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${IKSEMEL_SRC}; make" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${IKSEMEL_SRC}; make install" else ifdef IKSEMEL_USE_SRC install.iksemel: ${IKSEMEL_TGZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ # cd /tmp/${IKSEMEL_SRC}; ${SH} autogen.sh; ./configure; make; make install cd /tmp/${IKSEMEL_SRC}; ./configure cd /tmp/${IKSEMEL_SRC}; make cd /tmp/${IKSEMEL_SRC}; make install else install.iksemel: #NOTE: needs libgnutls-dev, texinfo and automake to compile! cd /tmp; ${IKSEMEL_SVN_CO} cd /tmp/iksemel; ./autogen.sh cd /tmp/iksemel; ./configure cd /tmp/iksemel; make su -c "cd /tmp/iksemel; make install" endif endif @echo "Package info & manuals: ${IKSEMEL_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "IksEmEl compiled and installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ##################### # 5: Install SWIG library wraper: install.swig: ${SWIG_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SWIG_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SWIG installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 6: install GRAPHVIZ that contains Dot tool ifdef COMSPEC install.dot: ${GRAPHVIZ_WIN_EXE} @echo "Execute ${GRAPHVIZ_WIN_EXE} to install" else install.dot: ${GRAPHVIZ_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ endif @echo "Package info & manuals: ${GRAPHVIZ_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "Graphviz and Dot tool installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 7: Install SAP DB ODBC driver install.sapdb.odbc: install.sapdb.odbc.first install.sapdb.env install.sapdb.odbc.first: ${SAPODBC_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SAPODBC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SAP DB ODBC installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ##################### # 8: Install DoxyGen documentation tool install.doxygen: ${DOXYGEN_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${DOXYGEN_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "DOXYGEN installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 9: Install Informix ESQL/C compiler and ODBC libraries install.ifx.esql: @echo "IBM/Informix no longer provide the ClientSDK from an FTP site we can" @echo "easily use" @echo "Please go to www.ibm.com and search for it..." @echo "(sorry)" @#${IFXESQLC_BIN_ZIP} @#mkdir -p /tmp/ifxcsdk @#${UNZIP} $^ -d /tmp/ifxcsdk @#mkdir -p ${INFORMIXDIR} @#this will automatically create group 'informix': @#-useradd informix @#export INFORMIXDIR=${INFORMIXDIR}; rpm -i --relocate /opt/informix=${INFORMIXDIR} csdk.rpm #ERROR: INFORMIXDIR does not match the target directory name provided in #the rpm command. If you are not installing this product in the #default INFORMIXDIR name for Linux (/opt/informix), you MUST provide #your INFORMIXDIR directory name with the --prefix (RPM 2.X syntax) #or --relocate (RPM 3.X syntax) parameter in your rpm -i command line. @#@echo "Package info & manuals: ${IFXESQLC_INFO}" @#@echo " " @#@echo "Informix CSDK (contains ESQL/C and ODBC) installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @#@echo " " ###################### # 10: Install PostgreSQL ODBC libraries: install.pg.odbc: install.pg.src install.pg.odbc.first install.pg.odbc.first: ${PGODBC_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${PGODBC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "PostreSQL ODBC libraries installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " #we need the source code to extract iodbc.h and other headers, missing in other PG distributions: install.pg.src: ${PGODBC_SRC_TGZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ # cd /tmp/${PGODBC_SRC_SRC}; ${SH} autogen.sh; ./configure; make; make install mkdir -p /usr/include/pgsql/iodbc cp /tmp/${PGODBC_SRC_SRC}/iodbc.h /tmp/${PGODBC_SRC_SRC}/isql.h /tmp/${PGODBC_SRC_SRC}/isqlext.h /usr/include/pgsql/iodbc @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${PGODBC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "PostgreSQL ODBC source code extracted, header files installed." @echo "Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 11: install unixODBC development package, including header files install.unixodbcdev: ${UNIXODBCDEV_RPM} #Conflicts with iODBC: -cp /usr/include/sql.h /usr/include/sql.h.${TIME}.bak -cp /usr/include/sqlext.h /usr/include/sqlext.h.${TIME}.bak -cp /usr/include/sqltypes.h /usr/include/sqltypes.h.${TIME}.bak ${RPM} -i --replacefiles $^ @echo " " @echo "Created backup copies of following files, if they existed:" @echo " /usr/include/sql.h" @echo " /usr/include/sqlext.h /usr/include/sqltypes.h" @echo "by adding extension .bak to them." @echo "Please review, and edit if appropriate." @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${UNIXODBCDEV_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "unixODBC DEV package installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 12: Install unixODBC libraries, development and GUI manager packages install.unixodbc: install.unixodbc.first install.unixodbcdev install.unixodbc.first: ${UNIXODBC_RPM} ${UNIXODBCDEV_GUI_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${UNIXODBC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "unixODBC installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 13: Install MPZ GNU Multiple precision library: install.mpz: ${MPZ_SRC_TGZ} ifdef COMSPEC cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/${MPZ_SRC_TGZ} ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${MPZ_SRC}; ./configure" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${MPZ_SRC}; make" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${MPZ_SRC}; make install" else cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${MPZ_SRC}; ./configure; make; make install endif @echo "Package info & manuals: ${MPZ_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "MPZ library compiled and installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ###################### # 14: Install PostgreSQL ESQL/C pre-compiler: #install.pg.esql: ${PGESQLC_RPM} # ${RPM} -i $^ #install.pg.esql: get.pg.esql.cvs install.pg.esql: get.pg.esql.cvs #PostgreSQL needs Bison version 1.875 or later. # export YACC=/opt/bison-1.875-inst/bin/bison; cd /usr/src/pgsql-server; ./configure --prefix=/opt/ecpg-cvs export YACC=${YACC}; cd /usr/src/pgsql-server; ./configure --prefix=/opt/ecpg-cvs -cd /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg; make #First make will fail with: #mv -f y.tab.c ./preproc.c #mv: cannot stat `y.tab.c': No such file or directory cp /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/preproc.tab.c /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/y.tab.c cp /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/preproc.tab.h /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/y.tab.h #one more time... cd /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg; make #do the installation as per --prefix cd /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg; make install #See if it runs: # /usr/src/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg --version /opt/ecpg-cvs/bin/ecpg --version @echo "Package info & manuals: ${PGESQLC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "PostreSQL ESQL/C compiler installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " #Get PG ecpg from CVS: get.pg.esql.cvs: @echo "NOTE: enter 'xxx' when prompted for password:" cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot login; cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/interfaces/ecpg cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/Makefile.global.in cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/configure.in cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/configure cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/config cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/template/linux cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/GNUmakefile.in cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/include/pg_config.h.in cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/backend/port/tas/dummy.s cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/backend/port/dynloader/linux.c cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/backend/port/sysv_sema.c cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/backend/port/sysv_shmem.c cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/backend/port/dynloader/linux.h cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/include/port/linux.h cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/makefiles/Makefile.linux cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/Makefile.shlib cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/include cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/interfaces/libpq cd /usr/src; unset CVSROOT; unset CVS_RSH; cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot co -P pgsql-server/src/port #Apply Informix compatibility patch #info=http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pginformix/projdisplay.php #file=ftp://gborg.postgresql.org/pub/pginformix/stable/informix.patch.tar.gz #or #ftp://gborg.postgresql.org/pub/pginformix/stable/informix.patch.gz #this patch was made against a REL7_4 tag of cvs, untar this into the source directory #of postgres and run cat informix.diff | patch -p0 -c and then configure and build as normal ##################### # 15: Install Check unit testing libraries install.libcheck: ${CHECK_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${CHECK_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "Check libraries installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " #################### # 16: Install SADB ESQL/C: install.sapdb.esql: ${SAPDBESQL_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SAPDBESQL_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SAP DB ESQL/C pre-compiler installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " # 17: install.sunrpc: @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SUNRPC_INFO}" @echo "FIXME: TO-DO" # 18: GTK+ libraries install.gtk: install.gtk.first install.gtk.dev install.gtk.first: @echo "Package info & manuals: ${GTK_INFO}" @echo "FIXME: TO-DO" # 19: install.curses: @echo "Package info & manuals: ${CURSES_INFO}" @echo "FIXME: TO-DO" # 20: SAP DB Environment, needed by ODBC driver install.sapdb.env: ${SAPDBENV_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SAPDBENV_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SAP DB Environment installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ######################### # 21: GTK+ dev packages: install.gtk.dev: ${GTK_GTK_DEV_RPM} ${GTK_GDK_DEV_RPM} ${GTK_GLIB_DEV_RPM} \ ${GTK_PANGO_DEV_RPM} ${GTK_ATK_DEV_RPM} ${XFREE86_DEV_RPM} ${GNOME_LIBS_DEVEL} \ ${FREETYPE_DEV_RPM} ${FONTCONFIG_DEV_RPM} ${XFT_DEV_RPM} ${GTKPLUS_DEV_RPM} \ ${ORBIT_DEV_RPM} ${IMLIB_DEV_RPM} ${ESOUND_DEV_RPM} ${GLIB_DEV_RPM} \ ${LIBTIFF_DEV_RPM} ${LIBJPEG_DEV_RPM} ${LIBUNGIF_DEV_RPM} ${AUDIOFILE_DEV_RPM} ${RPM} -i $^ @echo "Package info & manuals: ${GTK_DEV_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "GTK+ development packages installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ######################### # 22: DBIx::Informix::Perform has been added to the CPAN module taxonomy and the #file DBIx-Informix-Perform-0.01.tar.gz will be available therein on or about 2 Apr. 2003. # #Tim Bunce has convinced the other interested person(s) in the CPAN Module #Namespace group that the proper name is DBIx::Perform. The original downloads #file is restored (was just hidden anyway) and the change to DBIx::Informix::Perform #will become a branch on the CVS tree, which can be merged to the trunk if we ever need it ################# # 26: SQLite ifdef COMSPEC ifdef SQLITE_BIN ################################## #Install Windows binaries install.sqlite: ${SQLITE_WIN_LIB} ${SQLITE_WIN_EXE} ${UNZIP} ${SQLITE_WIN_LIB} -d ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp ${UNZIP} ${SQLITE_WIN_EXE} -d ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/WINNT #We need this two so sqlite.exe can work: cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/sqlite.def ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/WINNT/sqlite.def cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/sqlite.dll ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/WINNT/sqlite.dll #We need this two so we can link Aubit. Note that we added 'lib' prefix cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/sqlite.def /usr/lib/libsqlite.def cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/sqlite.dll /usr/lib/libsqlite.dll else ################################### #Compile from source code (Windows) install.sqlite: ${SQLITE_SRC_TAR_GZ} #warning: path in tarball is just 'sqlite' ! ${MKPATH} ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME} cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/$^ ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; ./configure" @echo "Unpacked and configure SQLite source in /tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; make" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; make dll" @echo "Compiled SQLite source in /tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; make install" #make install will NOT install dll - and we have to also add 'lib' prefix ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; cp ./sqlite3.dll /usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.dll" @echo "Installed SQLite to /usr/local" endif else ifdef SQLITE_BIN install.sqlite: ${SQLITE_RPM_LIB} ${SQLITE_RPM_DEV} ${RPM} -i $^ else install.sqlite: ${SQLITE_SRC_TAR_GZ} #warning: path in tarball is just 'sqlite' ! # Negative. tarball from sqlite.org includes version number cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}; ./configure cd /tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}; make cd /tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}; make install endif endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SQLITE_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SQLite installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ########################## #SQLite ODBC driver: ifdef COMSPEC ifdef SQLITEODBC_BIN ############################################ #Install SQLite precompiled Windows binaries install.sqlite.odbc: ${SQLITE_ODBC_WIN} ${UNZIP} ${SQLITE_ODBC_WIN} -d ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/sqliteodbc cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/sqliteodbc; inst.exe #There is no .a/.def file there, so we can't link with this anyway... # cp ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/sqliteodbc/sqliteodbc.dll /lib/libsqliteodbc.dll else ############################################ #Compile from source code (Windows) install.sqlite.odbc: ${SQLITE_ODBC_TGZ_SRC} # ${MKPATH} ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME} # cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_ODBC_SRC}; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/$^ cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/$^ @echo "SQLite ODBC configure demands both 2.x and 3.x version to be installed" @echo " to make V3 - also wants standard odbc headers in UNIX locations" @echo " You will need to edit configure.in yourself" # ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; ./configure" # @echo "Unpacked and configure SQLite source in /tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite" # ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; make" # ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; make dll" # @echo "Compiled SQLite source in /tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite" # ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${SQLITE_SRC_NAME}/sqlite; make install" # @echo "Installed SQLite ODBC to /usr/local" endif else #UNIX-Compile from source code install.sqlite.odbc: ${SQLITE_ODBC_TGZ_SRC} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${SQLITE_ODBC_SRC}; ./configure; make; su -c "cd /tmp/${SQLITE_ODBC_SRC}; make install" endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SQLITE_ODBC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SQLite ODBC driver installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ################## # 27: libspopc install.libspopc: ${SPOPC_TGZ_SRC} ifdef COMSPEC cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/$^ #examples/poptest1.c:13:24: sys/socket.h: No such file or directory #examples/poptest1.c:14:19: netdb.h: No such file or directory #examples/poptest1.c:15:24: netinet/in.h: No such file or directory #if you are under windows, add: -lwsock32 and compile with -DWIN32 #if you want libspopc fully reentrant, compile with -D_REENTRANT #make install will do: # cp libspopc-$(VERSION).a /usr/lib # ln -s /usr/lib/libspopc-$(VERSION).a /usr/lib/libspopc.a # cp libspopc.h /usr/include/ #Since native Windows executables do not understand CygWin symlinks, we #need to make phisical copy of the library: cp /lib/libspopc.a /lib/libspopc-tmp.a rm /lib/libspopc.a cp /lib/libspopc-tmp.a /lib/libspopc.a cd /tmp/${SPOPC_SRC}; make install else cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ #No .configure cd /tmp/${SPOPC_SRC}; make; make install endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SPOPC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "POP library installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ################### # 28: Cint ####################### #WARNING - Cint needs -ltermcap and -lbsd ####################### install.cint: ${CINT_TAR_GZ_SRC} ifdef COMSPEC #------------------------------------------------ #WARNING: if you get something like : #d:/cint/src/G__ci.a(CallFunc.o)(.text+0x5f6):CallFunc.cxx: undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume' #Then you have missmatch between GCC use to make cint and the one used to make #Aubit cint support #------------------------------------------------ #NOTE: must NOT be installed under cygwin tree, because makecint is Windows native # executable and knows nothing about CygWin path mapping (cygdrive) #NOTE: Can't be compiled from CygWin because of path mangling (cygdrive) # So will need MinGW MSYS to compile it since .bat files provided work only # for MSVC and shell scripts need, well... shell! #NOTE: If cint hangs on vecbool.h, just interuppt it - install will still work ${MKPATH} /cygdrive/d/${CINT_SRC}-src cd /cygdrive/d/${CINT_SRC}-src; tar -xvzf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/$^ @echo "Unpacked to /cygdrive/d/${CINT_SRC}-src" #Not sure about this comments, should work automatically: #remove comments if it does. @echo "Open MSYS shell and execute following commands:" @echo "cd D:\${CINT_SRC}-src" @echo "Edit platform/mingw, add -D_MAX_PATH=512 to SYSMACRO and OTHMACRO lines" @echo "Add -L/d/MinGW/lib to LDOPT in same file" @echo "copy gcc to cc in MinGW/bin" @echo "MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING MINGW GCC - AND NOT CYGWIN!!!!" @echo "Then, execute:" @echo "bash ./setup platform/mingw" @echo "bash ./INSTALLBIN --bindir=/cygdrive/d/cint --libdir=/cygdrive/d/cint #CygWin version (did not work): # cd /cygdrive/d/${CINT_SRC}-src; ${SH} ./setup platform/mingw # cd /cygdrive/d/${CINT_SRC}-src; ${SH} ./INSTALLBIN --bindir=/cygdrive/d/cint --libdir=/cygdrive/d/cint #MSYS version: # cd /d/cint5.15/; sh ./setup platform/mingw # cd /d/cint5.15/; sh ./INSTALLBIN --bindir=/d/cint --libdir=/d/cint else ${MKPATH} /tmp/${CINT_SRC} cd /tmp/${CINT_SRC}; tar -xvzf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ #NOTE: platforms gcc_max, linux2.0_ansi, gcc_min, linux2.0, linux_RH7.3_so #and linux_RH7.3_gcc3 fail on SuSE 9. Cannot use linux2.0_so_only_C becuse #generated makefile for Aubit NEEDS C++ too. #linux_RH7.3_gcc3 works on SuSE (after installing -ltermcap and linking #libbsd-compat.a to libbsd.a) cd /tmp/${CINT_SRC}; ${SH} ./setup platform/linux_RH7.3_gcc3 #With GCC 2.96 (on Aptiva) use: # cd /tmp/${CINT_SRC}; ${SH} ./setup platform/linux_RH7.3 #NOTE: bin and lib MUST be installed in same directory, since many scripts refer #to $CINTSYSDIR and expect both executables AND libraries there. #But Cint installation script will put cint and makecint executables into #--bindir and EVERYTHING ELSE under --libdir, under lib and include sub-dirs. cd /tmp/${CINT_SRC}; ${SH} ./INSTALLBIN --bindir=/usr/local/cint --libdir=/usr/local/cint endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${CINT_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "CINT installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo "WARNING: you MUST use './configure --with-cint=/usr/local/cint'" @echo " " ################## # 29: PDcurses ifdef COMSPEC install.pdcurses: ${PDCURSES_SRC_ZIP} ${PDCURSES_WIN_ZIP} # rm -rf ${PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR} #First, install MSVC pre-compiled binaries, containing the .dll that we #dont get when compiling from source code using MinGW GCC" ${UNZIP} ${PDCURSES_WIN_ZIP} -d ${PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR} #Now, compile it from source code so we get static libs too: -mkdir /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC} cd /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}; ${UNZIP} ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/${PDCURSES_SRC_ZIP} -d /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC} cd /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}/win32; ${MAKE} -f mingwin32.mak \ PDCURSES_HOME=`cygpath -w /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}` CC_HOME=${GCC_HOME_WINPATH} #There is no install target there, have to install it manually: -mkdir ${PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR} ${CP} /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}/win32/panel.a \ /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}/win32/pdcurses.a ${PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR} ${CP} /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}/curses.h /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}/curspriv.h \ /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}/panel.h ${PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR} #Demos: #newdemo.exe testcurs.exe firework.exe tuidemo.exe xmas.exe #Other files of possible interest: #pdcurses.ico pdcurses.rc w95-bcc.rsp wccwin32.lrf bccwin32.lrf #curses.def curses_lcc.def @echo "Installed PDcurses in ${PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR}" @echo "use --with-pdcurses=${PDCURSES_WIN_INSTALLDIR}" @echo "flag to ./configure for Aubit to detect it." else install.pdcurses: ${PDCURSES_SRC_TAR_GZ} ifdef PCURSES_BIN # cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ ${UNZIP} $^ -d /tmp cd /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC}; ./configure; make; make install else cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC_UNIX}; ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pdcurses cd /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC_UNIX}; make cd /tmp/${PDCURSES_SRC_UNIX}; make install endif endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${PDCURSES_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "PDcurses library installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ################## # 30: PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions ifdef COMSPEC install.pcre: ${PCRE_WIN_INSTALLER} chmod a+x ${PCRE_WIN_INSTALLER} ${PCRE_WIN_INSTALLER} else install.pcre: ${PCRE_SRC_GZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${PCRE_SRC}; ./configure; make; make install endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${PCRE_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "PCRE installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ################## # 31: SXML install.sxml: ${SXML_SRC_GZ} ifdef COMSPEC cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/$^ cd /tmp/${SXML_SRC}; ./configure; make #install target fails on Windows because it has hard-coded username 'root' #which does not exist on Windows, so we will intall neded files ourselves: cd /tmp/${SXML_SRC}; install -o ${USER} -m 0644 libsxml.a /usr/lib cd /tmp/${SXML_SRC}; install -o ${USER} -m 0755 libsxml.so /usr/lib/libsxml.dll cd /tmp/${SXML_SRC}; install -o ${USER} -m 0644 sxml.h /usr/include @echo " " @echo "Installed files to /usr/lib and /usr/include" else cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${SXML_SRC}; ./configure; make; make install endif @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SXML_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SXML installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ################## # 33: PostgreSQL with Informix compatibility patches install.pgifx: install.pgifx.install ${PGIFX_CTL} install.pgifx.activate install.pgifx.start @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${PGIFX_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "PostgreSQL engine & ecpg compiler patched for Informix compatibility installed." @echo "Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes, with this ./configure flags:" @echo " --with-pgcompat --with-ecpg=${PGIFX_INSTPATH}" @echo " --with-pgsql=${PGIFX_INSTPATH} --with-pgsqleng=${PGIFX_INSTPATH}" @echo "You can now remove source code from /tmp/pghead and downloaded" @echo "archive ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ if you wish to save disk space." @echo "To change location where PG-IFX is installed, use:" @echo "make install.pgifx PGIFX_INSTPATH=/some/where/to/install" @echo "Add PGIFX_ACFLAGS='' to above command if you need to." @echo "" THIS_USER=${USER} THIS_GROUPS=${GROUPS} #------------------------------- #Download, compile and install install.pgifx.install: ${PGIFX_SRC_GZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ # cd /tmp/${PGIFX_SRC}/pghead; ./configure --prefix=${PGIFX_INSTPATH} ${PGIFX_ACFLAGS} cd /tmp/pghead; ./configure --prefix=${PGIFX_INSTPATH} ${PGIFX_ACFLAGS} cd /tmp/pghead; make #We dont need to be root as we are installing in our own dir, and actually we #dont WANT to be root so we dont accidentaly overwrite any files on the system #possibly allready installed by systems unpatched PostgreSQL # su -c "cd /tmp/pghead; make install" su -c "mkdir -p ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}; chown ${THIS_USER} ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}; chgrp ${THIS_GROUPS} ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}" cd /tmp/pghead; make install #------------------------------- #Intialise database install.pgifx.activate: -su -c "/usr/sbin/useradd postgres" -su -c "mkdir -p ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/data" su -c "chown postgres ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/data" su -l postgres -s ${SH} -c "${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/bin/initdb -D ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/data" #add stuff to config file su -l postgres -s ${SH} -c "echo \"datestyle = 'informix, mdy'\" >> ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/data/postgresql.conf" su -l postgres -s ${SH} -c "echo \"default_delim = '|'\" >> ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/data/postgresql.conf" #Default TCP/IP port for PG = (port = 5432) Usually this is commented out in default #config file. WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS IF MORE THEN ONE INSTANCE OF PG WILL BE RUNNING #ON THIS HOST!!! Any option can also be given as a command line switch to the # postmaster, e.g. 'postmaster -c log_connections=on'. su -c "touch ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/pg-ifx-${PGIFX_SRC}.log; chown postgres ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/pg-ifx-${PGIFX_SRC}.log; chgrp postgres ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/pg-ifx-${PGIFX_SRC}.log" #------------------------------- install.pgifx.start: ${PGIFX_CTL} # -${PGIFX_CTL} start -${PGIFX_CTL} status # ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/bin/createdb test # ${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/bin/psql test #------------------------------- #Create controll script install.pgifx.ctl.force: install.pgifx.ctl.delete install.pgifx.ctl install.pgifx.ctl.delete: -su -c "chmod a+rwx ${PGIFX_CTL}; ${RM} ${PGIFX_CTL}" install.pgifx.ctl: ${PGIFX_CTL} ${PGIFX_CTL}: @echo "PG_BIN='${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/bin'" > ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "PG_DATA='${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/data'" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "PG_LOG='${PGIFX_INSTPATH}/pg-ifx-${PGIFX_SRC}.log'" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} #Default TCP/IP port for PG = (port = 5432) #Any option can also be given as a command line switch to the # postmaster, e.g. 'postmaster -c log_connections=on'. #pg_ctl -o OPTIONS command line options to pass to the postmaster @echo "PG_PORT=15432" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo 'case $$1 in' >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "start) su -l postgres -s ${SH} -c \"\$$PG_BIN/pg_ctl -D \$$PG_DATA -o ' -i -c port=\$$PG_PORT' start > \$$PG_LOG 2>&1 & \" " >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo " ;;" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "start-defaultport) su -l postgres -s ${SH} -c \"\$$PG_BIN/pg_ctl -D \$$PG_DATA -o ' -i' start > \$$PG_LOG 2>&1 & \" " >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo " ;;" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "stop) su -l postgres -s ${SH} -c \"\$$PG_BIN/pg_ctl -D \$$PG_DATA stop\"" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo " ;;" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "status) su -l postgres -s ${SH} -c \"\$$PG_BIN/pg_ctl -D \$$PG_DATA status\"" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo " ;;" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "netstatus) su -c \"netstat -a | grep postgres; netstat -a | grep \$$PG_PORT; netstat -a | grep 5432\"" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo " ;;" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "*) echo "Usage: start/start-defaultport/stop/status/netstatus"" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo " ;;" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} @echo "esac" >> ${PGIFX_CTL} chmod u+rwx ${PGIFX_CTL} chmod g+rwx ${PGIFX_CTL} chmod o+rx ${PGIFX_CTL} su -c "ln -s ${PGIFX_CTL} /usr/local/bin/pgifx_ctl; if test -f /etc/rc.d/postgresql ; then if ! test -f /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl; then ln -s /etc/rc.d/postgresql /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl; fi; fi" @echo "---------------------------------------------------------" @echo "Use script 'pgifx_ctl' to start/stop/status PG engine" @echo "---------------------------------------------------------" @echo " " ############################## # 34: LibVNCserver: ############################## # 35 : ORBit Corba: #Find out location of pkg-config - we need to install there to use it PKG_CONFIG_ROOT_CYGPATH:=${shell type pkg-config | sed -e 's/\/bin\// /g' | awk '{print $$3}' | sed -e 's/[()]//g'} ifdef COMSPEC PKG_CONFIG_ROOT:=${shell cygpath -m "${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT_CYGPATH}"} endif PKG_CONFIG_ROOT_ESCAPED:=${shell echo "${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT}" | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g'} install.orbit.bin: ${ORBIT_WIN_BIN_ZIP} ${ORBIT_IDL_WIN_BIN_ZIP} #ORBIT_WIN_BIN_NAME ORBIT_IDL_WIN_BIN_NAME @echo "PKG_CONFIG_ROOT=${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT}" @echo "PKG_CONFIG_ROOT_ESCAPED=${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT_ESCAPED}" ${UNZIP} ${ORBIT_WIN_BIN_ZIP} -d ${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT} ${UNZIP} ${ORBIT_IDL_WIN_BIN_ZIP} -d ${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT} #ORBit needs libpopt: http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/popt-1.8-1-bin.exe ee: #Fix info in pkg-config files: APPARENTLY NOT NEEDED - /target is automatically expanded? cat ${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT}/lib/pkgconfig/ORBit-2.0.pc | sed -e 's/prefix=\/target/prefix=${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT_ESCAPED}/' cat ${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT}/lib/pkgconfig/ORBit-CosNaming-2.0.pc cat ${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT}/lib/pkgconfig/ORBit-idl-2.0.pc cat ${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT}/lib/pkgconfig/ORBit-imodule-2.0.pc cat ${PKG_CONFIG_ROOT}/lib/pkgconfig/libIDL-2.0.pc ifdef ORBIT_USE_TARBALL install.orbit: ${ORBIT_SRC_TAR_GZ} cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/$^ else install.orbit: ORBIT_SRC=ORBit2 install.orbit: #fails because of uppercase/lowercase duplicate ORBit2/src/idl/interop/CONV_FRAME.idl # -cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome -z3 co ORBit2 # cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome -z3 co gnome-common @echo "CVS check-out completed" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${ORBIT_SRC}; \ export PATH=\"../gnome-common/macros2;$$PATH\"; echo $$PATH; \ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt" endif ifdef COMSPEC #Compile from source code (Windows) #if installing to /opt set environment variables as follows: #export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/lib/pkgconfig #export GNOME2_DIR=/opt #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:${LIBRARY_PATH} #export PATH=/opt/bin:${PATH} @echo "Starting compilation..." ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${ORBIT_SRC}; ./configure" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${ORBIT_SRC}; make" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${ORBIT_SRC}; make install" @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${ORBIT_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "ORBit installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " else @echo "You should allready have ORBit on UNIX?" @echo "I don't want to mess up your GNOME installation..." endif #ORBit - Cant find headers: #linc-protocol.h:21:24: sys/socket.h /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/xyz/include/socket.h #linc-protocol.h:22:19: netdb.h: NOT IN MSYS OR MINGW #linc-connection.h:19:21: sys/uio.h: NOT IN MSYS OR MINGW #libIDL is needed for ORBit on Windows LIBIDL_INFO=http://andrewtv.org/libIDL/ LIBIDL_SRC_PATH=http://andrewtv.org/libIDL/ #WARNING: Minumum version required by ORBit is 0.7.4 #maybe use CVS? http://developer.gnome.org/tools/cvs.html LIBIDL_SRC= libIDL-0.6.8 LIBIDL_SRC_TAR_GZ=${LIBIDL_SRC}.tar.gz ${LIBIDL_SRC_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${LIBIDL_SRC_PATH}/$@ install.libidl: ${LIBIDL_SRC_TAR_GZ} install.libidl.pkg-config ifdef COMSPEC #Compile from source code (Windows) cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${CYG_AUBITDIR}/${LIBIDL_SRC_TAR_GZ} ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBIDL_SRC}; \ CFLAGS=\"`eval 'pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags'`\"; \ LDFLAGS=\"`eval 'pkg-config glib-2.0 --libs'`\"; \ export CFLAGS; ./configure" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBIDL_SRC}; make" ${MSYS_SH} "${MSYS_CONF}; cd ${SYSTEMDRIVE}/tmp/${LIBIDL_SRC}; make install" # /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/local/bin/libIDL-config @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${LIBIDL_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "libIDL installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " endif ifdef COMSPEC LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH=${shell cygpath -m /cygdrive/d/msys/1.0/local} endif LIBIDL_PC_PATH=F:/GTK/lib/pkgconfig/libIDL-2.0.pc #Create pkg-config file for libIDL, which is missing, since ORBit #configure will use pkg-confing to check for libIDL: install.libidl.pkg-config: @echo "prefix=${LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH} LIBIDL_PC_PATH=${LIBIDL_PC_PATH}" @echo "prefix=${LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH}" > ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "exec_prefix=${LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH}/bin" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "libdir=${LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH}/lib" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "includedir=${LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH}/include" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "Name: libIDL-2.0" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "Description: libIDL". >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} #LIBIDL_REQUIRED=0.7.4 #and we have 0.6.8!!!!! @echo "Version: 0.7.4" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} # @echo "Version: 0.6.8" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} # @echo "Requires: glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0 gthread-2.0" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "Libs: -L${LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH}/lib -lIDL" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "Cflags: -I${LIBIDL_PREFIX_WINPATH}/include/libIDL" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} @echo "" >> ${LIBIDL_PC_PATH} ########################################## # CORBA ORBit docs and examples (examples need ORBit2) : install.orbit.example: ${WGET} http://www.gnome.org/projects/ORBit2/orbit-docs.tar.gz orbit.test: cd /tmp; gunzip -c ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/orbit-docs.tar.gz | tar -xvf - #This should build a documentation directory that contains this documentation #in both sgml (docbook) and html, and an examples directory. Move to the #examples directory, and go # cd /tmp/orbit-docs; ./configure cd /tmp/orbit-docs/examples/echo; make #Proceed similarly for the calculator example. #To actually run the echo example, open two windows up. Run echo-server in one #and echo-client in the other (echo-server writes out the file echo.ref which #echo-client reads). If you want to have fun now, compile orbit on a different #machine, make echo-client on the different machine, move echo.ref from the #first machine to the second and run echo-client: eh voila - client/server #over tcp/ip with the same code that ran using unix sockets on a single machine. #NOTE: #From ORBit 0.5.3, IIOP communications over IP sockets are disabled by default for security reasons. You should create an /etc/orbitrc (for a system-wide settings), or an ~/.orbitrc (for one user's setting) containing something like : # #ORBIIOPUSock=1 #ORBIIOPIPv4=1 #ORBIIOPIPv6=0 # #Alternatively, you can also use command line parameters. change.log: @export CHANGE_LOG_NAME='Andrej Falout'; export CHANGE_LOG_EMAIL_ADDRESS='andrej_AT_falout_DOT_org'; \ perl tools/prepare-ChangeLog.pl ################### # 36: C and C++ Code Counter (CCCC) - source code metrics install.cccc: ${CCCC_SRC_TAR_GZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${CCCC_SRC_NAME}; ./configure; make; make install @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${CCCC_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "CCCC (C and C++ Code Counter) installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ################### # 37: SMTP lib install.smtp: ${SMTP_SRC_TAR_BZ2} cd /tmp; cp ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ .; bunzip2 $^; tar -xf ${SMTP_SRC_NAME}.tar cd /tmp/${SMTP_SRC_NAME}; ./configure; make; make install @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SMTP_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SMTP installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " @echo " NOTE: libsmtp requires old-style gtk-config and libglib from GTK+ 1.2" @echo " You can use gtk1-compat-devel that emulates gtk-config for GTK+ 2.0" @echo " You can link libglib-2.0.so to libglib.so - it will work." @echo " " #installs: #/usr/local/lib/libsmtp.a #/usr/local/lib/libsmtp_mime.a #/usr/local/include/libsmtp.h #/usr/local/include/libsmtp_mime.h ################### # 38: Ingres install.ingres: ${INGRES_BIN_TGZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/${INGRES_BIN_NAME}; # as root: # ingres_express_install.sh [-tar] [Installation ID] [Install dir] #II_SYSTEM: /opt/Ingres/IngresII #II_INSTALLATION: II #System user ingres has been created but no password has been set. #Please set the password to enable login for this user. # 1:ingres2006 ########################################### [ 11%] #II_INSTALLATION configured as II. # 2:ingres2006-dbms ########################################### [ 22%] #Setting up Ingres 2006 Intelligent DBMS, this may take some time... #See /opt/Ingres/IngresII/ingres/files/install.log for more info. # 3:ingres2006-net ########################################### [ 33%] #Building the password validation program 'ingvalidpw'. #Executable successfully installed. # 4:ingres2006-abf ########################################### [ 44%] # 5:ingres2006-ice ########################################### [ 56%] #Setting up Ingres 2006 Web Deployment Option, this may take some time... #See /opt/Ingres/IngresII/ingres/files/install.log for more info #Ingres/ICE stages # # 1 to 8 #have been set up in this installation. #To use ICE # You must enable your ICE server (cbf) # You must configure your html home directory for your Web server # You must configure your Web server for ICE, please see the ICE documentation # 6:ingres2006-jdbc ########################################### [ 67%] # 7:ingres2006-odbc ########################################### [ 78%] # 8:ingres2006-rep ########################################### [ 89%] # 9:ingres2006-star ########################################### [100%] #Ingres 9.0.4 has installed successfully. #The instance will now be started... # #Starting Ingres, instance II @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${INGRES_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "Ingres installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " @echo " " ################### # 39: SF-upload install.sfdl: ${SFDL_TAR_GZ} cd /tmp; tar --gunzip -xf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ ifneq "${COMSPEC}" "" #ActivePerl on Windows su -c "cd /tmp/${SFDL_NAME}; perl prereqinst -ppm" else su -c "cd /tmp/${SFDL_NAME}; perl prereqinst" wget ftp://archive.progeny.com/CPAN/authors/id/G/GA/GAAS/HTML-Parser-3.55.tar.gz wget ftp://archive.progeny.com/CPAN/authors/id/G/GA/GAAS/libwww-perl-5.803.tar.gz wget ftp://archive.progeny.com/CPAN/authors/id/C/CH/CHAMAS/Crypt-SSLeay-0.51.tar.gz wget ftp://archive.progeny.com/CPAN/authors/id/P/PE/PETEK/HTML-Tree-3.21.tar.gz wget ftp://archive.progeny.com/CPAN/authors/id/P/PE/PETDANCE/HTML-Tagset-3.10.tar.gz tar -xvzf HTML-Parser-3.55.tar.gz; cd HTML-Parser-3.55; perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install tar -xvzf libwww-perl-5.803.tar.gz; cd libwww-perl-5.803; perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install tar -xvzf Crypt-SSLeay-0.51.tar.gz; cd Crypt-SSLeay-0.51; perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install tar -xvzf HTML-Tree-3.21.tar.gz; cd HTML-Tree-3.21; perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install tar -xvzf HTML-Tagset-3.10.tar.gz; cd HTML-Tagset-3.10; perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install #perl -MCPAN -e "install LWP::UserAgent" #cpan 'o conf init' #perl -MCPAN -e'get "HTML-Parser-3.55"' endif su -c "cd /tmp/${SFDL_NAME}; perl Makefile.PL; make all test install" @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${SFDL_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "SF-DL installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " ################### # 40: MySQL embedded install.mysql.embedded: ${MSQL_EMB_RPM} #su -c "rpm -i ${MSQL_EMB_RPM}" #MSQL_EMB_NAME @echo " " @echo "Package info & manuals: ${MSQL_EMB_INFO}" @echo " " @echo "MySQL embedded installed. Please re-run 'configure' to detect changes." @echo " " #Unpack RPM so we dont have to install it in defualt locations #can do that with ROM relocate option? install.mysql.embedded.4.lib: ${MSQL_EMB_RPM} mkdir -p /tmp/rpmtmp rpm2cpio $^ > /tmp/rpmtmp/$^.cpio cd /tmp/rpmtmp; cpio -i --make-directories < $^.cpio find /tmp/rpmtmp #Should see only one file: /tmp/rpmtmp/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqld.a install.mysql.embedded.4.other: ${MSQL_EMB_STD_TARBALL} mkdir -p /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp cd /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp; tar -xvf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp/${MSQL_EMB_STD_NAME}; ls #Files we need: #/mysql-standard-4.1.21-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23/lib/libmysqld.a #Headers to compile with #mysql-config #Under mysql-standard-4.1.21-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23/share/mysql/ : #charsets/ (total 249 Kb) #Maybe take only cp1257.xml latin2.xml ascii.xml cp850.xml cp1250.xml cp852.xml #cp1251.xml cp866.xml languages.html cp1256.xml Index.xml latin1.xml #english/ (errmsg.sys errmsg.txt) total 40 Kb install.mysql.src: ${MYSQL_SRC_TARBALL} mkdir -p /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp # cd /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp; tar -xvf ${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/$^ cd /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp/${MYSQL_SRC_NAME}; ./configure --prefix=/tmp/${MYSQL_SRC_NAME} \ --with-embedded-server --with-debug --without-docs --without-man --without-bench \ --without-innodb #--with-pstack #--with-embedded-privilege-control cd /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp/${MYSQL_SRC_NAME}; make cd /tmp/mysql-unpack-tmp/${MYSQL_SRC_NAME}; make install ########################################################################### # Targets for downloading installation files: ########################################################################### ${IODBC_SRC_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${IODBC_PATH}/${IODBC_SRC_TAR_GZ} ${IODBC_RUNTIME_RPM}: ${WGET} ${IODBC_PATH}/${IODBC_RUNTIME_RPM} ${IODBC_SDK_RPM}: ${WGET} ${IODBC_PATH}/${IODBC_SDK_RPM} ${IODBC_GUI_RPM}: ${WGET} ${IODBC_PATH}/${IODBC_GUI_RPM} ${PDFLIB_SRC_TGZ}: ${WGET} ${PDFLIB_PATH}/${PDFLIB_SRC_TGZ} ${PDFLIB_WIN_ZIP}: ${WGET} ${PDFLIB_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${IKSEMEL_TGZ}: ${WGET} ${IKSEMEL_PATH}/${IKSEMEL_TGZ} ${GRAPHVIZ_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GRAPHVIZ_PATH}/${GRAPHVIZ_RPM} ${IFXESQLC_BIN_ZIP}: ${WGET} ${IFXESQLC_PATH}/${IFXESQLC_BIN_ZIP} ${XMLRPC_RPM}: ${WGET} ${XMLRPC_PATH}/${XMLRPC_RPM} ${XMLRPC_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${XMLRPC_PATH}/$@ ${LIBWWW_RPM}: ${WGET} ${LIBWWW_PATH}/${LIBWWW_RPM} ${SAPODBC_RPM}: ${WGET} ${SAPODBC_PATH}/${SAPODBC_RPM} ${UNIXODBCDEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${UNIXODBCDEV_PATH}/${UNIXODBCDEV_RPM} ${PGESQLC_RPM}: ${WGET} ${PGESQLC_PATH}/${PGESQLC_RPM} ${PGODBC_RPM}: ${WGET} ${PGODBC_PATH}/${PGODBC_RPM} ${MPZ_SRC_TGZ}: ${WGET} ${MPZ_PATH}/${MPZ_SRC_TGZ} ${SWIG_RPM}: ${WGET} ${SWIG_PATH}/${SWIG_RPM} ${DOXYGEN_RPM}: ${WGET} ${DOXYGEN_PATH}/${DOXYGEN_RPM} ${CHECK_RPM}: #NOTE: ?download ${WGET} ${CHECK_PATH}/${CHECK_RPM}?download ${SAPDBESQL_RPM}: ${WGET} ${SAPDBESQL_PATH}/${SAPDBESQL_RPM} ${SAPDBENV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${SAPDBENV_PATH}/${SAPDBENV_RPM} ${GTK_GTK_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${GTK_GTK_DEV_RPM} ${GTK_GDK_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${GTK_GDK_DEV_RPM} ${GTK_GLIB_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${GTK_GLIB_DEV_RPM} ${PGODBC_SRC_TGZ}: ${WGET} ${PGODBC_SRC_PATH}/$@ ${GTK_PANGO_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${GTK_PANGO_DEV_RPM} ${GTK_ATK_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${GTK_ATK_DEV_RPM} ${XFREE86_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${XFREE86_DEV_RPM} ${GNOME_LIBS_DEVEL}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${GNOME_LIBS_DEVEL} ${FREETYPE_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${FREETYPE_DEV_RPM} ${FONTCONFIG_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${FONTCONFIG_DEV_RPM} ${XFT_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${XFT_DEV_RPM} ${GTKPLUS_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${GTKPLUS_DEV_RPM} ${ORBIT_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${ORBIT_DEV_RPM} ${IMLIB_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/${IMLIB_DEV_RPM} ${ESOUND_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/$@ ${GLIB_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/$@ ${LIBTIFF_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/$@ ${LIBJPEG_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/$@ ${LIBUNGIF_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/$@ ${AUDIOFILE_DEV_RPM}: ${WGET} ${GTK_DEV_PATH}/$@ ${SQLITE_RPM_LIB}: ${WGET} ${SQLITE_PATH}/$@ ${SQLITE_RPM_DEV}: ${WGET} ${SQLITE_PATH}/$@ ${SQLITE_ODBC_TGZ_SRC}: ${WGET} ${SQLITE_ODBC_PATH}/$@ ${SQLITE_ODBC_WIN}: ${WGET} ${SQLITE_ODBC_PATH}/$@ ${SQLITE_WIN_LIB}: ${WGET} ${SQLITE_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${SQLITE_WIN_EXE}: ${WGET} ${SQLITE_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${SPOPC_TGZ_SRC}: ${WGET} ${SPOPC_PATH}/$@ ${CINT_TAR_GZ_SRC}: ${WGET} ${CINT_PATH}/$@ ${CINT_TAR_GZ_BIN_WIN}: ${WGET} ${CINT_PATH}/$@ ${PCRE_WIN_INSTALLER}: ${WGET} ${PCRE_WIN_PATH}/${PCRE_WIN_INSTALLER} ${PCRE_SRC_GZ}: ${WGET} ${PCRE_SRC_PATH}/$@ ${SXML_SRC_GZ}: ${WGET} ${SXML_SRC_PATH}/$@ ${PDCURSES_SRC_ZIP}: ${WGET} ${PDCURSES_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${PGIFX_SRC_GZ}: ${WGET} ${PGIFX_SRC_PATH}/$@ ${PDCURSES_WIN_ZIP}: ${WGET} ${PDCURSES_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${GRAPHVIZ_WIN_EXE}: ${WGET} ${GRAPHVIZ_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${XMLRPC_SRC_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${XMLRPC_SRC_PATH}/$@ ${LIBWWW_SRC_ZIP}: ${WGET} ${LIBWWW_SRC_PATH}/$@ ${PDCURSES_SRC_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${PDCURSES_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${SQLITE_SRC_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${SQLITE_PATH}/$@ ${ORBIT_SRC_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${ORBIT_SRC_PATH}/$@ ${ORBIT_WIN_BIN_ZIP}: ${WGET} ${ORBIT_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${ORBIT_IDL_WIN_BIN_ZIP}: ${WGET} ${ORBIT_WIN_PATH}/$@ ${CCCC_SRC_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${CCCC_PATH}/$@ ${UNIXODBC_RPM}: ${WGET} ${UNIXODBC_PATH}/${UNIXODBC_RPM} ${UNIXODBC_GUI_RPM}: ${WGET} ${UNIXODBC_PATH}/${UNIXODBC_GUI_RPM} ${SMTP_SRC_TAR_BZ2}: ${WGET} ${SMTP_PATH}/${SMTP_SRC_TAR_BZ2} ${INGRES_BIN_TGZ}: ${WGET} ${INGRES_PATH}/${INGRES_BIN_TGZ} ${SFDL_TAR_GZ}: ${WGET} ${SFDL_PATH}/${SFDL_TAR_GZ} ${MSQL_EMB_RPM}: ${WGET} ${MSQL_EMB_PATH}/${MSQL_EMB_RPM} ${MSQL_EMB_STD_TARBALL}: ${WGET} ${MSQL_EMB_PATH}/${MSQL_EMB_STD_TARBALL} ${MYSQL_SRC_TARBALL}: ${WGET} ${MSQL_EMB_PATH}/${MYSQL_SRC_TARBALL} ############################################# # SQLite tests ############################################# test.sqlite.odbc: test_sqlite_odbc test_sqlite export A4GL_LEXTYPE=C; aubit 4glc test_sqlite_odbc.4gl -o test_sqlite_odbc.4ae @echo "export A4GL_SQLTYPE=sqliteodbc; export A4GL_UI=TUI; export DEBUG=ALL; test_sqlite_odbc.4ae" @echo " " @export A4GL_SQLTYPE=sqliteodbc; export A4GL_UI=TUI; export DEBUG=ALL; xx=`test_sqlite_odbc.4ae | head -1`; if test "$$xx" = " 987"; then echo "Aubit connection to SQLite via ODBC successful."; rm test_sqlite_odbc.* ; else echo "Aubit connection to SQLite via ODBC FAILED...$$xx.."; fi test.sqlite: test_sqlite_native test_sqlite export A4GL_LEXTYPE=C; aubit 4glc test_sqlite_odbc.4gl -o test_sqlite_odbc.4ae @echo "export A4GL_SQLTYPE=sqlite; export A4GL_UI=TUI; export DEBUG=ALL; test_sqlite_odbc.4ae" @echo " " @export A4GL_SQLTYPE=sqlite; export A4GL_UI=TUI; export DEBUG=ALL; xx=`test_sqlite_odbc.4ae | head -1`; if test "$$xx" = " 987"; then echo "Aubit native connection to SQLite successful."; rm test_sqlite_odbc.* ; else echo "Aubit native connection to SQLite FAILED...$$xx.."; fi test_sqlite_odbc: clean.test.sqlite @echo "main" > test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo "define dummy integer" >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo " database mysqlitedb " >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl test_sqlite_native: clean.test.sqlite @echo "main" > test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo "define dummy integer" >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo " database '${AUBIT_SRC_ROOT}/tools/aubit.db' " >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl test_sqlite: @echo " declare sc1 cursor for select test from testing" >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo " foreach sc1 into dummy" >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo " display dummy" >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo " end foreach" >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo "end main" >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl @echo " " >> test_sqlite_odbc.4gl clean.test.sqlite: rm -f test_sqlite_odbc.* # ============================== EOF ================================