#This script is invoked from lib/libaubit4gl/Makefile #It creates lib/generated/tmperrs.h file used by lib/libaubit4gl/error.c #WARNIG: errno renamed to a4gl_errno because of the conflict in errno.h #exitwith renamed to A4GL_exitwith - do we need to change it here? #Get settings if [ "$LIBROOT" = "" ] then LIBROOT=$AUBITDIR fi . $LIBROOT/etc/aubitrc cd $LIBROOT/lib/bin #Why not use find here? #a="*.c ../libsql/odbc/*.c ../libsql/esqlc/*.ec ../libsql/nosql/nosql.c" #b="../libform/form_xdr/*.c ../libui/ui_gtk/*.c ../libmenu/menu_xdr/*.c ../libmsg/msg_native/*.c" #c="../libpdf/*.c ../librpc/sun_rpc/*.c ../librpc/xml_rpc/*.c ../libui/ui_console/*.c ../libui/ui_curses/*.c" #SOURCES="$a $b $c" sh mkerrors2_alt $AWK ' BEGIN { errcnt=1; FS="|" print "#define A4GL_ERR_BASE 30000" print "static struct s_err {" print "char *errmsg;" print "int a4gl_errno;" print "} errors[]={" } { a4gl_errno=$1 errmsg=$2 print "{\"" errmsg "\"," a4gl_errno " }," } END { print "{0,0}" print "};" } ' mkerrors2.out > $LIBROOT/lib/generated/tmperrs.h