This is a wrapper library for the very small sxml library... AUTHOR file for the library : Patrizio Bruno SXML is a little library to parse/generate configuration files in a restricted XML format similar to that used by GLADE, Freshmeat, and others. From the sxml library docs : /* * XML handling */ /* XML parse functions */ int sxml_readfile(const char *path, SXML **sxmlp); - This function reads the file and fill up the *sxmlp tree SXML *sxml_get_next(SXML *head, const char *name, int which); - Given a starting point this functions retrieves the branch named standing at the same level of head. SXML *sxml_get_sub(SXML *head, const char *name, int which); - Given a starting point this functions retrieves the branch named standing at the first sublevel of head. char *sxml_get_value(SXML *head, const char *name, int which); - Given a starting point this functions retrieves the branch named standing at the same level of head and containing plain text. /* XML generation functions */ int sxml_writefile(const char *path, const SXML *sxml); - Dump the SXML tree pointed by to the file . size_t sxml_createbuf(char **outbuffer, const char *head, const SXML *sxml); - Create an XML buffer <*outbuffer> unindented as a NULL terminated string, putting as the XML header. If <*outbuffer> results already allocated the function will reallocate it appending the new buffer, else if <*outbuffer> is NULL it first allocates it using calloc(). Returns the size of the string on SUCCESS, and 0 on error setting sxml_errno. SXML *sxml_put_next(SXML **head, char *name); - Create an empty branch at the same level of <*head> naming it . Returns a pointer to the created branch. SXML *sxml_put_sub(SXML **head, char *name); - Create an empty branch at the first free sublevel of <*head> naming it . Returns a pointer to the created branch. char *sxml_put_value(SXML *xmlp, char *value); - Assign a text value to . is the return value of sxml_put_next or sxml_put_sub. Returns a pointer to the newly allocated buffer for . /* error handling */ char *sxml_errstr(int retval); - sxml_readfile and sxml_writefile return a positive integer value on FAILURE or 0 on SUCCESS. This function converts these values to a human readable text. Functions, those do not return integer values representing errors, set the global variable "sxml_errno" which can be used as an argument for 'sxml_errstr'