* * API specs for ESQL Helper library interface - used by dlmagic script * to create API_esql.c (try "make API_esql.c") * * Note - there are no spaces for void* int* etc. * * * * Name of the API: LIBRARY ESQL * Name of the variable which will have second part of library name to load: VARIABLE A4GL_LEXDIALECT * Add prefix for created API punctions: * API_PREFIX ESQLAPI_ * Add prefix for existing library functions: LIB_PREFIX ESQLAPI_ * Name of the header file to be referenced with #include * HEADER_FILE API_esql.h /* We don't want to enable debugging in here */ /* because A4GL_copy_char can be passed invalid strings as a location */ /* to copy INTO (ie - it will be set After the copy) */ #ifdef DEBUG_SPEC #undef DEBUG_SPEC #endif #define structBINDING struct BINDING * ====================================================================== * Function calls definitions: * func-name param-type param-name ... -> returns * A4GL_copy_char char* infx,char* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode,int x,int y -> void A4GL_copy_nchar char* infx,char* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode,int x,int y -> void A4GL_copy_vchar char* infx,char* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode,int x,int y -> void A4GL_copy_blob void* infx,void* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode,int dtype -> void A4GL_copy_blob_byte void* infx,void* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_blob_text void* infx,void* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_date long* infx,long* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_datetime void* infx, void* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_interval void* infx, void* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_decimal void* infx,void* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char dir -> void A4GL_copy_float float* infx,float* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_double double* infx,double* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_int long* infx,long* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_int8 int8* infx,int8* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_copy_money void* infx,void* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char dir -> void A4GL_copy_smint short* infx,short* a4gl,short* indicat,int size,char mode -> void A4GL_connect_db char* dbname -> void A4GL_db_connected char* dbname -> void* A4GL_copy_native_bind char dir structBINDING* a4glbind structBINDING* nativebind structBINDING* indbind int n -> void A4GL_init_out_text void* a4gl void* infx -> void A4GL_init_out_byte void* a4gl void* infx -> void popdec_native void* vx -> void retdec_native void* vx -> void popdtime_native void* vx -> void retdtime_native void* vx -> void A4GL_afterexec_possible_serial -> void