* Name of the API: LIBRARY HLUI * Name of the variable which will have second part of library name to load: VARIABLE A4GL_HLUI ! struct list_of_fields { long a<>;}; A4GL_LL_beep -> void /* int A4GL_LL_colour_code int a */ A4GL_LL_colour_code int a -> int /* void* A4GL_LL_create_errorwindow int h int w int y int x int attr char* str */ A4GL_LL_create_errorwindow int h int w int y int x int attr char* str -> void* /* void* A4GL_LL_create_window int h int w int y int x int border */ A4GL_LL_create_window int h int w int y int x int border -> void* /* void* A4GL_LL_current_field void* form */ A4GL_LL_current_field void* form -> void* /* int A4GL_LL_decode_aubit_attr int a char s */ A4GL_LL_decode_aubit_attr int a char s -> int /* void A4GL_LL_delete_errorwindow void* curr_error_window */ A4GL_LL_delete_errorwindow void* curr_error_window -> void /* void* A4GL_LL_display_form struct s_form_dets *f int attrib */ A4GL_LL_display_form void* f int attrib int curr_width int curr_height int cb int currwinno int form_line void* currwin void* frm int maxline int maxcol char* name -> void* /* int A4GL_LL_dump_screen int n */ A4GL_LL_dump_screen int n char* fname int mode -> int A4GL_LL_opening_form char* s char* f -> void /* void A4GL_LL_error_box char* str int attr */ A4GL_LL_error_box char* str int attr -> void /* char* A4GL_LL_field_buffer void* field int n */ A4GL_LL_field_buffer void* field int n -> char* /* int A4GL_LL_field_opts void* field */ A4GL_LL_field_opts void* field -> int /* int A4GL_LL_field_status void* field */ A4GL_LL_field_status void* field -> int /* void A4GL_LL_form_page void* form */ A4GL_LL_form_page void* form -> int /* Get the current X position in the field */ A4GL_LL_get_carat void* form -> int /* Get the current y position in the field */ A4GL_LL_get_carat_y void* form -> int A4GL_LL_init_color int c int r int g int b -> void /* int A4GL_LL_get_field_width void* f */ A4GL_LL_get_field_width void* f -> int A4GL_LL_get_field_height void* f -> int /* A4GL_LL_get_field_userptr void* field -> void* */ /* A4GL_LL_get_form_userptr void* form -> void* */ /* A4GL_LL_set_form_userptr void* form void* data -> void */ /* A4GL_LL_set_field_userptr void* field void* ptr -> void */ /* int A4GL_LL_getch_swin void* window_ptr */ A4GL_LL_getch_swin void* window_ptr char* why void* evt -> int /* void A4GL_LL_gui_run_til_no_more */ A4GL_LL_gui_run_til_no_more -> void /* void A4GL_LL_hide_window void* w */ A4GL_LL_hide_window void* w -> void /* void A4GL_LL_initialize_display */ A4GL_LL_initialize_display -> void /* int A4GL_LL_int_form_driver void* mform int mode */ A4GL_LL_int_form_driver void* mform int mode -> int /* void* A4GL_LL_make_field int frow int fcol int rows int cols */ A4GL_LL_make_field int frow int fcol int rows int cols char* widget char* config char* incl void* fprop_id char* ref char* action -> void* /* void* A4GL_LL_make_label int frow int fcol char* label */ A4GL_LL_make_label int frow int fcol char* label -> void* /* void A4GL_LL_make_window_top void* w */ A4GL_LL_make_window_top void* w -> void /* void A4GL_LL_move_window void* w int y int x */ A4GL_LL_move_window void* w int y int x -> void /* void* A4GL_LL_new_form void* *fields */ A4GL_LL_new_form list_of_fields* formdets -> void* /* void A4GL_LL_out_linemode char* s */ A4GL_LL_out_linemode char* s -> void /* void A4GL_LL_remove_window void* x */ A4GL_LL_remove_window void* x -> void /* void A4GL_LL_scale_form void *f int* y int* x */ A4GL_LL_scale_form void* f int* y int* x -> void /* int A4GL_LL_screen_height void */ A4GL_LL_screen_height -> int /* void A4GL_LL_screen_mode */ A4GL_LL_screen_mode -> void /* void A4GL_LL_screen_refresh void */ A4GL_LL_screen_redraw -> void /* void A4GL_LL_screen_update void */ A4GL_LL_screen_update -> void /* int A4GL_LL_screen_width void */ A4GL_LL_screen_width -> int /* void A4GL_LL_set_bkg void* win int attr */ A4GL_LL_set_bkg void* win int attr -> void /* void A4GL_LL_set_carat void* form */ A4GL_LL_set_carat void* form -> void /* void A4GL_LL_set_current_field void* form void* field */ A4GL_LL_set_current_field void* form void* field -> void A4GL_LL_set_field_attr void* field int dtype int dynamic int autonext int invis int required int compress int has_picture int right -> long /* void A4GL_LL_set_field_back void* field int attr */ A4GL_LL_set_field_back void* field int attr -> void /* void A4GL_LL_set_field_buffer void* field int n char* str */ A4GL_LL_set_field_buffer void* field int n char* str char* origstr -> void /* OLD ?A4GL_LL_clr_field_buffer void* field int n -> void */ /* void A4GL_LL_set_field_fore void* field int attr */ A4GL_LL_set_field_fore void* field int attr -> void /* int A4GL_LL_set_field_opts void* field int oopt */ A4GL_LL_set_field_opts void* field int oopt -> int /* int A4GL_LL_set_field_status void* f int stat */ A4GL_LL_set_field_status void* f int stat -> void /* void A4GL_LL_set_form_page void* form int page */ A4GL_LL_set_form_page void* form int page -> void /* void A4GL_LL_set_max_field void* f int n */ A4GL_LL_set_max_field void* f int n void* frm -> void /* int A4GL_LL_set_new_page void* field int n */ A4GL_LL_set_new_page void* field int n -> int /* void A4GL_LL_show_window void* w */ A4GL_LL_show_window void* w -> void /* void A4GL_LL_sleep int n */ A4GL_LL_sleep int n -> void /* void A4GL_LL_switch_to_line_mode void */ A4GL_LL_switch_to_line_mode -> void /* void A4GL_LL_wadd_char_xy_col void* win int x int y int ch */ A4GL_LL_wadd_char_xy_col void* win int x int y int ch int curr_width int curr_height int cb int cwno -> void A4GL_LL_wadd_char_xy_col_w void* win int x int y int ch int curr_width int curr_height int cb int cwno -> void /* int UILIB_A4GL_prompt_loop void* vprompt int timeout void* evt_list*/ /* A4GL_LL_prompt_loop void* vprompt int timeout void* evt_list -> int */ /* int UILIB_A4GL_start_prompt void* vprompt int ap int c int h int af */ A4GL_LL_start_prompt void* vprompt char* promptstr int ap int c int h int af int curr_width int cb int prompt_line void* cw int prompt_mode -> int A4GL_LL_set_chars_normal int* n -> int A4GL_LL_endis_fields_ap int n void* ap -> int A4GL_LL_disp_form_fields_ap int n int attr char* formname va_list* ap -> int A4GL_LL_open_gui_form char* name_orig int absolute int nat char* like int disable void* handler_e void* phandler_c -> int A4GL_LL_set_window_title void* currwin char* s -> int A4GL_LL_widget_name_match void* w char* name -> int A4GL_LL_clr_form_fields int to_defaults char* defs -> void A4GL_LL_clr_menu_disp void* menu int curr_width int curr_height int iscurrborder int currwinno void* cw int menu_offset int gw_y -> void A4GL_LL_h_disp_title_with_attr void* menu char* str int curr_width int curr_height int iscurrborder int currwinno void* cw int gw_y char* mnstyle char* mncomment char* mnimage -> void A4GL_LL_set_acc_intr_keys int n -> void A4GL_LL_menu_loop void* menu -> int A4GL_LL_get_value char* s -> void* A4GL_LL_clear_prompt void* f void* p -> void A4GL_LL_disp_h_menu int num_opts char* title char* mnstyle char* mncomment char* mnimage -> int A4GL_LL_disp_h_menu_opt int opt_num int num_opts char* title char* shorthelp int attrib -> void A4GL_LL_menu_type -> int A4GL_LL_hide_h_menu -> int A4GL_LL_construct_large char* orig void* evt int initkey int initpos char* left char* right int curr_width int curr_height int comment_line void* currwin int currisborder int construct_not_added,int dtype -> void* A4GL_LL_construct_large_finished void* f -> char* A4GL_LL_pause_mode int pm -> int A4GL_LL_get_field_width_dynamic void* f -> int A4GL_LL_get_field_height_dynamic void* f -> int A4GL_LL_submit_event int a void* s int event_type int block int keycode char* field -> void A4GL_LL_activate_events void* s -> void A4GL_LL_finished_with_events void* s -> void A4GL_LL_get_triggered_event -> int A4GL_LL_can_show_comments char* str -> int A4GL_LL_can_show_message int msgline char* str int wait -> int A4GL_LL_direct_to_ui char* t char* s -> void