* * API specs for MENU library interface - used by dlmagic script * to create API_menu.c (try "make API_menu.c") * * Note - there are no spaces for void* int* etc. * * * * Name of the API: LIBRARY MENU * Name of the variable which will have second part of library name to load: VARIABLE A4GL_MENUTYPE LIB_PREFIX A4GLMENU_ * * Function calls definitions: * func-name param-type param-name ... -> returns * *we should not make libaubit4gl depend on GTK headers - but how do I then *return GtkWidget* ? Just return void* *#include *#include * Name of the header file to be referenced with #include *HEADER_FILE API_menu.h /* ------- functions from lib/libmenu/menu_XXX/loadmenu.c */ /* int mn_itemexists (char *menuitem) */ A4GL_mn_itemexists char* menuitem -> int A4GL_load_menu char* fname,char* menu_id,int mode,void* handler -> void* A4GL_show_menu char* menuid,void* handler -> void A4GL_write_menu void* menul -> void /* ============================ EOF ============================ */