# this is only needed to generate the .c files - # these should be committed to CVS - we dont need to regenerate # the .c files from the .objspec files all the time... all: ui_combobox.c ui_curses.c ui_vdc.c ui_browser.c ui_browser.o: ui_browser.c gcc -c -I../../../incl -I.. ui_browser.c ui_combobox.c: ui.browser.objspec mk_objspec sh mk_objspec ui.browser > ui_browser.c ui_combobox.o: ui_combobox.c gcc -c -I../../../incl -I.. ui_combobox.c ui_combobox.c: ui.combobox.objspec mk_objspec sh mk_objspec ui.combobox > ui_combobox.c ui_vdc.o: ui_vdc.c gcc -c -I../../../incl -I.. ui_vdc.c ui_vdc.c: ui.vdc.objspec mk_objspec sh mk_objspec ui.vdc > ui_vdc.c ui_curses.o: ui_curses.c gcc -c -I../../../incl -I.. ui_curses.c ui_curses.c: ui.curses.objspec mk_objspec sh mk_objspec ui.curses > ui_curses.c