Name: libLEX_C Parent: aubit4glsrc Description: Used by compiler to create C code representation of x4GL program Functionality: C language generation plug-in Build: Example: A4GL_LEXTYPE Depends: None to compile, GCC compiler to use Documentation: Regressed: 4 Maintainer: MA Status: 5 Todo: Notes: Name: libLEX_EC Parent: aubit4glsrc Description: Used by compiler to create embedded C (ESQL/C) code representation of x4GL program. Supports several ESQL/C dialects (Informix, PostgreSQL ecpg, Ingres,...) Functionality: Ebmeded SQL/C language generation plug-in Build: Example: A4GL_LEXTYPE Depends: None to compile, supported ESQL/C compiler to use Documentation: Regressed: mostly Maintainer: MA Status: 5 Todo: Notes: Name: libLEX_CS Parent: aubit4glsrc Description: Used by compiler to create C# code representation of x4GL program Functionality: C# language generation plug-in Build: Example: A4GL_LEXTYPE Depends: None to compile, supported C# compiler to use Documentation: Regressed: none Maintainer: MA Status: 1 Todo: Notes: Experiemental - doesn't work yet...