Scripts that act like DBIMPORT and DBEXPORT kindly provided by Ing. Pablo Sanabria You need the sys views created by the pg8.sql in the parent directory : create view syscolumns as select attrelid as tabid, attname as colname, attnum as colno, atttypid as coltype, attlen as collength from pg_attribute; create view systables as select oid as tabid, 0 as nrows, 'T'::char(1) as tabtype, relnatts as ncols, relname as tabname from pg_class where relhasoids='t' ; create view sysindexes as select oid as tabid, 0 as nrows, 'I'::char(1) as idxtype, relnatts as ncols, relname as idxname from pg_class where relhasoids!='t' ; create view sysusers as select usename as username, 'D'::char(1) as usertype, 9::smallint as priority, passwd as password from pg_user;