// ======================================================================== // this is SWIG warper specification file // it will be processed by SWIG executale, to create Aubit 4gl library warper // for use with Aubit 4gl compiler Perl code output compiler runner - // "aubit4gl_pl.pm". Note that this Perl Module (.pm) needs to be installed // to global Perl moduled locations, or Perl @INC path has to be modified, // for it to be accessible to Perl interpreter // // ======================================================================== %module aubit4gl_pl %{ //everything between this curly braces will appear literaly in //generated code typedef struct { int sqlcode; char sqlerrm[73]; char sqlerrp[9]; int sqlerrd[6]; char sqlawarn[9]; char sqlstate[10]; } sqlca_struct; struct BINDING { void *ptr; int dtype; long size; }; %} typedef struct { int sqlcode; char sqlerrm[73]; char sqlerrp[9]; int sqlerrd[6]; char sqlawarn[9]; char sqlstate[10]; } sqlca_struct; struct BINDING { void *ptr; int dtype; long size; }; extern sqlca_struct a4gl_sqlca; extern int a4gl_status; int A4GLSQL_init_connection (char *dbName); void A4GLSTK_initFunctionCallStack (void); void A4GLSTK_pushFunction (const char *functionName, char *params[], int n); void A4GLSTK_setCurrentLine (const char *moduleName, int lineNumber); void A4GL_chk_err (int lineno, char *fname); void A4GL_display_at (int n, int a); void A4GL_fgl_end (void); void A4GL_fgl_end_4gl_0 (void); void A4GL_fgl_start (int nargs, char *argv[]); int A4GL_pop_bool (void); long A4GL_pop_long (void); void A4GL_push_char (char *p); void A4GL_push_int (short p); void A4GL_push_long (long p); void A4GL_push_variable (void *ptr, int dtype); void A4GL_pushop (int a); void A4GL_setnull (int type, void *buff, int size); void aclfgli_clr_err_flg (void); int aclfgli_get_err_flg (void);