This program source file was posted to comp.databases.informix. Apparently, the news posting program that was used wrapped some of the longer source lines. I rejoined those that appeared to have this problem until I got a clean compile. I also tried to clean up the indentation a little. I then made a shell archive of the source file and appended it to the contributor's posted comments. I have not run this program since some of the code is specific to a particular Unix system. If you don't know enough about C and Unix to tailor this program for your own environment, then I recommend that you have someone who does look at this code before you use it. WH 08/21/1996. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newsgroups: comp.databases.informix Date: 11 Aug 1996 05:04:16 GMT From: "Carlos Costa e Silva" Subject: Re: Looking for a code beautifier for Informix -4gl Here goes a c program that indents 4gl code. I haven't looked into it but the author said that the code is pretty ugly. No one now has the time to change it, so for the time being it stays as it is. It does not recognize all 4gl keywords but it's working in my company. It's been used for about a year now and there hasn't been any lost code due to to the program. The program indents file.4gl and makes a backup copy in file.iid. I AND MY COMPANY MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY ANY PERSON OR COMPANY AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE. Sorry about the legalese, but it's cut and pasted from post by a heavy company. Anyway here goes. I hope it's useful and that any useful change return's to the sender.