.1 Usage: 4glpc sourcefile.type [...] [options] executablename.4ae 4glpc sourcefile.4gl -c -o objectname.o 4glpc sourcefile.4gl -o executablename.4ae For details, try: 4glpc --help-options - for command line options 4glpc --help-env - for environment variables recognised 4glpc --help-types - for file types 4glpc --help-examples - for examples .2 Aubit 4GL compiler usage: 4glc [options] -oOutFile.ext file.ext [file.ext...] Extensions (.ext): In files list, all .4gl files will be compield to C, other files passed to linker. In -o flag, extendion will decide type of linking: ao=object, aox=static library, aso=shared lib, 4ae=executable. For more help 4glpc --help-options - for command line options 4glpc --help-env - for environment variables recognised 4glpc --help-types - for file types 4glpc --help-examples - for examples .3 4glc [options] -oOutFile.ext file.ext [file.ext ...] Options: When A4GL_LEXTYPE=C : -o[outfile] name outpout file (no flags) compile to C only When A4GL_LEXTYPE=PERL : (no flags) compile to Perl only Other options : -I -L -l : -G | --globals : Generate the globals map file -S | --silent : no output other then errors -V | --verbose : Verbose output -N name| --namespace name : Prefix all functions with name (default 'aclfgl_') -v | --version : Show compiler version and exit -f | --version_full : Show full compiler version and details -h|-? | --help : Show this help and exit -tTYPE | --lextype : output language, TYPE=C(default) or PERL -k | --keep : keep intermediate files (defailt) -K | --clean : clean intermediate files when done -s0|1 | --stack_trace 0|1 : Include the stack trace in file: : 0-Don't generate 1-Generate(Default) If 'outfile' was not specified, it is generated from first 4gl file name specified. All options that are not recognised, are passed to C compiler, if -c -o -d or -l was specified. .4 4glc [options] -oOutFile.ext file.ext [file.ext ...] More Options: -o -c : flag to C compiler (compile only, no linking) -shared/static ($USE_SHARED=Yes/no) compile with shared libraries -echo ($DOIT=echo) display CC command only, do not execute this inhibits C compiler only, not the 4gl compiler -debug ($INCLLINES=Yes) include extra debuging code -map/nomap ($MAP4GL=Yes) generate additional map file code -maponly --verbose ($A4GLVERBOSE=yes) show additional info while compiling -noerrcode () do not show eeror code on compile errors -as-ddl -i ignore errors and continue All options unknown to Aubit compiler will be passed to C compiler Please see Aubit 4gl manual for more information. .5 4glc [options] -oOutFile.ext file.ext [file.ext ...] Environment variables recognised: -shared/static ($USE_SHARED=Yes/no) compile with shared libraries -echo ($DOIT=echo) display CC command only, do not execute this inhibits C compiler only, not the 4gl compiler -debug ($INCLLINES=Yes) include extra debuging code -map/nomap ($MAP4GL=Yes) generate additional map file code -maponly --verbose ($A4GLVERBOSE=yes) show additional info while compiling -as-ddl Note: $FGLCEXEC, cc and other compilers invoked by this script will recognise additional variables that might affect this script .6 4glc [options] -oOutFile.ext file.ext [file.ext ...] File types: 4gl - 4gl source file, compiled to .c and then to .o per - 4gl form file, compiled to .c and then to .o msg - 4gl message file, compiled to .iem a - o - c - menu - Aubit 4gl GUI menu source, compiled to .7 4glc [options] -oOutFile.ext file.ext [file.ext ...] Examples: 4glpc sourcefile.4gl -o executablename.4ge 4glpc sourcefile.4gl -c -o objectname.o 4glpc -shared file.4gl -o file.4ge 4glpc -static -echo file.4gl -o file.4ge 4glpc -debug file.4gl -o file.debug 4glpc -map -echo file.4gl'