{-------------------- Screen 1 / 1 --------------------} DATABASE syspgma4gl SCREEN { Id [f000 ] Url [f001 ] Access [f003 ] Passwd [f004 ] Xml [f005 ] Authentication Mode [a] [f002 ] ------------ Permissions -------------- Application Username [g001 ] [g002 ] [g001 ] [g002 ] [g001 ] [g002 ] [g001 ] [g002 ] [g001 ] [g002 ] [g001 ] [g002 ] } end tables web_serverurl web_perms ATTRIBUTES f000 = web_serverurl.url_id, COMMENTS="Unique 'server' Id", UPSHIFT; f001 = web_serverurl.relativeurl, COMMENTS="Relative URL"; a = web_serverurl.authmode, INCLUDE=("W","F","N"), COMMENTS="W = Web, F = 4GL web perms, N = None ", UPSHIFT; f002 = formonly.authmode_desc, NOENTRY; f003 = web_serverurl.htaccessfile, comments="Location of the htaccess file"; f004 = web_serverurl.htpasswdfile, comments="Location of the htpasswdfile file"; f005 = web_serverurl.xmlfile, comments="Location of the XML access file"; g001 = web_perms.application,upshift; g002 = web_perms.username,downshift; INSTRUCTIONS DELIMITERS '[]|' screen record srec_perms[6]( application,username)