define mv_lastused char(256) define lv_prog_cnt integer define lv_dynamically_found_libs array[100] of char(32) define lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt integer ################################################################################ function program_menu() call display_banner() menu "PROGRAM" command "Modify" "Modify a program definition" # List from db only message "" call program_modify() command "New" "Create a new program definition" message "" call program_new() command "Compile" "Compile a program from a makefile" # List from db + makefiles message "" call program_compile() command "Run" "Run a program" # *.4ae message "" call program_run() command "Generate" "Explicitly generate the makefile (should happen automatically)" # *.4ae message "" call program_generate_makefile() command "Undefine" "Remove the definition for this program from the database" # List from db only message "" call program_remove() command "Exit" "Return to the main menu" if get_db()==get_syspgma4gl_dbname() then close database call set_curr_db("") end if exit menu end menu end function ################################################################################ function program_modify() define lv_name char(128) define lv_cnt integer define lv_user char(8) call ensure_syspgma4gl() call get_program("modify",mv_lastused) returning lv_name if lv_name is null then return end if select count(*) into lv_cnt from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name if lv_cnt=0 then error "Program not found" return end if call set_last_used_program(lv_name) select justuser into lv_user from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name call maintain_program(lv_name,lv_user) end function ################################################################################ function program_generate_makefile() define lv_name char(128) define lv_cnt integer define lv_makefile char(512) call ensure_syspgma4gl() call get_program("generate",mv_lastused) returning lv_name if lv_name is null then return end if select count(*) into lv_cnt from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name if lv_cnt=0 then error "Program not found" return end if call set_last_used_program(lv_name) call get_makefile_for(lv_name) returning lv_makefile call generate_makefile(lv_name, lv_makefile) message "Generated makefile" end function ################################################################################ function program_new() define lv_name char(128) define lv_cnt integer define lv_user char(8) let lv_name=prompt_get("New Program >>","Enter the program name you which to use") call ensure_syspgma4gl() select count(*) into lv_cnt from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name if lv_cnt!=0 then error "Program already exists!" return end if if program_edit_program(lv_name) then select justuser into lv_user from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name call set_last_used_program(lv_name) call maintain_program(lv_name,lv_user) end if end function ################################################################################ function maintain_program(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) define lv_ok integer define lv_expert_mode integer let lv_expert_mode=false menu "Maintin Program" before menu call display_banner() if not lv_expert_mode then # Cforms are compiled forms # which dont need DBPATH to be found. # You do need to call the special function 'form_is_compiled' though # to let the compiler know its not to look for it in a real file... # # See a4gl.4gl for an example... # hide option "cfoRms" end if command key(f12) # Expert mode - we may add more later... if lv_expert_mode then let lv_expert_mode=false hide option "cfoRms" else let lv_expert_mode=true show option "cfoRms" end if command "Program" "Edit program definition" call program_edit_program(lv_name) returning lv_ok command "Modules" "Edit modules in this program" call program_edit_modules(lv_name,lv_user) command "Globals" "Edit global modules in this program" call program_edit_globals(lv_name,lv_user) command "Forms" "Edit list of forms for this program" call program_edit_forms(lv_name,lv_user) command "cfoRms" "Edit list of forms for this program" call edit_program_entity(lv_name, lv_user,"f") command "Libraries" "Edit list of libraries for this program" call program_edit_libraries(lv_name,lv_user) command "C Modules" "Edit list of C modules for this program" call edit_program_entity(lv_name, lv_user,"C") command key(Q) "esQl/c Modules" "Edit list of EC for this program (Only for A4GL_LEXTYPE=EC)" call edit_program_entity(lv_name, lv_user,"E") command "Dependencies" "Edit dependencies in this program" call program_edit_dependencies(lv_name,lv_user) command "Settings" "Edit A4GL settings used for compilation" call program_edit_settings(lv_name,lv_user) command "Exit" exit menu end menu end function ################################################################################ # Try to make sure that syspgma4gl is our current database ################################################################################ function ensure_syspgma4gl() define lv_name char(1000) let lv_name=get_syspgma4gl_dbname() if has_db() then if get_db()!=get_syspgma4gl_dbname() then whenever error continue close database whenever error stop database lv_name call set_curr_db(lv_name) end if else database lv_name call set_curr_db(lv_name) end if end function ################################################################################ # Add the list of programs from our database to our pick list ################################################################################ function add_programs_from_db() define lv_prog char(128) call ensure_syspgma4gl() declare c_get_prog cursor for select distinct progname from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) order by 1 foreach c_get_prog into lv_prog if set_pick_dup(lv_prog_cnt,lv_prog) then let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt+1 end if end foreach end function ################################################################################ # Add the list of program makefiles in our current directory to our pick list ################################################################################ function add_programs_from_dir() define lv_fname char(255) code { int a; char **dir; dir=A4GL_read_directory(".",".mk"); if (dir) { for (a=0;dir[a];a++) { A4GL_debug("READ FILE: %s",dir[a]); strcpy(lv_fname,dir[a]); endcode if set_pick_dup(lv_prog_cnt,lv_fname) then # It wasn't already in the list... # this probably means a .mk without a program in the database let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt+1 end if code } A4GL_free_directory(); } } endcode if file_exists("Makefile") then if set_pick_dup(lv_prog_cnt,"Makefile") then let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt+1 end if else if file_exists("makefile") then if set_pick_dup(lv_prog_cnt,"makefile") then let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt+1 end if end if end if end function ################################################################################ # Edit the program header - or insert one if one doesn't already exist ################################################################################ function program_edit_program(lv_name) define lv_ok integer define lv_a record progname char(128), justuser char(8), progoutdir char(256), progmakefile char(256), linkflags char(70), compflags char(70), lastupd integer, genmakefile integer end record define lv_name char(128) define lv_exists integer initialize lv_a.* to null call ensure_syspgma4gl() select progname, justuser, progoutdir, progmakefile, linkflags, compflags , lastupd , genmakefile into lv_a.* from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name if sqlca.sqlcode=100 then let lv_a.progname=lv_name let lv_exists=false else let lv_exists=true end if open window w_program at 5,2 with form "prog" let int_flag=false input by name lv_a.progname thru lv_a.lastupd without defaults if int_flag=false then if lv_exists=false then { delete from afglsettings where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name delete from entity where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name } let lv_a.genmakefile = 0 {genmakefile timestamp} insert into program values(lv_a.*) call add_default_settings(lv_a.progname,lv_a.justuser) else update program set ( justuser, progoutdir, progmakefile , linkflags , compflags )=(lv_a.justuser thru lv_a.compflags) where progname=lv_a.progname end if call updated_program(lv_a.progname,lv_a.justuser) let lv_ok=true else let int_flag=false let lv_ok=false end if close window w_program return lv_ok end function ################################################################################ # Set the timestamp on the program so we can compare to the makefile function updated_program(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) define lv_now integer define lv_makefile char(512) code lv_now=time(0); endcode update program set lastupd=lv_now where progname=lv_name and (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=lv_user) call get_makefile_for(lv_name) returning lv_makefile end function ################################################################################ function set_makefiletimestamp(lv_name,lv_user,lv_makefile) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) define lv_now integer define lv_makefile char(256) code lv_now=time(0); endcode end function ################################################################################ function program_compile() define lv_name char(128) define lv_makefile char(512) define lv_cnt integer define lv_ok integer call ensure_syspgma4gl() call get_program("compile",mv_lastused) returning lv_name if lv_name is null then return end if select count(*) into lv_cnt from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name initialize lv_makefile to null if lv_cnt=0 then ## Is it an explicit Makefile ? if file_exists(lv_name) then let lv_makefile=lv_name else error "Program not found" return end if end if call set_last_used_program(lv_name) {select justuser into lv_user from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_name} message "Compiling ..." if lv_makefile is null then # If its one of ours - call the 'compile' target... call get_makefile_for(lv_name) returning lv_makefile call run_with_logging(fgl_getenv("A4GL_MAKE")||" -f "||lv_makefile clipped||" compile ") returning lv_ok else # Just run the makefile then... call run_with_logging(fgl_getenv("A4GL_MAKE")||" -f "||lv_makefile clipped) returning lv_ok end if #run "make -f "||lv_makefile clipped||" compile " returning lv_ok if lv_ok >255 then let lv_ok=lv_ok/256 end if if lv_ok=0 then message "Program compile succeeded" else if get_use_form() then message "Program failed to compile" Wait for key else display "Program failed to compile - press return" call fgl_getkey() returning lv_ok # some key any key end if end if end function ################################################################################ function program_run() define lv_prog char(256) define lv_ok integer call get_filename_to("run",fgl_getenv("A4GL_EXE_EXT"),mv_lastused) returning lv_prog if lv_prog is not null and lv_prog not matches " " then let mv_lastused=lv_prog if lv_prog not matches "*"||fgl_getenv("A4GL_EXE_EXT") then let lv_prog=lv_prog clipped,fgl_getenv("A4GL_EXE_EXT") end if display " " # goto line mode run lv_prog if get_use_form() then message "Program has finished execution" wait for key else display "Press return to continue" call fgl_getkey() returning lv_ok end if end if end function ################################################################################ function program_remove() error "Not implemented yet" end function ################################################################################ # get a program name from a pick list ################################################################################ function get_program(lv_what,lv_lastused) define lv_fname char(255) define lv_what char (20) define lv_lastused char(255) define lv_say char(80) let lv_lastused=remove_ext(lv_lastused) clipped case lv_what when "modify" let lv_prog_cnt=1 let lv_say="Choose a program to modify" call add_programs_from_db() let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt-1 call set_pick_cnt(lv_prog_cnt); when "generate" let lv_prog_cnt=1 let lv_say="Choose a program to generate a makefile for" call add_programs_from_db() let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt-1 call set_pick_cnt(lv_prog_cnt); when "compile" let lv_prog_cnt=1 let lv_say="Choose a program to compile" # we'll get programs from the database # and from the cwd (ending in .mk) call add_programs_from_db() call add_programs_from_dir() let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt-1 call set_pick_cnt(lv_prog_cnt); ## Because we've taken files from two places # we need to sort our picklist... call sort_pick() when "undefine" let lv_prog_cnt=1 let lv_say="Choose a program to undefine" call add_programs_from_db() let lv_prog_cnt=lv_prog_cnt-1 call set_pick_cnt(lv_prog_cnt); otherwise display "Internal error - not expecting ", lv_what clipped exit program 3 end case call set_picked_option(lv_lastused) call prompt_pick_and_say("CHOOSE >> ","",lv_say) returning lv_fname return lv_fname end function ################################################################################ function edit_program_entity(lv_name, lv_user, lv_type) define lv_user char(8) define lv_name char(128) define lv_type char(1) define lv_r array[500] of record entity integer, entity_type char(1), progname char(128), justuser char(8), name char(60), flags char(60) end record define lv_formname char(64) define a integer define lv_arr array[500] of record name char(60), flags char(60) end record define lv_cnt integer declare c_load_entities cursor for select distinct * from entity where progname=lv_name and entity_type=lv_type and (justuser is null or justuser =" " or justuser=lv_user) order by name let lv_cnt=1 foreach c_load_entities into lv_r[lv_cnt].* let lv_arr[lv_cnt].name = lv_r[lv_cnt].name let lv_arr[lv_cnt].flags = lv_r[lv_cnt].flags let lv_cnt=lv_cnt+1 end foreach let lv_cnt=lv_cnt-1 call set_count(lv_cnt) let lv_formname="entities" # Just in case we want a different form : case lv_type when "M" let lv_formname="entities" when "G" let lv_formname="entities" when "F" let lv_formname="entities" when "L" let lv_formname="entities" when "E" let lv_formname="entities" when "C" let lv_formname="entities" end case open window w_edit_entity at 5,7 with form lv_formname #attribute(border) call aclfgl_set_display_field_delimiters(" ") case lv_type when "M" display "Module" to fldname when "G" display "Global" to fldname when "F" display "Form" to fldname when "f" display "Form" to fldname # C Form when "L" display "Library" to fldname when "E" display "ESQL/C" to fldname when "C" display "C-Module" to fldname end case call aclfgl_set_display_field_delimiters("[]") let int_flag=false input array lv_arr without defaults from srec1.* if int_flag=true then let int_flag=false else delete from entity where entity_type=lv_type and progname=lv_name and (justuser is null or justuser =" " or justuser=lv_user) and progname=lv_name and (justuser is null or justuser =" " or justuser=lv_user) for a=1 to arr_count() if lv_arr[a].name is null or lv_arr[a].name matches " " then continue for end if insert into entity values(0,lv_type, lv_name,lv_user, lv_arr[a].name, lv_arr[a].flags) end for call updated_program(lv_name,lv_user) end if close window w_edit_entity end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_modules(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) call edit_program_entity(lv_name,lv_user, "M") end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_globals(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) call edit_program_entity(lv_name,lv_user, "G") end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_forms(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) call edit_program_entity(lv_name,lv_user, "F") end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_libraries(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) call edit_program_entity(lv_name, lv_user,"L") end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_c(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) call edit_program_entity(lv_name, lv_user,"C") end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_ec(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) call edit_program_entity(lv_name, lv_user,"E") end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_dependencies(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) error "Not implemented yet" end function ################################################################################ function program_edit_settings(lv_name,lv_user) define lv_name char(128) define lv_user char(8) define lv_n char(32) define lv_v char(70) define lv_arr array[100] of record name char(32), value char(70) end record define lv_cnt integer open window w_edit_settings at 5,7 with form "settings" call aclfgl_set_display_field_delimiters(" ") display "Setting" to fldname call aclfgl_set_display_field_delimiters("[]") declare c_load_settings cursor for select name,value from afglsettings where progname=lv_name and (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) order by 1 let lv_cnt=1 foreach c_load_settings into lv_n,lv_v let lv_arr[lv_cnt].name=lv_n let lv_arr[lv_cnt].value=lv_v let lv_cnt=lv_cnt+1 end foreach let lv_cnt=lv_cnt-1 call set_count(lv_cnt-1) let int_flag=false input array lv_arr without defaults from srec1.* if int_flag=true then let int_flag=false else delete from afglsettings where progname=lv_name and (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) for lv_cnt=1 to arr_count() if lv_arr[lv_cnt].name is not null and lv_arr[lv_cnt].name not matches " " then insert into afglsettings values(lv_name, lv_user, lv_arr[lv_cnt].name,lv_arr[lv_cnt].value) end if end for call updated_program(lv_name,lv_user) end if close window w_edit_settings end function function get_last_used_program() return mv_lastused end function function set_last_used_program(lv_lastused) define lv_lastused char(128) let mv_lastused=lv_lastused end function function has_setting(lv_prog,lv_name) define lv_prog char(128) define lv_name char(32) define lv_val char(70) select value into lv_val from afglsettings where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_prog and name=lv_name if sqlca.sqlcode=100 then return false else return true end if end function function add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,lv_name) define lv_prog chaR(128) define lv_name char(32) if not has_setting(lv_prog,lv_name) then call channel::write("make",lv_name clipped||":=$(shell aubit-config "||lv_name clipped||")") end if end function function is_valid_env_var_char(lv_c) define lv_c char(1) let lv_c=upshift(lv_c) if lv_c>="A" and lv_c<="Z" then return true end if if lv_c>="0" and lv_c<="9" then return true end if if lv_c="_" then return true end if return false end function function replace_env_var_with_make_var(lv_str) define lv_str char(256) define lv_newstr char(256) define a,b integer define lv_mode integer let lv_newstr=" " let a=1 let lv_mode=0 for b=1 to length(lv_str) if lv_str[b]="$" and lv_str[b+1]="$" then let lv_newstr[a]=lv_str[b] let a=a+1 let lv_newstr[a]=lv_str[b] let a=a+1 let b=b+1 continue for end if if lv_str[b]="$" then let lv_newstr[a]="$" let a=a+1 let lv_newstr[a]="(" let a=a+1 let lv_mode=1 continue for end if if lv_mode=1 then if not is_valid_env_var_char(lv_str[b]) then let lv_newstr[a]=")" let a=a+1 let lv_mode=0 end if end if let lv_newstr[a]=lv_str[b] let a=a+1 end for if lv_mode=1 then let lv_newstr[a]=")" end if return lv_newstr end function function generate_makefile(lv_prog,lv_makefile) define lv_prog char(128) define lv_makefile char(512) define lv_build_in_db char(256) define lv_linkflags char(256) define lv_compflags char(256) define lv_name char(60),lv_value char(70) define lv_flags char(70) define lv_type char(1) define lv_fullname char(512) define lv_buildstr char(256) define lv_uses_4gls integer define lv_uses_forms integer define lv_filetime integer define lv_cnt integer let lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt=0 let lv_uses_4gls=false let lv_uses_forms=false call ensure_syspgma4gl() let lv_makefile=aclfgl_expand_env_vars_in_cmdline (lv_makefile) display "Generating makefile : " ,lv_makefile clipped call channel::open_file("make",lv_makefile, "w") if status<0 then display "Unable to open output file:", lv_makefile clipped return end if # Lets start off with some easy stuff- # we'll just dump the BUILDDIR LFLAGS CFLAGS straight from the databse select progoutdir, linkflags, compflags into lv_build_in_db,lv_linkflags,lv_compflags from program where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_prog if sqlca.sqlcode=100 then initialize lv_build_in_db,lv_linkflags,lv_compflags to null end if let lv_build_in_db=replace_env_var_with_make_var(lv_build_in_db) if lv_build_in_db is not null and lv_build_in_db != " " then if lv_build_in_db[length(lv_build_in_db)]="/" then let lv_build_in_db=lv_build_in_db[1,length(lv_build_in_db)-1] end if call channel::write("make","BUILDDIR="||lv_build_in_db clipped) let lv_buildstr="$(BUILDDIR)/" else #call channel::write("make","BUILDDIR=.") let lv_buildstr=" " end if if lv_linkflags is not null and lv_linkflags!= " " then call channel::write("make","LFLAGS="||lv_linkflags clipped) end if if lv_compflags is not null and lv_compflags!= " " then call channel::write("make","CFLAGS="||lv_compflags clipped) end if # # We'll create a 'list' of stuff that needs processing # this will help keep the file neat and tidy call channel::write("make","FORMS=") call channel::write("make","LIBS=") call channel::write("make","FGLOBJS=") call channel::write("make","MIFS=") call channel::write("make","OTHOBJS=") call channel::write("make","OBJS_CFORMS=") call channel::write("make","GLOBALS=") call channel::write("make","GLOBALS_DEFS=") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!=" " then call channel::write("make","A4GL_UI=CONSOLE") call channel::write("make","export A4GL_UI") call channel::write("make","ALL4GLSRC=") call channel::write("make","ALLPERSRC=") #call channel::write("make","A4GL_GENERATE_TXXVARS=Y") #call channel::write("make","export A4GL_GENERATE_TXXVARS") end if call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_PACKER") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_PACKED_EXT") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_XML_EXT") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_EXE_EXT") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_EXE_PREFIX") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_FORMTYPE") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_HELP_EXT") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_OBJ_EXT") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_LEXDIALECT") call add_setting_if_missing(lv_prog,"A4GL_LEXTYPE") # Now - just dump the settings for the program # and export them (this way a program is always compiled # with the correct environment variables set) declare c_getsettings cursor for select distinct name,value from afglsettings where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_prog order by 1 foreach c_getsettings into lv_name,lv_value call channel::write("make",lv_name clipped||"="||replace_env_var_with_make_var(lv_value) clipped) call channel::write("make","export "||lv_name clipped) end foreach call channel::write("make","A4GL_PROGNAME="||lv_prog clipped) call channel::write("make","export A4GL_PROGNAME") # We need to set up the extension for the ESQL/C files - # we dont normally store them but it easy to work it out.. # call channel::write("make","ifeq \"$(A4GL_LINTSTYLE)\" \"\"") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_LINTSTYLE=XML") call channel::write("make"," export A4GL_LINTSTYLE") call channel::write("make","endif") call channel::write("make","ifeq \"$(A4GL_LEXDIALECT)\" \"POSTGRES\"") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_EC_EXT=.cpc") call channel::write("make","else") call channel::write("make","") call channel::write("make","endif") call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make","FCOMPILE=fcompile") call channel::write("make","ifeq \"$(A4GL_FORMTYPE)\" \"GENERIC\"") call channel::write("make"," ifeq \"$(A4GL_PACKER)\" \"PACKED\"") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT=$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT)$(A4GL_PACKED_EXT)") call channel::write("make"," endif") call channel::write("make"," ifeq \"$(A4GL_PACKER)\" \"GZPACKED\"") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT=$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT)$(A4GL_PACKED_EXT).gz") call channel::write("make"," endif") call channel::write("make"," ifeq \"$(A4GL_PACKER)\" \"XML\"") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT=$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT)$(A4GL_XML_EXT)") call channel::write("make"," endif") call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make"," ifeq \"$(A4GL_USE_FORMXML)\" \"Y\"") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT=.xml") call channel::write("make"," FCOMPILE=A4GL_PACKER=FORMXML fcompile") call channel::write("make"," endif") call channel::write("make","else") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT=$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT)") call channel::write("make","endif") call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make","ifeq \"$(A4GL_LINTFILE)\" \"\"") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_LINTFILE=lint_"||lv_prog clipped||".xml") call channel::write("make"," export A4GL_LINTFILE") call channel::write("make","endif") # Default target is 'compile' call channel::write("make","all: compile") call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make"," ") declare c_get_modules cursor for select distinct entity_type, name,flags from entity where (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) and progname=lv_prog order by 1,2 # We'll run throigh this list twice - once to add to our lists (FORMS, GLOBALS, OBJS) # and once to create the rules for the targets themselves. foreach c_get_modules into lv_type,lv_name,lv_flags if lv_flags is not null and lv_flags !=" " then let lv_flags=replace_env_var_with_make_var(lv_flags) if lv_flags[length(lv_flags)]="/" then let lv_flags=lv_flags[1,length(lv_flags)-1] end if end if if lv_flags is null or lv_flags=" " then let lv_fullname=lv_name else let lv_fullname=lv_flags clipped||"/"||lv_name end if # Globals Module C-Code ESQL/C code if lv_type="G" or lv_type="M" then let lv_uses_4gls=true if lv_type="G" then if lv_flags is not null and lv_flags != " " then call channel::write("make","ALL4GLSRC+="||lv_flags clipped||"/"||lv_name clipped||".4gl") call channel::write("make","GLOBALS+=" ||lv_flags clipped||"/"||lv_name clipped||".4gl") call channel::write("make","GLOBALS_DEFS+="||lv_flags clipped||"/"||lv_name clipped||".glb.dat") else call channel::write("make","ALL4GLSRC+="||lv_name clipped||".4gl") call channel::write("make","GLOBALS+="||lv_name clipped||".4gl") call channel::write("make","GLOBALS_DEFS+="||lv_name clipped||".glb.dat") end if end if if isReplaceByLibrary(lv_fullname) then call channel::write("make","# "||lv_name clipped||" should be in a library instead") else call channel::write("make","# "||lv_name clipped||" not in library - need to use it instead") call channel::write("make","FGLOBJS+="||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT)") end if call channel::write("make","MIFS+="||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||".mif") end if if lv_type="C" or lv_type="E" then call channel::write("make","OTHOBJS+="||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT)") end if if lv_type="f" then call channel::write("make","OBJS_CFORMS+="||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT)$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT)") end if if lv_type="F" then # Form let lv_uses_forms=true call channel::write("make","ALLPERSRC+="||lv_fullname clipped||".per") if lv_flags is not null and lv_flags != " " then call channel::write("make","FORMS+="||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT)") else call channel::write("make","FORMS+="||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT)") end if end if if lv_type="M" then call channel::write("make","ALL4GLSRC+="||lv_fullname clipped||".4gl") end if if lv_type="L" then # Libraries if lv_flags is not null and lv_flags != " " then call channel::write("make","LIBS+=-l"||lv_flags clipped||"/"||lv_name clipped) else call channel::write("make","LIBS+=-l"||lv_name clipped) end if end if end foreach if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!=" " then #call channel::write("make","G_TXX=$(LFILE_DIR)/g_txx_"||lv_prog clipped) call channel::write("make","G_TXX=$(VMAKE)/g_txx_"||lv_prog clipped) call channel::write("make","export G_TXX") call channel::write("make"," ifeq \"$(COPYDIR)\" \"\"") call channel::write("make"," COPYDIR=/tmp/"||lv_prog clipped) call channel::write("make","endif") if not has_lib("common") then call channel::write("make","GLOBALS+=$(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl") call channel::write("make","DEFAULT_GLOBALS=$(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl") else call channel::write("make","GLOBALS+=$(V4GL)/dll/g_txv.4gl") call channel::write("make","DEFAULT_GLOBALS=$(V4GL)/dll/g_txv.4gl") end if call channel::write("make","export DEFAULT_GLOBALS") end if if lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt then call channel::write("make","LIBS+= -L$(V4GL)/dll") for lv_cnt=1 to lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt call channel::write("make","LIBS+= -l"||lv_dynamically_found_libs[lv_cnt] clipped) end for end if if fgl_getenv("NEEDLIBAUBIT4GL")="N" THEN ELSE call channel::write("make","LIBS+= -laubit4gl") end if if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then if not has_lib("common") then call channel::write("make","OTHOBJS+="||lv_buildstr clipped||"g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT) ") call channel::write("make","GLOBALS_DEFS+=$(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.glb.dat") call channel::write("make","OTHOBJS+="||lv_buildstr clipped||"t_"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT) ") end if end if #call channel::write("make","MIFS=$(subst $(A4GL_OBJ_EXT),.mif,${FGLOBJS})") call channel::write("make"," ") if lv_buildstr != " " then call channel::write("make","prerequisits: $(BUILDDIR) commonlibs") call channel::write("make"," @if [ ! -d $(BUILDDIR) ] ; then mkdir $(BUILDDIR); chmod 777 $(BUILDDIR); fi") else call channel::write("make","prerequisits: commonlibs") end if if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make","commonlibs: ") call channel::write("make"," $(MAKE) -C $(V4GL)/dll -f make_common") else call channel::write("make","commonlibs:") end if # And the second time through foreach c_get_modules into lv_type,lv_name,lv_flags if lv_flags is not null and lv_flags !=" " then let lv_flags=replace_env_var_with_make_var(lv_flags) if lv_flags[length(lv_flags)]="/" then let lv_flags=lv_flags[1,length(lv_flags)-1] end if end if if lv_flags is null or lv_flags=" " then let lv_fullname=lv_name else let lv_fullname=lv_flags clipped||"/"||lv_name end if if lv_type="G" then # Globals if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "||lv_fullname clipped||".4gl $(DEFAULT_GLOBALS)") call channel::write("make"," 4glc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") else call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "||lv_fullname clipped||".4gl") call channel::write("make"," 4glpc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") end if call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||".mif: "||lv_fullname clipped||".4gl") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_PACKER_EXT=.mif A4GL_PACKER=PACKED 4glpc -t WRITE -o $@ $<") end if if lv_type="M" then # Normal modules call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "||lv_fullname clipped||".4gl $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make"," 4glc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") else call channel::write("make"," 4glpc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") end if call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||".mif: "||lv_fullname clipped||".4gl $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_PACKER_EXT=.mif A4GL_PACKER=PACKED 4glpc -t WRITE -o $@ $<") end if if lv_type="C" then # C code call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "||lv_fullname clipped||".c") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make"," 4glc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^") else call channel::write("make"," 4glpc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^") end if end if if lv_type="f" then # C Form code call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT)$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "||lv_fullname clipped||".per") call channel::write("make"," $(FCOMPILE) -o "||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT) -c $^") call channel::write("make"," 4glpc -o $@ -c "||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT).c") end if if lv_type="E" then # ESQL/C code call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "||lv_fullname clipped||"$(A4GL_EC_EXT)") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make"," 4glc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^") else call channel::write("make"," 4glpc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^") end if end if if lv_type="F" then # Form call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||lv_name clipped||"$(A4GL_FULL_FORM_EXT): "||lv_fullname clipped||".per") call channel::write("make"," $(FCOMPILE) -o $@ $^") end if call channel::write("make"," ") end foreach # Not a full clean - just the intermediates... call channel::write("make","tidy:") call channel::write("make"," rm -f $(FGLOBJS) $(OTHOBJS) $(MIFS) $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") call channel::write("make"," ") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make","cleantxx:") call channel::write("make"," rm -f $(G_TXX) $(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl $(LFILE_DIR)/t_"||lv_prog clipped||".4gl") end if call channel::write("make","tidy_globals_dats:") call channel::write("make"," @rm -f $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") if lv_uses_4gls then if lv_uses_forms then call channel::write("make","compile: prerequisits phony.globals "||lv_buildstr clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_PREFIX)"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_EXT) $(FORMS)") else call channel::write("make","compile: prerequisits phony.globals "||lv_buildstr clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_PREFIX)"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_EXT)") end if else if lv_uses_forms then call channel::write("make","compile: prerequisits $(FORMS)") else call channel::write("make","compile: prerequisits ") end if end if call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make","run: compile") if lv_buildstr is not null and lv_buildstr != " " then call channel::write("make"," cd ",lv_buildstr," && ./$(A4GL_EXE_PREFIX)"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_EXT)") else call channel::write("make"," ./$(A4GL_EXE_PREFIX)"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_EXT)") end if call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make",lv_buildstr clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_PREFIX)"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_EXT): $(FGLOBJS) $(OTHOBJS) $(OBJS_CFORMS) ") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make"," 4glc $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $(FGLOBJS) $(OTHOBJS) $(OBJS_CFORMS) $(LIBS)") else call channel::write("make"," 4glpc $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $(FGLOBJS) $(OTHOBJS) $(OBJS_CFORMS) $(LIBS)") end if call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make","clean:") call channel::write("make"," rm -f $(FGLOBJS) $(OTHOBJS) $(OBJS_CFORMS) $(FORMS) ${MIFS} $(GLOBALS_DEFS) "||lv_buildstr clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_PREFIX)"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_EXE_EXT) ") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make"," rm -f $(G_TXX) $(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl $(LFILE_DIR)/t_"||lv_prog clipped||".4gl") end if if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!=" " then #call channel::write("make","phony.globals: $(G_TXX) $(LFILE_DIR)/g_vkopftxv.4gl $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") call channel::write("make","phony.g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv: $(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl") call channel::write("make","phony.globals: $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") else call channel::write("make","phony.globals: $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") end if call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make","%.glb.dat: %.4gl") call channel::write("make"," 4glc -G $<") call channel::write("make"," ") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE") !=" " then # Special code for Ventas to generate the global txt file call channel::write("make","phony.globals.old: $(G_TXX) $(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl $(LFILE_DIR)/t_"||lv_prog clipped||".4gl $(GLOBALS_DEFS)") call channel::write("make","$(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl $(LFILE_DIR)/t_"||lv_prog clipped||".4gl: $(G_TXX)") #call channel::write("make","$(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl $(LFILE_DIR)/t_"||lv_prog clipped||".4gl: $(G_TXX)") call channel::write("make"," mktxx $(G_TXX) $(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl $(LFILE_DIR)/t_"||lv_prog clipped||".4gl '$(LFILE_DIR_NOT_EXPANDED)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl'") call channel::write("make","") call channel::write("make", lv_buildstr clipped||"g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "|| "$(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make"," 4glc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") else call channel::write("make"," 4glpc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") end if call channel::write("make", lv_buildstr clipped||"t_"||lv_prog clipped||"$(A4GL_OBJ_EXT): "|| "$(LFILE_DIR)/t_"||lv_prog clipped||".4gl") if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!= " " then call channel::write("make"," unset DEFAULT_GLOBALS; DBPATH=$(DBPATH):$(V4GL):$(LFILE_DIR) 4glc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") else call channel::write("make"," unset DEFAULT_GLOBALS; DBPATH=$(DBPATH):$(V4GL):$(LFILE_DIR) 4glpc -K $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<") end if call channel::write("make","$(G_TXX): $(ALL4GLSRC)") call channel::write("make"," mktxx_grep $(ALL4GLSRC) > $(G_TXX)") if lv_prog not matches "*_tmp" then # Rule to copy all the source 4gl and forms etc into the COPYDIR directory # Replicates the copytmp for Ventas... call channel::write("make","$(COPYDIR):") call channel::write("make"," mkdir $(COPYDIR)") call channel::write("make","") call channel::write("make","copy: $(COPYDIR)") call channel::write("make"," cp $(ALL4GLSRC) $(ALLPERSRC) $(COPYDIR)") call channel::write("make"," cp $(LFILE_DIR)/make_"||lv_prog clipped||"_tmp $(COPYDIR)/Makefile") call channel::write("make"," cp $(LFILE_DIR)/g_"||lv_prog clipped||"txv.4gl $(COPYDIR) || exit 0") call channel::write("make","") end if end if call channel::write("make","lint : ${A4GL_LINTFILE}") call channel::write("make","$(A4GL_LINTFILE) : ${MIFS}") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_PACKED_EXT=.mif A4GL_PACKER=PACKED fgllint ${MIFS}") call channel::write("make"," ") call channel::write("make","calltree : ${MIFS}") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_PACKED_EXT=.mif A4GL_PACKER=PACKED fglcalltree ${MIFS}") call channel::write("make"," dot -T pdf -Lg -o"||lv_buildstr clipped||lv_prog clipped||".pdf") call channel::write("make","calltree_load : ${MIFS}") call channel::write("make"," A4GL_PACKED_EXT=.mif A4GL_PACKER=PACKED fglcalltree ${MIFS}") call channel::write("make"," load_calltree") call channel::close("make") let lv_filetime=get_file_time(lv_makefile) update program set genmakefile=lv_filetime where progname=lv_prog and (justuser is null or justuser matches " " or justuser=user) end function function run_with_logging(lv_runstr) define lv_runstr char(512) define lv_ok integer display " " # goto line mode display lv_runstr clipped run lv_runstr clipped returning lv_ok return lv_ok { let lv_logfile=get_tmp_fname("ERR") let lv_runstr=lv_runstr clipped," > ",lv_logfile clipped, " 2>&1" call load_logging(lv_logfile) call remove_tmp_files("ERR") } end function function isReplaceByLibrary(lv_name) define lv_name char(200) define lv_libs char(200) if fgl_getenv("VMAKE")!=" " then #display "Searching for ",lv_name clipped select libname into lv_libs from inLibrary where module=lv_name if sqlca.sqlcode =0 then call add_lib(lv_libs) return true end if # Is it just missing a .4gl extension ? if lv_name not matches "*.4gl" then let lv_name=lv_name clipped,".4gl" select libname into lv_libs from inLibrary where module=lv_name if sqlca.sqlcode =0 then call add_lib(lv_libs) return true end if end if end if return false end function # This function maintains a list of libraries which need to be included # These are determined dynamically by any modules listed in the 'inlibrary' table # this is currently only used for Ventas build... function add_lib(lv_libname) define lv_libname char(32) define a integer #Have we already added it ? if lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt then for a=1 to lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt if lv_dynamically_found_libs[a]=lv_libname then return end if end for end if let lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt=lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt+1 let lv_dynamically_found_libs[lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt]=lv_libname end function function has_lib(lv_libname) define lv_libname char(32) define a integer #Have we already added it ? if lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt then for a=1 to lv_dynamically_found_libs_cnt if lv_dynamically_found_libs[a]=lv_libname then return true end if end for end if return false end function function get_syspgma4gl_dbname() if length(fgl_getenv("SYSPGMA4GL"))>0 then return fgl_getenv("SYSPGMA4GL") else return "syspgma4gl" end if end function