MENU|main_menu|ADBACCESS Query-language|q|Use SQL query language|query_menu Connection|c|Connect or disconnect from a database environment.|connection_menu Database|d|Select, Create, Info, Drop or Close a database.|database_menu Table|t|Create, Alter, or Drop a database table.|table_menu Session|s|Retrieve information about the current DB-Access session.|session_menu Utilities|u|Forms, Reports, User Menus etc.|tools_menu Exit|e|Exit ADBACCESS.|EXIT MENU|connection_menu|CONNECTION Connect|c|Connect to a database environment.|connection_connect Disconnect|d|Disconnect from the current database environment.|connection_disconnect Exit|e|Returns to the DB-Access Menu.|EXIT SINGLEMENU|connection_disconnect|DISCONNECT Yes|y|Disconnect from current database environment.|do_disconnect No|n|Do not disconnect from current database environment.|EXIT MENU|table_menu_int|TABLE Create|c|Create a new Table (not implemented)|niy Alter|a|Alter a table (not implemented)|niy Info|i|Info for a table|table_info Drop|d|Drop a table|table_drop Exit|e|Return to ADBACCESS Menu|EXIT MENU|database_menu|DATABASE Select|s|Select a database to work with.|select_db Create|c|Create a new database.|create_db Info|i|Retrieve information about a database.|niy Drop|d|Drop a database.|drop_db cLose|l|Close the current database.|do_disconnect Exit|e|Return to the ADBACCESS menu.|EXIT SINGLEMENU|confirm_drop|CONFIRM No|n|Don't drop the table|RETURN "Yes" Yes|y|Yes - really drop the table|RETURN "No" MENU|tools_menu|Utilities Form|f|Form maintenance|form_menu Report|r|Reports maintenance|report_menu User-Menus|u|User menus maintenance|user_menu Exit|e|Return to main menu|EXIT MENU|user_menu_int|User Menu Run|r|Run a user menu|run_user_menu Modify|m|Modify a user menu|modify_user_menu Exit|e|Exit|EXIT SINGLEMENU|cr_db_menu|EXIT Create-new-database|c|Create-new-database|RETURN "Create" Discard-new-database|d|Discard-new-database|RETURN "Discard" SINGLEMENU|cr_db_menu_options|EXIT Dbspace|d|Select a dbspace for storing the databases's data.|RETURN "DBSpace" Log|l|Specify the type of transaction logging.|RETURN "Log" Exit|e|Return to the Database Menu.|RETURN "Exit" exit menu SINGLEMENU|get_log|LOG None|n|None|RETURN "" Log|n|LOG|RETURN "WITH LOG" Buffered_log|b|Buffered Log|RETURN "WITH BUFFERED LOG" log_Mode_ansi|m|Ansi Log|RETURN "LOG MODE ANSI" SINGLEMENU|ask_commit_rollback|COMMIT ? Commit|c|Commit Work|RETURN "Commit" Rollback|r|Rollback Work|RETURN "Rollback" SINGLEMENU|confirm_yn|Confirm Yes|y|Really do it|RETURN "Yes" No|n|Don't do it|RETURN "No" SINGLEMENU|confirm_drop_db|CONFIRM >> YES|y|Really Drop the database|RETURN "Yes" NO|n|Don't drop it|RETURN "No" KEEPMENU|info_menu|INFO Columns|c|List columns for the table|RETURN "Columns" Indexes|i|List indexes for the table|RETURN "Indexes" Privileges|p|List privileges for the table|RETURN "Privileges" References|r|List references for the table|RETURN "References" Status|s|Display status for the table|RETURN "Status" cOnstraints|o|List constraints for the table|RETURN "cOnstraints" triGgers|g|List triggers for the table|RETURN "triGgers" Table|t|Change table|RETURN "Table" Fragments|f|List fragments for the table|RETURN "Fragments" Exit|e|Exit|RETURN "Exit" KEEPMENU|form_menu_int|FORM Run|r|Run a form|RETURN "Run" Modify|m|Modify a form|RETURN "Modify" Generate|g|Generate a form|RETURN "Generate" New|n|Create a new form|RETURN "New" Compile|c|Compile a form|RETURN "Compile" Drop|d|Drop a form|RETURN "Drop" Exit|e|Exit Menu|RETURN "Exit" SINGLEMENU|modify_compile|Modify Form Compile|c|Compile the form|RETURN "Compile" Save-and-exit|s|Save the form|RETURN "Save-and-exit" Discard-and-exit|d|Discard the form|RETURN "Discard-and-exit" SINGLEMENU|correct_compile_form|COMPILE FORM Correct|c|Correct the errors in the form|RETURN "Correct" Exit|e|Exit the compilation|RETURN "Exit" SINGLEMENU|confirm_drop_form|CONFIRM No|n|No - I don't want to drop it|RETURN "No" Yes|y|Yes - I do want to drop it|RETURN "Yes" SINGLEMENU|form_table_selection|Generate Table selection complete|t|Table selection complete|RETURN "Table selection complete" Select more|s|Select more|RETURN "Select more" Exit|e|Exit|RETURN "Exit" KEEPMENU|query_menu_translate_int|SQL New|n|Type in new SQL commands|RETURN "New" Run|r|Run the SQL commands|RETURN "Run" Modify|m|Modify the SQL commands|RETURN "Modify" Use-editor|u|Use the editor to modify SQL|RETURN "Use-editor" Output|o|Output the results of the SQL|RETURN "Output" Choose|c|Choose an SQL file|RETURN "Choose" Save|s|Save an SQL file|RETURN "Save" Info|i|Info for tables|RETURN "Info" Drop|d|Drop an SQL file|RETURN "Drop" Translate|t|Translate SQL into a different dialect|RETURN "Translate" Exit|e|Return to ADBACCESS menu|RETURN "Exit" KEEPMENU|query_menu_int|SQL New|n|Type in new SQL commands|RETURN "New" Run|r|Run the SQL commands|RETURN "Run" Modify|m|Modify the SQL commands|RETURN "Modify" Use-editor|u|Use the editor to modify SQL|RETURN "Use-editor" Output|o|Output the results of the SQL|RETURN "Output" Choose|c|Choose an SQL file|RETURN "Choose" Save|s|Save an SQL file|RETURN "Save" Info|i|Info for tables|RETURN "Info" Drop|d|Drop an SQL file|RETURN "Drop" Exit|e|Return to ADBACCESS menu|RETURN "Exit"