############################################################################### # This file is used by mk_config script to create config.4gl and helpfile.msg # # # FORMAT : # # VAR CATEGORY/CATEGORY/... Brief Description (<= 55 char) # Followed by nothing or: # =OPTIONAL|LINE|FOR|POSSIBLE|VALUES|IF|REQUIRED # or # $DIRECTORY/filespec_?.so # where the ? would be the setting (like $AUBITDIR/lib/libSQL_?.so for SQLTYPE) # # The last portion is indented with a 'TAB' and gives a fuller description. # # Notes: # Do not use double quotes (") use single quote(') # # ALWAYS LEAVE A BLANK LINE AT THE END OF THIS FILE! ############################################################################### A4GL_AUTOBANG UI/TUI/MENU Enable automatic ! for command entry =YES|NO (like dbaccess menus) for all applicable statements A4GL_CINT COMPILE/RUNTIME Full path to CINT C-code interpreter Full path to CINT, if installed, othewise 'no'. Used by 4glc compiler to run C compiled code after compilation. A4GL_C_COMP COMPILE Name of the executable of C compiler to use Note that 4glpc uses $CC A4GL_EXE_EXT COMPILE Extension to use for executable files compiled by Aubit compiler Aubit default extensions for compiled resources (forms,menus,help) and objects as used by Amake _AND_ Aubit compiler (see resources.c) Amake does NOT read this file (?-check) note that composite variables A4GL_FRM_EXT and A4GL_MNU_EXT exist only in/for Amake defaults: A4GL_MNU_BASE_EXT=.mnu A4GL_HLP_EXT=.hlp A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT=.afr A4GL_XML_EXT=.xml A4GL_PACKED_EXT=.dat A4GL_OBJ_EXT=.ao A4GL_LIB_EXT=.aox A4GL_SOB_EXT=.aso A4GL_SOL_EXT=.asx A4GL_EXE_EXT=.4ae To emulate Informix p-code extensions (for instance, to re-use legacy make files) you would use this settings; note that doing this is not recomended and that created files will still be in Aubit format, not Informix one: A4GL_MNU_EXT= A4GL_HLP_EXT=.iem A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT=.frm A4GL_XML_EXT='' A4GL_PACKED_EXT='' A4GL_OBJ_EXT=.4go A4GL_LIB_EXT= A4GL_SOB_EXT= A4GL_SOL_EXT= A4GL_EXE_EXT=.4gi A4GL_FORMTYPE FORMS/RUNTIME Determine which runtime library to use for reading forms $AUBITDIR/lib/libFORM_?.so Default forms driver to be loaded When used: run-time only Options: (GENERIC), NOFORM, XDR Generic implies that format specified with A4GL_PACKER will be used A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT RUNTIME/COMPILE/FORMS Default form extension (for all packing types) A4GL_HELPTYPE HELP/RUNTIME Determine which runtime library to use for displaying help messages $AUBITDIR/lib/libHELP_?.so A4GL_HLP_EXT HELP/RUNTIME/COMPILE Specify the default extension for a help file A4GL_INIFILE COMPILE/RUNTIME Environment variable optionaly specifiying aubitrc file to use A4GL_LEXDIALECT ESQL/COMPILE Determine which ESQL/C dialect to use $AUBITDIR/lib/libESQL_?.so When A4GL_LEXTYPE=EC, specify type of EC compiler to be used. Ignored if A4GL_LEXTYPE is not set to EC When used: compile-time only Options: (INFORMIX), POSTGRES, SAPDB, QUERIX A4GL_LEXTYPE COMPILE Determine what language to convert the 4GL code into $AUBITDIR/lib/libLEX_?.so Default output language driver for 4gl compiler: When used: compile-time only Options: (C), PERL, EC, CS Note: EC (Embedded SQL C) can be Informix ESQL/C, SAP DB pre-compiler, Querix esqlc or PostgreSQL ecpg. using EC will limit Aubit DB connectivity at run-time to that of used EC compiler, ignoring setting of A4GL_SQLTYPE Note: CS is C# A4GL_LIB_EXT 4GLC Extension to use for static libraries created by Aubit compiler A4GL_LINK_LIBS 4GLC Libraries to link against when producing executables A4GL_MENUTYPE MENU/COMPILE/RUNTIME Determine library to use for menuhandlers (not normal 4GL menus) $AUBITDIR/lib/libMENU_?.so Default menu driver to be loaded: When used: run-time only Options: (NOMENU), XDR, GENERIC Generic implies that format specified with A4GL_PACKER will be used A4GL_MNU_BASE_EXT COMPILE/RUNTIME/MENU Base extension for compiled menu files Base extension (without packer extension) to use when compiling/opening menu files A4GL_MSGTYPE HELP/RUNTIME Determine library for help message handling $AUBITDIR/lib/libMSG_?.so Default help message driver to be loaded: When used: run-time only Options: (NATIVE), XML (??? XML? chech this!) A4GL_OBJ_EXT COMPILE extension to use when compiling 4GL modules to objects A4GL_OMIT_NO_LOG SQL Any CREATE TEMP TABLE .. WITH NO LOG will have the 'WITH NO LOG' silently removed =YES|NO A4GL_PACKED_EXT COMPILE/RUNTIME Determine file extension for packing A4GL_PACKER MENU/FORMS/HELP/COMPILE/RUNTIME Determine library for packing forms/menus/help etc $AUBITDIR/lib/libPACKER_?.so You can select which packer to use by setting the variable 'A4GL_PACKER' 1) (PACKED) - default This is very similar to XDR in that data is written in a hopefully portable way (optionally non-portable if the required functions aren't available). This will probably give the smallest output files 2) XDR This is the same as doing it the old way 3) XML This stores and reads the data in an XML file. The reading is very limited and can basically only read the XML files that it generates - IT IS NOT A FULL BLOWN XML PARSER. It uses some odd constructs and isn't ideal - but you'll get the idea when you see the output. Size of created files is much larger then PACKED or XDR 4) PERL This generates a data structure which can be used inside a perl program - its pretty complicated stuff though using hashes for the data representation. What you do with it after you've generated it is up to you, because this is an output only library (ie it can't read back what its written). A4GL_PDFTYPE REPORT/RUNTIME Determine which library to use for extended reports $AUBITDIR/lib/libEXREPORT_?.so Determine default driver for Extended Reporting When used: run-time only Options: PDF, (NOPDF) A4GL_RESERVEWORDS COMPILE --obsolete?-- Reserved word handling Used to determine if traditionaly reserved words in 4GL language should be treated as reserverd Procesing of reserved word is experimental. Set this to YES, if you want to disable this functionality. When set to NO, compiler will try to process most reserved words, instead of reporting the error. A4GL_SAPDB_ESQLC ESQL/COMPILE Full path to SAP DB ESQL/C compiler full path to SAP-DB ESQL/C pre-compiler executable used when compiling EC output for SAP DB(does not have to be in the path) A4GL_SQLTYPE SQL/RUNTIME/COMPILE Determine which library to use to connect to the database $AUBITDIR/libSQL_?.so Name of default SQL library plug-in to use. When used: run-time and compile-time Options: (nosql) iodbc unixodbc odbc32 (Windows only) ifxodbc pgodbc sapodbc sqliteodbc esql esqpPG esqlSAP esqlQ sqlite sqliteS pg mysql FILESCHEMA FILESCHEMA is to be used for compiling programs where either the database doesn't exist yet - or you can't get immediate access to it. This takes the 'database' as a filename (with a .schema extension) and uses that to collect the data used by compiler(s) Warning: this setting is ignored at run-rime when A4GL_LEXTYPE is set to 'EC'. At compile time, it is used by compilers segardless of A4GL_LEXTYPE setting MYSQL_SERVER SQL/RUNTIME/COMPILE If you want to specify a different MySQL server Default is localhost A4GL_UI UI/RUNTIME Determine which plug-in to use for the user interface $AUBITDIR/lib/libUI_?.so Defines default UI (user intertface) driver plug-in to load When used: run-time only Options: (CONSOLE) [no deps.], TUI [curses], GTK [GTK+]. A4GL_USE_ALIAS_AS SQL The keyword 'AS' is included when using an alias on a select column =YES|NO Used for EC output only A4GL_XML_EXT COMPILE/RUNTIME extension to use with XML packer Used when when creating output (forms,menus) or opening resource files using XML packer Default: SEE ALSO: A4GL_ALWAYSCLOBBER =YES|NO See also: A4GL_NOCLOBBER A4GL_ANSI_ERROR SQL/COMPILE ANSI SQL 92 error checking mode When ANSI_ERROR is set to Yes, compiler will abort if non ANSI SQL 92 statemt is found in source code (Static SQL only). If neither A4GL_ANSI_WARN or A4GL_ANSI_ERROR is set, no checking is performed. A4GL_ANSI_WARN SQL/COMPILE ANSI SQL 92 warning checking mode When ANSI_WARN is set to Yes compiler will display a warning if it encounters static SQL statement not confitming to ANSI SQL 92 specification If neither A4GL_ANSI_WARN or A4GL_ANSI_ERROR is set, no checking is performed. A4GL_ARR_DIR_MSG UI/TUI/LANG Display/Input array message 'There are no more rows in that direction' AUBITDIR COMPILE/RUNTIME Specify the location of the aubit source tree or installation Default for source distribution:/opt/aubit/aubit4glsrc Default for binary distribution:/opt/aubit4gl Usually set using --prefix=/path to 'configure' script AUBITETC COMPILE/RUNTIME Location of global Aubit configuration directory This internal variable points to default location of Aubit config files Default: /etc/opt/aubit4gl You should not need to change this. Note: location of system global cinfiguration file is determined by LSB standard. But wheather it will be created or not will depend on user lever privilages of the user installing Aubit to write under /etc. Actual location will be deternined by Autoconf in @AUBITETC@ variable. AUBIT_Y2K RUNTIME Specify Y2K handling of dates +n (n<100) - set to nearest year using +n years from today as limit for future -n (n>-100) - set to nearest year using -n from today as limit for past (note: -25 = +75 ) eg if year=1997 n=20 > 17 will be taken as historic anything <17 is future n=-20 <77 will be taken as future >77 is in the past XX00 - always use century XX 999 - Do not add anything - dealing with AD 0-99 -999 - use current century A4GL_AUTONULL COMPILE Auto initializing module and function local variables =YES|NO This setting is used at compile-time only. Numeric variables are initializet to 0, everything else to NULL To turn on, set to 'Y' (??? or is that YES ???) A4GL_BACKGROUND UI/TUI Default background character (in hex) when creating a window (eg 2E for a '.') Application windows background colour xxxx is a HEX code of a colour attribute - eg 1400 (for 0x1400) for blue and reverse. Applies to all windows created when no attribute is specified (including the main screen) A4GL_CLASSIC_I4GL_MONO UI/TUI Inhibit mapping of colours to attributes (like red->BOLD) =YES|NO A4GL_COLOR_TUI_BKG UI/TUI specify the default background color A4GL_COLOR_TUI_BKG_DEF UI/TUI specify the default background color =1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8 Example: 4 = Set the background colour of the Application to blue A4GL_COLOR_TUI_BLACK UI/TUI Remap black screen color to alternative A4GL_COLOR_TUI_BLUE UI/TUI Remap blue screen color to alternative A4GL_COLOR_TUI_CYAN UI/TUI Remap cyan screen color to alternative A4GL_COLOR_TUI_FG UI/TUI specify the default fg color A4GL_COLOR_TUI_FG_DEF UI/TUI specify the default fg color A4GL_COLOR_TUI_GREEN UI/TUI Remap green screen color to alternative A4GL_COLOR_TUI_MAGENTA UI/TUI Remap magenta screen color to alternative A4GL_COLOR_TUI_RED UI/TUI Remap red screen color to alternative A4GL_COLOR_TUI_WHITE UI/TUI Remap white screen color to alternative A4GL_COLOR_TUI_YELLOW UI/TUI Remap yellow screen color to alternative A4GL_COLUMNS UI/TUI Specify the width of the screen See A4GL_LINES for sescription A4GL_COMMENTS COMPILE Add comments to the generated code =YES|NO A4GL_COMMENT_LIKE_DISPLAY UI Specify comments to be in current display color =YES|NO A4GL_COMMENT_LIKE_INPUT UI Specify comments to be in current input color =YES|NO A4GL_CONSTANT2DEFINES COMPILE Print on standard output a #define for all constants =YES|NO (can be used to generate a .h file) DBDATE RUNTIME Specified how dates will be formated DBEDIT RUNTIME Name of the editor to use for TEXT BLOB fields Applies to asql only? A4GL_DBPATH RUNTIME/COMPILE Path to look in for databases and resource files See 'DBPATH' for more information DBPATH SQL/HELP/FORMS/MENU/RUNTIME/COMPILE Path to look in for databases and resource files DBPATH variable containls list of directory(es) that will be searched for objects like compiled form, help and menu files, and SQLite databases. Use coloumn (:) as a delimiter between paths you want searched, (;) on Windows. Default: tools/ in Aubit source code root directory and tools/ in Aubit binary installation directory As oposed to most Aubit settings that are exclusive and order of there surce (environment, aubitrc, built-in resources) decides which one will prevail, DBPATH and A4GL_DBPATH are cumulated from both variables, and added one to another in order depending on there source. So if you have path 1 in environment variable A4GL_DBPATH path 2 in environment variable DBPATH, path 3 in A4GL_DBPATH in aubitrc, path 4 in DBPATH in aubitrc, cumulated value will look like this: 1:2:3:4. Search for the file in DBPATH will then be performed from left to right, and first path found to contain file looked for will be used. NOTE: DBPATH to xxx/incl is for adbaccess form files Only SQLite databases are serched for usign DBPATH. Resources file are: compiled forms/menus/help/p-code files DBPRINT PRINT/RUNTIME/REPORT Printing command Name of command to use to pass report output when executing reports defines as START REPORT ... TO PRINTER A4GL_DEBUG DEBUG/COMPILE/RUNTIME Log extensive information for tracing bugs in Aubit4gl code When you encouter programs that crash, use this for debugging - it will create file 'debug.out' that can be very usefull when you don't get core dump, so you don't have file 'core' to run 'gdb' on. WARNING: do not set this under normal circumstanced - all programs will create debug.out file when they run, files can be VERY large, and they will slow down progrms execution considerably. This setting applies to all Aubit compiler executables (includign all compilers) and to all 4gl programs compiled with Aubit compiler. FIXME: we should have separate settings for compilers and compiled programs, like A4GL_DEBUG_COMP and A4GL_DEBUG_PRG FIXME: add note about priority numbers Default= A4GL_DEBUG_CFG DEBUG Dump all debug messages to stdout =YES|NO A4GL_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG/COMPILE/RUNTIME Specify the detail in which debug messages will be logged A4GL_DUMPCOMMENTS FORMS/COMPILE Dump form file attributes when compiling form to stdout A4GL_DUMPSTRINGS COMPILE Dump all the strings in a 4GL to a file called strings.out =YES|NO (normally set to 'ident') (see TRANSLATEFILE) A4GL_DUMP_CORE DEBUG/RUNTIME Action to perform when aubit/4gl programs crash =YES|NO either print a sorry message (Internal Error...) , or dump core (seg fault) A4GL_ESQL_UNLOAD ESQL/RUNTIME PostgreSQL ecpg Informix compatibility =YES|NO When needed use the ecpg UNLOAD statement rather than the aubit code A4GL_EXTENDED_ERRORLOG DEBUG/RUNTIME Error log handling Add module and line when writing to the error log from CALL errorlog(..) A4GL_EXTENDED_GRAPHICS FORMS/UI/TUI enable the use of extended graphics from form files (+<>^v for cross and tee's) If set to Y allows forms to contain the additional graphics characters <,>,^,v, and + to be used for tee's and an intersection. So the following : \gp--v--q\g \g| | |\g \g>--+--<\g \g| | |\g \gb--^--d\g Will draw a box with an intersecting horizonal and vertical line. Note - you'll need to set this before you compile the form as well as when you run program that will use form file compiled this way A4GL_FAKE_IMMEDIATE COMPILE Affects EXECUTE IMMEDIATE =YES|NO This option instructs the compiler to generate a prepare/execute pair for esql/c generation rather than use the native ESQL/C EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. This option is therefore most useful where the native ESQL/C compiler does not support the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (Postgres ecpg for example) For example, to use: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'set enable_seqscan to on' with PostgreSQL RDBMS, you'd have to have A4GL_FAKE_IMMEDIATE set A4GL_FIELD_CONSTR_EXPR UI/TUI/LANG Message to display when a fields value cannot be used for a construct statement A4GL_FIELD_ERROR_MSG UI/TUI/LANG Message to display when a fields value is invalid (eg non numeric in numeric field) A4GL_FIELD_INCL_MSG UI/TUI/LANG Message to display when a value in a field is not in the include list A4GL_FIELD_PICTURE_MSG UI/TUI/LANG Message to display when a pressed which is invalid for picture fields A4GL_FIELD_REQD_MSG UI/TUI/LANG Message to display when a field requires a value to be entered A4GL_FIXUPDATE SQL All updates will be transformed to Ansi syntax. Applies only to EC output =YES|NO A4GL_FORMAT_OVERFLOW RUNTIME Determines what happens when a decimal number is too large to fit [ROUND,REFORMAT] =ROUND|REFORMAT A4GL_GTKGUI UI/RUNTIME GTK+ ---obsolete?--- GTKRC UI/RUNTIME GTK+ resources file to use when running in GTK+ GUI mode --probaly obsolete, GTK libs use this themselves?-- A4GL_GTK_INC_PATH UI/COMPILE Path to includes needed ghen compiling GTK gui enabled code ---should be obsolete--- Full path to GTK+ includes (header) files, used when ...? FIXME: why do we need this? A4GL_GUIPORT UI/RUNTIME ---obsolete?--- A4GL_HIDE_MENU MENU/UI/TUI Remove menu when finished with it, default is to leave it displayed =YES|NO A4GL_DIM_INACTIVE_MENU MENU/UI/TUI Leave menu displayed - but as DIM rather than NORMAL to show its inactive =YES|NO HOME COMPILE/RUNTIME System environement vatialbe pointing to current user's home directory Used to find user-scpecific copy of Aubit configuration file (aubitrc) if any A4GL_INCLINES DEBUG/COMPILE Adds originating line number to genrated source code =YES|NO Adds originating line number of each created target language statemtn coresponding to 4gl source code, to created target language source code, which is usefull for debugging. E.G.: #line 2 '../tools/test/test_build.4gl' INFORMIXDIR ESQL/COMPILE Location of Informix ESQL/C installation Used when compiling EC ouptput using Informix ESQL/C compiler A4GL_INIT_COL_REFRESH UI/TUI Reinitialise curses colors on exit Used when curses colours must be reinitialized when returning to Screen mode (terminal specific) =YES|NO A4GL_INPARRAY_FULL_MSG UI/TUI/LANG Message to display when input array becomes full A4GL_KEYFILE DEBUG/UI/RUNTIME Read keystokes from a file and replay them Mechanism for doing automated testing A4GL_KEYFILE=(some filename in DBPATH) SEE ALSO: A4GL_KEYDELAY A4GL_KEYDELAY DEBUG/UI/RUNTIME Speed to replay keystokes Mechanism for doing automated testing A4GL_KEYDELAY=(time in usec 1000000 = 1 second, defaults to 0.1s) SEE ALSO: A4GL_KEYFILE A4GL_NEEDALLKEYS DEBUG/UI/RUNTIME Keyfile handling Specifies an error if more key stokes are requested than appear in the keystoke file (otherwise -return to keyboard input) SEE ALSO: A4GL_KEYFILE A4GL_KEYLOG DEBUG/UI/RUNTIME Log all keystokes to the specified file A4GL_LINES UI/TUI Number of rows on the screen Terminal size This should make programs work with a normal (not xterm) terminal session. Defaults: A4GL_COLUMNS=80 A4GL_LINES=24 FIXME: is this really A4GL_ variable - terminal will set LINES/COLUMNS, not A4GL_LINES/A4GL_COLUMNS SEE ALSO: A4GL_COLUMNS A4GL_MAP4GL COMPILE Generate a map file =YES|NO This option specifies that a mapfile should be generated which contains details of columns, tables, statements, windows, variables etc These can then be loaded up and used for further analysis and reporting A4GL_MARK_SCOPE COMPILE Prefix variables with indicators of scope =YES|NO This option make the variables within a compiled module use 'G', 'M', and 'L' prefixes to indicate where they are defined. For module level variables - the variable will also be prefixed with the module name This should ensure that the variable names are always unique at any scope. A4GL_MONEY_AS_DECIMAL COMPILE/ESQL Treat MONEY type as DECIMAL when compiling to POSTGRES EC LEXTYPE =YES|NO Because PG EC compiler (ecpg) does not know about MONEY type. Without it, you will get (ERROR: Only numeric/decimal have precision/scale argument) A4GL_MONEY_AS_MONEY COMPILE/ESQL Treat MONEY type as MONEY when compiling to POSTGRES EC LEXTYPE =YES|NO This will probably fail, since PG EC compiler curently does not know about MONEY datatype (ERROR: invalid datatype 'money'). A4GL_MONO UI/TUI Force monochrome output =YES|NO A4GL_NOCFILE COMPILE Dont generate the normal files when compiling =YES|NO This option is used internally when generating the globals .glb file A4GL_NOCLOBBER COMPILE Turn off names clobbering =YES|NO Each time you use a window/form etc - it is automatically preprended with the name of the module to form a unique name across the program. This means that you can safely use window 'w1' in a module without worrying if you are using window w1 in another module.. If you want to turn this off (so thatt it works the same way as Informix) - try setting A4GL_NOCLOBBER=Y NOCLOBBER defaults to 'Y' since Jan 2005, for Informix-4GL compatibility See also: A4GL_ALWAYSCLOBBER A4GL_NO_INVIS_ATTR UI/TUI Disable usage of A_INVIS in curses - attempt alternative method for concealment =YES|NO A4GL_PAGER MISQL Paging program to use PAGER should be set to some paging program, eg pg, more, less etc A4GL_PAUSE_MSG REPORT/RUNTIME/LANG Message to show when executing PAUSE statement in REPORT A4GL_PGKEYSMOVE UI Defines the use of the PgUp and PgDn keys as the same as NEXT KEY or for ON KEY (PGDN) =YES|NO POSTGRESDIR ESQL/COMPILE Base directory of PostgreSQL installation Used when looking for includes or libraries to link with, when compiling usign PostgreSQL ESQL compiler A4GL_PRINTPROGRESS A4GL_PRINTSCRFILE DEBUG/UI/TUI Specify a file to dump screen to (start with a | to pipe to a command) A4GL_PRINTSCRKEY DEBUG/UI/TUI Specify a key to automatically dump the screen with (goes to PRINTSCRFILE) A4GL_RPCTYPE RUNTIME Determine which library to use for remote procedure calls $AUBITDIR/lib/libRPC_?.so Determine default RPC (Remote Procedure Call) driver to load When used: run-time only Options: SUNRPC, (NORPC), XMLRPC Note: XMLRPC is client only at the moment A4GL_SCROLLBACKTO1 UI/TUI Display array handling =YES|NO A4GL_SCROLLTOEND UI/TUI Display array handling =YES|NO In display array scroll back to first line if PgUp is used rather than to just first page A4GL_SIMPLE_GRAPHICS UI/TUI Force usage of simple graphics for borders =YES|NO if set to Y then +,|,- will be used to draw graphics characters instead of proper borders (if available) A4GL_SQLCNVPATH RUNTIME/SQL Specifies the location of the conversion details for SQL grammers CONFIG FILE BASED CONVERSIONS convert_sql() now uses configuration files. These are by default located in /opt/aubit4gl/etc/convertsql/, but that can be changed with A4GL_SQLCNVPATH. A4GL_SQLCONVERT COMPILE/RUNTIME/SQL Autoconvert SQL from sources files dialect to runtime dialect Conversion of SQL statements in 4GL code, to the SQL dialect of target RDBMS Conversion is only done if you set A4GL_SQLCONVERT=YES and only if the dialect used by the program differs from that used by the DBMS interface. A4GL_SQLDIALECT COMPILE/RUNTIME/SQL SQL Dialect used for the source file Declares the SQL dialect of SQL code in 4GL source code. an 4GL directive to change the default SQL dialect at runtime is: SET SQL DIALECT TO ORACLE by default the system assumes the 4GL application is using Informix SQL syntax, but this can be changed by setting, for example: A4GL_SQLPWD SQL/COMPILE/RUNTIME Database access password See A4GL_SQLUID for description & Aubit4GL ACL Files A4GL_SQLUID SQL/COMPILE/RUNTIME Database access user name FIXME: is not odbc.ini supposed to have default login name and password? Defines username and password for accessing database server via ODBC: needed for DATABASE and DEFINE LIKE statements at compile time, and procedural DATABASE statement ar run-time. You can use OPEN SESSION and supply login information at run-time, but NOT at compile time: Default= WARNING!! BE CAREFULL NOT TO HAVE A TAB OR OTHER SPECIAL CHARACTRS IN THE VALUE OF THIS VARIABLES !!!!!!!!!! See also Aubit4GL ACL Files A4GL_ACLFILE SQL/COMPILE/RUNTIME ACL file to use Access Control List (MySQL and ODBC database ONLY) For the database access username and password, either set the SQLUID/SQLPWD or add an entry(s) to the ACL file (default: $HOME/.aubit4gl.acl) in the following format: dbname:username:password dbname2:username2:password2 ...etc... A4GL_TRANSLATEFILE COMPILE Specifies the location of a translation file This is used for transforming 4GL strings via a message file (see DUMPSTRINGS) A4GL_TRANSMODE RUNTIME/SQL Set transactions behaviour (PodtgreSQL EC mode only??) -1 = silently ignore transactions 0 = Use odbc's SQLTransact call 1 = Use SQLExecDirect with 'BEGIN WORK' etc See also: A4GL_AUTOCOMMIT A4GL_AUTOCOMMIT RUNTIME/SQL Set transaction commit behaviour (PostgreSQL EC mode only??) =YES|NO If enabled, automatically perform a commit after each SQL statement A4GL_TRIMDUMP DEBUG/UI/TUI Trim the results of a dump screen to a specified screen size (eg 24x80) =24x80|25x80|24x132|25x132 A4GL_TRIMUSINGFMT RUNTIME Trim trailing spaces from a using string variable before applying it =YES|NO A4GL_USEPAGEKEYS UI Does odd processing with PgUp PgDn keys on keyboard A4GL_USE_BINDING_FOR_PUT SQL =YES|NO A4GL_USE_DATABASE_STMT SQL =YES|NO A4GL_USE_FORM_SIZE FORMS/UI/RUNTIME Aubit used to honouring the size y by x in the form, this has been removed. If you require to specify the size, it can still be used by setting A4GL_USE_FORM_SIZE=Y (using this is an Aubit extension - and not default informix behaviour!) =YES|NO A4GL_USE_INDICATOR ESQL/COMPILE Use indicator variables in ESQL/C generated code =YES|NO VISUAL RUNTIME Name of the editor for BLOB fields (?) A4GL_YYDEBUG DEBUG/COMPILE Aubit parser debugging =YES|NO A4GL_EXDTYPE RUNTIME External data types support to be loaded $AUBITDIR/lib/libEXDTYPE_?.so Currently only MPZ (large integers) are supported FIME: not sure if this is needed - looks like this is loaded on request: see example testmpz.4gl into the tools/test directory. A4GL_NULL_DECIMAL_IF_BAD RUNTIME Null a decimal value rather than set it to 0 if its invalid =YES|NO The standard informix behaviour seems to be to set the value to 0 for decimals but sets dates to NULL. This is inconsistent and so this default behaviour is switchable via this configuration setting A4GL_BEEPONERROR RUNTIME Indicates that a beep should be emitted by the ERROR statement =YES|NO A4GL_FLASHONERROR RUNTIME Indicates that a screen flash should be emitted by the ERROR statement =YES|NO Not all terminals are capable of emitting a screen flash. If a screen flash is not possible then the terminal bell is rung instead. A4GL_REFRESH_AFTER_MOVE UI/TUI Issue a screen update after a cursor movement =YES|NO This is a screen drawing optimization function. Normally a screen update is not required but there may be some instances where the screen cursor does not move to the right place if this isn't set. If you're not too worried about where the screen cursor is, or your application doesn't suffer from this problem then set this to N A4GL_FIRSTCOL_ONERR UI/TUI Move to the beginning of a field after an error =YES|NO Can only be set if CLR_FIELD_ON_ERROR=N See CLR_FIELD_ON_ERROR A4GL_CLR_FIELD_ON_ERROR UI/TUI Clears a field after an error =YES|NO If this is set them FIRSTCOL_ONERR will never be triggered See FIRSTCOL_ONERR FIRSTCOL_ONERR_INCL UI Move to the beginning of a field if there is an error =YES|NO In some UI modules you can set this to force the cursor to move to the beginning of the input field when there is a data entry error only involving data not present in the include list See FIRSTCOL_ONERR A4GL_NO_REFRESH_AFTER_SYSTEM UI Issue a screen refresh after any sysem command =YES|NO In Informix 4GL, the screen is not refreshed after every system command but only after a new screen instruction is issued. This means that if you are running a lot of system commands, Aubit4GL's screen may appear to flicker between line mode and screen mode. Set this to N to inhibit the automatic screen refresh. A4GL_NO_ARRAY_EXPAND COMPILE Remove the array expansion code =YES|NO This is solely for backward compatibilty with older Aubit4GL versions. It should be set to N in all other cases.. A4GL_NO_ORDBY_INTO_TEMP COMPILE Remove any 'ORDER BY' clause when selecting into a temp table =YES|NO The ORDER BY is redundant when selecting into a temporary table (and some database engines don't support it). This option silently drops the ORDER BY clause RM_COMMENTS_FIRST COMPILE remove any comments before compiling the 4GL code =YES|NO This defaults to Yes, if you have problems with compilation - it may be that this code is getting confused. Try setting to N, or setting A4GL_DUMP_LAST GDB_ATTACH RUNTIME Attach GDB to the process when a Segmentation Fault occurs =YES|NO This is useful for tracing back problems during runtime execution The first command to execute in gdb would normally be a 'bt' which should give something like : #0 0x402095a9 in __wait4 () from /lib/libc.so.6 #1 0x40271ad8 in __DTOR_END__ () from /lib/libc.so.6 #2 0x401ad506 in system () from /lib/libc.so.6 #3 0x40038858 in A4GL_core_dump () at fglwrap.c:911 #4 #5 0x8048bbd in aclfgl_xxx (_nargs=0) at ./x1.c:95 #6 0x8048a6d in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff1d4) at ./x1.c:58 #7 0x40180baf in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6 Ignore everything up to the , and 'frame 5' (in this case) should show the offending line.. GDB_EXE RUNTIME Path to executable of you prefered debugger (Default: gdb) NO_ALT_SCR RUNTIME/TUI Try to disable the alternate screen (for xterm and console) =YES|NO When using some terminals types in curses mode, an alternate screen is employed so that when the application finishes (or otherwise enters line mode), the original screen will be redisplayed. Setting this option attempts to disable this screen swapping so that the original screen is used for the 4GL display. A4GL_DUMP_LAST DEBUG/COMPILE output the results of the last remove comments =YES|NO This will produce a file 'last' which contains the file with the comments removed. This is used to check the operation of the RM_COMMENTS_FIRST code. The file written will always be called last A4GL_CONSTRUCT_NO_MATCHES RUNTIME/SQL/UI Disable generation of MATCHES keywords =YES|NO This setting stops construct from generating a MATCHES when it sees a [, * or ? You can use this setting if your target SQL does NOT have the MATCHES keyword.. See also A4GL_CONSTRUCT_LIKE. A4GL_CONSTRUCT_LIKE RUNTIME/SQL/UI Enable generation of LIKE for construct =YES|NO If set to Yes this allows % and _ to be detected and used to for a LIKE within a generated construct string This uses the same flag (ismatch==1 for MATCHES, ==2 for LIKE) as for matches. So - If it looks like a matches, matches takes priority (unless CONSTRUCT_NO_MATCHES IS SET).. Note: This does NOT translate from an entered MATCHES format string to a LIKE format... A4GL_DIALOG_OK LANG Text to display on OK button A4GL_DIALOG_CANCEL LANG Text to display on CANCEL button A4GL_DIALOG_ABORT LANG Text to display on ABORT button A4GL_DIALOG_RETRY LANG Text to display on RETRY button A4GL_DIALOG_IGNORE LANG Text to display on IGNORE button A4GL_DIALOG_YES LANG Text to display on YES button A4GL_DIALOG_NO LANG Text to display on NO button A4GL_DIALOG_ERROR LANG Text to display for ERROR window TUICANCELKEY TUI Allows the assigning of interrupt key. For example in aterm's I set it to 263 A4GL_USE_PANGO_ML UI Allow markup for GUI widgets labels =YES|NO When set to Yes, any form label can use the pango-markup-language: (e.g.: DISPLAY 'Blue BG' to my_label) SWAP_SQLCA62 SQL Enable sqlca.sqlerrd[6] (ROWID/OID of last inserted record) translation =Y|N This is apparently needed only with PostgreSQL (with IFX compatibility patches) A4GL_SYSCOL_VAL SQL the name of the 'syscolval' table A4GL_SYSCOL_ATT SQL the name of the 'syscolatt' table A4GL_CLASSPATH COMPILE/RUNTIME Path to search for 'import' packages RESTARTLOG RUNTIME Restart the error log =YES|NO This causes the CALL startlog('...') to restart with an empty log file each time the program is run. The default is to append to the end of the current log A4GL_EC_LOGSQL COMPILE Add extra SQL logging information =YES|NO This option adds extra code into the generated ESQL/C code which will call a library function to log SQL calls as they are made. The actual SQL will be written to a file only if the variable 'LOGSQL' is set at runtime See also LOGSQL COMSPEC COMPILE/RUNTIME On Windows used to determine that we are on Windows Not to be changed by user - this is a Windows system environment variable CORE_ON_ASSERT RUNTIME/DEBUG Force a core dump when encountering an assert Aubit4GL uses a series of assertions to check data being used internally. When one of these assertion fails - it generally indicates something has gone wrong internally. Setting this option will force a Core dump (Seg Fault) which should allow any attached debugger to check exactly where the assertion failed and investigate why it failed. DATE_AS_ISO_DATE_STRING SQL/ODBC Use character strings for dates =YES|NO This specifies that when communicating with the ODBC driver, dates should always be refered to as strings. Some ODBC do not correctly handle dates using the proper ODBC SQL_DATE datatype - when this situation occurs, specifying DATE_AS_ISO_DATE_STRING may help DTIME_AS_CHAR SQL/ODBC Use character strings for datetimes =YES|NO This specifies that when communicating with the ODBC driver, datetimes should always be refered to as strings. Some ODBC do not correctly handle datetimes using the proper ODBC SQL_C_DATETIME/SQL_TIMESTAMP etc.W hen this situation occurs, specifying DTIME_AS_CHAR may help DUMP4GL DEBUG generates a file /tmp/file.out =YES|NO This generates a file /tmp/file.out which gets written to as the 4glc compiler compiles 4GL code. This can be useful in debugging the 4glc compiler EC_EXT COMPILE Specify the extension for an ESQL/C file Defaults: Informix=.ec Postgres=.cpc SAP=.cpc A4GL_INCOMPAT_AT_RUNTIME COMPILE Allow incompatible statements at compile-time, stop at run-time =YES|NO When A4GL_INCOMPAT_AT_RUNTIME is set to YES, statements that are not implemented or not possible when using particular database (when it is known at compile-time) will not cause compile-time error. Instead, they will compile succesfully, and cause the error at run-time. This will allow 4GL source code using such features to be compiled, but if execution of it is attempted, program execution will be halted. Default is to abort with error on compile-time (when target database is known at compile time, which is tipically only when using A4GL_LEXTYPE=EC) INFORMIXOPTIONS UI Use informix case matching for NEXT OPTION/SHOW OPTION/HIDE OPTION =YES|NO This is the default setting for case options. Informix seems to be case sensitive for NEXT OPTION, but case insensitive for SHOW OPTION and HIDE OPTION Using this setting will emulate this behaviour CASEOPTIONS UI Always use case when matching for NEXT OPTION/SHOW OPTION/HIDE OPTION =YES|NO This setting will ensure a case sensitive match for all the menu operations This is the default behaviour for NEXT OPTION under informix, SHOW and HIDE option seem to be case insenitive on informix CASEIGNOPTIONS UI Never use case when matching for NEXT OPTION/SHOW OPTION/HIDE OPTION =YES|NO This setting will ensure a case insensitive match for all the menu operations This is the default behaviour for SHOW/HIDE OPTION under informix, NEXT OPTION seem to be case senitive on informix EMAIL_RECIPIENT REPORT Email address to use for START REPORT TO EMAIL This setting is used to specify a default email address to send a convertible report to. Emails are sent using 'send_report' function in the fgl_smtp module FGLFRMCOMPILE FORM Explicitly state if a form compile is to use 4GL rather than PERFORM syntax =YES|NO Setting this will enable/disable the use of keywords used only in the INSTRUCTIONS section of a perform screen which may otherwise interfere with otherwise legitimate identifiers FLASH_BADMENUKEY UI Flash the screen when an error occurs in a menu =YES|NO When a key is pressed in a menu which does not correspond to an option, then this indicates that the screen should flash as a non-audiable warning. See BEEP_BADMENUKEY BEEP_BADMENUKEY UI Ring the terminal bell when an error occurs in a menu =YES|NO When a key is pressed in a menu which does not correspond to an option, then this indicates that the terminal should beep as a audiable warning. Note : Not all terminals are capable of making the beep noise. See FLASH_BADMENUKEY FORCE_CLOSE SQL Force the closing of the current database connection =YES|NO This option will force the closing of the database connection when the program exits FORCE_ROLLBACK_AT_EXIT SQL Send an explicit rollback work on closing the connection =YES|NO ODBC specific. This option requests that a rollback work be sent before closing a database connection FREE_SQL_MEM SQL/COMPILE Free SQL memory when compiling the 4gl code =YES|NO This option should not be required as the 4gl compiler will free all the memory at the end of compiling a module. If you are finding you are running out of memory you could try setting this option. FUDGE_STATUS COMPILE Add some extra code to clear down the status variable =YES|NO EC/C generation only. This option forces the clearing down of the status variable. IFX_LIBS COMPILE Informix libraries to use on the link line This setting should be automatically set by the configure script If this isn't set correctly, it should be set manually to the result of 'esql -libs' INFORMIX_ROUNDING RUNTIME Specifies which rounding algorithm to use =YES|NO This option specifies using an informix compatible rounding algorithm LOGALL RUNTIME/UI Log non-printable keys =YES|NO This specifies that all key presses should be logged, as opposed to just the printable characters See KEYLOG and KEYFILE NAMESPACE COMPILE Namespace to use for compiling programs NEED_SIGCHLD RUNTIME Add a SIGCHLD event handler =YES|NO Some SQL backends (for example some versions of Informix) raise a SIGCHLD event which must be caught. This option adds the relevant event handler NEED_SIGPIPE RUNTIME Add a SIGPIPE handler =YES|NO Some SQL backends (for example some versions of Informix) raise a SIGPIPE event which must be caught. This option adds the relevant event handler NO_CONV_ERR RUNTIME Don't raise an error if a conversion into a variable fails =YES|NO A4GL_DLL_EXT COMPILE Class shared library extention SO_EXT COMPILE Normal Shared library extention KEY_RECALL UI Keycode for a recall field key This option specifies a keycode for a field recall key. This is only effective for the HL_... series of UI modules KEY_RECALL_LAST UI Keycode for a recall field key This option specifies a keycode for a field recall key (last value only). This is only effective for the HL_... series of UI modules LIST_ERRS COMPILE Try to allow multiple errors to be reported when compiling a 4GL module =YES|NO Typically the 4gl compiler will stop at the first error. Setting this option will try to continue the compilation so that multiple errors in the 4gl module will all be reported LOGSQL RUNTIME/SQL Filename to log SQL statements to Some SQL modules will allow for SQL logging at runtime. LOGSQL should contain the filename to log these SQL statements in RUNNING_TEST COMPILE Internal variable =0|1 This variable indicates that the compilation/run is part of the regression thests. This enables code to store errors generated during regression tests LOG_TEXT COMPILE Internal variable This variable should contain a subdirectory and is used to indicate where to store errors generated during regression tests A4GL_TRACEDLL UNKNOWN UNKNOWN =YES|NO Trace DLL calls. Calls will be written to a file called /tmp/trace.txt PREFIX_DLLFUNCTION RUNTIME Add an underscore when calling a DLL function =YES|NO Some platforms require that functions in a DLL are prefixed with an underscore This option ensure that all functions are called with the expected name ODDOPTIONS UI Reset options when opening a new window =YES|NO For some bizarre reason, Informix resets the options display attribute when you open a new window. This option is used for compatibility ONKEY_ACCEPT UI Apply different logic for ON KEY (ACCEPT) =YES|NO Traditional key handling Assume F1 is the Accept Key... The normal truth table would be : ON KEY (f1) ON KEY (ACCEPT) Press Key FGL_LASTKEY ACTION N N F1 F1 Exit Display * Y N F1 F1 Do ON KEY(f1) * N Y F1 N/A Exit Display * Y Y F1 F1 Do ON KEY(f1) * ie - ON KEY(ACCEPT) is completely ignored Setting ONKEY_ACCEPT=Y changes this : ON KEY (f1) ON KEY (ACCEPT) Press Key FGL_LASTKEY ACTION N N F1 F1 Exit Display Y N F1 F1 Do ON KEY(f1) N Y F1 ACCEPT Do ON KEY (ACCEPT) Y Y F1 F1 Do ON KEY(f1) SHELL UNKNOWN UNKNOWN SPACESCORE FCOMPILE Convert underscores to spaces when compiling a form =YES|NO This option changes any '_' characters to spaces when compiling a form START_ALLOC RUNTIME Performance enhancement =YES|NO This option allocates and then frees 10Mb of memory when the program starts. This normally means that subsequent memory allocations will run much faster. TRACE_AS_TEXT REPORT Enable XML style text logging of convertible reports =YES|NO This options makes the convertible reports write their meta data in an XML style output file WAIT_FOR_GDB_ATTACH RUNTIME Wait for a debugger to connect to this process on SegFault =YES|NO When a program segfaults it can do one of three things. 1) Die (possibly with a core dump) 2) Start the debugger 3) Wait for a debugger on another terminal to connect to this process This options specifies that we should wait (for up to 5 minutes) for a 'gdb -p pid' to failed process DBL2DEC_USING RUNTIME Use a USING string to convert a double to a decimal =YES|NO This uses a USING string as the basis for converting from a double to decimal DEBUGFILE RUNTIME debug filename Specifies the debug filename to use (normally debug.out) LOCALOUTPUT COMPILE strips any leading directories while compiling =YES|NO This option specifies that any leading directories are removed when compiling modules. This means that compiling directory/module.4gl may (for example) generate module.c in the current directory rather than directory/module.c LOGREP REPORTS Internal logical reports variable This is used internally - do not set it manually LOGSQLFUNCTIONS COMPILE Save used stored procedure names =YES|NO This option will create a file called "/tmp/sqlcall.log" which should contain all the SQL functions (stored procedures) which are called from the module being compiled. These can be collected to determine what functions/procedures might need porting/copying when moving to a new database/rdbms. LOG_STRINGS UNKNOWN UNKNOWN =YES|NO This will log all of the literal strings encountered in the sourcecode in a file called /tmp/strings.log NEVER_CONVERT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN =YES|NO ALWAYS_CONVERT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN =YES|NO IGNORE_DATEFMT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN =YES|NO MAPSQL UNKNOWN UNKNOWN MONITORPORT UI Specify the TCP/IP port for monitoring You will need to edit lib/libaubit4gl/fglwrap.c and add #define USE_MONITOR to use this functionality MONITOR4GL TUI Writes to a 'monitor' TCP/IP connection the current screen =YES|NO This option will log the current screen to. You can use 'telnet host $MONITORPORT' to view the output. You will need to edit lib/libaubit4gl/fglwrap.c and add #define USE_MONITOR to use this functionality See also MONITORPORT NOSETODBCCURSORS ODBC Use ODBC driver manager cursors =YES|NO If this is set to Y then the odbc sql connector will use the driver manager cursor library if available. This is done using the following ODBC call : SQLSetConnectAttr (hdbc, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_CURSORS, (SQLPOINTER) SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC, (SQLINTEGER) 0); NO_INIT_COL_CLR TUI/HL_TUI Inhibit the clear screen on a refresh from linemode =YES|NO LOGPCODE PCODE log debugging information to a file called pcode.run =YES|NO This is read directly from the environment and so can't be set in an aubitrc file PADNULLSTRING RUNTIME sting concatenation behaviour =YES|NO This option changes the way a string concatenation would work if one or other of the strings is null. PG_COPTS COMPILE Postgres C compiler flags SAVE_COMMENTS COMPILE Filename to save comments to =YES|NO This option specifies the filename to save any comments encountered in the sourcecode to. These comments can then be more easily analysed. AUBITPLUGINDIR COMPILE/RUNTIME Specifies the directory where plugins reside This is typically $AUBITDIR/plugins-version INPUTREQUIREDTYPE TUI sets the REQUIRED method for an INPUT =FIELD|INPUT This specifies when the REQUIRED tag on a field on an input is checked. CLRFIELDSTATUS TUI Clear 'field touched' after the BEFORE INPUT =YES|NO In certain versions of Informix4GL it appears that field status flags are cleared *AFTER* a BEFORE INPUT/BEFORE CONSTRUCT. This means that any DISPLAYs done during the BEFORE INPUT or BEFORE CONSTRUCT do not set the field_touched flags for the fields. Setting this flag emulates this behaviour.. A4GL_FRM_BASE_LIST RUNTIME Specify a list of extensions which may be used for a formname If set - this is a colon separated list of file extensions which may be used when opening form files. If not set, then the standard FRM_BASE_EXT will be used SETODBCCURSORS UNKNOWN UNKNOWN SUPPRESSWARNINGS UNKNOWN UNKNOWN TARGET_OS UNKNOWN UNKNOWN TRIMFIELD UNKNOWN UNKNOWN USECURSORFORLOAD UNKNOWN UNKNOWN A4GL_LOGSQLERR UNKNOWN UNKNOWN A4GL_PARSER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN A4GL_QUOTE_OWNER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN A4GL_RDYNAMIC UNKNOWN UNKNOWN A4GL_NUMERIC UNKNOWN UNKNOWN A4GL_DB_NUMERIC UNKNOWN UNKNOWN A4GL_SCANF_NUMERIC UNKNOWN UNKNOWN ALWAYS_CONVERT_PREPARED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN ASQLERRM UNKNOWN UNKNOWN CONSTRUCT_MATCH_FIX UNKNOWN UNKNOWN DBNAME UNKNOWN UNKNOWN DOING_CM UNKNOWN UNKNOWN DROP_WHERE_CURRENT_OF UNKNOWN UNKNOWN ENV_NOT_SET_AS_STR UNKNOWN UNKNOWN ERROR_ON_NVALS UNKNOWN UNKNOWN FCOMPILE_SILENT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN HALFDELAY UNKNOWN UNKNOWN HASHNOCOMMENT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN HIDEEMPTYBUTTONS UNKNOWN UNKNOWN KEEPNLONREAD UNKNOWN UNKNOWN BINDDATEASINT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN SINGLEFORM FCOMPILE Use 'single form mode' when compiling =YES|NO This option emulates the behaviour of Informix4GL in just overlaying multiple screens over each other. (Normally Aubit4GL will put separate screens on separate screens!) This is needed to emulate a "feature" of Informix4GL which allows displaying of data to fields on the second screen to overwrite the screen displayed for the first (to blank out fields for example) A4GL_NULLBADARGVAL RUNTIME Returns NULL instead of ' ' from ARG_VAL This option returns NULL when ARG_VAL is called with an invalid parameter C4GLFUNCRETCOMPAT COMPILE Sets the compiler to ignore any surpluss return values =YES|NO The (some versions of the) Informix c4gl silently discards extra return values. Setting this will emulate that behaviour ESQLDESCRIPTORLENGTH ESQL/RUNTIME Sets the maximum length of the ESQL descriptors for the Informix connector This sets the maximum length (normally 128) of the informix descriptor strings. These are used internally for prepares and cursors etc. Some versions of the Informix ClientSDK have a smaller size for the descriptor and this setting can be changed accordingly