code #include FILE *p_file; endcode define lv_width integer define lv_height integer define lv_fileline integer define lc_max_display_lines constant 60 define lv_arr array[lc_max_display_lines] of char(255) define mv_cnt integer # Total number of programs to compile... define lc_num_compiles constant 107 define lv_fail array[200] of char(80) define lv_ok array[200] of char(80) define lv_fail_cnt integer define lv_ok_cnt integer function middle(s,w) define s char(255) define s1 char(255) define i integer define w integer define a integer let a=w-length(s) let a=a/2 let s1[a,255]=s return s1 end function main define lv_cnt integer define lv_make chaR(200) call startlog("blah") let lv_ok_cnt=1 let lv_fail_cnt=1 let mv_cnt=0 start report compile_status to "compile_extras.out" start report lines to "makerest.log" for lv_cnt=1 to lc_max_display_lines let lv_arr[lv_cnt]=" " end for let lv_make=fgl_getenv("A4GL_MAKE") if lv_make is null or lv_make matches " " then let lv_make="make" end if # Make sure its set in the environment # we might have picked it up from an aubitrc file... call aclfgl_setenv("A4GL_MAKE", lv_make clipped) let lv_fileline=0 if console_mode() then display "Aubit4GL Extras Compilation" let lv_width=253 let lv_height=24 else display " " at 1,1 # go to screen mode.. let lv_width=aclfgl_get_curr_width() if lv_width>255 then let lv_width=255 end if let lv_width=lv_width-2 let lv_height=aclfgl_get_curr_height()-7 if lv_height>lc_max_display_lines then let lv_height=lc_max_display_lines end if display middle("Aubit4GL Extras Compilation",lv_width) at 1,1 attributes(reverse,cyan) open window w_title at 3,2 with 3 rows, lv_width columns attribute(border) open window w_compile at 8,2 with lv_height rows, lv_width columns attribute(border) end if call compile_optionals() let lv_fail_cnt=lv_fail_cnt-1 let lv_ok_cnt=lv_ok_cnt-1 if console_mode() then display lv_fail_cnt, " components failed to compile" display lv_ok_cnt, " components compiled successfully" display "(see compile_extras.out for details)" display "A make log is stored in makerest.log" else current window is w_compile clear window w_compile display lv_fail_cnt, " components failed to compile" at 2,1 display lv_ok_cnt, " components compiled successfully" at 3,1 display "Please see compile_extras.out for details" at 5,1 display "A make log is stored in makerest.log" at 6,1 end if finish report compile_status finish report lines #display "mv_cnt=",mv_cnt end main report lines(lv_str) define lV_str char(255) output left margin 0 top margin 0 bottom margin 0 format on every row print lv_str clipped end report function add_line(lv_str) define lv_str char(255) define a integer output to report lines (lv_str) if console_mode() then display lv_str clipped return end if current window is w_compile if lv_str is null then let lv_str = " " end if let lv_fileline=lv_fileline+1 if lv_fileline<=lv_height then let lv_arr[lv_fileline]=lv_str else for a=1 to (lv_height-1) let lv_arr[a]=lv_arr[a+1] end for let lv_arr[lv_height]=lv_str end if set pause mode on for a=1 to lv_height display " " , "" at a,1 if a>lv_fileline then exit for end if display lv_arr[a] clipped at a,1 end for set pause mode off end function report compile_status(lv_title,lv_ok) define lv_title char(80) define lv_ok integer format on every row if lv_ok then print " ", lv_title clipped,"(OK)" else print "****", lv_title clipped, " FAILED TO COMPILE" end if end report function show_progress(lv_cnt,lv_tot) define lv_cnt,lv_tot integer define lv_str char(255) define lv_x integer if console_mode() then return else # current window should be w_title already... let lv_x=(lv_cnt*lv_width)/lv_tot let lv_x=lv_x+1 if lv_x> lv_width then let lv_x=lv_width end if let lv_str="###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################"; display lv_str[1,lv_x] at 3,1 attribute(reverse,green) end if end function function run(lv_title, lv_str,lv_importance) define lv_str char(512) define lv_title char(80) define lv_line char(255) define lv_importance integer define a integer call show_progress(mv_cnt,lc_num_compiles) let mv_cnt=mv_cnt+1 if console_mode() then display "Compiling : ",lv_title clipped else current window is w_title display "Compiling : ",lv_title at 1,1 end if let lv_str=aclfgl_expand_env_vars_in_cmdline(lv_str) clipped," 2>&1" if console_mode() then display lv_str end if code { A4GL_trim (lv_str); //printf("%s\n",lv_str); p_file = popen (lv_str, "r"); if (p_file != 0) { while (1) { memset (lv_line, 0, lv_width + 1); if (!fgets (lv_line, lv_width + 1, p_file)) break; lv_line[lv_width + 1] = 0; A4GL_trim_nl (lv_line); while (1) { char *ptr; ptr=strchr(lv_line,'\t'); if (!ptr) break; *ptr=' '; } A4GL_push_char (lv_line); aclfgl_add_line (1); } a = pclose (p_file) >> 8; sprintf (lv_line, "Exit status : %x", a); A4GL_push_char (lv_line); aclfgl_add_line (1); } else { A4GL_push_char ("Unable to run command"); aclfgl_add_line (1); } } endcode if console_mode() then if a=0 then display "Compiled : ",lv_title clipped," OK" display " " else if lv_importance>=3 then display "Compiled : ",lv_title clipped," FAIL" else display "Compiled : ",lv_title clipped," FAIL (can probably be ignored)" end if end if else current window is w_title display "Compiled : ",lv_title at 2,1 if a=0 then display "OK " at 2,70 else if lv_importance>=3 then display "FAIL" at 2,70 attribute(red,reverse) else display "FAIL" at 2,70 end if end if end if if a=0 then let lv_ok[lv_ok_cnt]=lv_title let lv_ok_cnt=lv_ok_cnt+1 output to report compile_status(lv_title,1) else let lv_fail[lv_fail_cnt]=lv_title output to report compile_status(lv_title,0) let lv_fail_cnt=lv_fail_cnt+1 end if if not console_mode() then display " ", "" at 1,1 end if end function function compile_optionals() call run("ESQL/C SQL DRIVER", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/esqlc ",5) call run("Resources", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/resource",5) call run("MYSQL Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/mysql",5) call run("Dummy SQL Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/nosql",5) call run("IFXODBC Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/odbc ifxodbc",3) call run("PGODBC Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/odbc pgodbc",3) call run("SQLITE Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/odbc sqlite3",3) call run("UNIXODBC Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/odbc unixodbc",3) call run("Postgresql Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/postgresql",5) call run("FILESCHEMA Connector", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/schema_in_file",5) call run("4GL LEXTYPE", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblex/lex_4gl",1) call run("SPL LEXTYPE", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblex/lex_spl",1) call run("Dummy SQLPARSEr", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsqlparse/none",5) call run("AACE Compiler", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/ace",4) call run("Form Compiler", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/fcompile",5) call run("Help Compiler", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/helpcompile",5) call run("Menu Compiler", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/menus",0) call run("PCODE compiler", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/pcode",0) call run("SQL Translator", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/sql",5) call run("MEMCACHED interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/memcached ",1) call run("PCRE interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/pcre",1) call run("POP interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/pop",1) call run("SMTP interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/smtp",1) call run("Channel compatibility interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/channel",5) call run("FILE interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/file",5) call run("FILE CURL interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/file_curl",5) call run("string interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/string",3) call run("barcode lookup interface", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/barcode",1) call run("roman numbers", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/roman",1) call run("sample errhook", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/errhook",1) call run("mantis connect", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/extra_libs/mantisconnect",1) call run("Help files", "$A4GL_MAKE -C help",5) call run("Documentation tool data loader", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib loadmap",5) call run("LIBLOGICAL layout engine", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/layout_engine",3) call run("LIBLOGICAL processor", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/processor",5) call run("LIBLOGICAL viewer", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/report_viewer",3) call run("ESQL/C Helper functions", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libesql ",5) call run("Extra datatype", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libexdata ",5) call run("GENERIC form driver", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libform/form_generic",5) call run("XDR Form Driver", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libform/form_xdr",2) call run("Dummy form driver", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libform/noform",5) call run("PERL generation", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblex/lex_perl",1) call run("LIBLOGICAL CSV layout module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/csv/layout",5) call run("LIBLOGICAL CSV process module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/csv/process",5) call run("LIBLOGICAL HTML layout module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/html/layout",5) call run("LIBLOGICAL HTML process module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/html/process",5) call run("LIBLOGICAL Layout engine", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/layout_engine ",3) call run("LIBLOGICAL PDF layout module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/pdf/layout",3) call run("LIBLOGICAL PDF process module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/pdf/process",3) call run("LIBLOGICAL TXT layout module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/txt/layout",5) call run("LIBLOGICAL TXT process module", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblogical/txt/process",5) call run("Read/Write message files", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libmsg/msg_native",5) call run("GZ Packer", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpacker/gzpacked",3) call run("In-memory Packer", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpacker/mempacked",5) call run("Packed Packer", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpacker/packed",5) call run("Perl Packer", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpacker/perl",1) call run("XDR Packer", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpacker/xdr",5) call run("XML Packer", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpacker/xml",5) call run("PDF Report generation", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpdf",3) call run("DUMMY RPC functions", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/librpc/no_rpc",4) call run("SUN ONC/RPC functions", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/librpc/sun_rpc",1) call run("XML RPC functions", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/librpc/xml_rpc",1) call run("CURSES UI", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libui/ui_curses",5) call run("GLADE UI", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libui/ui_glade",1) call run("GLADE UI helper library", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libui/ui_glade/glade_lib",1) call run("Highlevel UI", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libui/ui_highlevel ",5) call run("adbload tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/adbload2",3) call run("adbschema tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/adbschema",5) call run("afinderr tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/afinderr",5) call run("asql tool (informix)", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/asql asql_i.4ae",5) call run("asql tool (postgresql)", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/asql asql_p.4ae",5) call run("asql tool (generic)", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/asql asql_g.4ae",5) call run("A4GL IDE tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/a4gl",5) call run("aupscol tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/aupscol",5) call run("configuration tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/configuration",1) call run("convertsql tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/convertsql",2) call run("loadmap tool", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/loadmap",1) call run("Glade demo IDE", "$A4GL_MAKE -C glade/ide",0) call run("Glade demo Sqleditor", "$A4GL_MAKE -C glade/ide/sqleditor",0) call run("IDE","$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/ide",1) call run("ODBC Test","$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/odbctest",1) call run("HTML helper library","$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/html dll",1) call run("misql","$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/misql misql.4ae",1) call run("ADBLOAD","$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/adbload",1) call run("SOLITAIRE","$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/test solitaire.4ae",1) call run("Test Applications","$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/test",1) call run("showhelp display", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libhelp",1) call run("fgllint", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/4glc fgllint",0) call run("fglreload", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/4glc fglreload",0) call run("fglcalltree", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/4glc fglcalltree",0) call run("fglcallproto", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/4glc fglproto",0) call run("fglmklib", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/4glc fglmklib",0) call run("fglsplit", "$A4GL_MAKE -C compilers/4glc fglsplit",0) call run("C#", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblex/lex_cs",0) call run("XMLBEST", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpacker/xml_best",0) call run("XML UI", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libui/ui_xml",0) call run("HARU PDF", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libpdf haru.dummy",0) call run("WRITE LEXTYPE", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/liblex/lex_write",0) call run("Quick setup guide", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/quickguide",0) call run("Postgresql static libs", "$A4GL_MAKE -C lib/libsql/postgresql",0) call run("ASQL_I", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/asql asql_i.4ae",0) call run("ASQL_P", "$A4GL_MAKE -C tools/asql asql_p.4ae",0) call run("Logical reports", "cd lib/liblogical && sh makeit",0) call run("ESQL helper Simple","cd lib/libesql && sh make_simple",0) call run("Static TUI", "cd lib/libui/ui_curses; sh make_static",0) call run("Static TUI (5.7) ", "cd lib/libui/ui_curses; make -f Makefile.static",0) call run("SQLMetrics", "cd tools/sqlmetrics; make",0) call run("FORMXML Packer", "cd lib/libpacker/formxml; make",0) call run("Optimised 4glc", "cd compilers/4glc; make opt",0) call run("SQL Command parser", "cd compilers/sqlcmd; make ",0) call run("Plain text form decompile", "cd compilers/fcompile; make ../../bin/fdecompile_scr",0) call run("wsdl2fgl", "cd compilers/wsdl2fgl; make ",0) end function function console_mode() if fgl_getenv("A4GL_UI")="TUI" then return false else return true end if end function