This software is assembled as a "Proof of concept" , and for my personal use. It works for me. Making it work for you will require some skill and time.
For a long time people who have courage to admit that they do not like (to say it politely) vi and commands that look like
wrex 'bljak -4//\\\@-r | "$RT" > brlj ?##*('
as a part of there daily development routine when developing 4GL applications, and accept the risk of being called incompetent, amateurs, beginners... had several problems. One was how to get there source files into some user friendly and 4GL friendly, more productive editor/IDE. Second was how to get IDE functionality for 4GL programming language in that editor/DE. Third was how to get all the actions in development cycle (compile/debug/run) still execute on the server where compiler is installed.
In most commercial development installations, 4gl compiler and database are installed on some UNIX server, and in most cases developers are provided with Windows workstations to access this server. Source files also reside on the server, shared between all developers, and under control of the versioning system.
To take file from server and open it in editor, Samba server, or any NFS client like "FTP Software's InterDrive" will do that, but how will you tell version control software like SCCS or CVS, that resides on server to let go of that file? How will you compile it, and at the end, how will you run without resorting to "green-screen"?
Pat Morita explained the problem to Ralph Machio, with wisdom, and profoundness that I cannot compete whit, so I will just quote:
"You walk left side of street. That's OK.
You walk right side of street. Also OK.
You walk in the middle, Swisshhhhh, you get squashed.
You karate do, or you karate don't."
"Karate Kid III"
Don't you feel there is something wrong with developing GUI software on command line green-screen?
After seeing Jonathan Leffler's noble effort to adapt r4gl/i4gl application from RDS system to run in GUI, (http://www.informix.com/idn), I felt that even that is still to much "walking in the middle", and that it have several problems with integrating with tool that every P/A uses the most - the editor.
So I decided to move everything INSIDE the editor.
It might be interesting to note, that recently 4Js developed an interesting IDE for there version of 4GL compiler. Querix also attempted something, with less success, in my opinion. I work various 4GL compilers, so I needed one solution to support all of the tools I will use: Aubit 4GL, Informix-4GL, 4Js, Querix, Plexus.
This is a collection of C, BAT and SH scripts that can turn GWD Windows text editor (www.gwdsoft.com) into 2-tier Interactive Developer Environment.
Essentially what I did, is a combination of powerful, full featured GUI text editor that knows how to run interpreted ANSI C language inside editor, using C as his "macro" language, and added client side rsh for executing commands on server, plus rcp for copying files from/to server, and added a few shell scripts that wait on the server to do requested job, like Agents.
Since people that will use this are programmers anyway, and every 4gl environment is inherently different than the others, the fact that this package is instantly customizable to the lowest level that you can imagine thanks to its script nature (C, SH) is actually a benefit, not a limitation in my opinion, and is certainly something no IDE I have seen have.
This code can just as well operate with everything (source code, compiler) installed on the same computer - providing most is not all functions you would typically find in an IDE with support for a particular programming language.
You click icon, or select item from menu, or press ctrl+shift+t, in editor, and that calls specific C program.
Interpreted C program running inside editor collects necessary data form ini files and/or opens GUI dialogs, and calls BAT file
(This stage will be removed in implementation phase 2) Bat file does additional processing, and then executes RSH and/or RCP.
(This stage exists only if rsh was called) RCP passes parameters and executes shell script on server.
(This stage exists only if rsh was called) Shell script do something, and return success and other results to bat script
Bat script continues from the point where the rsh or rcp was called, do additional processing, and returns control to C script running in editor that originally called it
C script resumes from the point it called bat script, and do additional processing...
GWD editor informs you about results, opens a document, opens dialog window, etc...
It will allow you to perform full circle of usual development icicle, like Take file from version control, Copy file from server to client and open it in editor, Edit file in rich, fully configurable GUI environment, execute compile or make of sourcefile/program on server, run or run in debugger program you just compiled, and then Copy sourcefile back to server and put it back to version control system, without the need to use character terminals.
It is specially well suited for Informix Dynamic 4GL and 4Js 4GL, because they have GUI client-side presentation layers, but it is possible to use it in classic CHUI 4GL environments also (if You have Terminal emulator that can execute scripts on server on startup, like PLwin)
This scripts are VERY BETA, and are very far from being generic; they are specific to the customer site I'm currently working on, so...God help you, or you should wait another few months.
WARNING: You will have to do a lot of modifications to adjust for your environment, at this stage. You will need to know ANSI C, DOS Batch files and UNIX Shell scripting to do so. No guaranties, no promises,
Also, there is danger that your employer will say something like this, before thanking you for your services:
"If you really had xx years of 4gl experience as you said you have, you would be comfortable and happy using vi and UNIX prompt command lines, and would not be constantly trying to run away from it."
Only support that I can offer to you in relation to any of these, including all the files in this zip, is replay to that:
"If you really had your drivers license for xx years as you said you had, you would be comfortable and happy driving xx years old Ford Escort, not this brand new BMW. Liar."
("Based on the true story")
FUNCTION | c | BAT | sh |
1 | Open | + | + | N/A |
2 | TakeOut | + | + | ? |
3 | Compile | + | + | + |
4 | Make | + | + | + |
5 | Run | + | + | + |
6 | Debug | + | + | + |
7 | Save | + | + | N/A |
8 | PutBack | + | + | ? |
9 | Configure - Makefile/TOC open - Search/grep based on Makefile/Toc |
+ + ? |
N/A + ? |
N/A + + |
10 | YOUR IDEA HERE | ? | ? | ? |
11 |
Replace batch files (.BAT) functionality with c - move all client processing into editor script, just call external rcp/rsh
Replace external rcp/rsh with DLLs from http://www.denicomp.com/
Provide ODBC links to database for:
"Define ... like" control
Table/field browser
Project/Application/Program repository/definition/browser
Source code repository with version control
I'm also working on 4gl code beautifiers/formatters integration with GWD (adapted versions of CodeBeuty, DbBeauty, InfmxTidy and kw from IIUG).
Destination: %GWDinstalllDir%\script\remote
Contains: C scripts
Destination: %GWDinstalllDir%\bat
Contains: Batch (BAT) scripts - Will be obsolete after conversion to c
GWD.ini %windir%, but this is my configuration provided for your information plwin.ini This is just example of PLwin terminal APP ini file with section of login script written directly from GWD to initiate run of CHUI mode apps *.bmp %GWDinstalllDir% syntax.hgl %GWDinstalllDir%
Destination: $HOME/GWDagents (on remote UNIX server)
Contains: Shell scripts that act like agents for client side scripts
Nothing that i can think of. Maybe Perl, but you do have this anyway, don't you? And if you have Perl, you also have Jonathan Leffler's DBD::Informix (http://www.perl.com/CPAN), don't you? (Not that you will need it for this, but...)
After my initial idea was presented to him, original base scripts for TakeOut, PutBack and Config have been written by Vedran Gaco (gwd@iridis.com), author of GWD Editor and many other excellent shareware application (www.iridis.com/gwd).
From that point on, I have completed that and other scripts, but I continue to work closely with Vedran. Hopefully, he will do the "nasty" parts of c code to eliminate BAT scripts totally.
This software is released under GNU General public license.