Aubit 4gl compiler team note: This code was released to Aubit 4gl project under GNU license by kind permission of author, Jonathan Leffler [] on Sat 16/06/2001. Thank you, Jonathan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- README for D4GL Programming Environment ======================================= $Product: INFORMIX D4GL Programmer's Environment Version 2.00.UC2 (1998-07-31) $ Overview -------- The D4GL Programming Environment is a program which provides a programmer with an environment analogous to the i4gl and r4gl programmers environments provided with INFORMIX-4GL (I4GL) and INFORMIX-4GL Rapid Development System (I4GL-RDS). It expects to work with a Makefile. It can be used to compile programs with either Informix Dynamic 4GL (D4GL) or I4GL or I4GL-RDS. When the program is being run, you can edit, compile and correct either source files or form files, and you can run builds of an entire program, or you can test the program you have built. The D4GL Programming Environment that can be compiled with Aubit 4gl, D4GL, I4GL or I4GL-RDS. It uses one C function, so it is necessary to have a C development system available. It creates the custom p-code runners when necessary. Compiling --------- Using Aubit 4gl compiler, you should be able to type: make a4gl Also on Unix, you should be able to type: make d4gl-pcode This should compile the Informix Dynamic 4GL p-code version of the program. You could create the D4GL c-code version by making d4gl-ccode, the I4GL p-code version by making i4gl-pcode, and the I4GL c-code version by making i4gl-ccode. You could create all of these by typing: make all If you plan to install the program in somewhere other than $FGLDIR, then you should add D4GL_DIR=/where/you/plan/to/put/it to the command lines. Testing ------- You can test the program by running one of the following commands: ./d4gl -- Aubit 4gl ./fglrun d4gl -- D4GL p-code ./d4gl.42e -- D4GL c-code ./fglgo d4gl -- I4GL p-code ./d4gl.4ge -- I4GL c-code Do not use the d4gl cover script as it will not work on the p-code files until they have been installed (or given execute permission). Installing ---------- By default, the software will be installed under $FGLDIR. If you plan to install the D4GL environment in some other directory, then you should have specified D4GL_DIR=/where/you/plan/to/put/it when you compiled the program. If you forgot, simply remove the d4gl script before doing the install. To install the D4GL p-code version in the default directory, use: make install.d4gl-pcode To install a different product, change the version code accordingly. To install in a different directory, ensure that you have write permissions on the directory, and decide whether you need to remove the d4gl script before proceeding, and then type: make D4GL_DIR=/where/you/want/to/put/it install.d4gl-pcode By default, the programs will be installed owned by user informix and belonging to group informix. You can override these defaults by specifying: make D4GL_USR=me D4GL_GRP=us D4GL_DIR=/some/where install.d4gl-pcode Note that the install process assumes you have a BSD-compatible install script. If you do not have one, the install will probably fail. There are public domain versions of the BSD install script readily available. Cleaning -------- After the product is successfully installed, you can clean up the build area with: make clean This removes all the generated files, leaving you with just the original source code and any ad hoc files you have created. Limitations ----------- This is tested code on Unix. It is only barely tested on NT. There will be problems on NT with the use of sed (unless you have a Unix-workalike toolkit such as CygWin, MKS or Thompson on your NT machine). There will be problems with running processes in xterm unless you have an xterm on your NT machine. Ideas for how to correct these deficiencies will be gratefully received. Bug Reporting ------------- Aubit 4gl team will extend and maintain origginal version of this code. Therefore, we suggest that you report problems to Aubit 4gl mailing list, if you obtained it from Aubit 4gl project. But you also might considder authors orriginal note: If you find a problem, please report it via the IDN web site: Optionally, you may also report it to Jonathan Leffler (, but please use the web site too. @(#)$Id: README,v 2001/08/20 02:37:05 afalout Exp $