{ @(#)$Id: d4glfile.4gl,v 2001/08/20 02:37:06 afalout Exp $ @(#)Alternative D4GL compiling front-end @(#)Control Program and support routines @(#)Author: JL } GLOBALS "d4glglob.4gl" FUNCTION file_compile_menu() MENU "SOURCE EDITING" COMMAND KEY('!') CALL shell_escape() COMMAND "Compile" "Compile current module" HELP 20 CALL file_compile_cycle() NEXT OPTION "Build" CALL check_interrupt() COMMAND "Modify" "Modify current module" HELP 21 IF file_modify_cycle() = 'Y' THEN NEXT OPTION "Build" ELSE NEXT OPTION "File" END IF CALL check_interrupt() COMMAND "File" "Change name of current file" HELP 22 CALL set_filename() NEXT OPTION "Modify" CALL check_interrupt() COMMAND "Build" "Run MAKE on program" HELP 23 IF run_make() = 0 THEN NEXT OPTION "Run" ELSE NEXT OPTION "Modify" END IF CALL check_interrupt() COMMAND "Run" "Run program" HELP 24 CALL run_prog() CALL check_interrupt() COMMAND "Options" "Alter program controls" HELP 25 CALL file_options_menu() CALL check_interrupt() COMMAND "Program" "Change name of current program" HELP 26 CALL set_progname() NEXT OPTION "Run" CALL check_interrupt() COMMAND "Exit" "Exit D4GL COMPILER menu" HELP 27 EXIT MENU END MENU END FUNCTION {file_compile_menu} FUNCTION file_options_menu() MENU "D4GL OPTIONS" COMMAND KEY('!') CALL shell_escape() COMMAND "Compiler" "Specify name of D4GL compiler" HELP 30 LET file_prog = get_input("Enter name of compiler:", file_prog) CALL show_state() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Options" "Specify special flags for D4GL compiler" HELP 31 LET file_opts = get_input("Enter flags for D4GL:", file_opts) CALL show_state() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Build" "Specify name of MAKE program" HELP 32 LET make_prog = get_input("Enter name of MAKE program:", make_prog) CALL show_state() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Target" "Specify target to be made by MAKE program" HELP 33 LET make_targ = get_input("Enter target for MAKE:", make_targ) CALL show_state() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Flags" "Specify special flags for MAKE program" HELP 34 LET make_opts = get_input("Enter flags for MAKE:", make_opts) CALL show_state() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Makefile" "Specify name of makefile" HELP 35 LET make_file = get_input("Enter name of makefile:", make_file) CALL show_state() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Visual" "Specify name of editor" HELP 36 LET edit_prog = get_input("Enter name of editor program:", edit_prog) CALL set_editopts() CALL show_state() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Exit" "Exit D4GL OPTIONS menu" HELP 37 CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU END MENU END FUNCTION {file_options_menu} FUNCTION set_filename() DEFINE i INTEGER, j INTEGER LET file_mode = 0 LET file_name = get_input("Enter name of D4GL source file", file_name) IF file_name IS NOT NULL THEN LET i = find_string(file_name, file_ext1) LET j = find_string(file_name, file_ext2) IF i = 0 AND j = 0 THEN LET file_name = file_name CLIPPED, file_ext1 END IF END IF CALL show_state() END FUNCTION {set_filename} FUNCTION file_compile_cycle() DEFINE s INTEGER IF file_name IS NULL THEN CALL set_filename() END IF IF file_name IS NULL THEN RETURN END IF WHILE file_compile() != 0 MENU "FAILED TO COMPILE" COMMAND KEY('!') CALL shell_escape() COMMAND "Correct" "Use the editor to correct any mistakes" HELP 40 IF file_correct() = 'N' THEN RETURN END IF CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Save-and-Exit" "Save current version of file and exit" HELP 41 CALL save_file() CALL check_interrupt() RETURN COMMAND "Discard-and-Exit" "Discard current version of file (and any changes) and exit" HELP 42 CALL file_discard() CALL check_interrupt() RETURN END MENU END WHILE MENU "COMPILATION SUCCEEDED" COMMAND KEY('!') CALL shell_escape() COMMAND "Save-and-Exit" "Save current version of file and exit" HELP 50 CALL save_file() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Discard-and-Exit" "Discard current version of file (and any changes) and exit" HELP 51 CALL file_discard() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU END MENU END FUNCTION {file_compile_cycle} FUNCTION file_correct() DEFINE cflag CHAR(1) LET cflag = 'Y' LET cflag = edit_errfile() IF cflag = 'N' THEN RETURN 'N' END IF MENU "COMPILE" COMMAND KEY('!') CALL shell_escape() COMMAND "Compile" "Compile modified version of file" HELP 60 CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Save-and-Exit" "Save current version of file but do not compile it" HELP 61 CALL save_file() CALL check_interrupt() LET cflag = 'N' EXIT MENU COMMAND "Discard-and-Exit" "Discard current version of file (and any changes) and exit" HELP 62 CALL file_discard() CALL check_interrupt() LET cflag = 'N' EXIT MENU END MENU RETURN cflag END FUNCTION {file_correct} FUNCTION edit_errfile() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80), cmd_status INTEGER IF file_save = FALSE THEN IF file_backup() = FALSE THEN RETURN 'N' END IF END IF CALL set_errfile() LET file_mode = 1 { Editing .err file } LET cmd = edit_prog CLIPPED, " ", edit_opts CLIPPED, " ", file_errs CLIPPED LET cmd_status = run_cmd(cmd) RETURN 'Y' END FUNCTION {edit_errfile} FUNCTION file_edit() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80), cmd_status INTEGER IF file_name IS NULL THEN CALL set_filename() END IF IF file_name IS NULL THEN RETURN 'N' END IF IF file_save = FALSE THEN IF file_backup() = FALSE THEN RETURN 'N' END IF END IF LET cmd = edit_prog CLIPPED, " ", file_name CLIPPED LET cmd_status = run_cmd(cmd) RETURN 'Y' END FUNCTION {file_edit} FUNCTION file_modify_cycle() DEFINE flag CHAR(1) IF file_mode = 0 THEN LET flag = file_edit() ELSE LET flag = edit_errfile() END IF IF flag = 'N' THEN RETURN 'N' END IF CALL d4gl_init() MENU "COMPILE" COMMAND KEY('!') CALL shell_escape() COMMAND "Compile" "Compile file" HELP 70 CALL file_compile_cycle() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Save-and-Exit" "Save current version of file but do not compile it" HELP 71 CALL save_file() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU COMMAND "Discard-and-Exit" "Discard current version of file (and any changes) and exit" HELP 72 CALL file_discard() CALL check_interrupt() EXIT MENU END MENU RETURN 'Y' END FUNCTION {file_modify_cycle} FUNCTION file_restore() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80) { Copy edited error file over source file } LET cmd = "sed '/^|/d' ", file_errs CLIPPED, " >", file_name CLIPPED RUN cmd LET cmd = "rm -f ", file_errs CLIPPED RUN cmd LET file_mode = 0 END FUNCTION {file_restore} FUNCTION file_compile() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80), cmd_status INTEGER IF file_mode = 1 THEN CALL file_restore() END IF LET cmd = file_prog CLIPPED, " -c ", file_opts CLIPPED, " ", file_name CLIPPED LET cmd_status = run_cmd(cmd) RETURN cmd_status END FUNCTION {file_compile} FUNCTION file_discard() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80) IF file_save = TRUE THEN LET cmd = "cp ", file_back CLIPPED, " ", file_name CLIPPED, "; rm -f ", file_back CLIPPED RUN cmd LET file_save = FALSE END IF END FUNCTION {file_discard} FUNCTION save_file() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80) IF file_mode = TRUE THEN CALL file_restore() { Copy error file back over source file } END IF IF file_save = TRUE THEN LET cmd = "rm -f ", file_back CLIPPED RUN cmd LET file_save = FALSE END IF END FUNCTION {save_file} FUNCTION file_backup() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80), retval INTEGER CALL set_backupfile() CASE WHEN is_a_file(file_name) = FALSE LET retval = TRUE WHEN NOT is_file_writeable(file_name) ERROR "File ", file_name CLIPPED, " is not writeable" SLEEP 2 LET retval = FALSE OTHERWISE LET cmd = "rm -f ", file_back CLIPPED, "; cp ", file_name CLIPPED, " ", file_back CLIPPED RUN cmd LET file_save = TRUE LET retval = TRUE END CASE RETURN retval END FUNCTION {file_backup} FUNCTION set_backupfile() DEFINE i INTEGER LET i = find_string(file_name, file_ext1) IF i = 0 THEN LET i = find_string(file_name, file_ext2) END IF IF i > 1 THEN LET i = i - 1 LET file_back = file_name[1, i], file_bext ELSE LET file_back = NULL END IF END FUNCTION {set_backupfile} FUNCTION set_errfile() DEFINE i INTEGER LET i = find_string(file_name, file_ext1) IF i = 0 THEN LET i = find_string(file_name, file_ext2) END IF IF i > 1 THEN LET i = i - 1 LET file_errs = file_name[1, i], file_eext ELSE LET file_errs = NULL END IF END FUNCTION {set_errfile} FUNCTION file_check() DEFINE cmd CHAR(80), i INTEGER, cmd_status INTEGER LET i = find_string(file_name, file_ext1) IF i = 0 THEN LET i = find_string(file_name, file_ext2) END IF IF i = 0 THEN DISPLAY usestr CLIPPED EXIT PROGRAM 1 END IF CALL set_errfile() LET cmd_status = file_access(file_errs, 4) -- File exists and is readable IF cmd_status = 0 THEN LET file_mode = 1 { .err exists } ELSE LET file_mode = 0 END IF END FUNCTION {file_check}