{ @(#)$Id: getopt.4gl,v 1.2 2003/09/22 20:57:20 mikeaubury Exp $ @(#)JLSS Informix Tools: General Library @(#)Simulate GETOPT(3) @(#)Author: JL } { Simulate GETOPT(3) in I4GL Operation: When called with an argument such as "abcf:t:x", the function scans the command line argument list for the flags -a, -b -c or -x, or options -f and -t. The flags are boolean values; the options have a text string associated with them. This can be attached to the option argument (e.g. -ffilename) or in the next argument (-f filename). Differences from GETOPT(3): 1. Function returns optval (CHAR(1)) containing the flag letter and optarg (CHAR(80)) containing option string. GETOPT(3) just returns the flag letter and the global variable optarg points to the option string. 3. The optval returned for no more arguments is NULL. 3. The optval returned for a non-option (filename) argument is "-". } DEFINE argind INTEGER, { Where we've got through list } argnum INTEGER, { Corresponds to ARGC } argstr CHAR(80), { Current argument } arglen INTEGER, { Length of current argument } chridx INTEGER, { How far through argstr we have analysed } no_opt INTEGER { Has `--' argument been read? } { Test program which also indicates how GETOPT(3) is used. MAIN DEFINE optval CHAR(1), optarg CHAR(80) LET argind=0 CALL i4gl_getopt("abcf:t:x") RETURNING optval, optarg WHILE optval IS NOT NULL DISPLAY "optval = ", optval, " optarg = ", optarg CLIPPED CALL i4gl_getopt("abcf:t:x") RETURNING optval, optarg END WHILE END MAIN } FUNCTION i4gl_getopt(optstr) DEFINE optstr CHAR(20), { List of options as for GETOPT(3) } optarg CHAR(80), { Returned option value } optval CHAR(1), { Returned option flag } rcs CHAR(1), idx INTEGER, i INTEGER { Initialisation } IF argind <= 0 or argind is null THEN LET argind = 1 LET argnum = NUM_ARGS() LET chridx = 1 LET arglen = 0 LET no_opt = FALSE LET rcs = "@(#)$Id: getopt.4gl,v 1.2 2003/09/22 20:57:20 mikeaubury Exp $" END IF LET optarg = NULL LET optval = NULL WHILE TRUE { Step to next argument } IF chridx > arglen THEN IF argind > argnum THEN EXIT WHILE END IF LET argstr = ARG_VAL(argind) LET arglen = LENGTH(argstr) LET argind = argind + 1 LET chridx = 2 END IF IF argstr[1] != "-" OR no_opt = TRUE OR arglen = 1 THEN { Non-option argument } LET optval = "-" LET optarg = argstr LET arglen = 0 EXIT WHILE END IF IF argstr[2] = "-" THEN { '--' argument. All following arguments are file name arguments } LET no_opt = TRUE LET arglen = 0 CONTINUE WHILE END IF LET optval = argstr[chridx] LET chridx = chridx + 1 LET idx = instring(optstr, optval) IF idx = 0 THEN { Unknown option } LET optval = "?" EXIT WHILE END IF IF optstr[idx+1] != ":" THEN { Flag-only option } EXIT WHILE END IF IF arglen <= chridx THEN { Need to use next argument for value } LET optarg = ARG_VAL(argind) LET argind = argind + 1 LET arglen = 0 { Use next argument next time round } EXIT WHILE END IF { Value of option attached to current argument } LET optarg = argstr[chridx,arglen] LET arglen = 0 { Use next argument next time round } EXIT WHILE END WHILE RETURN optval, optarg END FUNCTION {i4gl_getopt} FUNCTION i4gl_getopt_init() LET argind=0 END FUNCTION