code int A4GL_dl_haslibrary (char *type, char *p); endcode define lv_msglines array[30] of char(80) define mv_report_settings_count integer define mv_left integer define mv_top integer define mv_width integer define mv_height integer define mv_screenwidth integer define mv_screenheight integer define mv_dbtype char(50) define mv_dbname char(50) define mv_username char(40) define mv_password char(40) define mv_server char(40) define mv_sqltype char(40) define mv_aclfile integer define mv_lextype char(40) define mv_lexdialect char(40) define mv_need_wide integer define mv_ui char(30) define mv_settings_type char(20) ################################################################################ main define lv_aubitdir char(2000) define lv_aubitetc char(2000) define lv_run integer define lv_cnt integer defer interrupt # Lets start with some basic checks # These program probably wont even work if these # are not set though! options prompt line 2 options menu line 3 # We'll keep a count of the number # of settings we've printed in the report # so we can print any headers/footers we want.. let mv_report_settings_count=0 let mv_need_wide=0 let lv_aubitdir=fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR") if lv_aubitdir is null or lv_aubitdir="" then call fail("$AUBITDIR is not set") end if if not directory_exists(lv_aubitdir) then call fail("$AUBITDIR does not point to a directory") end if let lv_aubitetc=fgl_getenv("AUBITETC") if directory_exists(lv_aubitetc) then # Good... else let lv_aubitetc=lv_aubitdir clipped,"/etc" if directory_exists(lv_aubitetc) then # Good too.. else call fail("Neither $AUBITETC nor $AUBITDIR/etc point to a directories") end if end if let lv_run=1 # Check for TUI mode.. if not has_plugin("UI","TUI") then display "The TUI plugin was not found - this will mean you might not be able" display "to run programs in TEXT mode (ie. using CURSES)" if not has_plugin("UI","HL_TUI") then display "The HL_TUI plugin was not found - this will mean you might not be able" display "to run programs in TEXT mode (ie. using CURSES)" let lv_run=0 end if end if # Check for UTF encoding if fgl_getenv("LANG") matches "*utf*" then display "You are using a UTF Locale setting ($LANG) - you will need to ensure" display "you are using TUI_wide if you want to use extended/accented characters" display "ie. those with an ascii value >127" if not has_plugin("UI","TUI_wide") then display "*** The TUI_wide plugin was not found" display "please either :" display " ensure you have ncursesw installed and rerun the ./configure" display "or " display " set $LANG to be a non UTF locale" let lv_run=0 end if display "You're using a utf locale - please ensure your database is set to use a utf" display "character set - or reset your $LANG variable" let mv_need_wide=1 end if if fgl_getenv("A4GL_UI")="TUI" OR fgl_getenv("A4GL_UI")="HL_TUI" OR fgl_getenv("A4GL_UI")="HL_GTK" OR fgl_getenv("A4GL_UI")="TUI_wide" OR fgl_getenv("A4GL_UI")="HL_TUIw" THEN ELSE let lv_run=0 display "Please ensure A4GL_UI is set to TUI, HL_TUI,HL_GTK,TUI_wide before continuing" end if if not lv_run then exit program end if let int_flag=false code { char buff[2000]; printf("\n\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("----------------------- Quick setup guide -----------------------\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Completed pre-checks\nPress return to continue to switch to screen mode\n"); fgets(buff,200,stdin); } endcode if int_flag then display "You interrupted - aborting..." exit program 1 end if let mv_screenwidth=aclfgl_get_curr_width() let mv_screenheight=aclfgl_get_curr_height() let mv_width=mv_screenwidth let mv_height=mv_screenheight call banner("Aubit4GL Initial Configuration","REVERSE,CYAN") call info(set_lines( ###################################################################### "Hello - Welcome to the Aubit4GL quick setup program", " ", "This program should ease you through the initial configuration", "of Aubit4GL. If you have any questions please join the ", "aubit4gl-discuss mailing list on sourceforge : ", "", " ", "Aubit4GL is configured by settings in the environment or in the ", "aubitrc files. You can specify the AUBITRC file explicitly by ", "setting $AUBITRC or Aubit4GL will try to find them. In these ", "instructions we'll refer to the settings using the Unix environment", "variable typography : '$NAME', but as they can also be read from ", "the aubitrc files these are not always environment variables!" )) let lv_msglines[1]="These are the files Aubit4GL tried to read when running this program:" let lv_cnt=2 if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_0")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_0")) returning lv_cnt end if if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_1")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_1")) returning lv_cnt end if if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_2")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_2")) returning lv_cnt end if if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_3")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_3")) returning lv_cnt end if if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_4")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_4")) returning lv_cnt end if if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_5")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_5")) returning lv_cnt end if if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_6")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_6")) returning lv_cnt end if if fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_7")!=" " then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Try : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_7")) returning lv_cnt end if #call info( set_line_sizes(lv_cnt-1)) let lv_msglines[lv_cnt]="These are the files Aubit4GL that actually exist :" let lv_cnt=lv_cnt+1 if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_0")) then # The name passed in here must be different to the name # above - or add_line will ignore it! call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_0")) returning lv_cnt end if if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_1")) then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_1")) returning lv_cnt end if if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_2")) then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_2")) returning lv_cnt end if if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_3")) then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_3")) returning lv_cnt end if if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_4")) then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_4")) returning lv_cnt end if if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_5")) then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_5")) returning lv_cnt end if if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_6")) then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_6")) returning lv_cnt end if if file_exists(fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_7")) then call add_line(lv_cnt, " Read : "||fgl_getenv("AUBITRC_READ_7")) returning lv_cnt end if call info(set_line_sizes(lv_cnt-1)) menu "What type of settings do you want to create ?" before menu if not is_windows() then hide option "Registry" end if command "Aubitrc" let mv_settings_type="AUBITRC" exit menu command "Bash/Sh script" let mv_settings_type="SH" exit menu command "csh script" let mv_settings_type="CSH" exit menu command "Registry" let mv_settings_type="REGISTRY" exit menu end menu if mv_settings_type="AUBITRC" then menu "What sort of Aubitrc file" command "Main" "Create a main aubitrc file which all major settings" let mv_settings_type="AUBITRC_MAIN" exit menu command "Additional" "Create an aubitrc file to augment a main $AUBITDIR/etc/aubitrc" let mv_settings_type="AUBITRC_APPEND" exit menu end menu end if case mv_settings_type when "REGISTRY" start report r_settings to "settings.reg" when "CSH" start report r_settings to "settings.csh" when "SH" start report r_settings to "" when "AUBITRC_MAIN" let mv_settings_type="AUBITRC" start report r_settings to "aubitrc.sample" call hint(set_lines( "If you add the contents of the aubitrc.sample to an", "existing aubitrc - make sure you get rid of any old", "entries with the same name!" )) call set_auto("A4GL_CINT") call set_auto("A4GL_DBPATH") call set_auto("A4GL_SQLCNVPATH") call set_auto("A4GL_SQLTYPE_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_SQLTYPE_COMPILE_ONLY_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_LEXTYPE_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_LEXDIALECT_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_INFORMIX") call set_auto("A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_SAPDB") call set_auto("A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_INGRES") call set_auto("A4GL_SQLTYPE_EC_VALID_POSTGRES") call set_auto("A4GL_PDFTYPE_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_RPCTYPE_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_UI_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_FORMTYPE_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_MENUTYPE_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_MSGTYPE_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_PACKER_DETECTED") call set_auto("A4GL_SAPDB_ESQLC") when "AUBITRC_APPEND" let mv_settings_type="AUBITRC" start report r_settings to "aubitrc.sample" call hint(set_lines( "Make sure these settings are not overridden", "when Aubit4GL reads its other startup aubitrc files!", "A file which is read later might reset one or more", "of these values!" )) end case call get_db_settings() call code_generation() call ui_detection() call set("A4GL_SQLTYPE", mv_sqltype) call set("A4GL_LEXTYPE",mv_lextype) if mv_lexdialect!=" " then call set("A4GL_LEXDIALECT",mv_lexdialect) end if call set("A4GL_UI",mv_ui) if not mv_aclfile then if mv_username!=" " then call set("A4GL_SQLUID",mv_username) end if if mv_password!=" " then call set("A4GL_SQLPWD",mv_password) end if end if call misc() call set("AUBITDIR",fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR")) if is_windows() then call set("PATH",fgl_getenv("PATH") clipped||";"||fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR")||"/bin;"||fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR") clipped||"/lib") else if fgl_getenv("TARGET_OS") matches "*darwin*" then call set("PATH",fgl_getenv("PATH")||":"||fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR")||"/bin") call set("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH",fgl_getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH")||":"||fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR")||"/lib") else call set("PATH",fgl_getenv("PATH")||":"||fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR")||"/bin") call set("LD_LIBRARY_PATH",fgl_getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")||":"||fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR")||"/lib") end if end if finish report r_settings call info(set_lines( "That should do for now!", "Your settings should have been saved in", "a file called 'settings.env'", "If you want to use then in the aubitrc", "remember to remove the 'export' lines!" )) call hint(set_lines( "If you want to rerun this program", "just run 'make config in the aubit4glsrc directory'", "or invoke it directly $AUBITDIR/bin/quickguide.4ae")) end main ################################################################################ function get_db_settings() # Now - go to screen mode.. menu "Which database do you want to connect to?" command "Informix" "Use Informix native connection" if not has_plugin("SQL","esql") then call err(set_lines("You dont have the 'esql' SQL plugin", "This is probably because Aubit4GL couldnt detect", "your Informix ClientSDK when you ran the ./configure", "Please install the Informix ClientSDK and rerun", "the ./configure to use the Informix plugin" )) else let mv_dbtype="Informix" let mv_sqltype="esql" exit menu end if command "Postgresql" "Use Postgresql native connection" let mv_dbtype="Postgresql" let mv_sqltype="pg8" if not has_plugin("SQL",mv_sqltype) then call err(set_lines("You dont have the 'pg8' SQL plugin", "This is probably because Aubit4GL couldnt detect", "your postgresql 'development' files", "(typically postgresql-devel or postgresql-dev)", "Please install the Postgresql development packages", "then rerun ./configure to use the pg8 plugin" )) else exit menu end if command "MYSQL" "Use Mysql native connection" let mv_dbtype="MYSQL" let mv_sqltype="mysql" if not has_plugin("SQL",mv_sqltype) then call err(set_lines("You dont have the 'mysql' SQL plugin", "This is probably because Aubit4GL couldnt detect", "your mysql 'development' files", "(typically mysql-devel or mysql-dev)", "Please install the Mysql development packages", "then rerun ./configure to use the mysql plugin" )) else exit menu end if command "SQLite" "Use Sqlite native connection" let mv_dbtype="SQLite" let mv_sqltype="sqlite3" if not has_plugin("SQL",mv_sqltype) then call err(set_lines("You dont have the 'sqlite3' SQL plugin", "This is probably because Aubit4GL couldnt detect", "your sqlite 'development' files", "(typically sqlite-devel or sqlite-dev)", "Please install the SQLite development packages", "the rerun ./configure to use the sqlite plugin" )) else exit menu end if command "Other" "Use ODBC for database communitcations" let mv_dbtype="Other" let mv_sqltype="-" if has_plugin("SQL","unixodbc") and mv_sqltype="-" then let mv_sqltype="unixodbc" end if if has_plugin("SQL","iodbc") and mv_sqltype="-" then let mv_sqltype="iodbc" end if if has_plugin("SQL","odbc32") and mv_sqltype="-" then let mv_sqltype="odbc32" end if if mv_sqltype="-" then if is_windows() then call err(set_lines("The ODBC plugin couldnt be found", "Aubit4GL couldn't find the plugin needed", "for ODBC sql connections", "On windows - please ensure you have all the", "ODBC library/header files required", "and rerun the ./configure & make" )) else call err(set_lines("The ODBC plugin couldnt be found", "Aubit4GL couldn't find the plugin needed", "for ODBC sql connections", "Aubit4GL will look for both unixodbc and", "iodbc driver manager libraries", "but neither could be found.", "Please install unixodbc development", "package (preferably)", "or iodbc development package", "and rerun the ./configure & make" )) end if else exit menu end if command "No-SQL" "Use this if you do not want to use SQL at all" let mv_sqltype="nosql" exit menu command "Abort" "Exit this program" call err(set_lines("Cant continue without an SQL driver!")) exit program end menu if mv_dbtype="Other" then if is_windows() then call warn(set_lines( "You will need to set up an ODBC connection", "in order to use other databases as there is", "no builtin connector", "Please use UnixODBC to setup the connection ", "and ensure it works using the UnixODBC 'isql'", "utility. If that doesn't connect then Aubit4GL", "wont be able to!!" )) else call warn(set_lines( "You will need to set up an ODBC connection", "in order to use other databases as there is", "no builtin connector")) end if end if if mv_dbtype="MYSQL" then call prompt_for("Please enter the Username you want to use","Username >>") returning mv_username call prompt_for("Please enter the Password you want to use","Password >>") returning mv_password call hint(set_lines( "Remember - you must be able to connect to the MYSQL database", "using that username and password using a standard Mysql client", "such as 'mysql --user="||mv_username clipped||" --password="||mv_password clipped||" db_name" )) end if if mv_dbtype="Informix" then if is_windows() then call warn(set_lines( "Please make sure you can connect to the Informix database", "using the Informix ILOGIN demo program", " ", "You will need :", " the Informix ClientSDK to develop/run Aubit4GL applications", " or Informix Connect to just run Aubit4GL applications" )) call prompt_for("Please enter the Username you want to use","Username >>") returning mv_username call prompt_for("Please enter the Password you want to use","Password >>") returning mv_password else call info(set_lines("You dont need to set up a username or password", "to use Informix - as Informix will run using the current unix username" )) end if end if if mv_dbtype="Postgresql" then if yes_no("Is the database server on the same machine as Aubit4GL ?","Y")="N" then call info(set_lines("You can set the database server name by setting $PG_HOST")) call prompt_for("Please enter hostname/IP address of the Postgresql servere","Server >>") returning mv_server if mv_server is not null and mv_server!=" " then call set("PG_HOST",mv_server) end if end if call prompt_for("Please enter the Username you want to use","Username >>") returning mv_username call prompt_for("Please enter the Password you want to use","Password >>") returning mv_password call hint(set_lines( "Remember - you must be able to connect to the Postgresql database", "using that username and password using a standard Postgresql client", "such as 'psql -U "||mv_username clipped||" db_name'", " ", "You may also wish to use PGDATABASE, PGHOST, PGPORT and/or PGUSER", "environment variables which are used internally by libpq", " ", "The passwords may be stored in the Postgresql ~/.pgpass or ", "in Aubit4GLs A4GL_SQLPWD, or ACL file", "Note: Aubit4GL is not automatically prompt for a password!!" )) end if if mv_username is not null then if ask("Use ACL", "Do you want to use an ACL file ?","Y", set_lines("You can store the username/password in Environment variables", "*OR* you can save them in an Access Control List (ACL) file"," "))="Y" then let mv_aclfile=true else let mv_aclfile=false end if if mv_aclfile then if ask("ACLFILE", "Do you want to create an entry now (this will replace any existing file) ?","Y", set_lines( "Using an ACL file - you will need to create entries", "(one per line) which contain a database:username:password", "as soon as the file is read - the passwords will be", "encrypted using a weak encryption (dont store important", "password in the ACL file!)"))="Y" then call prompt_for("Please enter the database you want to use","Database >>") returning mv_dbname if not create_aclfile() then let mv_aclfile=false call warn(set_lines("Unable to create the ACLFILE for some reason", "We'll write them to the environment instead..")) end if end if end if end if end function ################################################################################ function code_generation() define lv_ecpg char(50) define lv_stat integer #set the defaults... let mv_lextype="C" let mv_lexdialect="" if mv_dbtype="Postgresql" then call info(set_lines( "Using Postgresql - you can get Aubit4GL to generate C or ESQL/C code", "ESQL/C uses Postgresql's 'ecpg' preprocessor to convert the ", "ESQL/C code into C code - which then runs using 'ecpg' libraries.", " ", "C code generation will use the native database communicator.", " ", "We recommend you use 'C' generation UNLESS :", " 1) you are using the 'Patched' Postgresql version (7.4 - very old)", "OR 2) you are integrating with other ESQL/C code" )) menu "Do you want to use 'C' generation" command "Use C" let mv_lextype="C" exit menu command "Use ESQL/C with 'ecpg'" let mv_lextype="EC" let mv_lexdialect="POSTGRES" let lv_ecpg=fgl_getenv("PG_ESQLC") if lv_ecpg!=" " then else let lv_ecpg="ecpg" end if run lv_ecpg||" --version" returning lv_stat if lv_stat>255 then let lv_stat=lv_stat/255 end if if lv_stat then call err(set_lines("Unable to locate ecpg!", "Please find your 'ecpg' executable manually", "and set PG_ESQLC in the environment before running", "this program again")) let mv_lextype="C" let mv_lexdialect="" end if CALL set("PG_ESQLC",lv_ecpg) exit menu end menu end if if mv_dbtype="Informix" then call info(set_lines( "Using Informix - you can get Aubit4GL to generate C or ESQL/C code", "ESQL/C uses Informix's 'esql' preprocessor to convert the ESQL/C code", "into C code - which then runs using native Informix libraries.", " ", "C code generation will use the native database communicator.", " ", "We recommend you use 'EC' as it should be faster" )) menu "Do you want to use 'EC' generation" command "Use ESQL/C" let mv_lextype="EC" let mv_lexdialect="INFORMIX" exit menu command "Use C" let mv_lextype="C" exit menu end menu end if end function ################################################################################ function has_plugin(lv_type,lv_value) define lv_type,lv_value char(50) define lv_ok integer code { A4GL_trim(lv_type); A4GL_trim(lv_value); lv_ok=A4GL_dl_has_library(lv_type,lv_value); } endcode return lv_ok end function ################################################################################ function fail(lv_str) define lv_str char(80) display lv_str clipped exit program 2 end function ################################################################################ function file_exists(lv_name) define lv_name char(256) define lv_ok integer code { A4GL_trim(lv_name); lv_ok=A4GL_file_exists(lv_name); } endcode return lv_ok end function ################################################################################ function directory_exists(lv_name) define lv_name char(256) define lv_ok integer code { A4GL_trim(lv_name); lv_ok=A4GL_directory_exists(lv_name); } endcode return lv_ok end function ################################################################################ function warn(lv_nlines) define lv_nlines integer define a integer define lv_dummy integer display " ","" at 2,1 display " ","" at 3,1 display " ","" at 4,1 open window w_warn at mv_top,mv_left with (mv_height+3) rows, (mv_width) columns attribute(border) call banner("WARNING","MAGENTA,REVERSE") for a=1 to lv_nlines display lv_msglines[a] at a+2,1 end for call button("[ OK ]","MAGENTA,REVERSE") call fgl_getkey() returning lv_dummy close window w_warn end function ################################################################################ function hint(lv_nlines) define lv_nlines integer define a integer define lv_dummy integer display " ","" at 2,1 display " ","" at 3,1 display " ","" at 4,1 open window w_hint at mv_top,mv_left with (mv_height+3) rows, (mv_width) columns attribute(border) call banner("Hint","GREEN,REVERSE") for a=1 to lv_nlines display lv_msglines[a] at a+2,1 end for call button("[ OK ]","GREEN,REVERSE") call fgl_getkey() returning lv_dummy close window w_hint end function ################################################################################ function err(lv_nlines) define lv_nlines integer define a integer define lv_dummy integer display " ","" at 2,1 display " ","" at 3,1 display " ","" at 4,1 open window w_err at mv_top,mv_left with (mv_height+3) rows, (mv_width) columns attribute(border) call banner("ERROR","RED,REVERSE") for a=1 to lv_nlines display lv_msglines[a] at a+2,1 end for call button("[ OK ]","RED,REVERSE") call fgl_getkey() returning lv_dummy close window w_err end function ################################################################################ function ask(lv_caption, lv_question,lv_default, lv_nlines) define lv_nlines integer define lv_default char(3) define lv_caption,lv_question char(80) define a integer define lv_dummy integer define lv_answer char(1) display " ","" at 2,1 display " ","" at 3,1 display " ","" at 4,1 if length(lv_caption)>mv_width then let mv_width=length(lv_caption) end if if (length(lv_question)+14)>mv_width then let mv_width=length(lv_question)+14 end if open window w_ask at mv_top,mv_left with (mv_height+4) rows, (mv_width) columns attribute(border, menu line last -1) call banner(lv_caption,"CYAN,REVERSE") for a=1 to lv_nlines display lv_msglines[a] at a+2,1 end for call yes_no(lv_question,lv_default) returning lv_answer close window w_ask return lv_answer end function ################################################################################ function info(lv_nlines) define lv_nlines integer define a integer define lv_dummy integer display " ","" at 2,1 display " ","" at 3,1 display " ","" at 4,1 open window w_info at mv_top,mv_left with (mv_height+3) rows, (mv_width) columns attribute(border) call banner("INFO","CYAN,REVERSE") for a=1 to lv_nlines display lv_msglines[a] at a+2,1 end for call button("[ OK ]","CYAN,REVERSE") call fgl_getkey() returning lv_dummy close window w_info end function ################################################################################ function banner(lv_txt,lv_colour) define lv_left integer define lv_txt char(400) define lv_colour char(80) define lv_title char(400) let lv_title=" " let lv_left=(mv_width-length(lv_txt))/2 let lv_title[lv_left,400]=lv_txt display lv_title[1,mv_width] at 1,1 attribute(lv_colour) end function ################################################################################ function button(lv_txt,lv_colour) define lv_colour char(80) define lv_txt char(400) define lv_left integer let lv_left=(mv_width-length(lv_txt))/2 display lv_txt clipped at mv_height+3,lv_left attribute(lv_colour) end function ################################################################################ function is_windows() if fgl_getenv("COMSPEC")!="" then return 1 end if return 0 end function code int aclfgl_set_line_sizes(int n) { int ntop; int a; int maxwidth=10; int nlines; nlines=A4GL_pop_int(); for (a=0;amaxwidth) { maxwidth=strlen(buff); } } mv_left=(mv_screenwidth-(maxwidth+2))/2; mv_width=maxwidth; mv_height=nlines; A4GL_push_int(nlines); return 1; } //################################################################################ int aclfgl_set_lines(int nlines) { int ntop; int a; int maxwidth=10; // +5 = 1 for title, +2 for border +2 for spacer line and 'continue button'.. mv_top=(mv_screenheight-(nlines+3))/2; mv_top=5; for (a=0;a<30;a++) { strcpy(lv_msglines[a]," "); } for (a=1;a<=nlines;a++) { char *p; p=A4GL_char_pop(); A4GL_assertion(strlen(p)>70,"string too long for aclfgl_set_lines"); strcpy(lv_msglines[nlines-a],p); if (strlen(p)>maxwidth) { maxwidth=strlen(p); } free(p); } mv_left=(mv_screenwidth-(maxwidth+2))/2; mv_width=maxwidth; mv_height=nlines; A4GL_push_int(nlines); return 1; } endcode ################################################################################ function prompt_for(lv_asklong,lv_askshort) define lv_askshort char(80) define lv_asklong char(80) define lv_response char(40) let lv_response=" " let int_flag=false open window w_prompt at 3,2 with 4 rows, mv_screenwidth-2 columns attribute(border) let mv_width=mv_screenwidth-2 call banner(lv_asklong,"CYAN,REVERSE") prompt lv_askshort clipped for lv_response if int_flag then let lv_response=" " end if close window w_prompt return lv_response end function ################################################################################ ## Add a line to our msg buffer ## skip empty lines ## and lines that are already in the list ## return the next empty slot in the message buffer ## ## This routine can be used when we want to hand code ## the exact lines - and not use 'warn' or 'info' etc.. ################################################################################ function add_line(lv_startcnt,lv_str) define lv_startcnt integer define lv_str char(71) define a integer if lv_str is null or lv_str matches " " then return lv_startcnt end if # Make sure its not too long for our routines # which trim the string to a maximum of 70 characters.. if length(lv_str)>70 then # Its too long - put a '+' at the end # to tell the user its been trimmed.. let lv_str=lv_str[1,69],"+" end if # is that string already there ? for a=1 to lv_startcnt-1 if lv_str=lv_msglines[a] then return lv_startcnt end if end for let lv_msglines[lv_startcnt]=lv_str return lv_startcnt+1 end function ################################################################################ function create_aclfile() define lv_db, lv_user,lv_pass char(100) define lv_fname char(200) define lv_ok integer let lv_db=mv_dbname let lv_user=mv_username let lv_pass=mv_password let lv_fname=fgl_getenv("A4GL_SQLACL") if lv_fname is null or lv_fname=" " then let lv_fname=fgl_getenv("A4GL_ACLFILE") end if if lv_fname is null or lv_fname=" " then if is_windows() then # On windows the ACLFILE is stored in $AUBITDIR/etc/aubit4gl.acl, or c:\\aubit4gl\\aubit4gl.acl let lv_fname=fgl_getenv("AUBITDIR") clipped,"/etc/aubit4gl.acl" else if fgl_getenv("HOME")!=" " then let lv_fname=fgl_getenv("HOME") clipped,"/.aubit4gl.acl" else let lv_fname="/etc/aubit4gl.acl" end if end if end if if lv_fname is null or lv_fname=" " then call warn(set_lines("Unable to determine a file location to store the ACLFILE!")) return 0 end if if file_exists(lv_fname) then call warn(set_lines("The file : ", lv_fname clipped, "already exists - I'm not going to overwrite it!", "You should manually edit the file and add a line : ", lv_db clipped||":"||lv_user clipped||":"||lv_pass clipped )) return 0 end if code { FILE *f; A4GL_trim(lv_fname); A4GL_trim(lv_db); A4GL_trim(lv_user); A4GL_trim(lv_pass); lv_ok=0; f=fopen(lv_fname,"w"); if (f) { fprintf(f,"%s:%s:%s\n",lv_db,lv_user,lv_pass); fclose(f); lv_ok=1; } } endcode return lv_ok end function function yes_no(lv_txt,lv_default) define lv_yn char(1) define lv_txt char(80) define lv_default char(3) menu lv_txt before menu if lv_default[1]="Y" then next option "Yes" end if if lv_default[1]="N" then next option "No" end if command "Yes" let lv_yn="Y" exit menu command "No" let lv_yn="N" exit menu end menu return lv_yn end function function ui_detection() define lv_ui char(30) menu "Do you want to run in Text Mode or GUI mode ?" command "Text Mode" let lv_ui="tui" exit menu command "GUI Mode" let lv_ui="gui" exit menu command "Batch Mode" "This mode can be used for batch jobs (cron/cgi-bin etc)" let lv_ui="CONSOLE" exit menu end menu if lv_ui="gui" then call info(set_lines( "There are two GUI options", " " , "A 'thick' client front end written using GTK", " ", "or a thin client GUI using an XML protocol", "with this UI - the 4GL application and the display may", "be on different machines" )) menu "Which GUI do you want to use ? " command "GTK" if has_plugin("UI","HL_GTK") then let lv_ui="HL_GTK" exit menu else call err(set_lines( "The HL_GTK module doesn't exist!")) end if command "Thin Client" if has_plugin("UI","XML") then let lv_ui="XML" exit menu else call err(set_lines( "The XML module doesn't exist!")) end if command "Use Text mode" let lv_ui="tui" exit menu end menu end if if lv_ui="tui" then if mv_need_wide then if has_plugin("UI","TUI_wide") and lv_ui="tui" then let lv_ui="TUI_wide" end if else ## Dont need wide characters.. if has_plugin("UI","TUI") and lv_ui="tui" then let lv_ui="TUI" end if if has_plugin("UI","HL_TUI") and lv_ui="tui" then let lv_ui="HL_TUI" end if if has_plugin("UI","HL_TUIw") and lv_ui="tui" then # Windows TUI let lv_ui="HL_TUIw" end if end if end if if lv_ui="tui" or lv_ui="gui" then call warn(set_lines( "Unable to determine the UI module to use!!" )) let lv_ui="CONSOLE" end if let mv_ui=lv_ui end function function misc() define lv_keyname char(20) define lv_keyvalue integer define lv_mantis_user,lv_mantis_pass,lv_mantis_proj char(40) define lv_filename char(80) if has_plugin("PACKER","PACKED") then call set ("A4GL_PACKER","PACKED") call set ("A4GL_FORMTYPE","GENERIC") else if has_plugin("FORMTYPE","XDR") then call set("A4GL_FORMTYPE","XDR") end if end if if mv_lextype="EC" then # Probably a good idea to have these too... call set("A4GL_ESQL_UNLOAD","N") call set("A4GL_USE_INDICATOR","Y") end if if yes_no("Do you want to set some of the more advanced settings?","Y")="Y" then if yes_no("Do you want to attach to GDB whenever there is a segfault?","N")="Y" then call set ("A4GL_GDB_ATTACH","Y") else call set ("A4GL_GDB_ATTACH","Y") end if if yes_no("Do you want to auto-intialize variables to NULL/0 as per Informix RDS","Y")="Y" then call set("A4GL_AUTONULL","Y") else call set("A4GL_AUTONULL","N") end if if ask("Function renaming", "Do you wan to disable function renaming","N", set_lines( " ", "Aubit4GL will normally automatically prepend function names with ", "'aclfgl_' - this is done to ensure that functions do not clash ", "with the standard functions built into C. ", " ", "However - if you are linking with 'C' routines then you will ", "typically need to rename these to have the same 'aclfgl_' prefix, ", "or use 'IMPORT INFORMIX C FUNCTION' in your 4gl module to create a ", "marshalling function.", " ", "Alternatively - You can disable this feature by setting ", "A4GL_NOCLOBBER' and then no function renaming will be done -", "but no protection is then provided", " " ))="Y" then call set("A4GL_NOCLOBBER","Y") else call hint(set_lines( "Remember!", "If you get problems with linking to C function - you might need ", "to set this - or generate function linkages ", "(or compile with 4glpc -N etc)" )) call set("A4GL_NOCLOBBER","N") end if if yes_no("Do you want to emulate the Informix Form extensions (.frm) ?","N")="Y" then call set("A4GL_FRM_BASE_EXT",".frm") call set("A4GL_PACKED_EXT","") end if if ask ("Error Logging","Do you want to enable extended error file logging ?","Y",set_lines( "Aubit4GL can write backtraces etc to the error log file", "when an error occurs", "This is normally a 'good' thing unless you have a program or process", "that reads these files and looks for the Informix4GL style files", " " ))="Y" then call set("EXTENDED_ERRORLOG","Y") end if let lv_keyvalue=0 if yes_no("Do you want to enable an automatic 'Print Screen' key ?","N")="Y" then while true call prompt_for("Enter key name for Print Screen","Key ?") returning lv_keyname if lv_keyname is null or lv_keyname=" " then let lv_keyvalue=0 exit while end if let lv_keyvalue=fgl_keyval(lv_keyname) if lv_keyvalue<=0 then call err (set_lines("That isn't a valid key!")) else call set("A4GL_PRINTSCRKEY",lv_keyname) exit while end if end while if lv_keyvalue>0 then menu "Where do you want the print to go ? " command "A file" call prompt_for("Enter filename to write to","File >>") returning lv_filename if lv_filename!=" " then call set("A4GL_PRINTSCRFILE",lv_filename) else call err(set_lines("Not set.", "You can manually set A4GL_PRINTSCRFILE...")) end if exit menu command "A command pipe" call prompt_for("Enter filename to write to","File >>") returning lv_filename if lv_filename!=" " then call set("A4GL_PRINTSCRFILE","|"||lv_filename) else call err(set_lines("Not set.", "You can manually set A4GL_PRINTSCRFILE...")) end if exit menu end menu end if end if if ask("Mantis Integration", "Do you want to enable automatic error logging into Mantis","N",set_lines( "Aubit4GL can automatically add bugs to a bug tracking system for", "handling application errors.", "this logs a screen dump, function backtrace, last key pressed etc", " ", "Automatic Mantis entry requires a *valid support contract*", "with Aubit Computing Ltd", "You will also require a valid 'errhook_mantis' plugin", " " ))="Y" then if yes_no("Do you have a valid Aubit support contract?","Y")="Y" then call set("CALLERRHOOK","errhook_mantis") call prompt_for("Please enter your mantis Username", "Username >>") returning lv_mantis_user call prompt_for("Please enter your mantis Password", "Password >>") returning lv_mantis_pass call prompt_for("Please enter your mantis Project ID", "ProjID >>") returning lv_mantis_proj call set("MANTIS_USERNAME", lv_mantis_user) call set("MANTIS_PASSWORD", lv_mantis_pass) call set("MANTIS_PROJECTID", lv_mantis_proj) end if end if if ask("ERRORLOG", "Do you want the files restarted each run","N",set_lines( ###################################################################### "Informix4GL appends to the Error log each time an application", "is run.", "Aubit4GL can replicate this behaviour - but the error log files", "can quickly become quite large. Aubit4GL can therefore 'restart'", " the log files each time the program starts that way, the file ", "will only contain the latest details"," "))="Y" then call set("A4GL_RESTARTLOG","Y") end if end if # Advanced options if yes_no("Want to know about some advanced features?","Y")="Y" then if ask("Extra Logging", "Do you want to set ERRLOG_CONTINUE_ERRORS","N", set_lines( "Aubit4GL has some advanced features to help you debug your ", "applications.", " ", "Setting ERRLOG_CONTINUE_ERRORS will log *all* SQL errors", "to the errorlog - even when you have WHENEVER ERROR CONTINUE set"," "))="Y" then call set("ERRLOG_CONTINUE_ERRORS","Y") end if call hint(set_lines( ###################################################################### " Automatic key logging/replay", " ", "Aubit4GL can record and replay keystrokes in your 4gl application", "Simply set A4GL_KEYLOG to point to a file to write the key", "strokes to", "*Or* set A4GL_KEYFILE to the file containing the keystrokes you", "need to replay. If you need to slow down the keystrokes - set", "A4GL_KEYDELAY=1000000 (or the number of microseconds between", "keystrokes)" )) call hint(set_lines( "Setting TRACE4GLEXEC to a filename will store a live call tree history", "when a 4gl application runs", "You can use the program 'dot' from the 'graphviz' package to produce", "some nice and useful diagrams that show how the program executed - ", "which functions were called in which order etc")) call hint(set_lines( "Aubit4GL will automatically record a 'hash' code for all the", "tables used in a DEFINE RECORD LIKE or a DEFINE LIKE", "These are used to ensure that the table has not changed", "between when the program is compiled and when the program is run", "You can disable this check by setting CHECKTABLEVERSIONS=N")) call hint(set_lines( "When you compile a 4gl module - Aubit4GL will embed an 'ident'", "string in the code.", "You can read the ident strings from the compiled application", "by using the 'ident' program available on most Unix/Linux", "machines", "You can embed your own project details in the ident string", "by setting the LOG_TEXT variable." )) call hint(set_lines( "You can use 'gdb' to debug your 4gl application", "Just set INCLINES=Y and Aubit4GL will include line", "information needed by gdb.", "Then use '-g' when you compile your application to", "include the C debugging symbols and your should be", "able to trace through your application" )) end if end function function set_auto(lv_n) define lv_n char(200) call set(lv_n, fgl_getenv(lv_n)) end function function set(lv_n,lv_v) define lv_n,lv_v char(2000) output to report r_settings (lv_n,lv_v) end function report r_settings(lv_n,lv_v) define lv_n,lv_v char(2000) output top margin 0 bottom margin 0 page length 1 left margin 0 format on every row case mv_settings_type WHEN "REGISTRY" if mv_report_settings_count=0 then print "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" print "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Aubit project]" print "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Aubit project\\Aubit 4GL compiler]" end if print "\"",lv_n clipped,"\"=\"",lv_v clipped,"\"" WHEN "SH" print lv_n clipped,"=",lv_v clipped print "export ",lv_n clipped WHEN "CSH" print "setenv ", lv_n clipped," ",lv_v clipped WHEN "AUBITRC" print lv_n clipped,"=",lv_v clipped OTHERWISE call err(set_lines("Internal error - ", "Unexpected settings type")) END CASE let mv_report_settings_count=mv_report_settings_count+1 end report