#! /usr/bin/awk -f # create_man_entries - an automated 4gl source code documenter # # Marco Greco (marcog@ctonline.it), Catania, Italy # # Initial release: Sep 97 # Current release: Oct 97 # # NOTICE # Permission to use, copy, modify and redistribute this software and # its documentation is hereby granted without fee provided that # # - all copies of the software and related documentation contain this # notice and authorship information, UNMODIFIED # # - no fee is charged for the physical act of redistributing this # software or modified copies thereof # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY # WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, # INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # ALL RISKS CONNECTED TO THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE OR IMPOSSIBILITY # THEREOF LIE SOLELY ON YOU. # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE CONSTITUES AGREEMENT WITH THE ABOVE TERMS # AND CONDITIONS. # BEGIN { # token separator FS="[ \t]+|[ \t]*[(),][ \t]*" # get list of functions that have already been documented if (already_documented!="") while ((getline < already_documented)>0) function_list[$0]="" # set some handy variables in_function="no" in_comment=0 commentcounter=0 restartcomment=0 } # if already within brace comment, don't want opening braces in_comment { in_comment=($0 !~ "{") } # if not within braces, we want a brace as first token, and no more !in_comment { in_comment=($0 ~ "^[ \t]*{[^{]*$") } # save comments just preceeding function definition (in_function=="no") && (in_comment || $1 ~ "(#|--).*") \ { # drop comment tokens sub("(#|--|{)[ \t]*", "") in_comment=in_comment && ! sub("}[ \t]*$", "") # drop decorative comments sub("^[=_\\-+*# \t]+", "") if (restartcomment) commentcounter=0 if (length($0) || commentcounter) comment[++commentcounter]=$0 restartcomment=0 next } # outside useful comments, flag comment buffering should start anew { restartcomment=1 } # strip all other comments /#.*/ || /--.*/ || /[{}]/ \ { sub("(#|--).*", "") gsub("{[^{}]*}", "") sub("^.*}", "") sub("{.*", "") if (!length($0)) next } # empty line, skip !length($0) { next } # downshift to simplify life { oldrec=$0 $0=tolower($0) } # here starts a function (/^function/||/^report/) && (already_documented=="" || ! ($2 in function_list)) \ { in_function="yes" # save name in documented list function_list[$2]="" # save param list for later delete currargs for (i=3; i

" $2 "

" # subsequent entries as a two col table print "" # source filename print "" print "" # start declaration section print "" next } # not within function - skip (in_function=="no") { next } # drop leading blanks { gsub("^[ \t]+", "") } # skip returning clauses /returning/ { next } # save return statements /return/ { sub(".*return", "") if (length($0)) { retcount++ returns[retcount]=$0 } } # end function - output all the saved data /end function/||/end report/ \ { in_function="no" # drop lone defines & empty strings while (defcount && (tolower(definitions[defcount]) ~ "define[ \t]*$" \ || !length(definitions[defcount]))) defcount-- # drop a possible comma from last definition statement sub(",$", "", definitions[defcount]) # print all define statements print "" # and the returns statements if any print "" print "" # create purpose, ... print "" print "" # ...example, ... print "" print "" # ...and notes rows print "" print "" # close table - we're done print "
file" substr(FILENAME, \ match(FILENAME, "[^/]+$")) "
		    for (i=1; i<=defcount; i++)
			print definitions[i]
	  	    print "
returns" if (!retcount) print "nothing" else for (i=1; i<=retcount; i++) print returns[i] "
" print "
purpose" while (commentcounter && !length(comment[commentcounter])) commentcounter-- for (i=1; i<=commentcounter; i++) print comment[i] print "

" # leave an empty line for clarity print "" # reinit comment variables & restart over commentcounter=0 restartcomment=0 next } # here starts a definition section /define/ { in_function="define" sub("define", "") varfound=0 } # not within definition - skip in_function=="yes" \ { next } # see if we end with a comma { terminate_define=!/,[ \t]*$/ # remove trailing comma & leading & trailing blanks (simplifies life) sub("^[ \t]*", "") sub(",?[ \t]*$", "") } # see if record starts or ends /record/ { if (in_function=="define") in_function="record" else in_function="define" sub("(end)?[ \t]*record", "") } # if empty line or all reserved words or within record, save for later (in_function=="record" && parameterfound) || !length($0) \ { definitions[++defcount]=oldrec } # scan to see if we spot a parameter - if yes, save line in_function=="define" \ { parameterfound=0 varfound+=split($0, items, "[ \t]*,[ \t]*|[ \t]+") for (i in items) if (items[i]!="" && items[i] in currargs) { parameterfound=1 definitions[++defcount]=oldrec break } } # definition section ends if line ends with no comma, outside record, # the line is not empty and we have actually defined something in_function=="define" && length(oldrec) && varfound && terminate_define \ { in_function="yes" } # on exit output updated documented function list END { if (already_documented!="") for (i in function_list) print i > already_documented }