define mv_curr_db char(256) define mc_version constant 0.1 main define lv_dialect char(20) defer interrupt call form_is_compiled(splash,"MEMPACKED","GENERIC") call form_is_compiled(sqls,"MEMPACKED","GENERIC") call form_is_compiled(sqlerr,"MEMPACKED","GENERIC") call form_is_compiled(sqldeta,"MEMPACKED","GENERIC") call form_is_compiled(purge,"MEMPACKED","GENERIC") call form_is_compiled(purge2,"MEMPACKED","GENERIC") call form_is_compiled(audit,"MEMPACKED","GENERIC") # Let the library know to ignore the SQLMETRICS setting # we dont want to log the SQLs we're using to analyse # the SQLs we want to analyse :-) call aclfgl_setenv("IGNORE_SQLMETRICS","Y") call copyright_banner() options message line last options input wrap whenever error continue database sqlmetrics call set_pick_db("sqlmetrics") whenever error stop if sqlca.sqlcode!=0 then message "Creating sqlmetrics database" whenever error continue let lv_dialect = dbms_dialect() if lv_dialect[1,8] = "POSTGRES" then database template1 end if execute immediate "create database sqlmetrics" database sqlmetrics call set_pick_db("sqlmetrics") whenever error stop if sqlca.sqlcode!=0 then display "Error:",sqlca.sqlcode display " Unable to connect to or create the sqlmetrics database" display " ------------------------------------------------------" display " " display "Please manually create a database called 'sqlmetrics'" display "and create the tables as in $AUBITDIR/tools/sqlmetrics/create_tables.sql." display " " display "If the database exists then ensure you have permission to connect to it" exit program 1 end if call createtables() message "sqlmetrics database created" sleep 1 message " " end if call ensureTableHasParams() call main_menu() end main function err_createtables(lv_errcode) define lv_errcode integer display "There was an error creating the database tables:",lv_errcode display "Please manually create a sqlmetrics with the tables in" display "$AUBITDIR/tools/sqlmetrics/create_tables.sql" exit program 2 end function function createtables() whenever error continue # We dont care i this one fails... grant connect to public create table sql_log ( application varchar(30), -- is the program name of the program generating the output pid int, -- is the process ID type varchar(10), -- is PREPARE/EXECUTE/OPEN/FETCH/DECLARE/PUT cursorname varchar(30), -- is the name of the cursor for a OPEN/FETCH/DECLARE/PUT sql varchar(2048), -- is the SQL being processed. module varchar(30), -- is the modulename of the 4gl where this SQL is located lineno int, -- is the line number in the 4gl where this SQL is located elatime float, -- is the execution of this statement in seconds sql_code int, -- sqlca.sqlcode curtime datetime year to fraction(3), -- timestamp params varchar(2048) ) if sqlca.sqlcode<0 then -- Some db's dont like a varchar > 255 in size... -- so lets try again with a real char (rather than a varchar) create table sql_log ( application varchar(30), -- is the program name of the program generating the output pid int, -- is the process ID type varchar(10), -- is PREPARE/EXECUTE/OPEN/FETCH/DECLARE/PUT cursorname varchar(30), -- is the name of the cursor for a OPEN/FETCH/DECLARE/PUT sql char(2048), -- is the SQL being processed. module varchar(30), -- is the modulename of the 4gl where this SQL is located lineno int, -- is the line number in the 4gl where this SQL is located elatime float, -- is the execution of this statement in seconds sql_code int, -- sqlca.sqlcode curtime datetime year to fraction(3), -- timestamp params char(2048) ) if sqlca.sqlcode<0 then call err_createtables(sqlca.sqlcode) end if end if create index i_sql on sql_log (sql) whenever error stop end function function set_curr_db(p_dbname) define p_dbname char(255) call set_current_db(p_dbname) returning p_dbname if p_dbname is null or length(p_dbname)=0 then initialize mv_curr_db to null else let p_dbname=check_db(p_dbname) let mv_curr_db=p_dbname end if call set_pick_db(mv_curr_db) end function function has_db() if mv_curr_db is null then return 0 else return 1 end if end function function get_db() if mv_curr_db is null then return "" else return mv_curr_db end if end function function check_and_report_error() if sqlca.sqlcode>=0 then return 0 end if error "Unable to connect to database" return 1 end function function get_version() define lv_str char(80) let lv_str="SQLMetrics Version ",mc_version using "##&.&&" return lv_str end function function middle(s) define s char(255) define s1 char(255) define w integer define a integer code w=A4GL_get_curr_width(); endcode let a=w-length(s) let a=a/2 let s1[a,255]=s return s1 end function function copyright_banner() clear screen if get_use_form() then open window w_splash at 1,1 with form "splash" sleep 2 close window w_splash else display middle(get_version()) at 7,1 call display_to_line(9,middle("(c) 2009 Aubit Computing Ltd")) call display_to_line(10,middle("")) call display_to_line(13,middle("Latest version available at:")) call display_to_line(14,middle("")) call display_to_line(16,middle("Development sponsored by Fabrica de Jabon La Corona ")) call display_to_line(17,middle("")) sleep 2 # Splash Screen clear screen end if end function function display_to_line (lv_line,lv_str) define lv_line integer define lv_str char(512) display lv_str clipped,"" at lv_line,1 end function function set_and_display_banner() call display_banner() end function function ensureTableHasParams() define i integer whenever error continue select count(*) from sql_log where params is null let i=sqlca.sqlcode whenever error stop if i<0 then display " " display "You seem to have the old schema for the sql_log table" display "Can you add an extra column 'params' to that table" display "(it should just be a large character string)" display "Or drop the table and a new table with the current schema" display "will be created automatically" exit program 1 end if sleep 10 end function