database syspgm4gl main define lv_path like global.gpath, lv_name like global.globname, lv_progname like global.progname, lv_file char(80), lv_buff varchar(255), lv_cant int if num_args() <> 1 then display "usage: " display " type -help for a description" exit program 1 end if let lv_progname = arg_val(1) if lv_progname = "-h" or lv_progname = "-help" or lv_progname = "--help" then display "This utility allows you to migrate the module dependency for a " display "program stored in the $db database to a .mk suitable for being" display "used for make." display "" display "This information is normally stored by the utility r4gl in the" display "'Program' -> 'Modify' -> '4GL' menu option." exit program 1 end if let lv_file=lv_progname clipped, ".mk" select count(*) into lv_cant from source4gl where progname = lv_progname if lv_cant = 0 then display "Program ", lv_progname clipped, " not found in database" exit program 2 end if start report repo to lv_file let lv_buff = "all : ", lv_progname clipped, ".4ae" output to report repo(lv_buff) output to report repo(" ") declare c_cursor cursor for select distinct nvl(gpath,"."),globname from global where progname = lv_progname union select distinct nvl(spath,"."),fglsourcename from source4gl where progname = lv_progname order by 1, 2 foreach c_cursor into lv_path, lv_name if lv_path = "." then let lv_buff = lv_name clipped, ".ao : ", lv_name clipped, ".4gl" output to report repo(lv_buff) let lv_buff = ascii 9, "4glc -c ", lv_name clipped, ".4gl -o ", lv_name clipped, ".ao" output to report repo(lv_buff) else let lv_buff = lv_path clipped, "/", lv_name clipped, ".ao : ", lv_path clipped, "/", lv_name clipped, ".4gl" output to report repo(lv_buff) let lv_buff = ascii 9, "(cd ", lv_path clipped, "; 4glc -c ", lv_name clipped, ".4gl -o ", lv_name clipped, ".ao)" output to report repo(lv_buff) end if output to report repo(" ") end foreach output to report repo(" ") let lv_buff = lv_progname clipped, ".4ae: \\" output to report repo(lv_buff) foreach c_cursor into lv_path, lv_name if lv_path = "." then let lv_buff = ascii 9, lv_name clipped, ".ao \\" else let lv_buff = ascii 9, lv_path clipped, "/", lv_name clipped, ".ao \\" end if output to report repo(lv_buff) end foreach output to report repo(" ") let lv_buff = ascii 9, "4glc -o $@ $^" output to report repo(lv_buff) finish report repo display lv_file clipped, " generated" end main report repo(lv_buff) define lv_buff varchar(255) output left margin 0 top margin 0 bottom margin 0 page length 1 format on every row print lv_buff clipped end report