# -- Makefile for program tomake # -- Generated by: TOMAKE Version 1.02 (1998-08-04) .SUFFIXES: .4gl .42e .42o .per .42f .42m .42r .o .4gi .4go .o .4ge .frm 42R = tomake.42r 42E = tomake.42e 4GE = tomake.4ge 4GI = tomake.4gi # --- Add the names of the form files for this program FORMS_42F = FORMS_FRM = # --- List of other sources OTHERSRCS = # --- D4GL C-code Object files OBJECTS_42O = getopt.42o \ instring.42o \ tomake.42o # --- D4GL P-code Module files OBJECTS_42M = getopt.42m \ instring.42m \ tomake.42m # --- I4GL object files OBJECTS_O = getopt.o \ instring.o \ tomake.o # --- I4GL-RDS object files OBJECTS_4GO = getopt.4go \ instring.4go \ tomake.4go # Program-specific compilation rules all: 42r @echo "Use: '${MAKE} 42e' to create D4GL c-code executable" @echo "Use: '${MAKE} 4gi' to create I4GL p-code executable" @echo "Use: '${MAKE} 4ge' to create I4GL c-code executable" all: 42r 42e: $(42E) $(FORMS_42F) $(42E): $(OBJECTS_42O) $(OTHERSRCS) fgl2c -o $(42E) $(OBJECTS_42O) 42r: $(42R) $(FORMS_42F) $(42R): $(OBJECTS_42M) $(OTHERSRCS) fgl2p -o $(42R) $(OBJECTS_42M) 4ge: $(4GE) $(FORMS_FRM) $(4GE): $(OBJECTS_O) $(OTHERSRCS) c4gl -o $(4GE) $(OBJECTS_O) 4gi: $(4GI) $(FORMS_FRM) $(4GI): $(OBJECTS_4GO) $(OTHERSRCS) cat $(OBJECTS_4GO) > $(4GI) # --- Generic suffix rules for compiling D4GL .per.42f: fglform $*.per .4gl.42o: fgl2c -c $*.4gl .4gl.42m: fgl2p -c $*.4gl # --- Generic suffix rules for compiling I4GL .per.frm: form4gl $*.per .4gl.o: c4gl -c $*.4gl .4gl.4go: fglpc -c $*.4gl