main display "STarting" menu "WIN Hello test" before menu hide option "Close Form" command "MH" "Menu handler test" call mh_test() command "Window" "Open a new window" display "Window" open window w1 at 10,30 with 3 rows,20 columns attribute(border) display " Hello World " at 2,2 attribute(cyan,reverse) sleep 2 close window w1 command "Form" "Open a form " display "Form" open window w2 at 2,2 with form "form-gui" attribute(border) display "This is a line in the form" to s_info[1].info_line display "This is line 2 in the form" to s_info[2].info_line show option "Close Form" hide option "Form" enable cal command "Close Form" "Close the form" close window w2 hide option "Close Form" show option "Form" command "MultiTab" call multitab() command "Radio form" "Open Radio form in new window" open window w4 at 2,2 with form "radio" attribute(border) menu "Radio form" command "Exit" "Close this window and return to previous menu" exit menu end menu close window w4 command "Widget form" "Open Widget form in new window" open window w5 at 2,2 with form "widget" attribute(border) menu "Widget form" command "Exit" "Close this window and return to previous menu" exit menu end menu close window w5 command "Exit" "Exit demo" display "Exit" exit menu end menu message "Exiting.." end main function multitab() menu "MultiTab" command "As window" "Open Multi tab form in new window" open window w3 at 2,2 with form "multi" attribute(border) menu "MultiTab form" command "Exit" "Close this window and return to previous menu" exit menu end menu close window w3 command "As form" "Open Multi tab form in existing window (screen)" open form f3 from "multi" display form f3 menu "MultiTab form" command "Exit" "Close this form and return to previous menu" exit menu end menu close form f3 #clear form #NOT IMPLEMENTED ERROR clear window screen clear screen current window is screen command "Exit" "Return to previous menu" exit menu end menu end function #################### function mh_test() #################### # SHOW MENU my_menu USING my_menuhandler #default = "menu.mnu" #SHOW MENU my_menu USING my_menuhandler FROM "myfile" # ENABLE MENUITEM id # DISABLE MENUITEM id #SHOW WINDOW MyWindow USING my_formhandler end function { ============ FIRST ERROR: ============== ./hello-gui.c: In function `aclfglmn_my_menuhandler': ./hello-gui.c:546: parse error at end of input ======================================== ############################ MENUHANDLER my_menuhandler ############################ DEFINE testvar char(20) BEFORE SHOW MENU ENABLE MENUITEM mn_1 # You can use MENUITEM or MENUITEMS here ENABLE MENUITEMS mn_2,mn_3 DISABLE MENUITEM mn_1,mn_3 DISABLE MENUITEMS mn_1 ON mn_2 DISPLAY "Hello World" ON mn_3 EXIT PROGRAM END MENUHANDLER }