######################################################################## # Utility functions for CGI programs # # Set www.* record with the environment # # Parse GET/POST variables in HTTPvar array # # vread() function to read HTTPvar # # $Id: ahtmllib.4gl,v 1.2 2009/08/19 17:59:18 fortiz Exp $ # ######################################################################## ########### globals ########### define item, form_method char(20), HTTP_POST_VAR, HTTP_GET_VAR char(1000), www record GATEWAY_INTERFACE char (20), SERVER_NAME char (60), SERVER_SOFTWARE char (100), SERVER_PROTOCOL char (20), REQUEST_METHOD char (10), QUERY_STRING char (300), DOCUMENT_ROOT char (200), HTTP_ACCEPT char (200), HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET char (40), HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING char (20), HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE char (10), HTTP_CONNECTION char (20), HTTP_HOST char (200), HTTP_REFERER char (600), HTTP_USER_AGENT char (300), REMOTE_ADDR char (20), REMOTE_PORT char (10), SCRIPT_FILENAME char (300), SERVER_ADMIN char (100), SERVER_PORT char (10), SERVER_SIGNATURE char (100), PATH_TRANSLATED char (300), SCRIPT_NAME char (300), REQUEST_URI char (600) end record, HTTPvar array [100] of record vname char(20), value char(60) end record end globals #==================== HTML Library ========================== ####################### function html_init() ####################### let form_method="POST" call get_webserver_vars() if www.REQUEST_METHOD = "POST" then call getstdin() call html_params(HTTP_POST_VAR) else call html_params(HTTP_GET_VAR) end if end function ############################ function html_headers(what) ############################ define what varchar(100) let what = what clipped code printf("Content-type: %s\n\n",what); endcode return end function ################################### function html_start_body() ################################### display "" end function ################################### function html_end_body() ################################### display "" end function ################################### function html_start_para() ################################### display "

" end function ################################### function html_end_para() ################################### display "

" end function ################################### function html_display_para(mytext) ################################### define mytext char (10000) call html_start_para() display mytext clipped call html_end_para() end function ################################### function html_meta() ################################### display "" display "" display "" display "" end function ################################### function html_link(URL,target,mytext) ################################### define URL,mytext char (300), target char(10) display "",mytext clipped,"" end function ################################### function html_head(page_title) ################################### define page_title char (300) display "" display " " call html_title(page_title) call html_meta() display "" end function ################################### function html_title(p_string) ################################### define p_string char(512) display "",p_string clipped,"" end function ################################### function html_heading(p_string,p_level) ################################### define p_string char(512) define p_level integer display "",p_string clipped, "" end function ################################### function html_hline() ################################### display "
" end function ################################### function html_image(URL,W,H) ################################### define URL char (200), W,H integer display "" end function ################################### function html_start_center() ################################### display "
" end function ################################### function html_end_center() ################################### display "
" end function ################################### function html_params(allparams) ################################### define cnt,numparams,startpos,endpos,arglength, allparamslength, gotit, i, varlen smallint, ARGUMENT ARRAY[50] OF CHAR (60), prg_name char(20), allparams, resto, cutstring char (1000) let prg_name = www.script_name if length (allparams) = 0 then return end if let numparams = 0 let startpos = 1 let allparamslength = length(allparams) ################################ FOR cnt = 1 TO length(allparams) ################################ if allparams[cnt] = "&" then let numparams = numparams + 1 let endpos = cnt - 1 let ARGUMENT[numparams] = allparams[startpos,endpos] let startpos = cnt + 1 end if ####### end for ####### if startpos < allparamslength then let resto = allparams[startpos,allparamslength] if length (resto) > 0 then #last one don't have "&" on end let numparams = numparams + 1 let endpos = length(allparams) let ARGUMENT[numparams] = allparams[startpos,endpos] end if end if ############################ FOR cnt = 1 TO numparams ############################ let varlen=length(ARGUMENT[cnt]) let cutstring = ARGUMENT[cnt] let gotit = false ################## for i=1 to varlen ################## if cutstring[i] = "=" then let HTTPvar[cnt].vname = cutstring[1,i-1] let HTTPvar[cnt].value = cutstring[i+1,varlen] let gotit = true exit for end if ####### end for ####### if not gotit then let HTTPvar[cnt].vname = ARGUMENT[cnt] let HTTPvar[cnt].value = "" end if let varlen=length(HTTPvar[cnt].value) let cutstring = HTTPvar[cnt].value ################## for i=1 to varlen ################## #spaces are sent as "+" if cutstring[i] = "+" then let cutstring = cutstring[1,i-1]," ",cutstring[i+1,varlen] end if #Netscape sends "@" as "%40" if cutstring[i,i+2] = "%40" then let cutstring = cutstring[1,i-1],"@",cutstring[i+3,varlen] end if ####### end for ####### let HTTPvar[cnt].value = cutstring ####### END FOR ####### let item = vread("item") end function #params() ################################ function vread(varname) ################################ define cnt smallint, tmpvarname, varname char(60) #all variable names in 4gl are case insensitive let varname = upshift(varname) #################### for cnt = 1 to 100 #################### let tmpvarname = upshift(HTTPvar[cnt].vname) if tmpvarname = varname then if length (HTTPvar[cnt].value) > 0 then return HTTPvar[cnt].value else #varibale was defined, but no value was assigned return TRUE end if end if ######## end for ######## #did not find this variable name: return false end function ##################### function vreadall() ##################### define cnt smallint for cnt = 1 to 100 if length (HTTPvar[cnt].vname) > 0 then display HTTPvar[cnt].vname clipped, " = ", HTTPvar[cnt].value clipped, "
" else exit for end if if length (HTTPvar[cnt].value) = 0 then #bug in DISPLAY display "
" end if end for end function ############################## function get_webserver_vars() ############################## let www.GATEWAY_INTERFACE = FGL_GETENV("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") #What revision of the CGI specification the server is using; i.e. 'CGI/1.1'. let www.SERVER_NAME = FGL_GETENV("SERVER_NAME") #The name of the server host under which the current script is executing. #If the script is running on a virtual host, this will be the value defined #for that virtual host. let www.SERVER_SOFTWARE = FGL_GETENV("SERVER_SOFTWARE") #Server identification string, given in the headers when responding to requests. let www.SERVER_PROTOCOL = FGL_GETENV("SERVER_PROTOCOL") #Name and revision of the information protocol via which the page was #requested; i.e. 'HTTP/1.0'; let www.REQUEST_METHOD = FGL_GETENV("REQUEST_METHOD") #Which request method was used to access the page; i.e. 'GET', 'HEAD', #'POST', 'PUT'. let www.QUERY_STRING = FGL_GETENV("QUERY_STRING") let HTTP_GET_VAR = FGL_GETENV("QUERY_STRING") #The query string, if any, via which the page was accessed. let www.DOCUMENT_ROOT = FGL_GETENV("DOCUMENT_ROOT") #The document root directory under which the current script is executing, #as defined in the server's configuration file. let www.HTTP_ACCEPT = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_ACCEPT") #Contents of the Accept: header from the current request, if there is one. let www.HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET") #Contents of the Accept-Charset: header from the current request, if #there is one. Example: 'iso-8859-1,*,utf-8'. let www.HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING") #Contents of the Accept-Encoding: header from the current request, if #there is one. Example: 'gzip'. let www.HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE") #Contents of the Accept-Language: header from the current request, if #there is one. Example: 'en'. let www.HTTP_CONNECTION = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_CONNECTION") #Contents of the Connection: header from the current request, if #there is one. Example: 'Keep-Alive'. let www.HTTP_HOST = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_HOST") #Contents of the Host: header from the current request, if there is one. let www.HTTP_REFERER = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_REFERER") #The address of the page (if any) which referred the browser to the #current page. This is set by the user's browser; not all browsers will set this. let www.HTTP_USER_AGENT = FGL_GETENV("HTTP_USER_AGENT") #Contents of the User_Agent: header from the current request, if there #is one. This is a string denoting the browser software being used to #view the current page; i.e. Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.9 i586). #Among other things, you can use this value with get_browser() to tailor #your page's functionality to the capabilities of the user's browser. let www.REMOTE_ADDR = FGL_GETENV("REMOTE_ADDR") #The IP address from which the user is viewing the current page. let www.REMOTE_PORT = FGL_GETENV("REMOTE_PORT") #The port being used on the user's machine to communicate with the web #server. let www.SCRIPT_FILENAME = FGL_GETENV("SCRIPT_FILENAME") #The absolute pathname of the currently executing script. let www.SERVER_ADMIN = FGL_GETENV("SERVER_ADMIN") #The value given to the SERVER_ADMIN (for Apache) directive in the web #server configuration file. If the script is running on a virtual host, #this will be the value defined for that virtual host. let www.SERVER_PORT = FGL_GETENV("SERVER_PORT") #The port on the server machine being used by the web server for #communication. For default setups, this will be '80'; using SSL, #for instance, will change this to whatever your defined secure HTTP port is. let www.SERVER_SIGNATURE = FGL_GETENV("SERVER_SIGNATURE") #String containing the server version and virtual host name which are #added to server-generated pages, if enabled. let www.PATH_TRANSLATED = FGL_GETENV("PATH_TRANSLATED") #Filesystem- (not document root-) based path to the current script, #after the server has done any virtual-to-real mapping. let www.SCRIPT_NAME = FGL_GETENV("SCRIPT_NAME") #Contains the current script's path. This is useful for pages which #need to point to themselves. let www.REQUEST_URI = FGL_GETENV("REQUEST_URI") #The URI which was given in order to access this page; for instance, #'/index.html'. end function ############################## function show_webserver_vars() ############################## display "HTTP_POST_VAR=[",HTTP_POST_VAR clipped, "]" display "
HTTP_GET_VAR=[",HTTP_GET_VAR clipped,"]" display "
" display "
" display "All www variables:
" display "SERVER_NAME = ",www.SERVER_NAME,"
" display "QUERY_STRING = ",www.QUERY_STRING,"
" display "DOCUMENT_ROOT = ",www.DOCUMENT_ROOT,"
" display "HTTP_ACCEPT = ",www.HTTP_ACCEPT,"
" display "xxx
" display "HTTP_HOST = ",www.HTTP_HOST,"
" display "xxx
" display "HTTP_REFERER = ",www.HTTP_REFERER,"
" display "HTTP_USER_AGENT = ",www.HTTP_USER_AGENT,"
" display "REMOTE_ADDR = ",www.REMOTE_ADDR,"
" display "REMOTE_PORT = ",www.REMOTE_PORT,"
" display "SERVER_ADMIN = ",www.SERVER_ADMIN,"
" display "SERVER_PORT = ",www.SERVER_PORT,"
" display "xxx
" display "SCRIPT_NAME = ",www.SCRIPT_NAME,"
" display "REQUEST_URI = ",www.REQUEST_URI,"
" display "
" end function #################################### function show_webserver_vars_page() #################################### call html_start_body() call page_menu() call show_webserver_vars() call standard_footer() call html_end_body() end function ###################################################################### # This have a variable number of parameters # so we'll have to pop them off in C # NOTE: List is in reverse order - thats the order they will be pulled # off the stack.. ###################################################################### code aclfgl_html_list(int a) { int c; char s[1000]; for (c=0;c%s\n",s,c,a); } return 0; } endcode ###################################################################### ##################### function getstdin() ##################### define charvar char (1000), len smallint if www.REQUEST_METHOD <> "POST" then initialize HTTP_POST_VAR to null return end if code { fgets (charvar, sizeof (charvar), stdin); trim (charvar); } endcode let HTTP_POST_VAR = charvar clipped end function ############################# function html_redirect(URL) ############################# define URL char (300) display '' display '' display '' display 'End program' display '' display '' call html_end_body() display '' exit program end function #--------------------------- EOF --------------------------------