#regression-test.4gl # #This file is used as regression test to verify that things still work #after compiler changes. All code in this file is confirmed to compile #successfully at some point in time. You can use CVS log on this file #to find exactly when things worked, and when something was added to this #file. # #To demonstrate new problems, please add them to regression-fails.4gl # #If you want to report a syntax problem bug, please add it to #regression-fails.4gl file, commit it back to CVS and notify developer #using mailing list. If you do not have access to commit things to CVS, #please send it to mailing list # # # Do NOT remove existing code! # # Thank you for reporting bugs! # # ############# # This used to cause loads of bugs... # DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN THIS!!! # This is to pick up compiler errors only! # database maxdev { Querix will fail to comile this file foro unknown reason - there is nothing called Ioa anywhere! [root@aptiva regression]# make all.querix fglc -a -w -D -I -z -Ig regression-test-4gl.4gl gcc -c -I/opt/querix/./incl -DQUERIX regression-test-4gl.c -o regression-test-4gl.qo regression-test-4gl.4gl: In function `huuuuhhsaaaastilllfaillls': regression-test-4gl.4gl:1808: `Ioa' undeclared (first use in this function) regression-test-4gl.4gl:1808: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once regression-test-4gl.4gl:1808: for each function it appears in.) make: *** [regression-test-4gl.qo] Error 1 } ############################## globals ############################## define pr_cal_available_flag integer, f1 integer, f2 record a integer, a1 integer end record define a_load array [1000] of char (200), a_load_size, a_load_full, idx smallint #globals "regression-test-4gl.4gl" #globals #|____^ #| Error at line 53, character 6 #| parse error () #above error would happen when GLOBLS "file" is followed by another GLOBALS define blah char (4), intvar integer, charvar char(10) ##--##Querix will catch this one, but not 4js and Aubit: ##--##define ##--## a_load array [1000] of char (200) ##--##define idx smallint ##--##define ##--## f1 ##--## integer, ##--## f2 record ##--## a integer, ##--## a1 integer ##--## end record ##--## ##--## ##--## ##--## ##--## a_load_size, ##--## a_load_full, ##--###| The symbol 'a_load_full' has been defined more than once. ##--###| See error number -4319. ##--## idx ##--###| The symbol 'idx' has been defined more than once. ##--###| See error number -4319. ##--## smallint ##--## ##--## end globals #module level: define f3, ##--## charvar ##--## char(20), ##--## intvar, ##--## pr_cal_available_flag, ##--## i integer, datevar date, datetimevar datetime year to second ######## main ######## display "You are not supposed to run this - this is for testing compiler only!" exit program ################################################# #following functions should compile OK: call compiles_ok() call this_fails_on_19062001() end main ##################################################### function compiles_ok() ##################################################### #code in this function is verified to compile OK in some point in time #please move all corrected bugs from regression-fails.4gl to #this file after bug is resolved: let f1=1 prompt "Hello" attribute(cyan) for f1 attribute(red) on key(f1) display "f1" on key(f2) display "f2" on key(f10) display "f10" on key(f11,f12,f14) display "f10+" on key(tab) display "Tab" end prompt select * from systables where tabname=user #Whith 4Js, the following statement requires: #database maindb #and it will generate error: #| The number of columns must match the number of values in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. #| See error number -4464. {! update maxreport set * = f2.* !} #-- update maxreport set * = f2.* #ifx: (works with 4Js) f2 is defined in GLOBALS block #| #| The variable "f2" has not been defined #| LIKE the table "maxreport". #| See error number -4425. menu "m1" command "Test0" command key(f1) "Test1" display "Hello" command key(f2,Q) "Test1" display "Hello" end menu select * from mytab where status_ind not in ("4","c") display "Hello" ##--##Querix don't like this: ##--##go to lab1 ##--## display "Sun" label lab1: display "World" display pr_cal_available_flag if f3 not matches "[1234]" then display "OK" end if end function #compiles_ok() ####################################################################### function this_fails_on_19062001() ####################################################################### #added by AF, code from Maximise/winds define something char (10) define g_address record oneline char(1), anotherline char(2) end record define a_load array [1000] of char (200), a_load_size, a_load_full smallint define a_names array[40] of record name char(15) #|___________^ #| Error at line 4298, character 13 #| parse error () end record #hmmm, this don't work in 4Js eather: #create database charvar #| A grammatical error has been found at 'database' expecting: LIKE BYTE CHAR CHARACTER DATE DATETIME ... #| See error number -6609. if a_load[intvar][1,5] = "grant" then #|_____________________^ #| Error at line 123, character 23 #| parse error () message "blah" end if ################################################## # while true # clear form # initialize pa_default.* to null # call enter_voucher(cmpy,whom,"","","") # returning pr_voucher.*, pr_vouchpayee.* let intvar = xmenu(intvar, charvar, f2.*) #|____________________________________^ #| Error at line 135, character 38 #| parse error () #f2.*,'1') # if pr_voucher.vouch_code <= 0 then # exit while # end if # end while ################################################## # after field country_code clear vendor.country_text if something is null #|__________^ #| Error at line 435, character 12 #| parse error () then message "blah" end if LOAD FROM "filename" INSERT INTO table #|___________________________________^ #| Error at line 6, character 37 #| parse error () for intvar = 1 to 500 initialize a_names[intvar] to null #|___________________________________________^ #| Error at line 118, character 45 #| Error processing record - missing item variable ? () end for ------------------ case # ensure date is still within valid range... when datevar is null let datevar = null#i.e. 31/12/1899 error "" #|________________^ #| Error at line 1537, character 18 #| parse error () when datevar < datevar --------------------- let charvar = ascii charvar, #|___________________________________^ #| Error at line 896, character 37 #| parse error () ascii intvar end case ------------------------- if charvar = "2" then error" ",charvar clipped, #|__________________^ #| Error at line 752, character 20 #| parse error () " is configured as a Terminal" # next field dest_print_text else message "blah" end if -------------------------- case # ensure date is still within valid range... when datevar is null let datevar = null#i.e. 31/12/1899 --# error "" when datevar < datevar #|____________^ #| Error at line 1538, character 14 #| parse error () let datevar = datevar error "" end case ----------------------------------- initialize g_address to null #|______________________________^ #| Error at line 1711, character 32 #| Error processing record - missing item variable ? () message"" #|_________________^ #| Error at line 585, character 19 #| parse error () {! return null !} --# return null #|________________________^ #| Error at line 1276, character 26 #| parse error () #ifx: (worsk with 4Js): #| #| The symbol "null" does not represent a defined variable. #| See error number -4369. prepare x2 from " insert into act_desc values (?)" declare c_read_addr scroll cursor with hold for x2 #|_____________________________^ #| Error at line 1384, character 31 #| parse error () #agingfunc.err : ################################################### case something when "1" let datevar = mdy(month(charvar),1,year(charvar)) let datevar = datevar + 2 units month #|___________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 47, character 53 #| parse error () end case #cpartwind.err : ################################################### construct by name charvar on req_num, person_code, req_date, stock_ind, status_ind attribute(cyan) #|_____________^ #| Error at line 107, character 15 #| parse error () #invdfunc.err : ################################################### # end if # call inv_show(pr_invoicedetl.*) on key(return) #|_________________^ #| Error at line 293, character 19 #| parse error () message "blah" end construct options accept key control-m ######################### input by name charvar without defaults attribute(cyan) before input --# before field dest_print_text {! before field dest_print_text !} let charvar = 9999 #QUERIX: (works with 4Js and ifx) #| #| The specified field names are not in the input list or field list. #| #| Check that the field name is specified correctly. #| #| Check error -4391. #| display by name charvar attribute(cyan) --# after field dest_print_text {! after field dest_print_text !} select * into charvar from printcodes #QUERIX: (works with 4Js and ifx) #| #| The specified field names are not in the input list or field list. #| #| Check that the field name is specified correctly. #| #| Check error -4391. #| where 1 = 1 if status = notfound then error" Printer Configuration Not found - Try Window " #|_____________________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 745, character 63 #| parse error () next field dest_print_text end if end input #jourintf.26052000.err : ################################################### case charvar when(intvar < 0) let intvar = -intvar #|________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 282, character 50 #| parse error () end case #pinfowind.err : ################################################### # next field info_ind # end if if charvar not matches'[1234]' then #|________________________________________^ #| Error at line 309, character 42 #| parse error () message "blah" end if #reptfunc.err : ################################################### # pr_rmsreps.report_time let datetimevar = charvar if datetimevar <= current + 1 units minute then #|_____________________________________^ #| Error at line 545, character 39 #| parse error () message "blah" end if #secufunc.err : ################################################### let intvar = false let datetimevar = current - 1 units minute #|________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 237, character 50 #| parse error () ----------------------------------- input charvar without defaults from change_ind after field change_ind# prevents null value let charvar = get_fldbuf(change_ind) #|____________________________^ #| Error at line 1586, character 30 #| parse error () if charvar is null then let charvar = " " end if end input --------------------------- for intvar = 2 to 3 for i = 32 to 90 if (ASCII(i)) = charvar[intvar,intvar] then #|_____________________^ #| Error at line 1667, character 23 #| parse error () exit for end if end for let i = i - 32 let intvar = (intvar * 100) + i end for ----------------------------------- let charvar = charvar, ASCII(46), " ",charvar #|___________________________________^ #| Error at line 1903, character 37 #| parse error () ------------------------------------ #|____________^ #| Error at line 2278, character 14 #| parse error () let intvar = status end function #this_fails() ############################# EOF ##################################### function x2menu() end function ####################################################################### function this2_fails_on_19062001() ####################################################################### #added by AF, code from Maximise/winds define something char (10) define g_address record oneline char(1), anotherline char(2) end record connect to charvar user charvar using charvar #|_______^ #| Error at line 82, character 9 #| parse error () #actimage.err : ################################################### prepare i_1 from "select * from sometable" declare ins_j_curs cursor for i_1 open ins_j_curs for intvar = 1 to intvar put ins_j_curs from charvar #|___________^ #| Error at line 560, character 13 #| parse error () end for end function #this_fails() ########################################################################## function fails_on_30_08_01 () ########################################################################## define update char(20), pr_avail_cred_amt dec(16,2), #|_________________________^ #| Error at line 630, character 27 #| parse error () ################################### password char(6), #|__________^ #| Error at line 124, character 12 #| parse error () ########################################################## line char(132), #|_________^ #| Error at line 269, character 11 #| parse error () ########################################################## # pr_coa record like coa.*, #|_________________________^ #| Error at line 510, character 27 #| You cannot use LIKE without specifying a database () pr_coa record a integer, a1 integer end record, foreign, base, potential, variance char(20), #|________^ #| Error at line 347, character 10 #| parse error () ########################################################## exists smallint, #|___________^ #| Error at line 308, character 13 #| parse error () ########################################################## mode char(4), #|_________^ #| Error at line 145, character 11 #| parse error () ########################################################## option, msgresp char(1), #|__________^ #| Error at line 89, character 12 #| parse error () ########################################################## ga_deposit1 ARRAY[200] OF RECORD indicator CHAR(2) #|_______________^ #| Error at line 85, character 17 #| parse error () ########################################################## end record, runner,unl_stmt, file_name, pr_output char (100), start_line, end_line, file_tmp1 integer, pr_invoicehead record like invoicehead.* if sqlca.sqlcode = 0 then #|_____________________^ #| Error at line 39, character 23 #| parse error () display "xxx" end if ########################################################## start report print_maxlog to pr_output output to report print_maxlog() #|______________________________^ #| Error at line 244, character 32 #| parse error () ################################################## let unl_stmt = "SELECT tabname, tabid, tabtype ", "FROM 'informix'.systables WHERE tabid > 99 ", "AND tabname matches '", charvar clipped, "'" unload to charvar unl_stmt #|__________________________________^ #| Error at line 296, character 36 #| parse error () -- #NOTE: there is a function called UPDATE() in this file. --# call update() returning update {! call update() returning update !} #ifx (works with 4Js): #| #| "update" may not be used as both a function (or report) name and a variable name. #| See error number -4475. #Thsi would cause a syntaxe erorr on next statemwent with Querixl works with i4gl and 4js --# display update {! display update !} ################################################### #/data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/main/U1D.err : if intvar or intvar != intvar or charvar != intvar or intvar != charvar then #NOTE: there is a function called exists() defined below in this source file; #error is caused by compiler not recognising this exists() function, and #this is causing the conflict with reserved word "exists" - which should not be #reserved. {! if exists(intvar, !} --# if exists(intvar, #ifx: (works with 4Js) #| #| "exists" may not be used as both a function (or report) name and a variable name. #| See error number -4475. #|______________________^ #| Error at line 282, character 24 #| parse error () --# charvar --# ) then --# display "blah" --# end if {! charvar ) then display "blah" end if !} end if ########################################################## create temp table t_flatfile(line char(150)) with no log #|___________________________________^ #| Error at line 53, character 37 #| parse error () -- LABEL headlab: CALL header() #|_______________^ #| Error at line 168, character 17 #| parse error () ########################################################## drop index XxZz249 #|__________________^ #| Error at line 853, character 20 #| parse error () ########################################################## #/data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ar/ASW.err : if unload(1) then end if #|___________________^ #| Error at line 129, character 21 #| parse error () ########################################################## let intvar = 0.0 #|____________________________________________^ #| Error at line 154, character 46 #| parse error () ########################################################## ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### # # This dumps core on CygWin: # ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### update warehouse set next_sched_date = current + auto_run_num units minute #|____________________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 568, character 62 #| parse error () ########################################################## ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### update menu2 set security_ind = (select (min (menu3.security_ind)) from menu3 #|_______________________________^ #| Error at line 553, character 33 #| parse error () where menu1_code = pr_menu1.menu1_code and menu2_code = pr_menu2.menu2_code) where menu2_code = pr_menu2.menu2_code and menu1_code = pr_menu1.menu1_code ########################################################## insert into t_salescomm values(pr_invoicehead.sale_code, #Only Querix detected (correctly) when thiis record was not defined ! #| #| Variable "pr_invoicehead" not defined. #| #| Check that variable name has been defined correctly, check GLOBALS file for #| definition. #| #| Check error -4369. #| pr_invoicehead.cust_code, pr_invoicehead.inv_num, pr_invoicehead.inv_date, pr_invoicehead.total_amt, pr_invoicehead.currency_code, pr_invoicehead.paid_amt, 100.0 #|________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 215, character 50 #| parse error () ) ########################################################## drop index customer3_key #|_________________________________^ #| Error at line 1065, character 35 #| parse error () ########################################################## select count(unique cust_code) into charvar from statsale #|______________________________________^ #| Error at line 548, character 40 #| parse error () ########################################################## display array a_load to screen_rec.* on key (esc) #|________________^ #| Error at line 906, character 18 #| parse error () display "blah" end display #ifx: (works with 4Js) #|______^ #| #| A grammatical error has been found on line 821, character 8. #| The construct is not understandable in its context. #| See error number -4373. ########################################################## input by name f2.a thru f2.a1 #|__________________________________________^ #| Error at line 242, character 44 #| parse error () ########################################################## OPTIONS MESSAGE LINE FIRST, ACCEPT KEY ESC #|____________________^ #| Error at line 61, character 22 #| parse error () ########################################################## start report audit to charvar #|_____________________^ #| Error at line 166, character 23 #| parse error () ########################################################### if intvar = 1.0 then #|_________________________________^ #| Error at line 237, character 35 #| parse error () display "xxx" end if ########################################################## if intvar > 999999999.99 #|______________________________________^ #| Error at line 338, character 40 #| parse error () then display "xxx" end if ########################################################## drop index hold_ind #|______________________^ #| Error at line 145, character 24 #| parse error () ########################################################## declare item_curs cursor for select colitem.*, mrwitem.*, colitemcolid.id_col_id from colitem, mrwitem, outer( colitemcolid ) #|________________________________^ #| Error at line 280, character 34 #| parse error () ########################################################## for i = 2 to 0 step -1 let intvar = idx / (100 ** intvar) #|______________________________________________^ #| Error at line 404, character 48 #| parse error () end for ########################################################## select * into charvar from glparms where cmpy_code = charvar and key_code = "1" let f2.* = f2.* let intvar = 0 #|_____^ #| Error at line 644, character 7 #| Number of variables in let not equal to number of values ########################################################## ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### # # This dumps core on CygWin: # ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### select sum(tran_qty) into intvar from prodledg where part_code = charvar and cmpy_code = charvar and (trantype_ind = "S" or trantype_ind = "C") and tran_date <= today and tran_date >= (today - 1 UNITS YEAR) #|_____________________________________________^ #| Error at line 286, character 47 #| parse error () ########################################################### ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### let charvar = "ISP - invoice header update" update invoicehead set cost_amt = (select sum(ext_cost_amt) #|___________________________^ #| Error at line 928, character 29 #| parse error () from invoicedetl where invoicedetl.inv_num = pr_source_num and invoicedetl.cmpy_code = cmpy) where inv_num = pr_source_num and cmpy_code = cmpy ########################################################## # /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/in/IT3.err : select count (unique ware_code) #|_______________________________^ #| Error at line 235, character 33 #| parse error () into charvar from stktakedetl where cmpy_code = cmpy and cycle_num = charvar ########################################################## call warning() #|___________________^ #| Error at line 407, character 21 #| parse error () ########################################################## let intvar = menu(charvar, charvar, f2.*) #|____________________________________^ #| Error at line 135, character 38 #| parse error () ########################################################## start report P96_recon to pr_output output to report P96_recon() #|______________________________^ #| Error at line 404, character 32 #| parse error () ########################################################## #Running 4glpc PR9.4gl -c -o PR9.ao (in /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ap): ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ap/PR9.err : select sum(voucher.total_amt) into intvar from voucher where year(voucher.vouch_date) = year(agedate) #|____________________^ #| Error at line 325, character 22 #| parse error () ########################################################## let intvar = intvar - (idx * (intvar / 100.0)) #|__________________________________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 4277, character 76 #| parse error () ########################################################## create temp table t_flatfile(line char(150)) with no log #|___________________________________^ #| Error at line 111, character 37 #| parse error () UPDATE appeal SET cost_items = (SELECT sum(appeal_cost.amount) #|___________________^ #| Error at line 242, character 21 #| parse error () FROM appeal_cost WHERE appeal_cost.appeal_year = gr_table_rec.appeal_year AND appeal_cost.source_code = gr_table_rec.source_code AND appeal_cost.disp_code = gr_table_rec.disp_code), last_modify_by = gv_username, last_modify_date = gv_current WHERE appeal.appeal_year = gr_table_rec.appeal_year AND appeal.source_code = gr_table_rec.source_code AND appeal.disp_code = gr_table_rec.disp_code ########################################################## input by name charvar ON KEY(ESC) ### doesn't seem to work #|____________^ #| Error at line 776, character 14 #| parse error () message "blah" end input ########################################################## lock table jmj_impresttran in exclusive mode #|____________________________________________^ #| Error at line 183, character 46 #| parse error () ########################################################## lock table cashreceipt in share mode #|__________________________________________^ #| Error at line 225, character 44 #| parse error () ########################################################## end function ########################################################################## report report_fails_on_30_08_01(pr_vendor) ########################################################################## define l2_vend_bal_amt, l3_vend_bal_amt, tot_vend_local_bal_amt integer, where_text char (100), # pr_vendor record like vendor.*, #|__________________________________^ #| Error at line 963, character 36 #| You cannot use LIKE without specifying a database () pr_vendor record a integer, a1 integer, vend_code char (10) end record, # pr_voucher record like voucher.*, #|____________________________________^ #| Error at line 973, character 38 #| You cannot use LIKE without specifying a database () # pr_voucherpays record like voucherpays.* pr_voucherpays record a integer, a1 integer end record output left margin 0 format page header ########################################################### #/data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ap/PR9.err : print column intvar, charvar," (Menu-PR9)" print column 1,"--------------------------------------------", "--------------------------------------------", "--------------------------------------------" if pageno = 1 then let l3_vend_bal_amt = 0 let tot_vend_local_bal_amt = 0 end if on last row skip to top of page skip 4 lines print column 1, "Selection Criteria:", column 25, where_text clipped wordwrap right margin 68 #|_________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 183, character 51 #| parse error () ########################################################## {! if group sum(intvar) = 0 then !} --# if group sum(intvar) = 0 then #ifx: (works with 4Js): #| #| Group aggregates can occur only in AFTER GROUP clauses. #| See error number -4361. print column 18, "Avg Rate", column 39, 0.00; #|__________________________^ #| Error at line 721, character 28 #| parse error () --# end if {! end if !} ########################################################## let charvar = "Job Management Product Issue", 3 spaces, "Date:", 1 spaces, today, 1 space, time #|_________________________________^ #| Error at line 1066, character 35 #| parse error () ########################################################## print column 1, charvar clipped,":", 1 space #|______________________________^ #| Error at line 375, character 32 #| parse error () ########################################################## end report #**************************************************************************** function resource(intvar) define intvar integer #|_______________^ #| Error at line 511, character 17 #| parse error () ########################################################## end function report audit(charvar, intvar, idx,mess) #|__________^ #| Error at line 191, character 12 #| parse error () ########################################################## define mess,charvar, intvar, idx char (100) output left margin 0 format page header print "blah" end report function update_part(hold) #|_______________________^ #| Error at line 657, character 25 #| parse error () define hold char (3) ########################################################## end function report P96_recon() output left margin 0 format page header print "blah" end report function menu(cmpy, whom, f2) define cmpy, whom integer, f2 record a integer, a1 integer end record return 1 end function FUNCTION lock_record(fv_table_name, fv_rowid) DEFINE fv_table_name CHAR(20), fv_rowid INTEGER, fv_statement_str CHAR(80) BEGIN WORK LET fv_statement_str = "SELECT * FROM ", fv_table_name CLIPPED, " WHERE rowid = ? FOR UPDATE" PREPARE lock_id FROM fv_statement_str DECLARE update_curs CURSOR FOR lock_id OPEN update_curs USING fv_rowid FETCH update_curs INTO f2.* END FUNCTION ################################### function at_05_09_2001() ################################### define runner,unl_stmt, file_name, pr_output, comment char (100), start_line, end_line, file_tmp1 integer ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/contr/C21.err : # DISPLAY gr_cont_line.cont_code THRU gr_cont_line.bank_branch DISPLAY f2.a THRU f2.a1 #|______________________________________^ #| Error at line 1368, character 40 #| parse error () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/contr/C24.err : INSERT INTO cont_trans VALUES (charvar, # fr_cont_line.cont_code THRU fr_cont_line.disp_code, f2.a THRU f2.a1, #|______________________________^ #| Error at line 309, character 32 #| parse error () charvar) #MJW ####################################### #/data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/csimods/URS.err: let runner = "sed -n \"",start_line using "<<<<<<" clipped,",", end_line using "<<<<<<" clipped," p\"", " < ",file_name clipped, "| sed \"s/$/\ /\" > ", file_tmp1 clipped," 2>>maxlog" run runner ##--## ##--## let runner = "sed -n \"",start_line using "<<<<<<" clipped,",", ##--## end_line using "<<<<<<" clipped," p\"", ##--## " < ",file_name clipped, "| sed \"s/$/\ ##--###|_______________________________________________________^ ##--###| Error at line 1071, character 57 ##--###| parse error () ##--############################################# ##--##/\" > ", ##--## file_tmp1 clipped," 2>>maxlog" ##--## #This should need (????): ######################### #declare zz cursor for ######################### select glparms.* into f2.* from glparms where glparms.cmpy_code = charvar and glparms.key_code = "1" --# for update of next_jour_num {! for update of next_jour_num !} #ifx: (works with 4js) #| #| UPDATEs may not be used with singleton selects. #| See error number -4471. #|_____________________^ #| Error at line 319, character 23 #| parse error () ########################################################## ############################################################ let intvar = ( ( intvar * intvar) + + ( intvar * #|______________^ #| Error at line 818, character 16 #| parse error () intvar)) /(intvar+intvar) ########################################################## ########################################################## #/data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/contr/CZ1.err : CALL lock_record(charvar, intvar) UPDATE mail_disc SET * = (gr_table_rec.mail_code, gr_table_rec.description, USER, TODAY) WHERE CURRENT OF update_curs #Querix: #| #| The size of the column list cannot be verified at compile time. #| #| The table mail_disc does not exist at the present time, so this statement #| cannot be checked. This is normal if the statement refers to a TEMP table, #| otherwise check for the existence of the table in the database. #| #| Check error -4706. #| #|___________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 280, character 53 #| parse error () IF STATUS THEN display "cxcccx" end if ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/dvfund/V22.err : DISPLAY by name comment, charvar #|_____________^ #| Error at line 902, character 15 #| parse error () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/dvfund/VS3.err : DECLARE batch_ucurs CURSOR FOR SELECT dt.* INTO f2.* FROM deposit_trans dt WHERE dt.trans_code = charvar AND dt.gl_period = charvar ###AND dt.posted_flag != "Y" AND (dt.posted_flag IS null OR dt.posted_flag = "N" OR dt.posted_flag != "Y") FOR UPDATE OF dt.posted_flag #|_______________________^ #| Error at line 312, character 25 #| parse error () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/eo/ES2.err : update statistics #|_____________________________^ #| Error at line 115, character 31 #| parse error () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/gl/GCEb.err : select sum(tran_amt),sum(disc_amt) into charvar,intvar from t_bkdetl where ref_num = charvar and ref_code = intvar and (select entry_type_code #|________________________^ #| Error at line 433, character 26 #| parse error () from t_bkstate where seq_num = t_bkdetl.seq_num) = "RE" ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/gl/GCEd.err : select sum(tran_amt + disc_amt) into charvar from t_bkdetl where ref_num = pr_inv_num and seq_num != pr_seq_num and ((select entry_type_code #|__________________^ #| Error at line 825, character 20 #| parse error () from t_bkstate where seq_num = t_bkdetl.seq_num) = "RE") ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/jm/J33csi.err : declare c_jobledger cursor for #M J33csi select distinct JL.*, TH.person_code #M J33csi from jobledger JL, OUTER (ts_detail TD, ts_head TH), resbill R #M J33csi #|__________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 648, character 52 #| parse error () where R.cmpy_code = cmpy #M J33csi and R.job_code = pr_temp.job_code #M J33csi and R.var_code = pr_temp.var_code #m J33csi and R.activity_code = pr_temp.activity_code #M J33csi and R.inv_num = pr_temp.inv_num #M J33csi and R.line_num = pr_temp.line_num #M J33csi and R.seq_num = pr_temp.seq_num #M J33csi and JL.cmpy_code = R.cmpy_code #M J33csi and JL.job_code = R.job_code #M J33csi and JL.var_code = R.var_code #M J33csi ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/jm/JRI.err : create temp table t_testdir(file char (10)) with no log #|__________________________________^ #| Error at line 52, character 36 #| parse error () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/main/U19.err : unload to charvar select username, usertype from "informix".sysusers #|_______________________^ #| Error at line 367, character 25 #| parse error () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/work/make_dwqry.err : create table sales_transactions ( sales_person_key char(8), customer_key char(8), location_key char(2), division_key char(2), day smallint, month smallint, year smallint, calander_key varchar(40,0), #|____________________________^ #| Error at line 68, character 30 #| parse error () job_key char(8), company_key char(2), resource_key char(8), currency_code char(3), line_number integer ) ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ap/P36_J.err : insert into t_cheque select v.vend_code, c.cheq_code, c.cheq_date, v.com1_text from cheque c, voucher v, voucherpays p where c.cmpy_code = cmpy and c.cheq_date = pr_cheque_date and p.cmpy_code = cmpy and p.vend_code = c.vend_code and p.pay_type_code = 'CH' and p.pay_num = c.cheq_code and p.pay_date = pr_cheque_date and v.cmpy_code = cmpy and v.vouch_code = p.vouch_code and v.vend_code = p.vend_code and v.com1_text[1,5]= 'WORK ' #|______________________________________________^ #| Error at line 165, character 48 #| 'com1_text' does not represent a defined variable (7) () end function ####################### report beforegrouof(pr_vendor) ####################### define l2_vend_bal_amt, l3_vend_bal_amt, tot_vend_local_bal_amt integer, where_text char (100), # pr_vendor record like vendor.*, # pr_voucher record like voucher.*, # pr_voucherpays record like voucherpays.*, pr_vendor record a integer, a1 integer, vend_code char (10) end record, pr_voucher record a integer, a1 integer end record, pr_voucherpays record a integer, a1 integer end record, x integer define type char(1), #M 1507 #|___________^ #| Error at line 841, character 13 #| parse error () file char(100), #|_________^ #| Error at line 1006, character 11 #| parse error () # date like tentpays.vouch_date, date char(16), #|____________^ #| Error at line 171, character 14 #| parse error () text char(15), delete char(1), #|______________^ #| Error at line 127, character 16 #| parse error () g_comment # record like comment.*, record a integer, a1 integer end record, #|_________________________^ #| Error at line 39, character 27 #| parse error () esc char(1) #|__________^ #| Error at line 185, character 12 #| parse error () DEFINE fr_services # RECORD LIKE services.*, record a integer, a1 integer end record, fv_today DATE, fv_ra_num INT #|_______________________________________________^ #| Error at line 242, character 49 #| parse error () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ap/P96a.err : output top of page "^L" #|________^ #| Error at line 41, character 10 #| parse error () page length 60 top margin 0 bottom margin 0 left margin 0 format page header ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/wo/WQB.err : let charvar = " Order Customer",8 spaces,"Line",2 spaces, "Reference",23 spaces,"Ware",6 spaces,"Code",6 spaces,"Unit Amount ",5 spaces,"Quantity",10 spaces,"Value" #|____________________________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 417, character 70 #| '6spaces' does not represent a defined variable (1) () ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ap/P6A.err : print column 10, charvar clipped, column 25,charvar clipped --#wordwrap right margin x {! wordwrap right margin x !} #|__________________________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 489, character 68 #| parse error () #ifx: (works with 4Js) #| #| Wordwrap may not be used within report headers or trailers. #| See error number -4534. ####################### before group of pr_vendor.vend_code #4Js comment: #| An ORDER BY or GROUP item specified within a report must be one of the report parameters. #| See error number -4415. let l2_vend_bal_amt = 0 #|__________^ #| Error at line 321, character 12 #| pr_vendor.vend_code is not in the order by list () ########################################################## ################################## #NOTE: it look like there is problem with detection of ORDER BY ################################## ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/main/U14.err : on every row print file "../reports/maxlog" #|__________________^ #| Error at line 270, character 20 #| parse error () end report ########################################## (2) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/winds/invdfunc.err : --#function blah() #ifx: (works with 4Js) #| #| "blah" may not be used as both a function (or report) name and a variable name. #| See error number -4475. --# return --#end function #|_________^ #| Error at line 323, character 11 #| FUNC was not last block command # () {! function blah() return end function !} ######################################## function huuuuhhsaaaastilllfaillls() ######################################### ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/ar/A41e.err : let intvar = + intvar #|________________________________________^ #| Error at line 102, character 42 #| parse error () + idx ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/gl/GP2.err : declare upd_gl_curs cursor for select * from glparms where key_code = "1" and cmpy_code = cmpy for update of post_total_amt, #|______________________________^ #| Error at line 318, character 32 #| parse error () next_post_num, last_post_date, next_seq_num ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/eo/E11f.err : declare c_orderpart cursor for select offer_code from t_orderpart where offer_code != "###" and offer_qty > 0 order by offer_code foreach c_orderpart into charvar select desc_text into charvar from offersale where cmpy_code = charvar and offer_code = intvar update t_orderpart set desc_text = charvar where offer_code = intvar let intvar = 0 let charvar = "" let idx = idx + 1 let intvar = intvar + 1 if intvar > 5 then scroll f2.* up by 1 #|______________^ #| Error at line 131, character 16 #| parse error () let intvar = 5 end if ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/eo/E53a.err : flush c_orderpart #s1_t_invdetl ## insert rows so reoccurrence of order no #|__________^ #| Error at line 406, character 12 #| parse error () ## can be identified in next iteration end foreach ########################################## (1) /data2/maximise/max_4.01.12/eo/E53b.err : let charvar = "update orderdetl ", "set inv_qty = inv_qty + ?,", "back_qty = back_qty + ?,", "sched_qty = sched_qty - ?,", "picked_qty = picked_qty - ?,", "conf_qty = conf_qty - ? ", "where cmpy_code= '",charvar,"' ", "and order_num= ? ", "and line_num = ? " prepare c_orderdetl from charvar execute c_orderdetl using charvar, "0", ## Back_qty #|________________________________________________^ #| Error at line 676, character 50 #| parse error () "0", ## Sched_qty "0", ## Picked_qty charvar, charvar , charvar end function function header() # return 0 end function function warning() # return 0 end function function xmenu(intvar, charvar, f2) #function xmenu(intvar, charvar, f2,f2,charvar) #IFX & 4Js: #| #| The symbol "f2" has already been defined once as a parameter. #| See error number -4338. #| #| The symbol "charvar" has already been defined once as a parameter. #| See error number -4338. define f2 record a integer, a1 integer end record, intvar integer, charvar char(20) return 3 end function report print_maxlog () output left margin 0 format page header print "blah" end report function unload(intvar) define intvar integer return true end function function exists(intvar, charvar) define intvar integer, charvar char(1) return true end function FUNCTION update() return "HELLO WORLD" END FUNCTION #------------------------------ EOF --------------------------------