{ #note: hash comments are not acceppted |^ | Error at line 3, character -1 | parse error --note: -- style comments are no acceppted note: comment below will cause form compiler to output equal number of emty lines to stdout: } {#@####################################################################### #@ When: Wed Feb 16 17:58:37 EDT 2000 Ver: 4.01.11 #@ Log # : AUS402.WR0202 #@ What : Allow Tagging and include entry code #@ Whom : shatzi #@#######################################################################} {@###################################################################### #@ When : Thu 02 Oct 97 #@ Log # : CUSMEL.AR0145 #@ What : Reformating the screen #@ Who : peterl #@###################################################################### #@ When : Wed 25 Jun 97 #@ Log# : CUSMEL - MAX - AR54 #@ What : Standardise date display #@ Who : samh #@###################################################################### #@ # #@ MAXIMISE FINANCIALS # #@ # #@ Copyright 1992 - Computer Systems Implementation Limited # #@ # #@#####################################################################} database formonly screen { [a] [b] [f6 ] [f05] Start Date..[f000 ] End Date....[f050 ] \g----------------------------------------------------------------------------\g Trans Vendor Seq Trans Document Description Amount Date Code Currency Type Number \g----------------------------------------------------------------------------\g [f099 ][f001 ][c1 ][f02][a1][f003 |f004 |f005 ] [f099 ][f001 ][c1 ][f02][a1][f003 |f004 |f005 ] } {39X10} end attributes a = formonly.scroll_flag, comments = ""; { |___________________________________^ | Error at line 80, character 37 | parse error } { fcompile P109.per Attribute already used mv P109.frm P109.afr mv: P109.frm: No such file or directory ...but compiler will NOT retun error code: } f000 = formonly.start_date type date, format = "dd/mm/yyyy", comments = " Start Date for review of audit trail "; f050 = formonly.end_date type date, format = "dd/mm/yyyy", comments = " End Date for review of audit trail "; f099 = formonly.tran_date, format = "dd/mm/yyyy", noentry, comments = "Date of transaction used to create this ledger record"; f001 = formonly.vend_code, upshift, upshift, comments = "Unique Vendor ID"; c1 = formonly.currency_code, upshift, comments = "The currency used for this vendor"; f02 = formonly.seq_num, comments = "Numerical sequence whereby the transaction was entered in the system"; a1 = formonly.trantype_ind,upshift, include = ("CH","DB","VO","TF"), comments = "CH - Cheque, DB - Debit, VO - Voucher, TF - Transfer/Partial Approval "; f003 = formonly.source_num, comments = "Unique document or record referencing this transaction"; f004 = formonly.tran_text, comments = "Description of the transaction activity"; f005 = formonly.tran_amt, comments = "Amount of the transaction used to create this ledger"; b = formonly.type_ind,upshift,include=("","A","P","G","J","S","W"),comments= {|_________________________________________^ | Error at line 123, character 43 | parse error} "G-General, A-Chrg Thru Sale, P-Purch Ord, J-Dist to Job, S-Shipment, W-Order"; f6 = formonly.debit_date type date, format = 'dd/mm/yyyy', comments = {|___________________________________________^ | Error at line 100, character 36 | parse error} " Specific voucher date to be processed"; f05 = formonly.comments, noentry; {|____________________^ | Error at line 84, character 22 | parse error} end instructions delimiters " " screen record sr_apaudit [2] (tran_date, vend_code, currency_code, seq_num, trantype_ind, source_num, tran_text, tran_amt)