Trans-Mit - Telmax21 - Bilmax21 / Directory21 Demo

Bilmax21             Run the Integrated Bilmax21 and Directory21 Demo

Directory21      Run the Directory21 Demo in HTML Mode      To run in Application Mode (choose open from current location)

To try out the Speaking Directory21 features, Please first install the Microsoft Speech 4.0 in the following order...
1. Control Panel App 2. MS Speech API 4.0a 3. MS Text To Speech Engine

To try out the Excel Edit Mode, first copy the contents of the CD direnq folder to your hard drive. Then run "hta_install.bat", this will set the correct file permissions on the Excel data files, and run the Directory21 HTML application "hta_demo".
Other speech Engines
Lernout and Hauspie TruVoice American English TTS Engine and Voices
Lernout and Hauspie TSS3000 British English TTS Engine and Voices