10+,*** FARM LIVESTOCK ACCOUNTS [100 - 169] *** 17+,*** OTHER FARM INCOME [170 - 175] *** 175/ZZ,*** FARM WORKING EXPENSES [176 - 199] *** 20+,*** TRADING ACCOUNTS [200 - 269] *** 20+/++,*** TRADING SALES [200 - 209] *** 200,Sales 21+,*** RAW MATERIALS [210 - 219] *** 210,Purchases 22+,*** COST OF GOODS [220 - 229] *** 220,Purchases 23+,*** DIRECT COSTS [230 - 249] *** 234,Fuel Costs 236,Light Power & Heating 240,Motor Vehicle expenses 244,Rent - Factory 248,Wages 25+,*** OPENING STOCK/WIP ETC [250 - 259] *** 250,Opening Stock 252,Opening Stock 259,Stock Variance 26+,*** CLOSING STOCK ETC [260 - 269] *** 260,Closing Stock 262,Closing Stock 27+,*** NON TRADING REVENUE [270 - 279] *** 271,Professional fees 272,Dividends Received 273,Grants Received 274,Interest Received 275,Overhead Recovery 277,Rent Received 279,Sundry Income 28+,*** EXPENSES [280 - 476] *** 285,Accident Compensation Levy 287,Accountancy Fees 289,Advertising 291,Audit Fees 300,Bad Debts 302,Bank Charges 305,Catering 308,Cleaning & Laundry 310,Commissions 312,Computer Consumables 313,Computer Expenses 315,Conference Expenses 317,Consultancy 320,Directors' Fees 326,Donations 327,Entertainment 328,Exchange Rate Variation 329,Freight & Courier 330,FBT 331,GST on FBT 335,General Expenses 338,Goods & Services Tax 340,Insurance 350,Interest - Debenture 351,Interest - Loans 353,Interest - Overdraft 356,Interest & Hire Purchase charges 359,Interest 376,Legal Expenses 377,Legal Expenses - Re Lease 380,Library 382,Licences & Registrations 384,Light Power & Heating 386,Loan Fees 395,Loss on Scrapping Asset 400,Management Fees 402,Materials 410,Motor Vehicle Expenses 412,Motor Vehicle Allowance 425,Office Expenses 426,Operating Lease payments 427,Petty Cash 429,Postage 431,"Printing, Stamps & Stationery" 440,Rates 441,Rents 442,Rent - Carparking 443,Rent - Conference Facility 444,Rent - Office 445,Rent - Plant & Equipment 450,Repairs & Maintenance 451,Research & Development 452,Resource Materials 456,Security 457,Staff Expenses 458,Staff Training 460,Subcontractors 462,Subscriptions 464,"Telephone, Tolls & Internet" 465,Tendering 469,Travel - National 470,Travel - International 473,Valuation Fees 475,Wages & Salaries 476,Realised capital profits 476/00,Opening Balance 476/01,Land 476/02,Buildings 476/04,Motor Vehicles 476/06,Furniture & Fittings 476/08,Office Equipment 476/10,Plant & Equipment 476/ZZ,*** DEPRECIATION [477 - 479] *** 477,Depreciation as per Schedule 477/01,Land 477/02,Buildings 477/04,Motor Vehicles 477/06,Furniture & Fittings 477/08,Office Equipment 477/10,Plant & Equipment 478,Depreciation - Loss on Sale 478/01,Land 478/02,Buildings 478/04,Motor Vehicles 478/06,Furniture & Fittings 478/08,Office Equipment 478/10,Plant & Equipment 478/98,Deferred Tax 479,Depreciation Recovered 479/01,Land 479/02,Buildings 479/04,Motor Vehicles 479/06,Furniture & Fittings 479/08,Office Equipment 479/10,Plant & Equipment 48+,"*** TAX ADJUSTMENTS, PROVISIONS ETC [480 - 482] ***" 480,Tax Adjustments 480/01,Tax Provision 480/02,Tax effect of permanent differences 480/03,Income tax attributable to extraordinary items 480/04,Taxation adjustments prior years 480/05,Taxation adjustment for Loss B/Fwd 480/98,Deferred Tax 483,Impairment 483/01,"- Property, Land & Buildings" 483/10,- Plant & Equipment 483/20,- Other 484/ZZ,*** NON-DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES [485 - 489] *** 485,Non-deductible donations 490/ZZ,*** EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS [491 - 493] *** 491,Extraordinary Item 494,Shareholders' Salaries 494/01,Shareholder 1 494/02,Shareholder 2 494/03,Shareholder 3 494/ZZ,*** SPARE [495-499] 50+,*** SHAREHOLDER ACCOUNTS [500 - 589] *** 501,Shareholder 1 501/01,Opening Balance 501/05,Cash Deposits 501/50,Cash Drawings 501/55,Terminal tax paid 501/56,Provisional tax paid 501/57,Earner Premium 502,Shareholder 2 502/01,Opening Balance 502/05,Cash Deposits 502/50,Cash Drawings 502/55,Terminal tax paid 502/56,Provisional tax paid 502/57,Earner Premium 59+,*** DETAILED INTERCOMPANY ACCOUNTS [590 - 599] *** 590,Inter Company Current Account 590/01,Opening Balance 590/05,Cash Deposits 590/50,Cash withdrawals 591,Inter Company Current Account 1 591/01,Opening Balance 591/05,Cash Deposits 591/50,Cash withdrawals 592,Inter Company Current Account 2 592/01,Opening Balance 592/05,Cash Deposits 592/50,Cash withdrawals 60+,*** CURRENT ASSETS [600 - 729] *** 60+/++,*** BANK A/CS & OTHER 'SWINGING' A/CS [600 - 629] *** 600,Bank - Cheque Account 601,Bank - Savings account 602,Bank - Imprest Account 603,Petty Cash 628,Company Current Account 1 629,Company Current Account 2 63+,*** GST [630 - SUBCODED] *** 630,GST 630/00,GST Ledger Adjustments 630/01,GST Outputs 630/02,GST Inputs 630/03,GST Payments 630/04,GST Refunds 630/05,GST on FBT [Box 9] 630/06,GST Dr Adjustments [Box 10] 630/10,GST on Imports [Box 14] 630/11,GST Cr Adjustments [Box 14] 630/ZZ,*** TAX [631 - SUBCODED] *** 631,Taxation 631/00,Taxation - Last years Balance 631/01,Tax Provision 631/02,RWT Paid 631/03,Provisional Tax paid 631/04,Terminal Tax paid 631/05,Imputation Credits 631/06,Tax adjustments 631/98,Deferred Tax Asset 631/ZZ,*** OTHER CURRENT ASSETS [632 - 699] *** 635,Accounts Receivable 640,Payments in Advance 70+,*** TRADING STOCK [700 - 729] *** 720,Stock on Hand - Raw Materials 722,Stock on Hand - Finished Goods 728,Work in Progress 73+,*** NON-CURRENT ASSETS [730 - 799] *** 73+/++,*** FIXED ASSETS [730 - 749] *** 731,Land 731/01,B/Fwd Cost 731/02,Purchases 731/03,Sales 731/04,Accumulated Depreciation 731/05,Revaluation 731/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 732,Buildings 732/01,B/Fwd Cost 732/02,Purchases 732/03,Sales 732/04,Accumulated Depreciation 732/05,Revaluation 732/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 734,Motor Vehicles 734/01,B/Fwd Cost 734/02,Purchases 734/03,Sales 734/04,Accumulated Depreciation 734/05,Revaluation 734/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 736,Furniture & Fittings 736/01,B/Fwd Cost 736/02,Purchases 736/03,Sales 736/04,Accumulated Depreciation 736/05,Revaluation 736/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 738,Office Equipment 738/01,B/Fwd Cost 738/02,Purchases 738/03,Sales 738/04,Accumulated Depreciation 738/05,Revaluation 738/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 740,Plant & Equipment 740/01,B/Fwd Cost 740/02,Purchases 740/03,Sales 740/04,Accumulated Depreciation 740/05,Revaluation 740/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 75+,*** INVESTMENTS [750 - 779] *** 750,Listed Shares 750/01,- Company 1 750/02,- Company 2 78+,*** INVESTMENT PROPERTY [780 - 789] *** 780,Property address 780/01,B/Fwd Cost 780/02,Purchases 780/03,Sales 780/04,Accumulated Depreciation 780/05,Revaluation 780/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 781,Property address 781/01,B/Fwd Cost 781/02,Purchases 781/03,Sales 781/04,Accumulated Depreciation 781/05,Revaluation 781/08,Accumulated Impairment Losses 79+,*** INTANGIBLES [790 - 799] *** 790,Goodwill 791,Preliminary Expenses 799,Research & Development 80+,*** CURRENT LIABILITIES [800 - 849] *** 80+/++,"OTHER CURRENT LIAB, A/CS PAYABLE ETC [800 - 848] ***" 800,Accounts Payable 801,Accrued Expenses 810,Current Loan 1 810/01,Opening Balance 810/02,Advance 810/03,Interest 810/04,Payments 811,Current Loan 2 811/01,Opening Balance 811/02,Advance 811/03,Interest 811/04,Payments 830,Provision For Dividend 833,Other current provision 833/00,- Opening Balance for the year 833/01,- Provisions added 833/02,- Provisions used 833/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 837,Provision for Holiday Pay 837/00,- Opening Balance for the year 837/01,- Provisions added 837/02,- Provisions used 837/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 838,Provision for Sick Pay 838/00,- Opening Balance for the year 838/01,- Provisions added 838/02,- Provisions used 838/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 839,Provision for Long Service Leave 839/00,- Opening Balance for the year 839/01,- Provisions added 839/02,- Provisions used 839/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 840,Receipts in advance 849,Current Portion Term Loans etc 849/01,HP No 1 ex 901/05 849/02,HP No 2 ex 902/05 849/10,Term Loan No 1 ex 850/05 849/11,Term Loan No 2 ex 851/05 85+,*** NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES [850 - 909] *** 85+/++,*** TERM LOANS FROM BANK ETC [850 - 889] *** 850,Term Loan No 1 850/00,Security - First Ranking Debenture 850/01,Opening Balance 850/02,Advance amount 850/03,Interest Charges 850/04,Payments Made 850/05,Tfr Current Portion to 849/10 850/06,Tfr 1-5 Yr Portion to 850/11 850/11,1-5 Yr Portion 851,Term Loan No 2 851/00,Security - 851/01,Opening Balance 851/02,Advance 851/03,Interest 851/04,Payments 851/05,Tfr Current Portion - to 849/11 851/06,Tfr 1-5 Yr Portion to 850/11 851/11,1-5 Yr Portion 89+,*** PROVISIONS [890 - 899]*** 890,Provision for Holiday Pay 890/00,- Opening Balance for the year 890/01,- Provisions added 890/02,- Provisions used 890/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 891,Provision for Sick Pay 891/00,- Opening Balance for the year 891/01,- Provisions added 891/02,- Provisions used 891/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 892,Provision for Long Service Leave 892/00,- Opening Balance for the year 892/01,- Provisions added 892/02,- Provisions used 892/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 895,Other non-current provision 895/00,- Opening Balance for the year 895/01,- Provisions added 895/02,- Provisions used 895/03,- Unused Provisions reversed 90+,*** HIRE PURCHASE / FINANCE LEASE [900 - 909] *** 901,HP No 1 901/00,Description of Security 901/01,Opening Balance 901/02,Advance amount 901/03,Interest Charges 901/04,Payments Made 901/05,Tfr Current Portion to 849/01 901/06,Tfr 1-5 Yr Portion to 901/11 901/11,1-5 Yr Portion 902,HP No 2 902/00,Description of Security 902/01,Opening Balance 902/02,Advance Amount 902/03,Interest charges 902/04,Payments Made 902/05,Tfr Current Portion to 849/02 902/06,Tfr 1-5 Yr Portion to 902/11 902/11,1-5 Yr Portion 91+,*** EQUITY [910 - 950] *** 91+/++,*** CAPITAL [910 - 919] *** 910,Issued Capital 910/01,"x,xxx A Ordinary Shares" 910/02,"x,xxx B Ordinary Shares" 910/03,"x,xxx C Ordinary Shares" 911,Uncalled Capital 911/01,A Ords 911/02,B Ords 911/03,C Ords 912,Unpaid Capital 912/01,A Ords 912/02,B Ords 912/03,C Ords 919,Owner Contributions 919/01,Owner Contributions - A Ords 919/02,Owner Contributions - B Ords 919/03,Owner Contributions - C Ords 92+,*** REALISED CAPITAL RESERVES [920 - 929] *** 920,Realised Reserve 1 920/00,- Opening Balance 920/01,- Movement 1 920/02,- Movement 2 920/03,- Movement 3 93+,*** UNREALISED CAPITAL RESERVES [930 - 948] *** 930,Unrealised Reserve 1 930/00,- Opening Balance 930/01,- Movement 1 930/02,- Movement 2 930/03,- Movement 3 948/ZZ,*** RETAINED EARNINGS [949] *** 949,Retained Earnings 950,Dividends Paid 950/01,Dividends A Shares 950/02,Dividends B Shares 96Z,--- INFORMATION ACCOUNTS [970 - 999] *** 990,Adjustment for Cash Flow Statement 990/01,GST on Rent 990/10,GST on Asset Sales 990/11,GST on Asset Purchases 990/20,Investing - Purchase of Investments 990/21,Investing - Sale of Investments 990/25,Investing - Purchase of Intangibles 990/26,Investing - Sale of Intangibles 990/51,GST Output adjustments 990/52,GST Input adjustments 990/70,Accounts Payable - Operating adjustment 990/71,Accounts Payable - Asset Purchases 990/80,Interest Received - Operating adjustment 990/81,Interest Received - Investing 990/82,Interest Received - Financing 990/85,Interest Paid - Operating adjustment 990/86,Interest Paid - Investing 990/87,Interest Paid - Financing 990/90,Dividends Received - Operating adjustment 990/91,Dividends Received - Investing 990/92,Dividends Received - Financing 990/99,Adjustment on Cash Flow Stmt clearing account 994,"Unearned Interest - Term Loans, Finance Leases, HPs" 994/00,"- Finance Leases, HPs" 994/01,Unearned interest < 1 yr 994/03,Unearned interest 1-5 yrs 994/05,Unearned interest > 5 yrs 994/20,- Term Loans 994/21,Unearned interest < 1 yr 994/23,Unearned interest 1-5 yrs 994/25,Unearned interest > 5 yrs 994/99,Unearned interest clearing balance 995,Directors Remuneration 995/01,Director #1 995/02,Director #2 995/99,Directors Balance Account 996,Reporting Flags 996/02,Qualifying Entity 996/05,Contingent Liabilities 996/80,Imputation Credit Account 996/99,Balance Account for flags 997,Transfers 998,Suspense