"00","PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT RANGE",0 "099","SUSPENSE ACCOUNT (Profit & Loss)",0 "10+","*** LIVESTOCK ACCOUNTS [100 - 169] ***",0 "10+++","*** LIVESTOCK - CATTLE ***",0 "100","Sales - Cattle",0 "101","Deaths - Cattle",0 "102","Killed for Rations - Cattle",0 "103","Opening Stock - Cattle",0 "104","Purchases - Cattle",0 "105","C A T T L E",0 "106","Closing Stock - Cattle",0 "109","Gross Profit - Cattle Trading",0 "11+","*** LIVESTOCK - SHEEP ***",0 "110","Sales - Sheep",0 "111","Deaths - Sheep",0 "112","Killed for Rations - Sheep",0 "113","Opening Stock - Sheep",0 "114","Purchases - Sheep",0 "115","S H E E P",0 "116","Closing Stock - Sheep",0 "119","Gross Profit - Sheep Trading",0 "12+","*** LIVESTOCK - HORSES ***",0 "120","Sales - Horses",0 "121","Deaths - Horses",0 "122","Killed for Rations - Horses",0 "123","Opening Stock - Horses",0 "124","Purchases - Horses",0 "125","H O R S E S",0 "126","Closing Stock - Horses",0 "129","Gross Profit - Horse Trading",0 "13+","*** LIVESTOCK - PIGS ***",0 "130","Sales - Pigs",0 "131","Deaths - Pigs",0 "132","Killed for Rations - Pigs",0 "133","Opening Stock - Pigs",0 "134","Purchases - Pigs",0 "135","P I G S",0 "136","Closing Stock - Pigs",0 "139","Gross Profit - Pig Trading",0 "14+","*** LIVESTOCK (TYPE) ***",0 "140","Sales -",0 "141","Deaths -",0 "142","Killed for Rations -",0 "143","Opening Stock -",0 "144","Purchases -",0 "145","T Y P E",0 "146","Closing Stock -",0 "149","Gross Profit - (Type) Trading",0 "15+","*** LIVESTOCK (TYPE) ***",0 "150","Sales -",0 "151","Deaths -",0 "152","Killed for Rations -",0 "153","Opening Stock -",0 "154","Purchases -",0 "155","T Y P E",0 "156","Closing Stock -",0 "159","Gross Profit - (Type) Trading",0 "16+","*** LIVESTOCK - (TYPE) ***",0 "160","Sales -",0 "161","Deaths -",0 "162","Killed for Rations -",0 "163","Opening Stock -",0 "164","Purchases -",0 "165","T Y P E",0 "166","Closing Stock -",0 "169","Gross Profit - (Type) Trading",0 "17+","*** OTHER FARM INCOME [170 - 189] ***",0 "170","Agistment",0 "171","Barley",0 "172","Contracting",0 "173","Eggs & Poultry",0 "174","Other",0 "175","Grain",0 "176","Hay",0 "177","Other",0 "178","Milk",0 "179","Oats",0 "180","Plant Hire",0 "181","Other",0 "182","Seed",0 "183","Skins",0 "184","Stud Fees",0 "185","Other",0 "186","Wheat",0 "187","Wool",0 "188","*** EQUITY METHOD INCOME ***",0 "189","Share Associated Company's Operating Profit before Inc. Tax",0 "19+","*** PROFESSIONAL INCOME [190 - 196] ***",0 "190","Commissions Received",0 "191","Consulting Fees",0 "192","Management Fees",0 "193","Patient Fees",0 "194","Professional Fees",0 "195","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19501","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19502","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19503","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19504","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19505","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19506","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19507","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19508","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19509","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19510","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19511","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19512","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19513","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19514","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19515","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19516","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19517","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19518","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19519","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19520","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19521","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19522","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19523","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19524","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19525","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19526","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19527","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19528","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19529","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19530","Non-operating Other Income",0 "19599","Non-operating Other Income",0 "196","*** NON-TRADING INCOME [197 - 209] ***",0 "197","Discounts Received",0 "198","Dividends Received",0 "19800"," Dividends Received",0 "19801"," Related Corporations",0 "19802"," Other Corporations",0 "19820"," Associated Companies",0 "199","Interest Received",0 "19901"," Related Corporations",0 "19902"," Other Corporations",0 "19920"," Associated Companies",0 "19921"," Directors",0 "200","Lease Rentals",0 "201","Rebates",0 "202","Recoveries",0 "20201"," Bad Debts",0 "20202"," Insurance",0 "203","Royalties",0 "204","Movement in Net Market Values",0 "20400","Unrealised Investments held at Reporting Date",0 "20401","Government Securities",0 "20402","Description",0 "20430","Investments Realised",0 "20431","Government Securities",0 "20432","Description",0 "20460","Unrealised Other Assets held at Reporting Date",0 "20461","Plant & Equipment",0 "20462","Description",0 "20480","Other Assets Realised",0 "20481","Plant & Equipment",0 "20482","Description",0 "205","Other Revenue",0 "20501","Proceeds from Insurance Policies",0 "20502","Description",0 "206","Government Subsidies",0 "20601","Government Subsidies",0 "20602","Government Industry Payment - 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279] ***",0 "230","Sales",0 "231","Sales",0 "232","Sales",0 "233","Sales",0 "234","Sales",0 "235","Sales",0 "236","Sales",0 "237","Sales",0 "238","Sales",0 "239","DIVISION HEADINGS",0 "240","Sales",0 "241","Sales",0 "242","Sales",0 "243","Sales",0 "244","Sales",0 "245","Sales",0 "246","Sales",0 "247","Sales",0 "248","Sales",0 "249","Sales",0 "250","Opening Stock",0 "251","Opening Stock",0 "252","Opening Stock",0 "253","Opening Stock",0 "254","Opening Stock",0 "255","Opening Stock",0 "256","Opening Land Held for Resale",0 "25601"," Acquisition Costs",0 "25602"," Development Costs",0 "25603"," Rates & Taxes",0 "25604"," Capitalised Interest",0 "25605"," Description",0 "257","Opening Finished Goods",0 "258","Opening Raw Materials",0 "259","Opening Work in Progress",0 "260","Closing Stock",0 "261","Closing Stock",0 "262","Closing Stock",0 "263","Closing Stock",0 "264","Closing Stock",0 "265","Closing Stock",0 "266","Closing Land Held for Resale",0 "26601"," Acquisition Costs",0 "26602"," Development Costs",0 "26603"," Rates & Taxes",0 "26604"," Capitalised Interest",0 "26605"," Description",0 "267","Closing Finished Goods",0 "268","Closing Raw Materials",0 "269","Closing Work in Progress",0 "270","Purchases",0 "271","Purchases",0 "272","Purchases",0 "273","Purchases",0 "274","Purchases",0 "275","Purchases",0 "276","Purchases",0 "277","Other",0 "278","Other",0 "279","Other",0 "28+","*** MANUFACTURING COSTS [280 - 299] ***",0 "280","Advertising",0 "281","Aids to Manufacturing",0 "282","Other",0 "283","Depreciation",0 "284","Direct Wages",0 "285","Expendable Stores",0 "286","Freight & Cartage",0 "287","Other",0 "288","Light & Power",0 "289","Other",0 "290","Payroll Tax",0 "291","Other",0 "292","Raw Materials",0 "293","Repairs & Maintenance",0 "294","Other",0 "295","Subcontractors",0 "296","Other",0 "297","Other",0 "298","Other",0 "299","Other",0 "30+","*** OVERHEAD EXPENSES [300 - 479] ***",0 "300","Accountancy Fees",0 "301","Administration Costs",0 "302","Advertising",0 "303","Agistment",0 "304","Amortisation",0 "30401"," Borrowing Costs",0 "30402"," Leased Assets",0 "30403"," Leasehold Improvements",0 "30404"," Goodwill",0 "30405"," Trademarks",0 "30406"," Patents",0 "30407"," Goodwill on Consolidation",0 "30408"," Research & Development",0 "30409"," Debenture Issue Expenses",0 "30410"," Exploration Expenditure",0 "306","Other",0 "307","Auditor's Remuneration",0 "30701"," Accounting Standards",0 "30702"," Other Services",0 "308","Bad Debts Written Off",0 "309","Bank Charges",0 "310","Borrowing Costs",0 "311","Other",0 "312","Calf Food",0 "313","Other",0 "314","Cleaning",0 "315","Collection Costs",0 "316","Commission Paid",0 "317","Consultancy Fees",0 "318","Contract Work",0 "319","Crop Spraying",0 "320","Other",0 "321","Other",0 "322","Dam Cleaning",0 "323","Dam Sinking",0 "324","Dairy Expenses",0 "325","Data Processing Charges",0 "326","Debt Collection",0 "327","Delivery Costs",0 "328","Impairment Loss",0 "32801","Impairment Loss: Property Improvements",0 "32802","Impairment Loss: Buildings",0 "32803","Impairment Loss: Plant & Equipment",0 "32804","Impairment Loss: Motor Vehicles",0 "32805","Impairment Loss: Office Furniture & Equipment",0 "32806","Impairment Loss: Furniture & Fittings",0 "32807","Impairment Loss: Staff Amenities",0 "32808","Impairment Loss: Library",0 "32809","Impairment Loss: Other",0 "32810","Impairment Loss: Other",0 "32811","Impairment Loss: Plant and Equipment under Lease",0 "32812","Impairment Loss: Other Assets under Lease",0 "329","Diminution in Value of Investments",0 "330","Depreciation",0 "331","Depreciation - 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AASB: 10?? Name",0 "49802","Description - AASB: 10?? Name",0 "50+","*** TRUST & DISTRIBUTION AREA [500 - 500 99] ***",0 "500","TRUST FUNDS",0 "50000","Settlement Sum",0 "50001","Accumulated Profits (Losses) Brought Forward",0 "50002","Profit Earned This Year",0 "50003","Distribution to Beneficiaries",0 "50004","Transfer to (from) Reserves",0 "50005","Income Tax Expense",0 "50020","Extraordinary Item",0 "50021","Income Tax Applicable Thereto",0 "500zz","*** PARTNERSHIP/BENEFICIARY AREA [501 - 549] ***",0 "501","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 1",0 "50100","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50101","Capital Introduced",0 "50102","Share of Profit",0 "50103","Drawings",0 "50104","Drawings, Educational",0 "50105","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50106","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50107","Drawings, Medical",0 "50108","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50109","Drawings, Other",0 "50111","Other",0 "50112","Other",0 "50113","Other",0 "50114","Other",0 "50115","Extraordinary Items",0 "50116","Other",0 "50117","Other",0 "50118","Other",0 "50119","Other",0 "50120","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "50121","Other",0 "50122","Other",0 "50123","Other",0 "502","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 2",0 "50200","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50201","Capital Introduced",0 "50202","Share of Profit",0 "50203","Drawings",0 "50204","Drawings, Educational",0 "50205","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50206","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50207","Drawings, Medical",0 "50208","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50209","Drawings, Other",0 "50215","Extraordinary Items",0 "50220","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "503","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 3",0 "50300","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50301","Capital Introduced",0 "50302","Share of Profit",0 "50303","Drawings",0 "50304","Drawings, Educational",0 "50305","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50306","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50307","Drawings, Medical",0 "50308","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50309","Drawings, Other",0 "50315","Extraordinary Items",0 "50320","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "504","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 4",0 "50400","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50401","Capital Introduced",0 "50402","Share of Profit",0 "50403","Drawings",0 "50404","Drawings, Educational",0 "50405","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50406","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50407","Drawings, Medical",0 "50408","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50409","Drawings, Other",0 "50415","Extraordinary Items",0 "50420","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "505","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 5",0 "50500","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50501","Capital Introduced",0 "50502","Share of Profit",0 "50503","Drawings",0 "50504","Drawings, Educational",0 "50505","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50506","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50507","Drawings, Medical",0 "50508","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50509","Drawings, Other",0 "50515","Extraordinary Items",0 "50520","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "506","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 6",0 "50600","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50601","Capital Introduced",0 "50602","Share of Profit",0 "50603","Drawings",0 "50604","Drawings, Educational",0 "50605","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50606","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50607","Drawings, Medical",0 "50608","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50609","Drawings, Other",0 "50615","Extraordinary Items",0 "50620","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "507","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 7",0 "50700","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50701","Capital Introduced",0 "50702","Share of Profit",0 "50703","Drawings",0 "50704","Drawings, Educational",0 "50705","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50706","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50707","Drawings, Medical",0 "50708","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50709","Drawings, Other",0 "50715","Extraordinary Items",0 "50720","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "508","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 8",0 "50800","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50801","Capital Introduced",0 "50802","Share of Profit",0 "50803","Drawings",0 "50804","Drawings, Educational",0 "50805","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50806","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50807","Drawings, Medical",0 "50808","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50809","Drawings, Other",0 "50815","Extraordinary Items",0 "50820","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "509","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 9",0 "50900","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "50901","Capital Introduced",0 "50902","Share of Profit",0 "50903","Drawings",0 "50904","Drawings, Educational",0 "50905","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "50906","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "50907","Drawings, Medical",0 "50908","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "50909","Drawings, Other",0 "50915","Extraordinary Items",0 "50920","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "510","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 10",0 "51000","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "51001","Capital Introduced",0 "51002","Share of Profit",0 "51003","Drawings",0 "51004","Drawings, Educational",0 "51005","Drawings, Income Tax",0 "51006","Drawings, Life Assurance",0 "51007","Drawings, Medical",0 "51008","Drawings, Rates & Taxes",0 "51009","Drawings, Other",0 "51015","Extraordinary Items",0 "51020","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "511","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 11",0 "512","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 12",0 "513","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 13",0 "514","NAME OF PARTNER/BENEFICIARY NO. 14",0 "549","SUPERANNUATION FUND AREA [550 - 599] ***",0 "550","SUPERANNUATION FUND",0 "55001","Unallocated Benefits Brought Forward",0 "55002","Profit Earned This Year",0 "55003","Distribution to Members",0 "55004","Forfeited Benefits",0 "551","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 1",0 "55101","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "55102","Allocated Earnings",0 "55103","Allocated Forfeited Benefits",0 "55104","Benefits Transferred In",0 "55105","Income Tax Expense on Earnings",0 "55106","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge",0 "55107","Contributions from Employer",0 "55108","Contributions from Member",0 "55109","Taxable Contributions from Member",0 "55110","Income Tax Expense on Contributions",0 "55112","Insurance Premiums Paid",0 "55115","Benefits Paid During Year",0 "55120","Benefits Forfeited",0 "552","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 2",0 "55201","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "55202","Allocated Earnings",0 "55203","Allocated Forfeited Benefits",0 "55204","Benefits Transferred In",0 "55205","Income Tax Expense on Earnings",0 "55206","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge",0 "55207","Contributions from Employer",0 "55208","Contributions from Member",0 "55209","Taxable Contributions from Member",0 "55210","Income Tax Expense on Contributions",0 "55212","Insurance Premiums Paid",0 "55215","Benefits Paid During Year",0 "55220","Benefits Forfeited",0 "553","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 3",0 "55301","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "55302","Allocated Earnings",0 "55303","Allocated Forfeited Benefits",0 "55304","Benefits Transferred In",0 "55305","Income Tax Expense on Earnings",0 "55306","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge",0 "55307","Contributions from Employer",0 "55308","Contributions from Member",0 "55309","Taxable Contributions from Member",0 "55310","Income Tax Expense on Contributions",0 "55312","Insurance Premiums Paid",0 "55315","Benefits Paid During Year",0 "55320","Benefits Forfeited",0 "554","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 4",0 "55401","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "55402","Allocated Earnings",0 "55403","Allocated Forfeited Benefits",0 "55404","Benefits Transferred In",0 "55405","Income Tax Expense on Earnings",0 "55406","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge",0 "55407","Contributions from Employer",0 "55408","Contributions from Member",0 "55409","Taxable Contributions from Member",0 "55410","Income Tax Expense on Contributions",0 "55412","Insurance Premiums Paid",0 "55415","Benefits Paid During Year",0 "55420","Benefits Forfeited",0 "555","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 5",0 "55501","Balance at Beginning of Year",0 "55502","Allocated Earnings",0 "55503","Allocated Forfeited Benefits",0 "55504","Benefits Transferred In",0 "55505","Income Tax Expense on Earnings",0 "55506","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge",0 "55507","Contributions from Employer",0 "55508","Contributions from Member",0 "55509","Taxable Contributions from Member",0 "55510","Income Tax Expense on Contributions",0 "55512","Insurance Premiums Paid",0 "55515","Benefits Paid During Year",0 "55520","Benefits Forfeited",0 "556","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 6",0 "557","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 7",0 "558","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 8",0 "559","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 9",0 "560","NAME OF MEMBER NO. 10",0 "599","*** SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY ***",0 "599++","*** SE - SHARE CAPITAL [600 - 619] ***",0 "601","...... Fully Paid Ordinary Shares of $1",0 "60100","...... Fully Paid Ordinary Shares of $1",0 "60101","...... Unissued Shares",0 "60102"," Uncalled Capital",0 "602","...... Fully Paid Ordinary Shares of $",0 "60200","...... Fully Paid Ordinary Shares of $",0 "60201","...... Unissued Shares",0 "60202"," Uncalled Capital",0 "603","...... Fully Paid Ordinary Shares of $",0 "60300","...... Fully Paid Ordinary Shares of $",0 "60301","...... Unissued Shares",0 "60302"," Uncalled Capital",0 "604","...... Preference Shares of $",0 "60400","...... Preference Shares of $",0 "60401","...... Unissued Shares",0 "60402"," Uncalled Capital",0 "605","...... Preference Shares of $",0 "60500","...... Preference Shares of $",0 "60501","...... Unissued Shares",0 "60502"," Uncalled Capital",0 "606","Other Equity",0 "62+","*** SE - RESERVES [620 - 634] ***",0 "621","Asset Revaluation Reserve",0 "62100","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62101","Movement 1",0 "62102","Movement 2",0 "62103","Movement 3",0 "622","Capital Redemption Reserve",0 "62200","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62201","Movement 1",0 "62202","Movement 2",0 "62203","Movement 3",0 "623","Forfeited Shares Reserve",0 "62300","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62301","Movement 1",0 "62302","Movement 2",0 "62303","Movement 3",0 "624","General Reserve",0 "62400","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62401","Movement 1",0 "62402","Movement 2",0 "62403","Movement 3",0 "625","Investment Fluctuation Reserve",0 "62500","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62501","Movement 1",0 "62502","Movement 2",0 "62503","Movement 3",0 "626","Livestock Revaluation Reserve",0 "62600","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62601","Movement 1",0 "62602","Movement 2",0 "62603","Movement 3",0 "628","Share Premium Reserve",0 "62800","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62801","Movement 1",0 "62802","Movement 2",0 "62803","Movement 3",0 "629","Stock Revaluation Reserve",0 "62900","Opening Balance for the year",0 "62901","Movement 1",0 "62902","Movement 2",0 "62903","Movement 3",0 "630","Trading Stock Revaluation Reserve",0 "63000","Opening Balance for the year",0 "63001","Movement 1",0 "63002","Movement 2",0 "63003","Movement 3",0 "634","*** CONSOLIDATION ACCOUNTS [635 - 637] ***",0 "635","Minority shareholders' interest in subsidiaries",0 "637","*** SE - RETAINED PROFITS [638 - 639] ***",0 "638","Retained Profits - Beginning of Year",0 "639","Profits Earned This Year",0 "64+","*** CURRENT ASSETS ***",0 "64+++","*** CA - CASH [640 - 653] ***",0 "640","Cash on Hand",0 "642","Deposits",0 "643","Deposits at Call",0 "644","Deposits on Contracts",0 "645","Deposits with Building Societies",0 "646","Deposits with Savings Banks",0 "648","Petty Cash Imprest",0 "653","*** CA - RECEIVABLES [654 - 666] ***",0 "654","Other CA Receivables",0 "655","Bills Receivable",0 "656","Term Debtors",0 "657","Provision for Unearned Revenue",0 "658","Short-term Deposits",0 "660","Sundry Debtors",0 "661","Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts",0 "662","Trade Debtors",0 "663","Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts",0 "664","Other Debtors",0 "665","Less: Provision for Other Debtors",0 "666","*** CA - INVESTMENTS [667 - 679] ***",0 "667","Other Investments",0 "668","Debentures in Listed Companies",0 "669","Debentures in Unlisted Companies",0 "670","Other Investments",0 "671","Equity in Joint Venture",0 "672","Equity in Partnership",0 "673","Other Investments",0 "674","Government Securities",0 "675","Shares in Associated Companies",0 "67501","Shares in Associated Companies",0 "67502","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "676","Shares in Listed Companies",0 "67601","Shares in Listed Companies",0 "67602","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "677","Shares in Unlisted Companies",0 "67701","Shares in Unlisted Companies",0 "67702","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "678","Shares in Other Companies",0 "67801","Shares in Other Companies",0 "67802","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "68+","*** CA/CL - BANK ACCOUNTS [680 - 689] ***",0 "680","Cash at Bank",0 "681","Cash at Bank",0 "682","Cash at Bank",0 "683","Cash at Bank",0 "684","Cash at Bank",0 "685","Stock & Station Agent Account",0 "686","Cash at Bank",0 "687","Cash at Bank",0 "688","Cash at Bank",0 "689","Cash at Bank",0 "69+","*** CA/CL - RECEIVABLES (LOAN ACCOUNTS) [690 - 699] ***",0 "690","Amounts Receivable from Subsidiaries",0 "691","Other CA/CL Receivables",0 "692","Loans at Call",0 "693","Loans to Directors",0 "694","Loans to Employees",0 "695","Loans - Secured",0 "696","Loans - Unsecured",0 "697","Other Loans",0 "698","Partners' Loans",0 "699","Other CA/CL Receivables (Loan Accounts)",0 "70+","*** CA - OTHER [700 - 709] ***",0 "700","Other Current Assets",0 "701","Accrued Income",0 "706","Prepayments",0 "708","Prepaid Borrowing Expenses",0 "709","Less Amortisation",0 "71+","*** CA - INVENTORIES [710 - 729] ***",0 "710","Stock on Hand - Cattle",0 "711","Stock on Hand - Sheep",0 "712","Stock on Hand - Horses",0 "713","Stock on Hand - Pigs",0 "714","Stock on Hand - Type",0 "715","Stock on Hand - Type",0 "716","Stock on Hand - Type",0 "720","Stock on Hand",0 "721","Stock on Hand",0 "722","Stock on Hand",0 "723","Stock on Hand",0 "724","Stock on Hand",0 "725","Stock on Hand",0 "726","Land Held for Resale",0 "72601","Acquisition Costs",0 "72602","Development Costs",0 "72603","Rates & Taxes",0 "72604","Capitalised Interest",0 "72605","Description",0 "727","Finished Goods",0 "728","Raw Materials",0 "729","Work in Progress",0 "73+","*** NON-CURRENT ASSETS ***",0 "73+++","*** NCA - PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT [730 - 779] ***",0 "730","Freehold Land",0 "731","Freehold Land",0 "732","Freehold Land",0 "733","Other",0 "734","Land - at Cost",0 "735","Other",0 "736","Leasehold Land",0 "737","Less: Accumulated Amortisation",0 "738","Property Improvements",0 "739","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "740","Buildings",0 "741","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "742","Plant & Equipment",0 "743","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "744","Motor Vehicles",0 "745","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "746","Office Furniture & Equipment",0 "747","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "748","Furniture & Fittings",0 "749","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "750","Staff Amenities",0 "751","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "752","Library",0 "753","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "754","Other",0 "755","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "756","Other",0 "757","Less: Accumulated Depreciation",0 "760","Plant and Equipment under Lease",0 "761","Less: Accumulated Amortisation",0 "762","Other Assets under Lease",0 "763","Less: Accumulated Amortisation",0 "764","Other",0 "765","Other",0 "767","Other",0 "768","Other",0 "770","Low Value Pool - Australian Taxation",0 "771","Other",0 "772","STS General Pool - Australian Taxation",0 "773","Other",0 "774","STS Long Life Pool - Australian Taxation",0 "775","Other",0 "776","Other",0 "778","Other",0 "779","Accumulated Impairment Losses",0 "77901","Accum.Impairment Losses: Property Improvements",0 "77902","Accum. Impairment Losses: Buildings",0 "77903","Accum. Impairment Losses: Plant & Equipment",0 "77904","Accum. Impairment Losses: Motor Vehicles",0 "77905","Accum. Impairment Losses: Office Furniture & Equipment",0 "77906","Accum. Impairment Losses: Furniture & Fittings",0 "77907","Accum. Impairment Losses: Staff Amenities",0 "77908","Accum. Impairment Losses: Library",0 "77909","Accum. Impairment Losses: Other",0 "77910","Accum. Impairment Losses: Other",0 "77911","Accum. Impairment Losses: Plant and Equipment under Lease",0 "77912","Accum. Impairment Losses: Other Assets under Lease",0 "78+","*** NCA - INVESTMENTS [780 - 810] ***",0 "780","Associate Investments for using the equity method",0 "78000","Associate 1",0 "78001","Opening balance",0 "78002","New investments",0 "78003","Share of profit",0 "78004","Share of reserve increment",0 "78005","Other increment",0 "78006","Dividend revenue",0 "78007","Disposals",0 "78008","Other decrement",0 "78009","Description",0 "78010","Associate 2",0 "78011","Opening balance",0 "78012","New investments",0 "78013","Share of profit",0 "78014","Share of reserve increment",0 "78015","Other increment",0 "78016","Dividend revenue",0 "78017","Disposals",0 "78018","Other decrement",0 "78019","Description",0 "78020","Associate 3",0 "78021","Opening balance",0 "78022","New investments",0 "78023","Share profit",0 "78024","Share reserve increment",0 "78025","Other increment",0 "78026","Dividend revenue",0 "78027","Disposals",0 "78028","Other decrement",0 "78029","Description",0 "782","Debentures in Listed Companies",0 "783","Debentures in Unlisted Companies",0 "785","Equity in Joint Venture",0 "786","Equity in Partnership",0 "788","Government Bonds",0 "789","Government Securities",0 "792","Options in Listed Companies",0 "793","Options in Unlisted Companies",0 "794","Shares in Associated Companies",0 "79401","Associated Companies:",0 "79402","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "795","Shares in Listed Companies",0 "79501","Listed Companies:",0 "79502","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "796","Shares in Unlisted Companies",0 "79601","Unlisted Companies:",0 "79602","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "797","Shares in Other Companies",0 "79701","Other Companies:",0 "79702","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "798","Shares in Subsidiaries",0 "79801","Subsidiaries:",0 "79802","Less Provision for Diminution in Value",0 "799","Units in Listed Unit Trusts",0 "79901","Units in Listed Unit Trusts:",0 "800","Units in Unlisted Unit Trusts",0 "80001","Units in Unlisted Unit Trusts:",0 "801","Other Investments",0 "81+","*** NCA - RECEIVABLES [811 - 819]",0 "811","Other NCA Receivables",0 "812","Other NCA Receivables",0 "813","Other NCA Receivables",0 "814","Other NCA Receivables",0 "816","Term Debtors",0 "817","Provision for Unearned Income",0 "819","Lease commitment receivable",0 "82+","*** NCA - RECEIVABLES (LOAN ACCOUNTS) [820 - 839] ***",0 "821","Advance",0 "822","Advance",0 "823","Advance to Subsidiary",0 "825","Loans",0 "826","Loans to Directors",0 "827","Loans to Employees",0 "829","Loans - Secured",0 "830","Loans - Unsecured",0 "831","Other NCA Receivables (Loan Accounts)",0 "836","Other NCA Receivables (Loan Accounts)",0 "839","Other Non-current Assets",0 "84+","*** NCA - INVENTORIES [840 - 849] ***",0 "840","Other Non-current Inventories",0 "845","Land Held for Resale",0 "84501","Acquisition Costs",0 "84502","Development Costs",0 "84503","Rates & Taxes",0 "84504","Capitalised Interest",0 "84505","Description",0 "85+","*** NCA - INTANGIBLES [850 - 859] ***",0 "851","Formation Expenses",0 "853","Goodwill",0 "854","Less Accumulated Amortisation",0 "855","Patents & Trademarks",0 "856","Less Accumulated Amortisation",0 "857","Goodwill on Consolidation",0 "858","Less Accumulated Amortisation",0 "859","Other Non-current Intangibles",0 "86+","*** NCA - OTHER [860 - 869] ***",0 "860","Future Income Tax Benefit",0 "861","Research & Development Expenditure",0 "862","Less Accumulated Amortisation",0 "863","Exploration Expenditure",0 "86301","Exploration & Evaluation Phase",0 "86302","Development Phase",0 "86303","Production Phase",0 "864","Less Accumulated Amortisation",0 "865","Debenture Issue Expenses",0 "866","Less Accumulated Amortisation",0 "869","Other Non-current Assets",0 "86z","*** CURRENT LIABILITIES ***",0 "86zzz","CL - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER FINANCIAL LIABILITIES",0 "870","Beneficiary Loans",0 "87001","- Beneficiary No 1",0 "87002","- Beneficiary No 2",0 "87003","- Beneficiary No 3",0 "87004","- Beneficiary No 4",0 "87005","- Beneficiary No 5",0 "872","Bills Payable",0 "874","Hire Purchase Liability",0 "875","Less: Unexpired Hire Purchase Liability",0 "876","Hire Purchase Liability",0 "877","Less: Unexpired Hire Purchase Liability",0 "879","Lease Liability",0 "880","Lease Liability",0 "882","Sundry Creditors",0 "883","Trade Creditors",0 "884","Other Creditors",0 "885","Other Accounts Payable",0 "886","Loans - Bank",0 "887","Loans - Secured",0 "888","Loans - Unsecured",0 "889","Loans - Related Parties",0 "89+","*** TAX ACCOUNTS [890 - 899] ***",0 "891","Input Tax Credits",0 "892","GST Payable",0 "893","Other Taxes",0 "894","Prior Period GST Adjustments",0 "895","Amounts Withheld",0 "89501","Amounts Withheld from Salary, Wages and Other Payments",0 "89502","Amounts Withheld from Investment Distributions where no TFN",0 "89503","Amounts Withheld from Payment of Invoices where no ABN is",0 "896","Wine Equalisation Tax",0 "89601","Wine Equalisation Tax Payable",0 "89602","Wine Equalisation Tax Refundable",0 "897","Luxury Car Tax",0 "89701","Luxury Car Tax Payable",0 "89702","Luxury Car Tax Refundable",0 "898","GST suspense account",0 "899","Tax clearing account",0 "90+","*** CL - PROVISIONS [900 - 909] ***",0 "902","Provision for Dividend",0 "90201","Carrying amount at beginning of period",0 "90202","Additional provisions recognised during the period",0 "90203","Payments of provisions during the period",0 "903","Provision for Holiday Pay",0 "904","Provision for Income Tax",0 "905","Provision for Long Service Leave",0 "906","Provision for Sick Leave",0 "907","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge",0 "909","Other Current Provisions",0 "91+","*** CL - OTHER [910 - 919] ***",0 "911","Accrued Charges",0 "913","Income in Advance",0 "919","Other Current Liabilities",0 "91z","*** NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES ***",0 "91zzz","NCL - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER FINANCIAL LIABILITIES",0 "920","Beneficiary Loans",0 "92001","- Beneficiary No. 1",0 "92002","- Beneficiary No. 2",0 "92003","- Beneficiary No. 3",0 "92004","- Beneficiary No. 4",0 "92005","- Beneficiary No. 5",0 "921","Debentures - A Class",0 "922","Debentures - B Class",0 "924","Hire Purchase Liability",0 "925","Less Unexpired Hire Purchase Liability",0 "926","Hire Purchase Liability",0 "927","Less Unexpired Hire Purchase Liability",0 "929","Lease Liability",0 "930","Lease Liability",0 "932","Loans - Bank",0 "933","Loans - Secured",0 "934","Loans - Unsecured",0 "935","Loans - Related Parties",0 "936","Mortgage",0 "937","Mortgage",0 "938","Other - I.B.L.",0 "939","Accounts Payable",0 "93z","*** NCL - PROVISIONS [940 - 949] ***",0 "943","Provision for Deferred Exchange Gains",0 "944","Provision for Deferred Tax Liability",0 "945","Provision for Long Service Leave",0 "949","Other Non-current Provisions",0 "94z","*** NCL - OTHER [950 - 967] ***",0 "950","Other Non-current",0 "968","Conversion Suspense",0 "969","SUSPENSE ACCOUNT (Balance Sheet)",0 "96z","*** INFORMATION ACCOUNTS [970 - 999] ***",0 "970","Balance held in Dividend Franking Account",0 "97000","Balance held in Dividend Franking Account",0 "97099","Clearing Balance",0 "971","Dividends Received for Tax Integration",0 "97101","Unfranked Dividends",0 "97102","Franked Dividends",0 "97103","Imputation Credit",0 "97104","TFN Credit (Dividends Received Only)",0 "97199","Clearing Balance",0 "972","Abnormal Items",0 "97201","Description 1",0 "97202","Description 2",0 "97203","Description 3",0 "97251","Tax Applicable to 972 01",0 "97252","Tax Applicable to 972 02",0 "97253","Tax Applicable to 972 03",0 "97299","Clearing Balance",0 "973","Financial assets - Interest Rate Risk",0 "97300","Item 1 - Description",0 "97301","Item 1 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97302","Item 1 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97303","Item 1 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97304","Item 1 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97305","Item 1 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97306","Item 1 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97310","Item 2 - Description",0 "97311","Item 2 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97312","Item 2 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97313","Item 2 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97314","Item 2 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97315","Item 2 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97316","Item 2 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97320","Item 3 - Description",0 "97321","Item 3 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97322","Item 3 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97323","Item 3 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97324","Item 3 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97325","Item 3 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97326","Item 3 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97330","Item 4 - Description",0 "97331","Item 4 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97332","Item 4 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97333","Item 4 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97334","Item 4 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97335","Item 4 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97336","Item 4 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97340","Item 5 - Description",0 "97341","Item 5 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97342","Item 5 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97343","Item 5 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97344","Item 5 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97345","Item 5 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97346","Item 5 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97350","Item 6 - Description",0 "97351","Item 6 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97352","Item 6 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97353","Item 6 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97354","Item 6 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97355","Item 6 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97356","Item 6 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97360","Item 7 - Description",0 "97361","Item 7 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97362","Item 7 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97363","Item 7 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97364","Item 7 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97365","Item 7 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97366","Item 7 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97370","Item 8 - Description",0 "97371","Item 8 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97372","Item 8 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97373","Item 8 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97374","Item 8 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97375","Item 8 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97376","Item 8 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97380","Item 9 - Description",0 "97381","Item 9 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97382","Item 9 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97383","Item 9 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97384","Item 9 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97385","Item 9 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97386","Item 9 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97390","Item 10 - Description",0 "97391","Item 10 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97392","Item 10 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97393","Item 10 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97394","Item 10 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97395","Item 10 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97396","Item 10 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97399","Clearing Balance",0 "974","Financial Liabilities - Interest Rate Risk",0 "97400","Item 1 - Description",0 "97401","Item 1 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97402","Item 1 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97403","Item 1 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97404","Item 1 - 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Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97432","Item 4 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97433","Item 4 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97434","Item 4 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97435","Item 4 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97436","Item 4 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97440","Item 5 - Description",0 "97441","Item 5 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97442","Item 5 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97443","Item 5 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97444","Item 5 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97445","Item 5 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97446","Item 5 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97450","Item 6 - Description",0 "97451","Item 6 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97452","Item 6 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97453","Item 6 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97454","Item 6 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97455","Item 6 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97456","Item 6 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97460","Item 7 - Description",0 "97461","Item 7 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97462","Item 7 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97463","Item 7 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97464","Item 7 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97465","Item 7 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97466","Item 7 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97470","Item 8 - Description",0 "97471","Item 8 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97472","Item 8 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97473","Item 8 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97474","Item 8 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97475","Item 8 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97476","Item 8 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97480","Item 9 - Description",0 "97481","Item 9 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97482","Item 9 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97483","Item 9 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97484","Item 9 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97485","Item 9 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97486","Item 9 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97490","Item 10 - Description",0 "97491","Item 10 - Weighted average effective interest rate",0 "97492","Item 10 - Floating interest rate amount",0 "97493","Item 10 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing within 1 year",0 "97494","Item 10 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing 1 - 5 years",0 "97495","Item 10 - Fixed interest rate amount maturing over 5 years",0 "97496","Item 10 - Non interest bearing amount",0 "97499","Clearing Balance",0 "975","Finance Lease & Hire Purchase Commitments",0 "97500","Not later than one year",0 "97501","Later than one year but not later than two years",0 "97502","Later than two years but not later than five years",0 "97503","Later than five years",0 "97504","Less: Future Finance Charges",0 "97599","Clearing Balance",0 "976","Operating Lease Commitments",0 "97600","Not later than one year",0 "97601","Later than one year but not later than two years",0 "97602","Later than two years but not later than five years",0 "97603","Later than five years",0 "97699","Clearing Balance",0 "977","Capital Expenditure Commitments",0 "97700","Plant & Equipment Purchases",0 "97701","Capital Expenditure projects",0 "97702","Group share of joint venture expenditure commitments",0 "97750","Not later than one year",0 "97751","Later than one year but not later than two years",0 "97752","Later than two years but not later than five years",0 "97753","Later than five years",0 "97760","Description",0 "97761","Not later than one year",0 "97762","Later than one year but not later than two years",0 "97763","Later than two years but not later than five years",0 "97764","Later than five yeras",0 "97770","Description",0 "97771","Not later than one year",0 "97772","Later than one year but not later than two years",0 "97773","Later than two years but not later than five years",0 "97774","Later than five years",0 "97799","Clearing Balance",0 "978","Contingencies",0 "97800","Trade Guarantees",0 "97801","Bills Discounted",0 "97802","Pending Legal Action",0 "97803","Description",0 "97804","Description",0 "97805","Description",0 "97850","Contingent Assets",0 "97851","Onerous Contracts",0 "97852","Self Insurance",0 "97853","Restoration and rehabilitation",0 "97854","Warranty or quality related",0 "97855","Liquidated damages",0 "97856","Future operating losses",0 "97857","Asset maintenance/replacement",0 "97899","Clearing Balance",0 "980","Trustee Company Disclosure Balances",0 "98001","Trust Name",0 "98002","Right of Indemnity for Liabilities",0 "98003","Less Provision for Deficiency in Right of Indemnity",0 "98004","Trustee Company Capital",0 "98005","Current Asset - Cash",0 "98050","Trustee Company Balances",0 "98051","Reserves",0 "98052","Retained Profits (Accumulated Losses)",0 "98060","Trustee Company - Other Asset Balances",0 "98061","Current Assets - Receivables",0 "98062","Current Assets - Other Financial Assets",0 "98063","Current Assets - Inventories",0 "98064","Current Assets - Other",0 "98065","Non-Current Assets - Receivables",0 "98066","Non-Current Assets - Other Financial Assets",0 "98067","Non-Current Assets - Inventories",0 "98068","Non-Current Assets - Property, Plant and Equipment",0 "98069","Non-Current Assets - Intangibles Assets",0 "98070","Non-Current Assets - Other Assets",0 "98080","Trustee Company - Other Liability Balances",0 "98081","Current Liabilities - Tax Liabilities",0 "98082","Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98083","Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98084","Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98085","Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98086","Non-Current Liabilities - Tax Liabilities",0 "98087","Non-Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98088","Non-Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98089","Non-Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98090","Non-Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98099","Clearing Balance",0 "981","2nd Trust Disclosure Balances",0 "98101","Trust Name",0 "98102","Right of Indemnity for Liabilities",0 "98103","Less Provision for Deficiency in Right of Indemnity",0 "98110","Current Liabilities - Tax Liabilities",0 "98111","Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98112","Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98113","Non-Current Liabilities - Tax Liabilities",0 "98114","Non-Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98115","Non-Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98116","Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98117","Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98118","Non-Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98119","Non-Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98120","Lease Liability included with Current",0 "98121","Lease Liability included with Non Current",0 "98130","Beneficiaries Loans with Current",0 "98131","Beneficiaries Loans included with Non Current",0 "98140","Other Related Party Loans with Current",0 "98141","Other Related Party Loans with Non Current",0 "98199","Clearing Balance",0 "982","3rd Trust Disclosure Balances",0 "98201","Trust Name",0 "98202","Right of Indemnity for Liabilities",0 "98203","Less Provision for Deficiency in Right of Indemnity",0 "98210","Current Liabilities - Tax Liabilities",0 "98211","Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98212","Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98213","Non-Current Liabilities - Tax Liabilities",0 "98214","Non-Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98215","Non-Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98216","Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98217","Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98218","Non-Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98219","Non-Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98220","Lease Liability included with Current",0 "98221","Lease Liability included with Non Current",0 "98230","Beneficiaries Loans with Current",0 "98231","Beneficiaries Loans included with Non Current",0 "98240","Other Related party Loans with Current",0 "98241","Other Related Party Loans with Non Current",0 "98299","Clearing Balance",0 "983","4th Trust Disclosure Balances",0 "98301","Trust Name",0 "98302","Right of Indemnity for Liabilities",0 "98303","Less Provision for Deficiency in Right of Indemnity",0 "98310","Current Liabilities - Tax liabilities",0 "98311","Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98312","Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98313","Non-Current Liabilities - Tax Liabilities",0 "98314","Non-Current Liabilities - Provisions",0 "98315","Non-Current Liabilities - Other",0 "98316","Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98317","Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98318","Non-Current Liabilities - Payables",0 "98319","Non-Current Liabilities - Interest Bearing Liabilities",0 "98320","Lease Liability included with Current",0 "98321","Lease Liability included with Non Current",0 "98330","Beneficiaries Loans with Current",0 "98331","Beneficiaries Loans included with Non Current",0 "98340","Other Related Party Loans with Current",0 "98341","Other Related party Loans with Non Current",0 "98399","Clearing Balance",0 "984","Unit Trusts - Class of Units",0 "98401","Ordinary Units of $...",0 "98402","Class A Units of $...",0 "98403","Class B Units of $...",0 "98404","Description",0 "98405","Description",0 "98499","Clearing Balance",0 "985","Related Party Disclosures",0 "98500","Remuneration of Directors",0 "98501","0 - $9999",0 "98502","$10,000 - $19,999",0 "98503","$20,000 - $29,999",0 "98504","$30,000 - $39,999",0 "98505","$40,000 - $49,999",0 "98506","$50,000 - $59,999",0 "98507","$60,000 - $69,999",0 "98508","$70,000 - $79,999",0 "98509","$80,000 - $89,999",0 "98510","$90,000 - $99,999",0 "98511","$100,000 - $109,999",0 "98512","$110,000 - $119,999",0 "98513","$120,000 - $129,999",0 "98514","$130,000 - $139,999",0 "98515","$140,000 - $149,999",0 "98516","$150,000 - $159,999",0 "98517","$160,000 - $169,999",0 "98518","$170,000 - $179,999",0 "98519","$180,000 - $189,999",0 "98520","$190,000 - $199,999",0 "98550","Income Paid/able to Directors/Partners/Sole Traders",0 "98565","Prescribed Super Payments - Directors/Partners/Sole Traders",0 "98580","Retiring Allowances paid to Directors/Partners/Sole Traders",0 "98599","Clearing Balance",0 "986","Fixed Asset Disclosures",0 "98600","Inventories - at cost (sub a/c 01 - 09)",0 "98601","Stock on Hand",0 "98602","Stock on Hand",0 "98603","Stock on Hand",0 "98604","Stock on Hand",0 "98605","Stock on Hand",0 "98606","Land Held for Resale",0 "98607","Finished Goods",0 "98608","Raw Materials",0 "98609","Work in Progress",0 "98610","Inventories - at net realisable value (sub a/c 11 - 19)",0 "98611","Stock on Hand",0 "98612","Stock on Hand",0 "98613","Stock on Hand",0 "98614","Stock on Hand",0 "98615","Stock on Hand",0 "98616","Land Held for Resale",0 "98617","Finished Goods",0 "98618","Raw Materials",0 "98619","Work in Progress",0 "98650","Land Held for Resale",0 "98651","Borrowing cost incurred",0 "98652","Investment revenue earned on borrowed funds",0 "98655","Capitalisation rate used in allocation of borrowing costs",0 "98699","Inventories",0 "987","Investments in Associated Companies (old AASB 1016)",0 "98701","Share of Associated Companies Operating Profits",0 "98705","Dividend Revenue from Associated Companies",0 "98710","Share of Associated Companies Reserve Increments for Year",0 "98715","Share of Retained Profits of Associated Companies",0 "98720","Share of Associated Companies' Reserves",0 "98725","Carrying Amount of Investment in Associated Companies",0 "98730","Reduced Dividends Declared",0 "98741","Associate: Description",0 "98742","Principle Activity: Description",0 "98743","Balance Date: Date",0 "98744","Ownership Interest (%)",0 "98745","Reciprocal Shares Held",0 "98751","Associate: Name of Associated Company 2",0 "98752","Principle Activity: Description",0 "98753","Balance Date: Date",0 "98754","Ownership Interest (%)",0 "98755","Reciprocal Shares Held",0 "98761","Associates: Name of Associated Company 3",0 "98762","Principle Activity: Description",0 "98763","Balance Day: Date",0 "98764","Ownership Interest (%)",0 "98765","Reciprocal Shares Held",0 "98799","Clearing Balance",0 "988","Accounting for Investments in Associates (Revised AASB 1016)",0 "98801","Share of operating profit or loss before abnormals and tax",0 "98802","Share of abnormal item 1 (type in description)",0 "98803","Share of abnormal item - income tax expense or benefit",0 "98804","Share of abnormal item 2 (type in description)",0 "98805","Share of abnormal item - income tax expense or benefit",0 "98808","Share of income tax applicable to operating profit",0 "98809","Share of retained profits at the beginning of the year",0 "98810","Share of associated companies dividend paid",0 "98811","Share of extraordinary items profit or loss (type in desc.)",0 "98812","Share of extraordinary items - income tax expense or benefit",0 "98815","Non-current investments",0 "98820","Asset Revaluation Reserve",0 "98821","Share of asset revaluation reserve - at beginning of year",0 "98822","Share of asset revaluation reserve - movement 1",0 "98823","Share of asset revaluation reserve - movement 2",0 "98824","Capital Redemption Reserve",0 "98825","Share of capital redemption reserve - at beginning of year",0 "98826","Share of capital redemption reserve - movement 1",0 "98827","Share of capital redemption reserve - movement 2",0 "98828","Forfeited Shares Reserve",0 "98829","Share of forfeited shares reserves - at beginning of year",0 "98830","Share of forfeited shares reserve - movement 1",0 "98831","Share of forfeited shares reserves - movement 2",0 "98832","General Reserve",0 "98833","Share of general reserve - at beginning of year",0 "98834","Share of general reserve - movement 1",0 "98835","Share of general reserve - movement 2",0 "98836","Investment Fluctuation Reserve",0 "98837","Share of investment fluctuation reserve - beginning of year",0 "98838","Share of investment fluctuation reserve - movement 1",0 "98839","Share of investment fluctuation reserve - movement 2",0 "98840","Livestock Revaluation Reserve",0 "98841","Share of livestock revaluation reserve - beginning of year",0 "98842","Share of livestock revaluation reserve - movement 1",0 "98843","Share of livestock revaluation reserve - movement 2",0 "98844","Share Premium Reserve",0 "98845","Share of share premium reserve - at beginning of year",0 "98846","Share of share premium reserve - movement 1",0 "98847","Share of share premium reserve - movement 2",0 "98848","Stock Revaluation Reserve",0 "98849","Share of stock revaluation reserve - at beginning of year",0 "98850","Share of stock revaluation reserve - movement 1",0 "98851","Share of stock revaluation reserve - movement 2",0 "98852","Trading Revaluation Reserve",0 "98853","Share of trading stock revaluation reserve beginning of year",0 "98854","Share of trading stock revaluation reserve - movement 1",0 "98855","Share of trading stock revaluation reserve - movement 2",0 "98861","Associate: Name",0 "98862","Principal Activivity: Description",0 "98863","Balance Date: Date",0 "98864","Ownership Interest (%)",0 "98866","Associate: Name of associate 2",0 "98867","Principal Activity: Description",0 "98868","Balance Date: Date",0 "98869","Ownership Interest (%)",0 "98871","Associate: Name of associate 3",0 "98872","Principal Activity: Description",0 "98873","Balance Date: Date",0 "98874","Ownership Interest (%)",0 "98876","Investments in associate at beginning of year - at cost",0 "98877","New investments during the year",0 "98878","Disposals during the year",0 "98899","Clearing Balance",0 "989","Market Value of Shares Quoted on Stock Exchange",0 "98900","Market Value of Shares Quoted in Listed Corporations",0 "98901","Current",0 "98902","Non-Current",0 "98910","Capital Gains Tax Payable",0 "98911","Current",0 "98912","Non-Current",0 "98999","Clearing Balance",0 "990","Foreign Currency Receivables",0 "99001","Pounds Stirling",0 "99002","Current",0 "99003","Non-Current",0 "99011","United States Dollars",0 "99012","Current",0 "99013","Non-Current",0 "99021","Description",0 "99022","Current",0 "99023","Non-Current",0 "99031","Description",0 "99032","Current",0 "99033","Non-Current",0 "99099","Clearing Balance",0 "991","Foreign Currency Liabilities",0 "99101","Pounds Stirling",0 "99102","Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99103","Non-Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99104","Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99105","Non-Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99111","United States Dollars",0 "99112","Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99113","Non-Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99114","Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99115","Non-Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99121","Description",0 "99122","Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99123","Non-Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99124","Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99125","Non-Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99131","Description",0 "99132","Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99133","Non-Current - included in Creditors & Borrow./Accts Payable",0 "99134","Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99135","Non-Current - included in Borrowings",0 "99199","Clearing Balance",0 "992","Classes of Fixed Assets and Depreciation",0 "99200","Using Depreciation Rates",0 "99201","Property Improvements",0 "99202","Buildings",0 "99203","Plant and Equipment",0 "99204","Motor Vehicles",0 "99205","Office Furniture and Equipment",0 "99206","Furniture and Fittings",0 "99207","Staff Amenities",0 "99208","Library",0 "99209","Plant and Equipment Under Lease",0 "99210","Other Assets Under Lease",0 "99211","Description",0 "99212","Description",0 "99250","Using Useful Life",0 "99251","Property Improvements",0 "99252","Buildings",0 "99253","Plant and Equipment",0 "99254","Motor Vehicles",0 "99255","Office Furniture and Equipment",0 "99256","Furniture and Equipment",0 "99257","Staff Amenities",0 "99258","Library",0 "99259","Plant and Equipment Under Lease",0 "99260","Other Assets Under Lease",0 "99261","Description",0 "99262","Description",0 "99299","Clearing Balance",0 "993","Information Items for Statement of Cash Flows",0 "99300","Cash Flows from Operating Activities",0 "99301","Receipts from Livestock Sales",0 "99302","Receipts from Customers",0 "99303","Interest Received",0 "99304","Dividends Received",0 "99305","Receipts from Government Subsidies",0 "99306","Employer Contributions",0 "99307","Member Contributions",0 "99308","Description",0 "99309","Description",0 "99310","Description",0 "99315","Payments to Suppliers of Livestock",0 "99316","Payment to Suppliers & Employees",0 "99317","Borrowing Costs Paid",0 "99318","Income Taxes Paid",0 "99319","Member Benefits Paid",0 "99320","Member Benefits Transferred in",0 "99321","General Administration Expenses & Direct Expenses",0 "99322","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge Paid",0 "99323","Description",0 "99324","Description",0 "99340","Cash Flows from Investing Activities",0 "99341","Other Revenue",0 "99342","Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant & Equipment",0 "99343","Proceeds from Sale of Property",0 "99344","Proceeds from Sale of Plant & Equipment",0 "99345","Proceeds from Sale of Investments",0 "99346","Proceeds from Sale of Goodwill",0 "99347","Proceeds from Sale of Patents & Trademarks",0 "99348","Description",0 "99349","Description",0 "99350","Description",0 "99351","Interest Received",0 "99352","Dividend Received",0 "99355","Payment for Property, Plant & Equipment",0 "99356","Payment for Property",0 "99357","Payment for Plant & Equipment",0 "99358","Payment for Investments",0 "99359","Payment for Goodwill",0 "99360","Payment for Patents & Trademarks",0 "99361","Prepaid Borrowing Expenses Paid",0 "99362","Payment for Research & Development",0 "99363","Description",0 "99364","Description",0 "99365","Description",0 "99370","Cash Flows from Financing Activities",0 "99371","Proceeds from Issue of Shares",0 "99372","Proceeds from Settlement",0 "99374","Proceeds from Borrowings",0 "99375","Repayment of Borrowings",0 "99376","Receipts from Advances",0 "99380","Partner Capital Introduced",0 "99381","Partner Drawings",0 "99382","Advances from Beneficiaries",0 "99383","Payment to Beneficiaries",0 "99385","Dividend Paid",0 "99396","Cash at Beginning of Financial Year",0 "99398","Effect of Exchange Rates Changes",0 "99399","Clearing Balance",0 "994","Information for Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows",0 "99400","Reconciliation of cash [994 01 - 994 20]",0 "99401","Cash",0 "99402","Cash on Hand",0 "99403","Deposits at Call",0 "99404","Cash at Bank",0 "99405","Cash at Savings Bank",0 "99406","Bank Overdraft",0 "99407","Description",0 "99408","Description",0 "99409","Description",0 "99424","Results for Year",0 "99425","Operating Profit (Loss) after Income Tax",0 "99430","Non Cash Flows in Operating Profit [994 31 - 994 64]",0 "99431","Profit on Sale of Non-Current Assets",0 "99432","Loss on Sale of Non-Current Assets",0 "99433","Changes in Net Market Value",0 "99434","Amortisation",0 "99435","Share of associate's operating profit after tax and dividend",0 "99445","Bad Debts Written Off",0 "99446","Depreciation",0 "99447","Doubtful Debts",0 "99448","Goodwill Written Off",0 "99449","Holiday Pay",0 "99450","Long Service Leave",0 "99451","Sick Leave",0 "99452","Revaluation of Investments",0 "99453","Charges to Provisions",0 "99454","Member Benefits Paid",0 "99455","Increase (Decrease) in Income Taxes Payable",0 "99456","Increase (Decrease) in Deferred Taxes Payable",0 "99457","Investing Flows in Operating Profits",0 "99458","Financing Flows in Operating Profits",0 "99459","Description",0 "99460","Description",0 "99465","Changes in Assets and Liabilities [994 66 - 994 98]",0 "99466","Decrease (Increase) in Current Inventories",0 "99467","Decrease (Increase) in Non-Current Inventories",0 "99468","Decrease (Increase) in Current Receivables",0 "99469","Decrease (Increase) in Non-Current Receivables",0 "99470","Description",0 "99471","Description",0 "99475","(Decrease) Increase in Accrued Income",0 "99476","Decrease (Increase) in Prepayments",0 "99477","Decrease (Increase) in Prepaid Borrowing Expenses",0 "99478","Description",0 "99480","Increase (Decrease) in Sundry Creditors",0 "99481","Increase (Decrease) in Trade Creditors",0 "99482","Increase (Decrease) in Other Creditors",0 "99483","Increase (Decrease) in Super Contributions Surcharge Payable",0 "99486","Increase (Decrease) in Current Provisions",0 "99487","Increase (Decrease) in Non-Current Provisions",0 "99488","Increase (Decrease) in Accrued Charges",0 "99489","Increase (Decrease) in Income in Advance",0 "99490","Description",0 "99499","Clearing Balance",0 "995","Income Tax Reconciliation Detail",0 "99501","Prima Facie Income Tax on the Operating Profit",0 "99502","Fringe Benefits Tax",0 "99503","Depreciation of Buildings",0 "99504","Amortisation of Goodwill",0 "99505","Amortisation of Leasehold Improvements",0 "99506","Other Non Allowable Items",0 "99507","Diminution in Value of Non-Current Assets",0 "99508","Under Provision for Income Tax",0 "99509","Superannuation Contributions Surcharge",0 "99519","Adjustment for reduction in income tax rate",0 "99520","Rebateable Fully Franked Dividends",0 "99521","Capital Profits not Subject to Income Tax",0 "99522","Foreign Currency Exchange Profit not Subject to Income Tax",0 "99523","Over Provision for Income Tax in Prior Year",0 "99524","Recoupment of Prior Years Tax Losses",0 "99525","Imputation Credits",0 "99599","Clearing Balance",0 "996","Lease Commitment Receivable",0 "99600","Not later than one year",0 "99601","Later than one year but not later than two years",0 "99602","Later than two years but not later than five years",0 "99603","Later than five years",0 "99604","Less: Future finance charges",0 "99699","Clearing balance",0 "997","Addit. Info. for Member's Statement & Vested Benefits Note",0 "99700","Member No. 1",0 "99702","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99703","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99704","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99705","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99706","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99707","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99710","Member No. 2",0 "99712","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99713","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99714","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99715","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99716","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99717","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99720","Member No. 3",0 "99722","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99723","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99724","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99725","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99726","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99727","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99730","Member No. 4",0 "99732","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99733","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99734","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99735","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99736","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99737","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99740","Member No. 5",0 "99742","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99743","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99744","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99745","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99746","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99747","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99750","Member No. 6",0 "99752","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99753","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99754","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99755","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99756","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99757","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99760","Member No. 7",0 "99762","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99763","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99764","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99765","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99766","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99767","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99770","Member No. 8",0 "99772","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99773","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99774","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99775","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99776","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99777","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99780","Member No. 9",0 "99782","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99783","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99784","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99785","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99786","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99787","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99790","Member No. 10",0 "99792","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99793","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99794","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99795","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99796","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99797","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99799","Clearing Balance",0 "998","Addit. Info. for Member's Statement & Vested Benefits Note",0 "99800","Member No. 11",0 "99802","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99803","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99804","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99805","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99806","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99807","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99810","Member No. 12",0 "99812","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99813","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99814","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99815","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99816","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99817","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99820","Member No. 13",0 "99822","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99823","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99824","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99825","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99826","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99827","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99830","Member No. 14",0 "99832","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99833","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99834","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99835","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99836","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99837","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99840","Member No. 15",0 "99842","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99843","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99844","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99845","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99846","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99847","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99850","Member No. 16",0 "99852","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99853","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99854","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99855","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99856","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99857","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99860","Member No. 17",0 "99862","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99863","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99864","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99865","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99866","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99867","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99870","Member No. 18",0 "99872","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99873","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99874","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99875","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99876","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99877","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99880","Member No. 19",0 "99882","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99883","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99884","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99885","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99886","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99887","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99890","Member No. 20",0 "99892","Member's Vested Benefits at Year End",0 "99893","Withdrawal Benefits at Year End Required to be Preserved",0 "99894","Death Benefit of the Member",0 "99895","The Rate of Net Fund Earnings Allocated to the Member",0 "99896","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Restricted Non-Preserved",0 "99897","Withdrawal Benefit ^2a621 - Unrestricted Non-Preserved",0 "99899","Clearing Balance",0 "999","Jobstream Selection Account",0 "99901","Jobstream Selection Account",0 "99902","Management report divisional selection",0 "99903","Statement by financial performance - By function",0 "99904","Trigger for entity details note",0 "99905","Trigger for controlled entity note",0 "99906","Trigger for related party note",0 "99907","Trigger for Profit and Loss Statement - N/R Small Jobstreams",0 "99908","Trigger for SMSF Qualification Audit Report and Form",0 "99921","Trigger Account - IFRS R&D Expenditure",0 "99922","Trigger Account - IFRS Impairment of Assets",0 "99923","Trigger Account - IFRS Goodwill on Consolidation",0 "99924","Trigger Account - IFRS Non-Current Investments Financial Ins",0 "99925","Trigger Account - IFRS Income Tax",0 "99999","Clearing balance",0 "99A","Associated Companies [ASSB 1016]",0 "99A00","1st Associated Companies Details",0 "99A01","Associate:",0 "99A02","Principal Activity:",0 "99A03","Balance Date:",0 "99A04","Ownership interest: % (20X0: %)",0 "99A05","Share associates profit from ord. act. before income tax exp",0 "99A06","Share of associates income tax expense",0 "99A07","Share retained profits at beginning of the financial year",0 "99A08","Dividends received",0 "99A10","Asset revaluation reserve",0 "99A11","Balance at the beginning of the financial year",0 "99A12","Share of reserve increments",0 "99A13","General reserve",0 "99A14","Balance at the beginning of the financial year",0 "99A16","Share of reserve increments",0 "99A17","Other reserve description 1",0 "99A18","Balance at the beginning of the financial year",0 "99A19","Share of reserve increments",0 "99A20","Current Assets",0 "99A21","Non-current Assets",0 "99A22","Current Liabilities",0 "99A23","Non-current Liabilities",0 "99A28","Net profit from ord. activities after tax reported by assoc.",0 "99A30","2nd Associated Companies Details",0 "99A31","Associate:",0 "99A32","Principal Activity:",0 "99A33","Balance date:",0 "99A34","Ownership interest: % (20X0: %)",0 "99A60","3rd Associated Companies Details",0 "99A61","Associate:",0 "99A62","Principal Activity:",0 "99A63","Balance date:",0 "99A64","Ownership interest: % (20X0: %)",0 "99A99","Clearing balance",0 "99B","Property, Plant and Equipment Information Account AASB 1041",0 "99B00","Freehold land",0 "99B01","Balance at beginning of year",0 "99B02","Additions",0 "99B03","Disposals",0 "99B04","Revaluation increments/(decrements)",0 "99B05","Additions through acquisition of a business",0 "99B06","Depreciation expense",0 "99B07","Capitalised borrowing costs and depreciation",0 "99B08","Description",0 "99B10","Buildings",0 "99B11","Balance at beginning of year",0 "99B12","Additions",0 "99B13","Disposals",0 "99B14","Revaluation increments/(decrements)",0 "99B15","Additions through acquisition of a business",0 "99B16","Depreciation expense",0 "99B17","Capitalised borrowing costs and depreciation",0 "99B18","Description",0 "99B20","Plant and equipment",0 "99B21","Balance at beginning of year",0 "99B22","Additions",0 "99B23","Disposals",0 "99B24","Revaluation increments/(decrements)",0 "99B25","Additions through acquisition of a business",0 "99B26","Depreciation expense",0 "99B27","Capitalised borrowing costs and depreciation",0 "99B28","Description",0 "99B30","Leased plant and equipment",0 "99B31","Balance at beginning of year",0 "99B32","Additions",0 "99B33","Disposals",0 "99B34","Revaluation increments/(decrements)",0 "99B35","Additions through acquisition of a business",0 "99B36","Depreciation expense",0 "99B37","Capitalised borrowing costs and depreciation",0 "99B38","Description",0 "99B90","Capitalised Borrowing Costs",0 "99B91","Borrowing costs capitalised",0 "99B92","Capitalisation rate",0 "99B95","Carrying amount of P&E in the course of construction",0 "99B99","Clearing balance",0 "99C","Interest Bearing Liabilities [AASB 1040]",0 "99C00","Bank loans are expected to be settled:",0 "99C01"," Within 12 months",0 "99C02"," 12 months or more",0 "99C20","Total current and non-current secured liabilities:",0 "99C21","Bank overdraft",0 "99C22","Bank bills",0 "99C23","Bank loans",0 "99C24","Description",0 "99C50","Carrying amounts of non-current assets pledged as security",0 "99C51","Freehold land and buildings",0 "99C52","Floating charge",0 "99C53","Trade debtors",0 "99C54","Listed shares at market value",0 "99C55","Description",0 "99C99","Clearing balance",0 "99D","Receivables Note [AASB 1017]",0 "99D00","Loans to directors",0 "99D01","Director one",0 "99D02","Director two",0 "99D03","Director three",0 "99D04","Director four",0 "99D05","Director five",0 "99D20","Loans to director - related entities",0 "99D21","Entity one",0 "99D22","Entity two",0 "99D23","Entity three",0 "99D30","Loans repaid during the year directors",0 "99D31","Director one",0 "99D32","Director two",0 "99D33","Director three",0 "99D34","Director four",0 "99D35","Director five",0 "99D50","Loans repaid during the year director - related entities",0 "99D51","Entity one",0 "99D52","Entity two",0 "99D53","Entity three",0 "99D99","Clearing balance",0 "99E","Statement of Financial Performance [AASB 1018]",0 "99E00","By Function",0 "99E01","Sales revenue",0 "99E02","Cost of sales",0 "99E03","Revenue 1",0 "99E04","Revenue 2",0 "99E05","Revenue 3",0 "99E06","Other Revenue 1",0 "99E07","Other Revenue 2",0 "99E08","Other Revenue 3",0 "99E09","Borrowing costs expense",0 "99E10","Depreciation and amortisation expense",0 "99E11","Expense 1",0 "99E12","Expense 2",0 "99E13","Expense 3",0 "99E14","Expense 4",0 "99E15","Expense 5",0 "99E16","Expense 6",0 "99E17","Expense 7",0 "99E18","Expense 8",0 "99E19","Share of net profit of associates using the equity method",0 "99E20","Income tax expense relating to ordinary activities",0 "99E21","Net increase (decrease) in asset revaluation reserve",0 "99E50","By nature",0 "99E51","Revenues from ordinary activities",0 "99E52","Other Revenue 1",0 "99E53","Other Revenue 2",0 "99E54","Other Revenue 3",0 "99E59","Borrowing costs expense",0 "99E60","Depreciation and amortisation expense",0 "99E61","Expense 1",0 "99E62","Expense 2",0 "99E63","Expense 3",0 "99E64","Expense 4",0 "99E65","Expense 5",0 "99E66","Expense 6",0 "99E69","Share of profit of associates using the equity method",0 "99E70","Income tax expense relating to ordinary activities",0 "99E71","Net increase (decrease) in asset revaluation reserve",0 "99E99","Clearing balance",0 "99F","Revenue Note [AASB 1004]",0 "99F01","Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment",0 "99F02","Proceeds on disposal of investments",0 "99F03","Proceeds on disposal of other assets",0 "99F99","Clearing balance",0