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(SP6)WW MSFlxGrd.OCXWW MSHFlx98.chmWWXConstants for the OLEDragMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDropMode properties).WWXConstants for the OLEDropMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDragMode properties).WWCState transition constants for the DragOver and OLEDragOver events.WWWClipboard format constants.WWW3Drop effect constants for OLE drag and drop events.WWWError constantsWWWAppearance ConstantsWWBorderStyle ConstantsWFocusRect ConstantsWWWHighlight ConstantsWWWScrollBars ConstantsWWTextStyle ConstantsWWWFillStyle ConstantsWWWGridLines ConstantsWWWSelectionMode ConstantsWWWMergeCells ConstantsWWPictureType ConstantsWAllowUserResizing ConstantsWWWMousePointer ConstantsSort ConstantsAlignment ConstantsWWW1Dispatch interface for Microsoft FlexGrid ControlW.Event interface for Microsoft FlexGrid Control3Clears all data and formats in a DataObject object.WWW>Retrieves data of a specified format from a DataObject object.QDetermines if a specified clipboard format is supported by the DataObject object.WEAdds a supported format and possibly its data to a DataObject object.W7A collection of filenames used by the vbCFFiles format.WWWnReturns a specific filename by index from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).gReturns the number of filenames in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).WWWWAdds a filename to the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).WWWcClears all filenames stored in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).WWW\Removes a filename from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).WWBOLE drag/drop will be initialized only under programmatic control.jOLE drag/drop will be initialized when the user drags 'out' of the control, or under programmatic control.$Accepts no OLE drag/drop operations.WW9Accepts an OLE drag/drop under programmatic control only.W#Source control dragged into target.WWW%Source control dragged out of target.W>Source control dragged from one position in target to another.Text (.TXT file).WBitmap (.BMP file).WWWMetafile (.WMF file).WDevice-independent bitmap.Color palette.Enhanced metafile (.EMF file).*Filename list (Microsoft Windows Explorer)Rich Text Format (.RTF file).W<No OLE drag/drop operation has taken place/would take place.WW@A mask to indicate that a copy has taken place/would take place.WW?A mask to indicate that a move has take place/would take place.WWWIA mask to indicate that the drop target window has scrolled/would scroll.WInvalid procedure callInvalid object use-Specified format doesn't match format of dataWXDataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag eventWWExpected at least one argument1Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and dropWNon-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.WNRequested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.0An error has occurred while doing this operationWWSubscript out of rangeInvalid property valueProperty not availableSet not permittedW Out of memoryW%Cannot do a RemoveItem on a fixed rowW!Cannot use AddItem on a fixed rowWGrid does not contain that row#Invalid Column number for alignmentWWWInvalid Alignment valueWWW&Unable to Allocate Memory For FlexGridNot a valid Picture typeWWInvalid Row ValueWInvalid Column ValueWW%Unable to register the memory managerWInvalid Row Height ValueWWInvalid Column Width Value!Can not remove last non-fixed rowW3FixedRows must be at least one less than Rows valueWWW3FixedCols must be at least one less than Cols valueWWWFlatWW3DWWWWNoneWWSingleLightWHeavyWNeverWAlways With Focus HorizontalVerticalWWBothWWRaisedInsetW Raised LightWW Inset LightWWWRepeatFreeWWBy Row By ColumnW Restrict RowsWRestrict ColumnsWW Restrict AllWWDisplay CompatibleMonochrome BitmapWColumnsWWWRowsWWDefaultWWWArrowWCrossWI-BeamIconWWSizeWW Size NE SWSize NSWWW Size NW SESize EWWWWUp ArrowWW HourglassWNo DropWWWArrowHourGlass ArrowQuestionWSizeAllWWWCustomNo SortWWWGeneric ascending sortGeneric descending sortWWWNumeric ascending sortNumeric descending sortWWW'String ascending sort, case-insensitiveWWW(String descending sort, case-insensitiveWW%String ascending sort, case-sensitiveW&String descending sort, case-sensitive$Align to left top corner of the cellWW Align to left center of the cellWW'Align to left bottom corner of the cellWWWAlign to center top of the cellWWWAlign to center of the cellWWW"Align to center bottom of the cell%Align to right top corner of the cellW!Align to right center of the cellW(Align to right bottom corner of the cellWW3Align strings to left, numbers to right of the cellWWW=Determines the total number of columns or rows in a FlexGrid.WWReturns/sets the total number of fixed (non-scrollable) columns or rows for a FlexGrid.WWWGReturns the version of the FlexGrid control currently loaded in memory.WWWAllows you to set up a FlexGrid's column widths, alignments, and fixed row and column text at design time. See the help file for details.WWReturns/sets the uppermost row displayed in the FlexGrid. Not available at design time.WWWsReturns/sets the leftmost visible column (other than a fixed column) in the FlexGrid. Not available at design time.WWWIReturns/sets the active cell in a FlexGrid. Not available at design time.WcDetermines the starting or ending row or column for a range of cells. Not available at design time.WWW;Returns/sets the text contents of a cell or range of cells.WWWFReturns/sets the background color of various elements of the FlexGrid.DDetermines the color used to draw text on each part of the FlexGrid.WWBReturns/sets whether text within a cell should be allowed to wrap.?Returns/sets the default font or the font for individual cells.WWWPReturns or sets the width, in points, of the font to be used for text displayed.WWIReturns/sets the font to be used for individual cells or ranges of cells.W?Returns or sets the size, in points, for the current cell text.WWW9Returns or sets the bold style for the current cell text.W;Returns or sets the italic style for the current cell text.WWW>Returns or sets the underline style for the current cell text.BReturns or sets the strikethrough style for the current cell text.9Returns or sets the font width for the current cell text.W,Returns/sets 3D effects for displaying text.WWsReturns/sets whether FlexGrid should scroll its contents while the user moves the scroll box along the scroll bars.WWW^Determines whether the FlexGrid control should draw a focus rectangle around the current cell.7Returns/sets whether selected cells appear highlighted.WWW6Enables or disables redrawing of the FlexGrid control.GReturns/sets whether a FlexGrid has horizontal or vertical scroll bars.WWWXReturns/sets over which row (column) the mouse pointer is. Not available at design time.WW7Returns the left position of the current cell, in twipsWWW>Returns or sets the top position of the current cell, in twips/Returns the width of the current cell, in twipsWWW1Returns the height of the current cell, in Twips.WCReturns/sets a minimum row height for the entire control, in Twips.WWWDetermines whether setting the Text property or one of the Cell formatting properties of a FlexGrid applies the change to all selected cells.WBReturns/sets the type of lines that should be drawn between cells.EReturns/sets the color used to draw the lines between FlexGrid cells.WYReturns/sets the background and foreground colors of individual cells or ranges of cells.WfReturns/sets the alignment of data in a cell or range of selected cells. Not available at design time.FReturns/sets 3D effects for text on a specific cell or range of cells.jReturns/sets the alignment of pictures in a cell or range of selected cells. Not available at design time.eReturns/sets the contents of the cells in a FlexGrid's selected region. Not available at design time.WAction-type property that sorts selected rows according to selected criteria. Not available at design-time, write-only at run time.WWWpReturns/sets whether a FlexGrid should allow regular cell selection, selection by rows, or selection by columns.WWwReturns/sets whether cells with the same contents should be grouped in a single cell spanning multiple rows or columns.WWWmReturns/sets whether clicking on a column or row header should cause the entire column or row to be selected.WZReturns/sets whether the user should be allowed to resize rows and columns with the mouse.,Returns/sets the border style for an object.WW&Returns a handle to a form or control.dReturns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.WWBReturns/sets whether a control should be painted with 3-D effects.MReturns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.W!Returns/sets a custom mouse icon.WRReturns/sets the type of picture that should be generated by the Picture property.Returns a picture of the FlexGrid control, suitable for printing, saving to disk, copying to the clipboard, or assigning to a different control.WWQReturns/sets an image to be displayed in the current cell or in a range of cells.W=Displays an About box with version and copyright information.WGReturns/sets the text contents of an arbitrary cell (single subscript).WWWReturns/sets the alignment of data in a column. Not available at design time (except indirectly through the FormatString property).WWWTDetermines the width of the specified column in Twips. Not available at design time.WWTReturns/sets the height of the specified row in Twips. Not available at design time.WWReturns/sets which rows (columns) should have their contents merged when the MergeCells property is set to a value other than 0 - Never.WWxReturns the distance in Twips between the upper-left corner of the control and the upper-left corner of a specified row.WW{Returns the distance in Twips between the upper-left corner of the control and the upper-left corner of a specified column.WWWArray of long integer values with one item for each row (RowData) and for each column (ColData) of the FlexGrid. Not available at design time.IReturns/sets the text contents of an arbitrary cell (row/col subscripts).W1Adds a new row to a FlexGrid control at run time.W1Removes a row from a FlexGrid control at run timeW[Clears the contents of the FlexGrid. This includes all text, pictures, and cell formatting.WWW/Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.WWW-Returns/sets the data source for the control.W-Returns True if the specified row is visible.W0Returns True if the specified column is visible.WWBReturns/sets the width in Pixels of the gridlines for the control.BReturns/sets the alignment of data in the fixed cells of a column.ZDetermines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system.@Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.WWCStarts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.WWWKFired when the user presses and releases the mouse button over the control.WWW!Fired when the user pushes a key.W=Fired when the user double-clicks the mouse over the control.W"Fired when the user presses a key.#Fired when the user releases a key.WWW<Fired when the user presses a mouse button over the control.WW5Fired when the user moves the mouse over the control.W=Fired when the user releases a mouse button over the control.W/Fired when the selected range of cells changes.WWW$Fired when the current cell changes.WW&Fired before the cursor enters a cell.%Fired after the cursor leaves a cell.W3Fired when the TopRow or LeftCol properties change.WWW.Fired during custom sorts to compare two rows.OLEStartDrag eventOLEGiveFeedback eventWOLESetData eventWWOLECompleteDrag eventWOLEDragOver eventWOLEDragDrop eventW @  @ @@ @ @ HX`%p@@@@x@@@@l@@@@L@(@81HP=`4@pIUa@mydWWWWD04 H \ D H$\ D H(T P $ 8<,TD ` L0x\H\D( < LDD0 H$T  0(4    <,D !t! $@0L D88 t$H8P(4(4@@Ll(P(4(4@@(x(4(4(48@@@(P@(4x(4  (4  (4  (4  (4  (4 (44 @@@@@@@@ $<Xp(Px(4T (4 (4 (4 @@@@ D(Px(4h (4 (4 (4 (4 (4@ (4t (4 (4XXT X( 4}} }( 4|| |( 4 ( 4 ( 4 (40u0u 0u(41u1u 1u(42u2u@ 2u(44u4u` 4u(45u5u 5u(46u6u 6u(48u8u 8u(49u9u 9u(4:u:u :u(4;u;u;u(4=u=u<=u(4>u>uX>u(4?u?ut?u(4@u@u@u(4AuAuAu@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@h Dl 4 T p  4 P l (Px@h0X Hp8`P(4@~@~(4A~A~@@ (P(4B~B~(4C~ C~@@ < (x(4D~D~(4E~(E~(4F~0F~@@@X t (Px(4G~8G~(4H~@H~(4I~HI~@@@ (P(4J~J~(4K~TK~(4L~`L~(4M~lM~@@@@ 0 T x (Px(4N~N~(4O~tO~(4P~|P~(4Q~Q~(4R~R~@@@@@  (PxP(4S~ S~(4T~T~@@( D ((4U~U~(4V~V~(4W~|W~(4X~tX~@@@@` x (Pxx(4Y~Y~(4Z~Z~(4[~[~@@@ (P(4\~8\~(4]~]~(4^~^~(4_~_~(4`~`~@@@@@,Hd(PxP(4a~a~(4b~b~@@((4c~c~(4d~$d~(4e~0e~(4f~lf~@@@@ (Hd(Px(4g~8g~(4h~Dh~(4i~Li~(4j~Tj~(4k~\k~(4l~dl~(4m~lm~(4n~xn~(4o~o~( 4 p~p~( 4 q~q~( 4 r~r~( 4 s~s~( 4 t~t~(4u~u~(4v~v~(4cw~w~@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@ 8Ph (Px@h0Xh(4x~x~(4y~y~(4z~z~(4{~4{~(4|~L|~(4}~h}~(4~~~~(4~~(4~~@@@@@@@@@$<`,P(Px@(4~~(4~8~(4~\~(4~~(4~~(4~~(4~~(4~~(4~<~( 4 ~h~@@@@@@@@@ @t8Xx(Px@h<*<LD0 < D!<$LD0 <(D!<,LD0 <0D!<4LD0 <8D!<<LD<@ < @LD ( < DD! < HLD 00 < LD! < PLDp0D <TD! p<XLD0X <\D!<`LD0h <dD!<hLD40x <lD!4<pLD40 <tD!4<xLD( <|D!<LDP <D!H<LD$P <D!$H<LDP <D!H<LD $P < D!$H<!LD"P <"D!!H<#LD$$P0 <$D!#$H<%LD&PH <&D!%H<'LD(l` <(D!'l <) TD*ȑȑht <* LA)ȑȑx<+LD,~~ <,D!+~~<-LD.H( <.D!-H</LD0~~ <0D!/~~<1LD2~~ <2D!1~~ <3LD4~~ <4D!3~~ <5LD6~T~ <6D!5~T~ <7LD8~~  <8D!7~~ <9LD:~~D <:D!9~~<;LD<` << D!;<=LD>x <>D!=<?LD@D <@D!?D <A LDB <B$D!A<C(LDD <D,D!C<E0LDFX <F4D!EX <G8LDH <H<D!G<I@LDI0 <JDLDJ0 <KHLDK~8~00 <LLLDL~t~0D <MPLDM~~0X <NTLDN0p <OXLDP  0 <P\D!O  <Q`LDRd <RdD!Qd<ShLDT <TlD!S<UpLDV <VtD!U<WxLDX8P <X|D!W8H<YLDZ8P <ZD!Y8H<[LD\P  <\D![H<]LD^P< <^D!]H<_LD`@X <`D!_<aLDbDt <bD!aD<cLDd@ <dD!c<eLDf( <fD!e<gD!g` <hLDi  <iD!h <jLDk\! <kD!j\!<lLDm! <mD!l! <nLDoH"$ <oD!nH"<pLDqɑ"ɑ D <qD!pɑ"ɑ<rLDrʑ"ʑ0\ <s LDtˑ"ˑl <t D!sˑ"ˑ <uLDvΑd#Α0 <vD!uΑd#Α(<wLDx̑#̑@ <xD!w̑#̑8<yTDz͑#͑X <zLAy͑#͑h<{LD|$x <| D!{$p<}TD}p$ <~TD% <LA~%0@4 ϑX%ϑH \D%8(  H$T!%8H(\D%8@L H,T!%8H0\Dl&80d H4T!l&8H8\D & 80x H<T! & 8H@\D'8 HDT!'8 HH\D'8 HLT!'8 HPT!ܑ'ܑ8HTT!ݑ$(ݑ8HX\D(80 H\T!(8H`\D(80 HdT!(8ThlD4)Xh( Tld!4)XhHpT )t 8<tD  ) 80x4 )0|4 БH*Б<TDّ|*ّh <L!ّ|*ّH\Dڑ*ڑ8 H\Dۑ*ۑ8 H\Dܑ'ܑ80 H\Dݑ$(ݑ80 <LDޑ+ޑ@ <D!ޑ+ޑH\DߑT+ߑ8@ HT!ߑT+ߑ8$@LD( $@D!$@LD$ $@D!$@LD8 $@D! $@LDL $@D! $@LDd $@D! $@LD $@D! <LD+ <D!+ <LD+ <D!+04 8, TTMMNNOOPPQQRRSS !!""##$$%%&&''(())++--.//0033445566221**778899::;;<<=>??@@AABCDLLUVWXYYZZ[[\\]]^^__``00DDXXhhxx00HH``tt  DD``xx0DXp  <<XXtt$$DD\ll   LLddxx(<Thh$$88LLdd<x,hX H8t(dTD4p$ `  P  @ | 0 l \ L<x,hX H8t(dTD4p$`P@|0l \L0xP( p !H!!! "h"""@###0$l$$$%D%%%&d&&&$'l''''' (D(h((((()X))) *04 ё,ёH\ ґ,ґ@$804 ӑ,ӑ< L ԑ4-ԑ@tH\ ՑX-Ց@$8`t ֑-֑8`t ב-ב8`t ؑ-ؑ80 4 8.0 $4  l. 0 (4  .0 ,4  .0 04  . T 4l  /@H8l ~L/~0H<d ~`/~0,@H@l ~x/~@t<DL ~/~0,H ~/~0,@@8@xL ~/~0,@@8EFGHIJL`,D\t\0x,L| < h(ȀiAbout MSFlexGridMS Sans SerifP)P)x0VideoSoft 5900 Hollis Street, Suite T Emeryville, California 94608 Voice: (510) 595-2400 Fax: (510) 595-2424 www.videosoft.comPH+OKP Microsoft FlexGrid Control - Version 6.0 (SP6) Copyright 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation Portions of this product were developed by VideosoftD@nMS Sans SerifP &Rows P# P &Cols P# PK 'Fixed Ro&ws Py PQ"Fixed Co&ls Py #P(.F Allow&BigSelectionP="&ScrollBars!P4;:AP M$&HighLight!P4K:AP](F&ocusRect!P4[:AP{-:Mouse&Pointer!P+:AP=&FillStyle!P;:APM3Selection&Mode!PK:AP{]:Allow&UserResizing!P[:AD@nMS Sans SerifP " Grid&Lines!P? :AP" Text&Style!P?:AP+( &MergeCells!P?):AP ;/ Row&HeightMin P?9 PI &FormatP?IP 2 GridLinesFi&xed!P :AP- TextStyleF&ixed!P:AP+( &PictureType!P):A#P:: Word&WrapP4VS_VERSION_INFORaRa?StringFileInfo040904E4LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation> FileDescriptionMSFlexGrid4 FileVersion6.01.9782: InternalNameFlexGrid.Ocxp&LegalCopyrightCopyright 1987-2000 Microsoft Corp.uLegalTrademarksMicrosoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(tm) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.VProductNameMicrosoft FlexGrid Control8 ProductVersion6.01.9782<CommentsFebruary 23, 2004(OLESelfRegisterDVarFileInfo$Translation .Event interface for Microsoft FlexGrid Control$Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0 (SP6)FlexGrid Property Page1Dispatch interface for Microsoft FlexGrid ControlAlignment Constants&String descending sort, case-sensitive$Align to left top corner of the cell Align to left center of the cell'Align to left bottom corner of the cellAlign to center top of the cellAlign to center of the cell"Align to center bottom of the cell%Align to right top corner of the cell!Align to right center of the cell(Align to right bottom corner of the cell3Align strings to left, numbers to right of the cellOLEStartDrag eventOLEGiveFeedback eventOLESetData eventOLECompleteDrag eventOLEDragOver eventError constantsAppearance ConstantsBorderStyle ConstantsFocusRect ConstantsHighlight ConstantsScrollBars ConstantsTextStyle ConstantsFillStyle ConstantsGridLines ConstantsSelectionMode ConstantsMergeCells ConstantsPictureType ConstantsAllowUserResizing ConstantsMousePointer ConstantsSort ConstantsFlat3DNoneSingleNoneLightHeavyNeverAlways With FocusNone HorizontalVerticalBothFlatRaisedInvalid procedure call Out of memoryInvalid object use-Specified format doesn't match format of dataXDataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag eventExpected at least one argument1Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and dropNon-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.NRequested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.Invalid property valueSubscript out of rangeSet not permittedProperty not available0An error has occurred while doing this operation%Cannot do a RemoveItem on a fixed row!Cannot use AddItem on a fixed rowGrid does not contain that row#Invalid Column number for alignmentInvalid Alignment value&Unable to Allocate Memory For FlexGridNot a valid Picture typeInvalid Row ValueInvalid Column Value%Unable to register the memory managerInvalid Row Height ValueInvalid Column Width Value!Can not remove last non-fixed row3FixedRows must be at least one less than Rows value3FixedCols must be at least one less than Cols valueInset Raised Light Inset LightSingleRepeatNoneFlatInsetRaisedFreeBy Row By ColumnNeverFree Restrict RowsRestrict Columns Restrict AllDisplay CompatibleMonochrome BitmapNoneColumnsRowsBothDefaultArrowCrossI-BeamIconSize Size NE SWSize NS Size NW SESize EWUp Arrow HourglassNo DropArrowHourGlass ArrowQuestionSizeAllCustomNo SortGeneric ascending sortGeneric descending sortNumeric ascending sortNumeric descending sort'String ascending sort, case-insensitive(String descending sort, case-insensitive%String ascending sort, case-sensitive?Returns/sets the default font or the font for individual cells.,Returns/sets the border style for an object.&Returns a handle to a form or control.dReturns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.MReturns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.!Returns/sets a custom mouse icon.BReturns/sets whether a control should be painted with 3-D effects.=Displays an About box with version and copyright information./Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.KFired when the user presses and releases the mouse button over the control.!Fired when the user pushes a key.=Fired when the user double-clicks the mouse over the control."Fired when the user presses a key.#Fired when the user releases a key.<Fired when the user presses a mouse button over the control.5Fired when the user moves the mouse over the control.=Fired when the user releases a mouse button over the control.-Returns/sets the data source for the control.-Returns True if the specified row is visible.0Returns True if the specified column is visible.xReturns the distance in Twips between the upper-left corner of the control and the upper-left corner of a specified row.{Returns the distance in Twips between the upper-left corner of the control and the upper-left corner of a specified column.BReturns/sets the width in Pixels of the gridlines for the control.BReturns/sets the alignment of data in the fixed cells of a column.1Adds a new row to a FlexGrid control at run time.mReturns/sets whether clicking on a column or row header should cause the entire column or row to be selected.ZReturns/sets whether the user should be allowed to resize rows and columns with the mouse.FReturns/sets the background color of various elements of the FlexGrid.fReturns/sets the alignment of data in a cell or range of selected cells. Not available at design time.YReturns/sets the background and foreground colors of individual cells or ranges of cells.IReturns/sets the font to be used for individual cells or ranges of cells.YReturns/sets the background and foreground colors of individual cells or ranges of cells.1Returns the height of the current cell, in Twips.QReturns/sets an image to be displayed in the current cell or in a range of cells.jReturns/sets the alignment of pictures in a cell or range of selected cells. Not available at design time.FReturns/sets 3D effects for text on a specific cell or range of cells.[Clears the contents of the FlexGrid. This includes all text, pictures, and cell formatting.eReturns/sets the contents of the cells in a FlexGrid's selected region. Not available at design time.IReturns/sets the active cell in a FlexGrid. Not available at design time.Returns/sets the alignment of data in a column. Not available at design time (except indirectly through the FormatString property).Array of long integer values with one item for each row (RowData) and for each column (ColData) of the FlexGrid. Not available at design time.JAllows you to move rows and columns to specific positions on the FlexGrid.=Determines the total number of columns or rows in a FlexGrid.cDetermines the starting or ending row or column for a range of cells. Not available at design time.TDetermines the width of the specified column in Twips. Not available at design time..Fired during custom sorts to compare two rows.&Fired before the cursor enters a cell.Determines whether setting the Text property or one of the Cell formatting properties of a FlexGrid applies the change to all selected cells.WReturns/sets the total number of fixed (non-scrollable) columns or rows for a FlexGrid.^Determines whether the FlexGrid control should draw a focus rectangle around the current cell.MDetermines the width of the font to be used for text displayed in a FlexGrid.DDetermines the color used to draw text on each part of the FlexGrid.Allows you to set up a FlexGrid's column widths, alignments, and fixed row and column text at design time. See the help file for details.EReturns/sets the color used to draw the lines between FlexGrid cells.BReturns/sets the type of lines that should be drawn between cells.7Returns/sets whether selected cells appear highlighted.%Fired after the cursor leaves a cell.sReturns/sets the leftmost visible column (other than a fixed column) in the FlexGrid. Not available at design time.wReturns/sets whether cells with the same contents should be grouped in a single cell spanning multiple rows or columns.Returns/sets which rows (columns) should have their contents merged when the MergeCells property is set to a value other than 0 - Never.XReturns/sets over which row (column) the mouse pointer is. Not available at design time.6Enables or disables redrawing of the FlexGrid control.Returns a picture of the FlexGrid control, suitable for printing, saving to disk, copying to the clipboard, or assigning to a different control.RReturns/sets the type of picture that should be generated by the Picture property.1Removes a row from a FlexGrid control at run time$Fired when the current cell changes.TReturns/sets the height of the specified row in Twips. Not available at design time.CReturns/sets a minimum row height for the entire control, in Twips.3Fired when the TopRow or LeftCol properties change./Fired when the selected range of cells changes.pReturns/sets whether a FlexGrid should allow regular cell selection, selection by rows, or selection by columns.GReturns/sets whether a FlexGrid has horizontal or vertical scroll bars.sReturns/sets whether FlexGrid should scroll its contents while the user moves the scroll box along the scroll bars.Action-type property that sorts selected rows according to selected criteria. Not available at design-time, write-only at run time.;Returns/sets the text contents of a cell or range of cells.GReturns/sets the text contents of an arbitrary cell (single subscript).IReturns/sets the text contents of an arbitrary cell (row/col subscripts).,Returns/sets 3D effects for displaying text.WReturns/sets the uppermost row displayed in the FlexGrid. Not available at design time.GReturns the version of the FlexGrid control currently loaded in memory.BReturns/sets whether text within a cell should be allowed to wrap.ZDetermines text display direction and control visual appearance on a bidirectional system.XConstants for the OLEDragMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDropMode properties).BOLE drag/drop will be initialized only under programmatic control.jOLE drag/drop will be initialized when the user drags 'out' of the control, or under programmatic control.XConstants for the OLEDropMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDragMode properties).$Accepts no OLE drag/drop operations.9Accepts an OLE drag/drop under programmatic control only.6Accepts an OLE drag/drop without programmatic control.CState transition constants for the DragOver and OLEDragOver events.#Source control dragged into target.%Source control dragged out of target.>Source control dragged from one position in target to another.Clipboard format constants.Text (.TXT file).Bitmap (.BMP file).Metafile (.WMF file).Device-independent bitmap.Color palette.Enhanced metafile (.EMF file).*Filename list (Microsoft Windows Explorer)Rich Text Format (.RTF file).3Drop effect constants for OLE drag and drop events.<No OLE drag/drop operation has taken place/would take place.@A mask to indicate that a copy has taken place/would take place.?A mask to indicate that a move has take place/would take place.IA mask to indicate that the drop target window has scrolled/would scroll.CStarts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.@Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.3Clears all data and formats in a DataObject object.>Retrieves data of a specified format from a DataObject object.QDetermines if a specified clipboard format is supported by the DataObject object.EAdds a supported format and possibly its data to a DataObject object.7A collection of filenames used by the vbCFFiles format.nReturns a specific filename by index from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).gReturns the number of filenames in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).WAdds a filename to the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).cClears all filenames stored in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).\Removes a filename from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).OLEDragDrop event9Returns or sets the bold style for the current cell text.;Returns or sets the italic style for the current cell text.>Returns or sets the underline style for the current cell text.BReturns or sets the strikethrough style for the current cell text.9Returns or sets the font width for the current cell text.?Returns or sets the size, in points, for the current cell text.PReturns or sets the width, in points, of the font to be used for text displayed.7Returns the left position of the current cell, in twips>Returns or sets the top position of the current cell, in twips/Returns the width of the current cell, in twips-0 - None;1 - Horizontal;2 - Vertical;3 - Both0 - Single;1 - Repeat&0 - None;1 - Columns;2 - Rows;3 - Both!0 - Free;1 - By Row;2 - By Column#0 - Never;1 - Always;2 - With Focus0 - None;1 - Light;2 - Heavy&0 - None;1 - Flat;2 - Inset;3 - Raised>0 - Flat;1 - Raised;2 - Inset;3 - Raised Light;4 - Inset Light4d4444444445555E5K5`5o5x55555q6666666666666667777%707n7v778888999 99!9*90969J9P9X9b9i9999999999 :-:7:?:L:Q:^:c:}::::; ;;$;+;I;Z;`;;;;@G>l>s>>>{????????? 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