Credit Check customers tool qbw:dnb_home_page
Check Credit
Enter information for a new commercial customer or select a commercial customer from your customer list.

Enter information for a new commercial customer.  You will be given the option to add the results to a new customer record.


Company Name:

  Look Up Commercial Customer Address (free)
Verify company address against D&B database.
  Get Credit Report
Get a credit report and automatically receive ongoing credit alerts.
Alerts right in Quickbooks:
You must be subscribed at the Business Advantage, Risk Advisor, Marketing Assistant, or Credit Essentials level to get ongoing alerts in QuickBooks.  Learn more about Credit Check Services.  

Your Company's Credit Report
Collections Services
Marketing Services
Credit Reports on Prospects & Vendors

Upgrade now to a Subscription Plan:

    D&B offers 4 subscription plans to meet your needs. All subscriptions include free and discounted reports that can help you to protect and grow your business. Each plan is tailored to the different needs of our users, so you are sure to find a plan that works for you. Learn more about SBS Subscriptions and start saving today!

Click here to upgrade!

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