
Sample Flower Company*
dba: Sample City Flowers, Main Street Flower Co.
000 Any Street
Somewhere, CA00000
Phone: 800-000-0000
D-U-N-S ® Number: 00-000-0000

Report as of:
April 27, 2002**
**Included with this Comprehensive Report purchase are 12 months of continuous tracking of key business changes and free Alert messages in your Tracking Folders. You can also choose to receive e-mail notifications of the important changes. IMPORTANT NOTE: You will not receive e-mail alerts if you have opted out of receiving communications from D&B.

                         COMPREHENSIVE REPORT

DUNS: 00-000-0000
                                        FINANCIAL STRESS CLASS: 4
                                        CREDIT SCORE CLASS:     5
AND BRANCH(ES) OR DIVISION(S)                      KEY
SOMEWHERE, CA00000                 =============================
TEL: 800-000-0000                      LOWEST RISK      HIGHEST RISK
                                           1    2    3    4    5
SIC:      27 52
YEAR STARTED:      1982
CONTROL DATE:      1982                         DATE PRINTED: April 25 2002



- The Financial Stress Class of 4 for this company shows that during the
  previous year, firms with this classification had a failure rate of
  4.25% (425 per 10,000), which is 5.31 times higher than the national average.
- The Credit Score Class of 5 for this company shows that during the previous
  year, 60.5% of the firms with this classification paid one or more bills
  severely delinquent, which is 3.64 times higher than the national average.
- Subject company pays its bills an average 14 days beyond terms.
- Subject company's industry pays its bills an average 15 days beyond terms.
- Subject company pays its bills slower than the average for its industry.
- Financial information from a fiscal statement dated 12/31/00 is included.
- Sales for the fiscal year ending December 2000 are up by 6.0%.
- Net worth for the fiscal year ending December 2000 is up by 6.0%.
- Operations are profitable.
- Special events are reported for this business.
- UCC filing(s) are reported for this business.
- Financing is secured.
- Under present management control 20 years.
- Evidence of open Suit(s), Lien(s) and Judgment(s) in the D&B database.
- History is clear.


D&B Rating:     --                Payment Activity
                                     (based on 270 experiences):
Sales ($):      19,683,786            Average High Credit:    $76,500
# of Employees                        Highest Credit:         $2,000,000
Total:          110                   Total Highest Credits:  $8,974,500
               (100 Here)

As of 12/31/9-  Worth:            $3,160,644
                Working Capital:  $1,351,002



12/03/9-      On Mar 26, 199- the subject experienced a fire due to an
         earthquake.  According to Jane T. Doe, president, damages amounted to
         $35,000 which were fully covered by their insurance company.  The
         business was closed for two days while employees settled personal


The Financial Stress Model predicts the likelihood of a firm ceasing business
without paying all creditors in full, or reorganizing or obtaining relief from
creditors under state/federal law over the next 12 months. Scores were
calculated using a statistically valid model derived from D&B's extensive data

 Financial Stress Class:                               4
 (Highest Risk: 5; Lowest Risk: 1)

 Incidence of Financial Stress Among
 Companies with this Classification:                   0.37% (37 per 10,000)

 Incidence of Financial Stress:                        0.80% (80 per 10,000)
 - National Average

 Financial Stress National Percentile:                22
 (Highest Risk: 1; Lowest Risk: 100)

 Financial Stress Score:                            1392
 (Highest Risk: 1,001; Lowest Risk: 1,850)

The Financial Stress Class for this company is based on the following factors:

   - Payment experiences exist for this firm which are greater than 60 days
     past due.
   - Evidence of open Suit(s), Lien(s) and Judgment(s) in the D&B database.
   - D&B files indicate a net worth of $2,838,982.
   - Payment information indicates negative payment comments.
   - Age of financial statement suggests potential higher risk of financial
   - 19% of trade experiences indicate slow payment(s) are present.
   - Financial condition is UNBALANCED.
   - Business does not own facilities.
   - Age or date entered in the D&B files indicates lower risk.
   - Current liabilities to net worth suggests potential higher risk of
     financial stress.


- The Financial Stress Class indicates that this firm shares some of
the same business and financial characteristics of other companies with
this classification.  It does not mean the firm will necessarily
experience financial stress.

- The Incidence of Financial Stress shows the percentage of firms in a
given Class that discontinued operations over the past year with loss
to creditors.  The Incidence of Financial Stress - National Average
represents the national failure rate and is provided for comparative

- The Financial Stress National Percentile reflects the relative
ranking of a company among all scorable companies in D&B's file.

- The Financial Stress Score offers a more precise measure of the level
of risk than the Class and Percentile.  It is especially helpful to
customers using a scorecard approach to determining overall business

- All Financial Stress Class, Percentile, Score and Incidence
statistics are based on 199-.

Norms for Companies in the Same ...                                  Percentile

     - Region  (PACIFIC)                                                 43

     - Industry: CORPORATION                                             58

     - Employee Range (9)                                                78

     - Years in Business Range (20)                                      76

     - Subject Company                                                   22

Key Comparisons
The subject company has a Financial Stress Percentile that shows:

   - Higher risk than other companies in the same region.
   - Higher risk than other companies in the same industry.
   - Higher risk than other companies in the same employee size range.
   - Higher risk than other companies with a comparable number of years in


The Credit Score Class predicts the likelihood of a firm paying in a severely
delinquent manner (90+ Days Past Terms) over the next twelve months.  It was
calculated using statistically valid models and the most recent payment
information in D&B's files.

Credit Score Class:                              5

Incidence of Delinquent Payment Among
Companies with this Classification:             60.50%

Percentile:                                      8

The Credit Score Class for this company is based on the following factors:

  - 19% of trade experiences indicate slow payment(s) are present.
  - Payment experiences exist for this firm which are greater than 60 days past
  - Payment information indicates negative payment comments.
  - Evidence of open Suit(s), Lien(s) and Judgment(s) in the D&B database.
  - Control age or date entered in D&B files indicates lower risk.
  - Financial condition is FAIR or UNBALANCED.
  - D&B files indicate a net worth for this firm of $2,838,982.
  - Business does not own facilities.
  - Quick ratio is 0.6.


  - The Incidence of Delinquent Payment is the percentage of companies with
    this classification that were reported 90 days past due or more by
    creditors. The calculation of this value is based on an inquiry weighted

  - The Percentile ranks this firm relative to other businesses. For example,
    a firm in the 80th percentile has a lower risk of paying in a severely
    delinquent manner than 79% of all scorable companies in D&B's files.

Norms for Companies in the Same ...                                  Percentile

     - Region  (PACIFIC)                                                 49

     - Industry: CORPORATION                                             51

     - Employee Range (9)                                                54

     - Years in Business Range (20)                                      72

     - Subject Company                                                    8

Key Comparisons
The subject company has a Credit Score Percentile that shows:

   - Higher risk than other companies in the same region.
   - Higher risk than other companies in the same industry.
   - Higher risk than other companies in the same employee size range.
   - Higher risk than other companies with a comparable number of years in


PAYDEX scores below are based on dollar weighted trade in most recent 12 mos.

                '98 '98 '98 '98 '99 '99 '99 '99 '99 '99 '99 '99 '99 '99 '99 '00

FIRM             73  75  72  72  75  71  69  69  68  58  56  55  61  61  55  55

Upper            79  80  80  79      79          79          80          79
Median           75  75  76  75      75          75          75          75
Lower            66  66  67  67      67          66          67          66

   Industry PAYDEX based on:       KEY TO PAYDEX SCORES:
   SIC:  2752                        80     Within terms
   1,286 Firms                       75   8 Days Beyond Terms
                                     55  26 Days Beyond Terms


Dollar Range Comparisons:

Suppliers That          Number of        Total       % of Dollars
Extend Credit of...     Experiences:     Amount      Within Terms

                             #             $              %

OVER $100,000               18        4,900,000          52
$50,000 - 99,999            15          955,000          78
$15,000 - 49,999            30          750,000          86
$ 5,000 - 14,999            46          330,000          77
$ 1,000 - 4,999             31           59,500          75
    Under 1,000             14            5,600          48


There are 248 payment experiences in D&B's file for the most recent 12 months,
with 99 experiences reported during the last three month period.

                      Total     Dollar    Highest   Within Slow Slow  Slow Slow
                      Recd      Amount    Credit    Terms  1-30 31-60 61-90 91+
                       #           $         $       --- % of dollar amount ---

Total in D&B's File   248      7,538,100  1,000,000


Nonclassified          32        786,250    100,000    87   0     0    0   13
Whol metal              4        477,000    400,000    16  84     0    0    0
Whol industrial equip   4         55,000     40,000    27   0     0   73    0
Whol hardware           4         38,000     20,000    47   0     0   53    0
Business consulting     4         25,250     10,000    59   0     0    0   41
Insurance agent         3        250,000    250,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol computers/softwr   3        130,000    100,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mechanical contractor   3         30,050     25,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol roof/side/insul    3         20,500     15,000    98   2     0    0    0
Whol industrial suppl   3          8,500      5,000    29   0    59    0   12
Ret building material   2        515,000    500,000     3   0     0   97    0
Arrange cargo transpt   2        550,000    500,000   100   0     0    0    0
Electrical contractor   2        201,000    200,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol misc coml equip    2        101,000    100,000    99   0     1    0    0
Management services     2        107,500    100,000    93   0     0    7    0
Foreign sea transport   2         80,000     60,000    13  74    13    0    0
Mfg soft drinks         2         52,500     50,000    98   2     0    0    0
Whol brick/stone        2         50,000     40,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol service paper      2         20,500     20,000   100   0     0    0    0
Advertising agency      2         15,000     10,000    33   0     0    0   67
Whol electronic parts   2          7,500      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol electrical equip   2          6,000      5,000    17   0    83    0    0
Ret misc merchandise    2          5,000      5,000     0 100     0    0    0
Lithographic printing   2          6,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol auto parts         2          3,500      2,500   100   0     0    0    0
Personal credit         2          2,500      2,500     0   0     0  100    0
Mfg mattress/bdspring   2          1,000      1,000   100   0     0    0    0
Misc business service   2             50         50     0 100     0    0    0
Misc business credit    1      1,000,000  1,000,000     0 100     0    0    0
Mfg food product mach   1        700,000    700,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol flowers/supplies   1        250,000    250,000     0   0   100    0    0
Mfg cutlery             1        200,000    200,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg broadcastng equip   1        100,000    100,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg organic chemicals   1        100,000    100,000     0   0     0  100    0
Whol meats/products     1         90,000     90,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg adhesives/sealant   1         75,000     75,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg plastic sheet/flm   1         75,000     75,000   100   0     0    0    0
Accounting services     1         75,000     75,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg wood home furn      1         60,000     60,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg prefab metal bldg   1         50,000     50,000     0 100     0    0    0
Misc sanitary service   1         50,000     50,000     0   0     0    0  100
Truck rental/leasing    1         50,000     50,000     0 100     0    0    0
Mfg extracts/syrup      1         50,000     50,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg home furnishings    1         45,000     45,000   100   0     0    0    0
Misc repair services    1         35,000     35,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol lumber/millwork    1         30,000     30,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol homefurnishings    1         30,000     30,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg wood office furn    1         30,000     30,000   100   0     0    0    0
Real estate agent/mgr   1         25,000     25,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol service equip      1         25,000     25,000    50   0     0    0   50
Whol general grocery    1         20,000     20,000   100   0     0    0    0
Leather finishing       1         20,000     20,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg malt                1         20,000     20,000     0   0   100    0    0
Misc equipment rental   1         20,000     20,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol women/child wear   1         20,000     20,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol chemicals          1         15,000     15,000   100   0     0    0    0
Short-trm busn credit   1         15,000     15,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol groceries          1         10,000     10,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg refrig/heat equip   1         10,000     10,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol paints/varnishes   1         10,000     10,000     0 100     0    0    0
Mfg relays/controls     1         10,000     10,000   100   0     0    0    0
Ret family clothing     1         10,000     10,000   100   0     0    0    0
Nonresident builders    1         10,000     10,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg readymix concrete   1         10,000     10,000   100   0     0    0    0
Ret nursery             1          7,500      7,500   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg comp peripherals    1          7,500      7,500   100   0     0    0    0
Whol nondurable goods   1          7,500      7,500    50  50     0    0    0
Management consulting   1          7,500      7,500   100   0     0    0    0
Whol scrap material     1          5,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg industrial trucks   1          5,000      5,000     0   0     0  100    0
Newspaper-print/publ    1          5,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Whol fish/seafood       1          5,000      5,000    50  50     0    0    0
Whol farm supplies      1          5,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg curtain/drapes      1          5,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Aluminum foundry        1          5,000      5,000     0   0     0  100    0
Whol durable goods      1          5,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Automotive services     1          5,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Ret men's clothing      1          5,000      5,000   100   0     0    0    0
Computer system desgn   1          2,500      2,500     0   0   100    0    0
Misc services           1          2,500      2,500   100   0     0    0    0
Coml art/graphic dsgn   1          2,500      2,500   100   0     0    0    0
Ret computer/software   1          2,500      2,500   100   0     0    0    0
Ret misc apparel        1          2,500      2,500   100   0     0    0    0
General auto repair     1          2,500      2,500   100   0     0    0    0
Trucking non-local      1          1,000      1,000     0   0     0  100    0
Mfg surgical supplies   1          1,000      1,000   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg misc metal prdts    1          1,000      1,000     0   0     0  100    0
Mfg roasted coffee      1            750        750    50  50     0    0    0
Ret hardware            1            500        500     0 100     0    0    0
Mfg blankbook/binder    1            500        500   100   0     0    0    0
Mfg optical instrmnts   1            500        500     0   0   100    0    0
Ret stationery          1            250        250   100   0     0    0    0
Ret electronics         1              0          0     0   0     0    0    0
Radiotelephone commun   1              0          0     0   0     0    0    0
Whol drugs/sundries     1              0          0     0   0     0    0    0
Misc coml printing      1              0          0     0   0     0    0    0
Steel erection          1              0          0     0   0     0    0    0
Adjust/collect svcs     1              0          0     0   0     0    0    0

Cash Experiences        3         76,000
Paying Record Unknown  14        326,500
Unfavorable Comments   10        145,500
Placed for Collection
  with D&B              0              0
  other                52            N/A

Accounts are sometimes placed for collection even though the existence or
amount of the debt is disputed.
Indications of slowness can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped
invoices, etc.


The following data includes both open and closed filings found in
D&B's database on the subject company.

                                                       Most Recent
            Record Type                    #           Filing Date

     Bankruptcy Proceedings                0                -
     Judgments                             1            08/13/199-
     Liens                                 0            08/13/199-
     Suits                                 0            08/13/199-
     UCC's                                 2            10/06/199-


         The following data is for information purposes only and is not the
         official record.  Certified copies can only be obtained from the
         official source.

                           * * * JUDGMENT(S) * * *
JDGMT AWARD: $5,003                           STATUS: Unsatisfied
JDGMT TYPE:  Default judgment                 DATE STATUS ATTAINED:  08/13/199-
AGAINST:     SAMPLE FLOWER COMPANY,           DATE ENTERED:          08/13/199-
             INC                              LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 10/02/199-
                             * * * SUIT(S) * * *
                             * * * LIEN(S) * * *
         A lienholder can file the same lien in more than one filing
         location.  The appearance of multiple liens filed by the
         same lienholder against a debtor may be indicative of such
         an occurrence.
                           * * * UCC FILING(S) * * *
COLLATERAL: All Inventory including proceeds and products - All Accounts
            receivable including proceeds and products - All Fixtures including
            proceeds and products
FILING NO:  123456                            DATE FILED:            10/05/199-
TYPE:       Original                          LATEST INFO RECEIVED:  10/12/199-
COLLATERAL: Specified Equipment and products
FILING NO:  222222                            DATE FILED:            10/06/199-
TYPE:       Original                          LATEST INFO RECEIVED:  10/12/199-

         The public record items contained in this report may have been
         paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this
         report was printed.


         Jane T. Doe, PRES                  KEVIN J HUNT, SEC-TREAS

              Incorporated California May 21 1965.  Authorized capital consists
         of 200 shares common stock, no par value.
              Business started May 21 1965 by Jane T. Doe and Kevin J Hunt.
         100% of capital stock is owned by the officers.
              Jane T. Doe born 1926.  Graduated from the University of
         California, Los Angeles, CA, in June 1947 with a BS degree in Business
         Management.  1947-65 general manager for Raymor Printing Co, San
         Francisco, CA.  1965 formed subject with Kevin J Hunt.
               KEVIN J HUNT born 1925.  Graduated from Northwestern University,
         Evanston, IL in June 1946.  1946-1965 was general manager for Raymor
         Printing Co, San Francisco, CA.  1965 formed subject with Jane T. Doe.
              AFFILIATE: The following is related through common principals,
         management and/or ownership.  Sample Flower Company, San Francisco, CA,
         started 1965.  DUNS #80-480-0217.  Operates as commercial printer.
         Intercompany relations: None reported by management.


12/03/9-      Commercial printing specializing in advertising posters,
         catalogs, circulars and coupons.
              ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): Facsimile (Fax) 415 555-1000;
         Toll-Free (800) 555-5555.
         Has 175 account(s).  Net 30 days.  Sells to commercial concerns.
         Territory : United States.
              EMPLOYEES:  105 which includes officer(s).  100 employed here.
              FACILITIES:  Rents 55,000 sq. ft. in a one story cinder block
              LOCATION:  Central business section on well traveled street.
              BRANCHES:  Subject maintains a branch at 1073 Boyden Road, Los
         Angeles, CA.


              (03-9-)  Balances average in a low 7 figure amount.  At Dec 31
         199-, a low 7 figure was outstanding under short-term lines of credit
         which are secured by accounts receivable and inventory.


                           KEY BUSINESS RATIOS

         Based on Fiscal Consolidated Statement Dated December 31, 199-

                  (Industry Norms Based on 27 Establishments)

            Profitability         Short-Term       Efficiency   Utilization
                  %                Solvency           (%)           (%)
          Return     Return     Curr      Quick     Assets/    Total Liabs/
         on Sales    on Net     Ratio     Ratio      Sales       Net Worth

Firm         3.3       20.6       1.3       0.6       47.3         194.4

Industry     2.5       17.4       1.6       1.0       53.7         191.9

Industry     2          2         3         4          2             3

12/03/99                           Fiscal            Fiscal            Fiscal
                              Dec 31 199-       Dec 31 199-       Dec 31 199-
         Curr Assets            4,825,611         5,425,125         5,735,650
         Curr Liabs             3,625,000         4,125,718         4,521,811
         Current Ratio               1.33              1.31              1.26
         Working Capital        1,200,611         1,299,407         1,213,839
         Other Assets           1,485,440         2,191,690         2,623,143
         Worth                  1,912,112         2,125,499         2,838,982
         Sales                 10,325,582        13,007,229        17,685,297
         Net Profit (Loss)        213,387            26,014           584,077
              Fiscal statement dated DEC 31 199-:
         Cash               $       745,000  Accts Pay          $     2,556,211
         Accts Rec                1,814,925  Bank Loans                 910,000
         Inventory                1,500,725  Notes Pay                  400,000
         Other Curr Assets        1,675,000  Other Curr Liabs           655,600
                            ---------------                     ---------------
           Curr Assets            5,735,650    Curr Liabs             4,521,811
         Fixt & Equip             1,987,812  L.T. Liab-Other            998,000
         Other Assets               635,331  CAPITAL STOCK               50,000
                                             RETAINED EARNINGS        2,788,982
                            ---------------                     ---------------
           Total Assets           8,358,793    Total                  8,358,793
              From JAN 01 199- to DEC 31 199- sales $17,685,297; cost of goods
         sold $14,229,558.  Gross profit $3,455,739; operating expenses
         $2,871,662.  Operating income $584,077.  Net income $584,077.
              Submitted APR 30 199- by Jane T. Doe, President.  Prepared from
         statement(s) by Accountant: Johnson, Jordan and Jones, CPA's.
              ACCOUNTANTS OPINION:  A review of the accountant's opinion
         indicates the financial statements meet generally accepted accounting
         principles and that the audit contains no qualifications.

              Statement Item Explanations:.
              OTHER CURRENT ASSETS:  Consist of prepaid expenses $74,471 and
         $1,600,529 of a loan from an affiliated concern.
              OTHER ASSETS:  Consists of deposits.
              BANK LOANS:  Due to bank at prime interest rate, are secured by
         accounts receivable and inventory and mature in 3 years.
              NOTES PAYABLE:  Are due on printing equipment in monthly
         installments of $37,500.
              OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES:  Consist of accrued expenses and
              LONG TERM DEBT:  Consists of the long term portion of the
         equipment note.
              On DEC 03 199- Jane T. Doe, president, referred to the above
         figures as still representative.

                                 CUSTOMER SERVICE
If you need any additional information, or have any questions regarding this
report, please call our Customer Service Center at (800) 234-3867 from
anywhere within the U.S.  From outside the U.S., please call your local D&B
Want to learn more about this company? Order an eValuator Report
...... *All credit information reported is for the headquarters only.
This report prepared and provided under the contract for the exclusive use of John Doe, Name of Sample Company.
This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means of reproduction.