Click for State Info Holiday Leave

Whether you give time off for holidays, and, if so, which holidays you pick, is strictly up to you. Although many businesses traditionally give employees time off for holidays such as New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, there is no requirement that you do so. And, if you choose to give time off, you don't have to pay employees for the time off.

On the other hand, the nature of your business may require that you remain open on holidays. If so, you may want to (or be required to) compensate employees who have to work on a holiday at an increased rate.

States also have designated holidays that you may choose to observe. Consult the map, below, to find out what the official holidays are in your state.

Religious holidays. Dealing with religious holidays can be tricky. Antidiscrimination laws prohibit you from discriminating against employees on the basis of religion, and religious holidays can produce some problems for you in providing time off. The basic rule is that an employer's failure or refusal to accommodate the religious needs of employees becomes religious discrimination if the employer could make such accommodation without undue hardship to the owner's business.

Here are some options you may want to consider:

Select a state from the map below to get information on holidays observed by the state:

State Holidays in Alaska    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), President's Day (third Monday in February), Seward's Day (last Monday in March), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Alaska Day (October 18), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Alabama    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), George Washington's birthday (third Monday in February), Thomas Jefferson's birthday (third Monday in February), Confederate Memorial Day (last Monday in April), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Jefferson Davis' birthday (first Monday in June) and Columbus Day/Fraternal Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Mardi Gras, Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Arkansas    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February) and Memorial Day (last Monday in May) ,and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Eve (December 24), Christmas Day (December 25) and an employee's birthday are legal holidays.

State Holidays in Arizona    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), Lincoln/Washington President's Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September), and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Mother's Day (second Sunday in May), Father's Day (third Sunday in June), Independence Day (July 4), American Family Day (first Sunday in August), Constitution Day ( September 17), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. When any legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday and if it falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in California    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Cesar Chavez Day (March 31), 12 noon to 3 p.m. Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Admission Day (September 9), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. When any legal holiday falls upon a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Colorado    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington-Lincoln Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25). General election days also are holidays.

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Connecticut    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Day (first Monday occurring on or after January 15), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the next Monday will be a holiday and if a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is the legal holiday.

State Holidays in District of Columbia    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25), Presidential inauguration day and every Saturday after 12 o'clock noon.

State Holidays in Delaware    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), President's Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Saturdays, New Year's Day (January 1), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), the Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day (December 25) and the day of the biennial general election.

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a holiday and if any fall on a Saturday the preceding Friday will be a holiday.

State Holidays in Florida    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Columbus Day (second Monday in October) and Farmers Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Lee's Birthday (January 19), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12th), Susan B. Anthony's Birthday (February 15), Good Friday, Pascua Florida Day (April 2nd), Confederate Memorial Day (May 26), Jefferson Davis' Birthday (June 3), Flag Day (June 14), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and general election days.

State Holidays in Georgia    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Hawaii    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), Presidents' Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (March 26), Good Friday (the Friday preceding Easter), King Kamehameha I Day (June 11), Independence Day (July 4), Admission Day (third Friday in August), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and general election days.

Special rules. If any legal holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday and if on Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Iowa    choose another state

Monday holidays. The birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Idaho    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Idaho Human Rights Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Decoration Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. When any legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is the holiday and when any legal holiday falls on a Sunday the following Monday is the holiday.

State Holidays in Illinois    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Presidents' Day (third Monday in February), Casimir Pulaski's birthday (first Monday in March), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Saturdays from noon to midnight, New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Indiana    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and general and primary election days.

State Holidays in Kansas    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Effective January 1, 2006, Lincoln's Birthday (February 12) and Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February) will no longer be legal public holidays. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January) and President's Day (third Monday in February) will be public holidays.

State Holidays in Kentucky    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (the third Monday in February), Memorial Day (the last Monday in May), Labor Day (the first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (the second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lee Day (January 19), Roosevelt Day (January 30), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Confederate Memorial Day and Jefferson Davis Day (June 3), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Louisiana    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (mandatory legal holiday on the third Monday in January or in conjunction with the day of federal observance), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), National Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September), and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Battle of New Orleans Day (January 8), Lee Day (January 19), Mardi Gras, Good Friday, Confederate Memorial Day (June 3), Independence Day (July 4), Huey P. Long Day (August 30), All Saints' Day (November 1), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Massachusetts    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Patriot's Day (third Monday in April), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25). March 17 and June 17 are holidays in Suffolk County.

State Holidays in Maryland    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) Labor Day (first Monday in September), and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Maryland Day (March 25), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Defenders' Day (September 12), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and statewide election days.

Special rules. When a legal holiday occurs on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Maine    choose another state

Monday holidays. The birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Patriot's Day (third Monday in April), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September), and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Michigan    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Day (the third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Saturdays between noon and midnight, New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and general election days.

Special rules. Whenever January 1, February 12, July 4 or December 25 fall on Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Minnesota    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington and Lincoln's birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday, and if it falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Missouri    choose another state

Monday holidays. The birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Jefferson Day (April 13), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and any general primary or state election day.

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Mississippi    choose another state

Monday holidays. Robert E. Lee's birthday (third Monday of January), Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday (third Monday of January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday of February), Confederate Memorial Day (last Monday of April), Jefferson Davis's Birthday (last Monday of May), Memorial Day (last Monday of May) and Labor Day (first Monday of September). Any county or municipality can declare Mardi Gras Day a legal holiday in lieu of one of the above legal holidays.

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, then the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Montana    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Lincoln and Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25), and general election days.

Special rules. If any legal holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in North Carolina    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lee's Birthday (January 19), Greek Independence Day (March 25), Good Friday, Anniversary of the Halifax Resolves (April 12), Confederate Memorial Day (May 10), Anniversary of Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (May 20), Yom Kippur, Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25), and the Tuesday after the first Monday in November when a general election is held. Memorial Day is a holiday only for state and national banks.

Special rules. Whenever any public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is the holiday.

State Holidays in North Dakota    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If January 1, July 4, November 11 or December 25 falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a holiday. If these holidays fall on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Nebraska    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), President's Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Arbor Day (last Friday in April), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday and if it falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in New Hampshire    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Civil Rights Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and biennial election days.

State Holidays in New Jersey    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Saturdays, Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25), and general election days.

Special rules. When a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday and when it falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in New Mexico    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January), Presidents' Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Nevada    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Nevada Day (October 31), Family Day (Friday after the first Thursday in November), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a holiday. If a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in New York    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Saturdays from noon to midnight, New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Flag Day (second Sunday in June), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and general election days.

State Holidays in Ohio    choose another state

Monday holidays. King Day (third Monday in January), Washington-Lincoln Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Veteran's Day (November 11), Christmas Day (December 25), and the First Tuesday after the First Monday in November between noon and 5:30 p.m.

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Oklahoma    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. Saturdays, Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Youth Day (3rd Sunday in March), Jefferson Day (April 13), Oklahoma Day (April 22), Senior Citizens' Week (begins first Sunday in May), Senior Citizen Day (Wednesday of Senior Citizens' Week), Mothers' Day (second Sunday in May), Juneteenth National Freedom Day (third Saturday in May), Independence Day (July 4), Indian Day (first Saturday after full moon in September), Grandparents' Week (begins on second Sunday in September), Cherokee Strip Day (September 16), Oklahoma Historical Day (October 10), Will Rogers Day (November 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is the holiday.

State Holidays in Oregon    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Presidents Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. Whenever any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the succeeding Monday is a holiday and when it falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Pennsylvania    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday of January), Presidents Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, Saturday afternoons, New Year's Day (January 1), Good Friday, Flag Day (June 14), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Puerto Rico    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Luis Munoz Martin's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September), and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Three Kings Day (January 6), Eugenio Maria de Hostos' Birthday (second Monday of January), February 28, March 22, Antonio Barcelo Day (second Sunday of April), Jose de Diego Day (third Monday in April), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), Luis Munoz-Rivera Day (third Monday in July), Constitution Day (July 25), Jose Celoso Barbosa Day (fourth Monday in July), Santiago Iglesias Pantin Day (first Monday in September), Armistice Day (November 11), Discover of Puerto Rico Day (November 19), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25) and general election days.

Effective January 23, 2006, the law relating to business closings and restricted hours of operation on Sundays and holidays does not apply to business establishments employing 15 or less employees on the weekly payroll. For purposes of this law, employee means any regular or part-time employee; professional, executive or administrative employee who works in the commercial establishment; or contract employee.

State Holidays in Rhode Island    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Victory Day (second Monday in August), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Rhode Island Independence Day (May 4), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25), and days of general state elections.

Special rules. In the event that New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans' Day or Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, state employees will celebrate the holiday on the following Monday.

State Holidays in South Carolina    choose another state

Monday holidays. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May),and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), January 15, May 10, June 3, Independence Day (July 4), Veteran's Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day (December 25), December 26 and all general election days.

Special rules. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the next Monday is a holiday. If a holiday falls on Saturday, Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in South Dakota    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington and Lincoln's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Native Americans' Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If a legal holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday and if it falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Tennessee    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September), and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Saturdays from noon to midnight, New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), American Indian Day (fourth Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. When any legal holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be a holiday and when they fall on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be a holiday.

State Holidays in Texas    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day (third Monday in January), Presidents' Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Confederate Heroes Day (January 19), Texas Independence Day (March 2), San Jacinto Day (April 21), Emancipation Day in Texas (June 19), Independence Day (July 4), LBJ Day (August 27), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (December 24), Christmas Day (December 25), December 26, and general election days.

State Holidays in Utah    choose another state

Monday holidays. The birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. (third Monday in January), Human Rights Day (third Monday in January), President's Day (the third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Pioneer Day (July 24), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be the holiday.

State Holidays in Virginia    choose another state

Monday holidays. Lee-Jackson-King Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) Columbus Day (second Monday in October) and Yorktown Victory Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

State Holidays in Virgin Islands    choose another state

No information available.

State Holidays in Vermont    choose another state

Monday holidays. The birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), Town Meeting Day (first Tuesday in March), Independence Day (July 4), Bennington Battle Day (August 16), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. All legal holidays that fall on Saturday is observed on the preceding Friday and all holidays that fall on Sunday is observed on the following Monday.

State Holidays in Washington    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), President's Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May) and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. Sundays, New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day (December 25).

Special rules. If any legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday and if it falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is a holiday.

State Holidays in Wisconsin    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Good Friday, Independence Day (July 4), the day of the September primary, Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25), and general election days.

Special rules. Whenever a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday.

State Holidays in West Virginia    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King's Birthday (third Monday in January), Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Labor Day (first Monday in September) and Columbus Day (second Monday in October).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Lincoln's Birthday (February 12), West Virginia Day (June 20), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans' Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25), and election days.

Special rules. If a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a holiday. If a non-Monday holiday, other than election day, falls on a Saturday, then the preceding Friday is the legal holiday.

State Holidays in Wyoming    choose another state

Monday holidays. Martin Luther King, Jr./Wyoming Equality Day (third Monday in January),Washington-Lincoln's Birthday (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), and Labor Day (first Monday in September).

Other holidays. New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November) and Christmas Day (December 25). General election days also are holidays.

Special rules. When a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a holiday.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennesee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia US Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming