
The security of your workplace, your property, and, to a lesser degree, the security of your employees' property are responsibilities you can't afford to overlook. The costs, both in dollars and peace of mind, can be staggering when you find that a crime has occurred. You should concern yourself with:

Burglary prevention. Protecting your office and equipment as well as your employees' property from vandals and thieves should be an important part of your safety program. There are a many ways to safeguard your business, including the use of locks, key control, lighting, and alarm systems.

Embezzlement prevention. Embezzlement has been defined as "the fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it has been entrusted." It’s really a fancy name for employee theft. While there is no foolproof system of accounting or internal control that will absolutely prevent losses due to employee dishonesty, you can maintain an environment in which employee pilfering is discouraged. Take these steps to combat embezzlement: