A termination meeting should last approximately 10 to 15 minutes and have the sole purpose of providing a simple and concise statement of the decision to terminate the employment relationship. While termination meetings are usually uneventful, it is a good idea to have phone numbers ready for medical or security emergencies.
It’s a good idea to prepare what you will say ahead of time, write it out, and have a checklist in front of you so that you don't get sidetracked and forget any important points. You have to be the one to set the agenda and prevent the meeting from turning ugly. This package contains a sample checklist that you can tailor to your specific situation.
Also included in the package is a sample exit interview. Employees can also choose to end the employment relationship. In that event, it's worth your while to find out why the employee is leaving. There may be issues about your pay, benefits or workplace, or there may be problem employees that an employee who's leaving will discuss.
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