401(k) plans
  Retirement Plans
Access to payroll records
  Providing Employees Payroll Information
Accrued vacation
  Accrued Vacation
Advertising job openings
  Publicizing The Opening
  Avoiding Discrimination in Job Ads
Age certificates
  Other Government Mandates -- Child Labor Requirements
Age discrimination
  Avoiding Discrimination in Job Ads
Agreements to not compete
  Employment Contracts
Antidiscrimination rules on firing
  Discriminatory Firing
Appealing unemployment compensation awards
  Disputing Unemployment Compensation Claims
Applicant interviews
  Taking Notes During the Screening and Interview Process
Applicant testing
  Skills Testing
Application forms
  Job Application Forms
Application materials
  Screening Application Materials
Background checks
  Background Checks
Bad faith employment practices
  Bad Faith Employment Practices
Benefits, employee
  Industry and Geographic Issues
Benefits, terminated employees
  Benefits for Fired Employees
Benefits, unemployment compensation
  Unemployment Compensation Claims
Bonding employees
Break time
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
Budgeting for employees
  Budgeting for Employees
Burglary prevention
COBRA benefits
Checking employment references
  Background Checks
Child labor
  Other Government Mandates -- Child Labor Requirements
Coaching problem employees
  Corrective Actions for Problem Employees
Coaching under performing employees
  Dealing With Poor Performance
Communicating work rules to employees
  Rules of Conduct
Company policies, communicating
  Rules of Conduct
Compensable time
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
  Tracking Hours Worked
Compensating employees
  Rewarding Good Employees - Salary/Promotion
Compensating new hires
  Negotiating Starting Pay and Benefits
  Providing Employee Benefits
  Required Employee Benefits
  Optional Employee Benefits
  Industry and Geographic Issues
  Creating a Competitive Compensation and Benefits Package
  Negotiating Starting Pay and Benefits
  Budgeting for Employees
  Complying with the Minimum Wage Laws
  Complying With Overtime Pay Laws
  What the FLSA Requires
  Exempt v. Nonexempt Employees
  Tipped Employees
  Providing Competitive Pay
  Linking Pay to Performance
  Pay Compression
  Are You Subject to the Equal Pay Act?
  What Does the Equal Pay Act Require?
  Making Deductions from Pay
  Docking Pay
  Garnishing Wages
  How Often Must You Pay Employees?
  Establishing a Pay Period
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
  Tracking Hours Worked
  Records You Must Keep
  Retaining Payroll Records
  Providing Employees Payroll Information
  Rewarding Good Employees - Salary/Promotion
  Documenting Performance Reviews and Compensation Decisions
  Final Wages
Compensation, injured workers
  Workers Compensation
Competing for employees
  Industry and Geographic Issues
Competition from former employees
  Noncompete Agreements
Conditions of employment
  Employment Terms and Conditions
Conducting employee performance reviews
  How Often to Conduct Reviews
Confidentiality of employee information
  Creating a Personnel File
Confidentiality of employee records
  Who Can See Personnel Records?
Contesting unemployment claims
  Disputing Unemployment Compensation Claims
Contracts, employment
  Implied Employment Contracts
Costs of employees
  The Cost of Employees
Credit checks
  Background Checks
Criminal record checks
  Background Checks
  Defamation (References)
Disability benefits
  Disability Coverage
Disability insurance
Disabled employees
  Disability Coverage
Discharge, wrongful
  Wrongful Termination (Inappropriate Dismissal)
Disciplinary action, documenting
  Documenting Employee Discipline
Disciplining employees
  Corrective Actions for Problem Employees
  If the Employee Disagrees
Disclosure of employee records
  Disclosure Requirements
  Avoiding Discrimination in Job Ads
  What Does the Equal Pay Act Require?
Discrimination, sex-based
  Are You Subject to the Equal Pay Act?
Discriminatory firing
  Discriminatory Firing
Docking pay
  Making Deductions from Pay
  Docking Pay
Documenting disciplinary action
  If the Employee Disagrees
Driving records
  Background Checks
Drug tests
  Other Pre-Employment Tests
Education, job applicants
  Employee Qualifications
Embezzlement prevention
Emotional distress suits, employees
  Public Policy
Employee Handbooks
  Employee Handbooks
Employee benefits
  Industry and Geographic Issues
  Creating a Competitive Compensation and Benefits Package
  Negotiating Starting Pay and Benefits
  Providing Employee Benefits
  Required Employee Benefits
  Optional Employee Benefits
  Budgeting for Employees
  The Cost of Employees
  Workers Compensation
  Employment Taxes
  Disability Coverage
  Health Benefits
  Holiday Leave
  Personal Time Off
  Retirement Plans
  Benefits for Fired Employees
  Unemployment Compensation
Employee classification
  Exempt v. Nonexempt Employees
Employee compensation reviews
  Rewarding Good Employees - Salary/Promotion
Employee complaints
  Handling Employee Complaints
  Investigating and Documenting Employee Complaints
Employee discipline
  Documenting Employee Discipline
Employee exit interviews
  Termination meeting
  Exit Interviews
Employee handbooks
  Employment Terms and Conditions
Employee information
  Collecting Employee Information
Employee lawsuits, agreements to avoid
  Severance Agreements
Employee lawsuits, release to avoid
Employee leasing
  Staffing Options
Employee loyalty
  Loyalty, Morale and Motivation
Employee misconduct
  Employee Misconduct
Employee morale
  Loyalty, Morale and Motivation
Employee performance
  Employee Performance
Employee performance reviews
  How Often to Conduct Reviews
Employee performance, unsatisfactory
  Dealing With Poor Performance
Employee qualifications
  Setting Job Requirements
  Employee Qualifications
Employee records
  Preserving Recruiting Records
  Disclosure Requirements
  Creating a Personnel File
  Retaining Personnel Records
  Who Can See Personnel Records?
Employee response to disciplinary action
  If the Employee Disagrees
Employee salary reviews
  Rewarding Good Employees - Salary/Promotion
Employee screening
  Checking References and Credentials
  Background Checks
  Risks of Negligent Hiring
  Information to Keep
  Preserving Recruiting Records
Employee skills
  Employee Qualifications
Employee suits, emotional distress
  Public Policy
Employee testing
  Skills Testing
  Other Pre-Employment Tests
Employees, exempt
  What the FLSA Requires
Employees, nonexempt
  What the FLSA Requires
Employees, probationary period
  The Probationary Period
Employees, terminating
  Poor Performance
  Employee Misconduct
  Documenting Reasons for Firing
  Voluntary Resignations
  Prompted Resignations
  Discriminatory Firing
  Retaliation Against Employees for Exercising Protected Rights
  Retaliation Against Whistleblowers
  Bad Faith Employment Practices
  Public Policy
  Damage Control
  Proper Termination Procedures
  Termination meeting
  Exit Interviews
Employing minors
  Other Government Mandates -- Child Labor Requirements
Employment Terms
  Employment Terms and Conditions
Employment actions, documenting
  Records to Keep With Respect to Former Employees
Employment applications
  Job Application Forms
Employment contracts
  Making a Job Offer
  Employee Handbooks
  Employment Contracts
Employment contracts, implied
  Implied Employment Contracts
Employment offers
  Making a Job Offer
Employment references
  Providing Employment References/Verification
  Defamation (References)
Employment relationship
  Welcoming New Employees
  The Probationary Period
  Employee Performance
  Dealing With Poor Performance
  Handling Employee Complaints
  Loyalty, Morale and Motivation
  Rules of Conduct
Employment return
  Rules of Conduct
Employment taxes
  Tax and Compliance Information
  Required Employee Benefits
  The Cost of Employees
  Employment Taxes
Employment terms
  Industry and Geographic Issues
  Welcoming New Employees
  Employment Contracts
  Implied Employment Contracts
Equal Pay Act
  Are You Subject to the Equal Pay Act?
  What Does the Equal Pay Act Require?
Exempt employees
  What the FLSA Requires
  Exempt v. Nonexempt Employees
Exit interviews, terminated employees
  Exit Interviews
Experience, job applicants
  Employee Qualifications
  Employment Taxes
FICA tax withholding
  Making Deductions from Pay
  What the FLSA Requires
  Employment Taxes
FUTA tax withholding
  Making Deductions from Pay
Fair Labor Standards Act
  What the FLSA Requires
Family leave
  Family Leave
Family members
  Hiring Family Members and Minors
Federal law
  Retaining Personnel Records
  Complying with the Minimum Wage Laws
  Complying With Overtime Pay Laws
  What the FLSA Requires
  Tipped Employees
  Are You Subject to the Equal Pay Act?
  What Does the Equal Pay Act Require?
  Other Government Mandates -- Child Labor Requirements
  Jury Duty
  Military Service
  Family Leave
  Pregnancy and Parental Leave
  Safety - OSHA
  Posting Requirements - Federal
  Documenting Workplace Safety Compliance
Feedback on employee performance
  Dealing With Poor Performance
Final paychecks, former employees
  Final Wages
Final wage payments to former employees
  Accrued Vacation
Fired employees
  Unemployment Compensation
Firing employees
  Poor Performance
  Employee Misconduct
  Documenting Reasons for Firing
  Discriminatory Firing
  Retaliation Against Employees for Exercising Protected Rights
  Retaliation Against Whistleblowers
  Bad Faith Employment Practices
  Public Policy
  Damage Control
  Proper Termination Procedures
  Termination meeting
  Wrongful Termination (Inappropriate Dismissal)
Form I-9
  Tax and Compliance Information
Form W-4
  Tax and Compliance Information
Former employees
  Exit Interviews
  Severance Agreements
  Noncompete Agreements
  Final Wages
  Accrued Vacation
  Providing Employment References/Verification
  Disputing Unemployment Compensation Claims
  Records to Keep With Respect to Former Employees
  Implied Employment Contracts
  Wrongful Termination (Inappropriate Dismissal)
  Unemployment Compensation Claims
  Defamation (References)
Fringe benefits
  Optional Employee Benefits
Funeral leave
  Personal Time Off
Garnishing wages
  Garnishing Wages
Garnishment order
  Garnishing Wages
Gender discrimination
  Avoiding Discrimination in Job Ads
  Are You Subject to the Equal Pay Act?
Harassment, sexual
Hazardous material requirements
  Safety - OSHA
Health care benefits
  Health Benefits
Health insurance
  Health Benefits
Hiring minors
  Hiring Family Members and Minors
Hiring records
  Information to Keep
  Preserving Recruiting Records
Hiring relatives
  Hiring Family Members and Minors
Holiday leave
  Optional Employee Benefits
  Holiday Leave
Hours worked
  Tracking Hours Worked
Hours worked by employees
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
Illegal termination of employees
  Retaliation Against Employees for Exercising Protected Rights
Illness and injury reporting
  Documenting Workplace Safety Compliance
Implied employment contracts
  Implied Employment Contracts
Independent contractors
  Staffing Options
Injured workers
  Workers Compensation
Insurance benefits
  Optional Employee Benefits
Insurance for employees
Insurance, unemployment
  Unemployment Compensation Claims
Interview notes
  Taking Notes During the Screening and Interview Process
Interviewing applicants
  Taking Notes During the Screening and Interview Process
Investigating employee complaints
  Handling Employee Complaints
  Investigating and Documenting Employee Complaints
Job ads
  Publicizing The Opening
  Avoiding Discrimination in Job Ads
Job applicants
  Screening Application Materials
Job application forms
  Job Application Forms
Job offers
  Making a Job Offer
Job requirements
  Setting Job Requirements
  Employee Qualifications
Jury duty leave
  Jury Duty
Leased employees
  Staffing Options
Leaves of absence
  Jury Duty
  Military Service
  Family Leave
  Pregnancy and Parental Leave
  Witnesses in Court Proceedings
  Holiday Leave
  Sick Leave
  Personal Time Off
Liability for employee's actions
  The Cost of Employees
Liability for negligent hiring
  Risks of Negligent Hiring
Lie detector tests
  Other Pre-Employment Tests
Life insurance
Mandatory employee benefits
  Providing Employee Benefits
  Required Employee Benefits
Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS)
  Safety - OSHA
Meals and breaks
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
Medical leave
  Family Leave
Medical tests
  Other Pre-Employment Tests
Military service
  Military Service
Minimum wage
Minimum wages
  Complying with the Minimum Wage Laws
Motivating employees
  Loyalty, Morale and Motivation
Negligent hiring
  Risks of Negligent Hiring
New employees
  Welcoming New Employees
  The Probationary Period
Noncompete agreements
  Employment Contracts
Noncompete agreements, terminated employees
  Noncompete Agreements
Nonexempt employees
  What the FLSA Requires
  Exempt v. Nonexempt Employees
  Safety - OSHA
  Posting Requirements - Federal
  Documenting Workplace Safety Compliance
On-call time
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
Optional employee benefits
  Providing Employee Benefits
  Optional Employee Benefits
Overtime pay
  Complying With Overtime Pay Laws
  How Often Must You Pay Employees?
Paid holiday leave
  Holiday Leave
Paid time off
  Holiday Leave
  Sick Leave
  Personal Time Off
Parental leave
  Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Part-time employees
  Staffing Options
Pay compression
  Pay Compression
Pay period
  How Often Must You Pay Employees?
  Establishing a Pay Period
Pay raises
  Linking Pay to Performance
Pay scales
  Pay Compression
Paying employees
  Creating a Competitive Compensation and Benefits Package
  Providing Competitive Pay
  Making Deductions from Pay
  Docking Pay
  Garnishing Wages
  How Often Must You Pay Employees?
  Establishing a Pay Period
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
  Tracking Hours Worked
  Records You Must Keep
  Retaining Payroll Records
  Providing Employees Payroll Information
Payroll deductions
  Making Deductions from Pay
  Garnishing Wages
Payroll frequency
  How Often Must You Pay Employees?
Payroll records
  Records You Must Keep
  Retaining Payroll Records
  Providing Employees Payroll Information
  Providing Employees Payroll Information
  Records to Keep With Respect to Former Employees
Payroll tax records
  Records You Must Keep
Payroll tax withholding
  Tax and Compliance Information
Payroll taxes
  Employment Taxes
Payroll withholding
  Making Deductions from Pay
Pension plans
  Retirement Plans
Performance reviews
  Linking Pay to Performance
  Employee Performance
  Dealing With Poor Performance
  How Often to Conduct Reviews
  Rewarding Good Employees - Salary/Promotion
  Corrective Actions for Problem Employees
  If the Employee Disagrees
  Documenting Performance Reviews and Compensation Decisions
Personal time off
  Personal Time Off
Personnel Records
  Who Can See Personnel Records?
Personnel records
  Collecting Employee Information
  Creating a Personnel File
  Retaining Personnel Records
Polygraph tests
  Other Pre-Employment Tests
Posting requirements
  What the FLSA Requires
  Posting Requirements - Federal
  Posting Requirements - State
Pregnancy leave
  Pregnancy and Parental Leave
Preventing sexual harassment
Preventing workplace violence
  Violence in the Workplace
Privacy of employee records
  Disclosure Requirements
Probationary period for new employees
  The Probationary Period
Problem employees
  Corrective Actions for Problem Employees
  If the Employee Disagrees
Proficiency testing
  Skills Testing
Profit-sharing plans
  Retirement Plans
Prompted resignations
  Prompted Resignations
Public policy limits on employer conduct
  Bad Faith Employment Practices
  Public Policy
  Taking Notes During the Screening and Interview Process
  Information to Keep
  Collecting Employee Information
  Tax and Compliance Information
  Creating a Personnel File
  Retaining Personnel Records
  Who Can See Personnel Records?
  Exempt v. Nonexempt Employees
  Records You Must Keep
  Retaining Payroll Records
  Providing Employees Payroll Information
  If the Employee Disagrees
  Documenting Performance Reviews and Compensation Decisions
  Documenting Employee Discipline
  Investigating and Documenting Employee Complaints
  Documenting Workplace Safety Compliance
  Documenting Reasons for Firing
  Exit Interviews
  Records to Keep With Respect to Former Employees
  Publicizing The Opening
  Avoiding Discrimination in Job Ads
  Screening Application Materials
  Job Application Forms
  Taking Notes During the Screening and Interview Process
  Skills Testing
  Other Pre-Employment Tests
  Notifying Rejected Applicants
  Background Checks
  Risks of Negligent Hiring
Recruiting records
  Information to Keep
  Preserving Recruiting Records
  Checking References and Credentials
References for terminated employees
  Providing Employment References/Verification
References, former employees
  Defamation (References)
Rejecting job applicants
  Notifying Rejected Applicants
Releases, terminated employees
Reporting requirements, new hires
  Collecting Employee Information
Required employee benefits
  Required Employee Benefits
Resignations by employees
  Voluntary Resignations
Resignations, notice policy
  Voluntary Resignations
Resignations, prompted
  Prompted Resignations
Resignations, voluntary
  Voluntary Resignations
Retaliation against employees
  Retaliation Against Employees for Exercising Protected Rights
  Retaliation Against Whistleblowers
Retirement benefits
  Optional Employee Benefits
  Retirement Plans
Retirement plans
  Retirement Plans
Reviewing employee performance
  Employee Performance
Safety notices
  Posting Requirements - Federal
  Posting Requirements - State
Salary reviews
  Linking Pay to Performance
  Rewarding Good Employees - Salary/Promotion
Screening application materials
  Screening Application Materials
Screening employees
  Information to Keep
Screening job applicants
  Notifying Rejected Applicants
Severance agreements, terminated employees
  Severance Agreements
Severance benefits
  Severance Agreements
Sexual harassment
Sick leave
  Optional Employee Benefits
  Sick Leave
  Setting Job Requirements
Skills, job applicants
  Employee Qualifications
Smoking in the workplace
  Smoking Policy
Staffing options
  Hiring Family Members and Minors
  Creating a Competitive Compensation and Benefits Package
State disability programs
  Disability Coverage
State holidays
  Holiday Leave
State law
  Retaining Personnel Records
  Who Can See Personnel Records?
  Complying with the Minimum Wage Laws
  Complying With Overtime Pay Laws
  What the FLSA Requires
  Tipped Employees
  Other Government Mandates -- Child Labor Requirements
  How Often Must You Pay Employees?
  Jury Duty
  Military Service
  Family Leave
  Pregnancy and Parental Leave
  Witnesses in Court Proceedings
  Workers Compensation
  Health Benefits
  Posting Requirements - State
  Smoking Policy
  Providing Employment References/Verification
State payroll recordkeeping requirements
  Records You Must Keep
State safety rules
  Safety - OSHA
State unemployment taxes
  Employment Taxes
State withholding forms
  Tax and Compliance Information
Tax withholding
  Tax and Compliance Information
Temporary employees
  Staffing Options
Terminated employees
  Severance Agreements
  Noncompete Agreements
  Benefits for Fired Employees
  Unemployment Compensation
  Providing Employment References/Verification
Terminating employees
  Poor Performance
  Employee Misconduct
  Documenting Reasons for Firing
  Voluntary Resignations
  Prompted Resignations
  Discriminatory Firing
  Retaliation Against Employees for Exercising Protected Rights
  Bad Faith Employment Practices
  Public Policy
  Damage Control
  Proper Termination Procedures
  Termination meeting
  Exit Interviews
Termination meeting
  Proper Termination Procedures
  Termination meeting
Termination procedures
  Proper Termination Procedures
Termination, improper
  Wrongful Termination (Inappropriate Dismissal)
Time off
  Required Employee Benefits
  Optional Employee Benefits
  Jury Duty
  Military Service
  Family Leave
  Pregnancy and Parental Leave
  Witnesses in Court Proceedings
  Holiday Leave
  Sick Leave
  Personal Time Off
Tipped employees
  Tipped Employees
  Tipped Employees
Travel time
  Calculating Employee Hours Worked
Turning down job applicants
  Notifying Rejected Applicants
  Military Service
Unemployment compensation
  Unemployment Compensation
  Unemployment Compensation Claims
Unemployment compensation claims
  Disputing Unemployment Compensation Claims
Unintended employment contracts
  Employee Handbooks
Unplanned firing
  Damage Control
Vacation leave
  Optional Employee Benefits
Violence in the workplace
  Violence in the Workplace
Voluntary resignations
  Voluntary Resignations
Voting leave
  Complying with the Minimum Wage Laws
  Complying With Overtime Pay Laws
  What the FLSA Requires
  Exempt v. Nonexempt Employees
  Providing Competitive Pay
  Are You Subject to the Equal Pay Act?
  What Does the Equal Pay Act Require?
  Garnishing Wages
  How Often Must You Pay Employees?
  Establishing a Pay Period
  Final Wages
  Accrued Vacation
Waivers, terminated employees right to sue
  Retaliation Against Whistleblowers
Withholding, employment taxes
  Employment Taxes
Witnesses in court proceedings
  Witnesses in Court Proceedings
Work conditions
  Industry and Geographic Issues
Work hours
  Tracking Hours Worked
Work permits
  Other Government Mandates -- Child Labor Requirements
Work rule violations
  Corrective Actions for Problem Employees
Work rules
  Employment Terms and Conditions
  Employee Handbooks
  Rules of Conduct
Work-related injuries
  Workers Compensation
Workers compensation
  Required Employee Benefits
  Workers Compensation
Workplace crime, preventing
Workplace safety
  Safety - OSHA
  Posting Requirements - Federal
  Posting Requirements - State
  Smoking Policy
  Violence in the Workplace
Workplace safety, documenting compliance
  Documenting Workplace Safety Compliance
Workplace security
Workplace smoking policies
  Smoking Policy
Workplace violence
  Violence in the Workplace
Written work policies
  Rules of Conduct
Wrongful termination
  Retaliation Against Employees for Exercising Protected Rights
  Retaliation Against Whistleblowers
  Bad Faith Employment Practices
  Public Policy
  Wrongful Termination (Inappropriate Dismissal)