QuickBooks Help & Support - FAQ's
Vendors and Accounts Payable
How Do I:
Pay a bill
Tracking bills vs. writing checks
What if I don't see a bill I want to pay?
Paying a bill with cash, debit card, or EFT
Apply discounts and credits
Automatically applying discounts and credits
Changing a discount you've already applied
Applying a single credit to multiple bills
Handle inventory
Receiving items and getting a bill later
Adjusting your inventory
Receiving items and entering a bill against a purchase order
Turning on inventory
Returning inventory items to a vendor
Top Questions
Why doesn't the bill payment voucher show bills paid with a bill credit?
How do I correct my Sales Tax Payable account, if I don't use the Pay Sales Tax feature to make payments?
In the Pay Sales Tax window, why is the sales tax vendor I selected unchecked after I enter an adjustment?
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